Heaven above, Heaven below

As below So above and As above So below
With this knowledge alone you may work miracles.
Heaven above, Heaven below
Stars above, stars below
All that is over, under shall show
Happy thou who the riddle readest
Tabula Smaragdina
At the centre of our galaxy lies a ‘super massive’ black hole. It swallows all light;
nothing can escape from its influence, even light. All the forces that would
normally influence our senses making its presence known to us have been absorbed
by its power; we have no means of observing it directly; we cannot see it at all. So
how do we know it’s there? The jet propulsion laboratory has been observing stars
in this area around Sagittarius alpha since 1992. The central parsec has been
scanned at infrared wavelengths using the telescope at La Silla in Chile using K
band observations. What they have observed is that all the stars in this one-parsec
section are not behaving in the same manner as other stars. Their conclusion is
that there is something influencing the behaviour of these stars. There’s no direct
evidence that something is there but we can surmise to a high degree of certainty
that something powerful and influential is there driving the things around it which
cannot be observed.
This can be likened to secret beliefs and societies. By definition we should not
know anything about a society that chooses to operate in the shadows and if their
influence is small we may never know anything about them. But if their influence
is great they cannot fail but to get noticed, not of course directly but by the
observation of any unexpected behaviour of things which this society can
Most Western religions have survived for millennia and some eastern religions far
longer. It is a matter of faith and people’s need for some kind of meaning to their
existence that keeps these beliefs not simply ticking over, but in some cases
expanding. Even the most fervent thinking atheist does not deny that there is a
need for this in people. But history has shown political empires rise and fall but
religions such as Judaism and Christianity have a history going back 2000 years and
more. But not all religions have survived from early times, it is clear that
megalithic man covered large parts of the planet particularly Europe with standing
stones to measure the movement of the stars. This religion of the reverence to the
Gods of the Sky that we still see in the evidence still remaining from an era that is
in some cases 8000 years old and more. Indeed the oldest known symbolism
(writing?) is a depiction of the phases of the moon on an animal bone and found in
France and is 35000 years old.
Science has shown us that the elements for life are made inside stars and are
distributed by massive explosions called Supernovae. In the first sense then these
star are responsible for creating life and in the second sense the act of distribution
of new life will involve the death of everything in its path. These stars are the
purveyors of life and death in a constant and seemingly preordained cycle, they
act in every sense like the Gods. These ancient people worshipped these Gods
because their appearance dictated the very cycles of the seasons; their very lives
depended on the growing of crops that in turn depended on the seasons. When the
Sun seemed to be in a more exalted position then this ancient farmer’s crops grew.
At night the disappearance of the Pleiades in Mediterranean countries usually
meant that the seas were going to be too rough for successful fishing, surely in the
mind of these people without the knowledge of modern astronomy it was these
Gods and Goddesses who were doing this. These people needed the reassurance of
seeing these Gods to be confident to continue their daily chores. How could they
shine all the time, lights and fires go out on the earth and need fuel to be
gathered but these Gods go into the earth and rise again, they are truly immortal
and must be worshipped by simple man. They presided over a kind of order and
any ancient man with the knowledge and ability to predict the appearance of
these Gods would be a powerful man indeed. But what do the Gods feel? Surely the
creator of all things can live without the constant praise of his creations so why
does he demand this? Well it would be a progression from being able to predict
the movement of the stars and the seasons to organising the laity to come to
specially prepared places of your own choosing in order to achieve a position of
power. Is it the Gods who demand this praise or is it the priesthood who demand
that the people follow these Gods through them? In these specially prepared places
there will be a demonstration of how the priesthood are in direct communication
with the Gods because they are able to predict their appearance saying – ‘Look I
put this stone here and lo and behold the God of spring has appeared over it and
your crops will now grow’. Surely you must come here and praise these Gods for
what he/she has done. ‘The Gods have not abandoned you and I predicted it.’ In
the beginning man created God or to be more specific the priesthood created God
in order to exercise control. At times of unusual conditions however and your crops
fail it is because you have angered these Gods and a sacrifice is clearly demanded,
it was clearly something you said or did – you are responsible. But the purveyors of
life and death do what they do in spite of you. But be assured the Gods will
eventually sacrifice themselves (and you too) in order to bring new life. Our Sun
will eventually run out of fuel and expand, engulfing all of the inner planets
including earth.
Organised centralised religion made megalithic man extinct, a corporeal God is
hard to maintain and can be as unreliable as the weather. However a God that has
supernatural powers can be made to live in another world aloof from all things and
can be made to only talk to the high priesthood and the initiated. In the
Languedoc/Roussilon area of France and indeed many parts of Europe, there are
many calvaires placed at very significant points, which include water sources, and
significantly ‘places where three track ways meet’. The church authorities were
concerned that the local population were carrying out pagan ceremonies. The
word ‘pagan’ is from the Latin Pagus and simply means ‘Country dweller’ indeed a
heathen means a dweller on the heath land. Pagan seems to imply primitive and
the Christian church deliberately placed their churches or crosses over these
‘Pagan’ (Country dweller) places of worship in order to impose their single God of
Jehovah onto a more fundamental reverence of the constant movement of the
stars. Indeed we have some proof of the church’s intentions from a letter on the
12th july 594 to St Augustine bidding him:
"not to destroy pagan temples, but rather to replace the idols with the relics of
saints, to sprinkle the old precincts with holy water and rededicate them, because
people come more readily to places where they have been accustomed to pray. At
festivals the people shall be allowed to build their booths of green leaves and to
slay their bulls."
There became another question in the mind of Man the Mortal “What am I? And
how and whence am I? And whither I go?” A corporeal God cannot answer these
questions. So an incorporeal God was invented in order to give hope and purpose.
But the high priesthood held control; individual and personal access to God was
denied and deemed heretical.
But the Judaic-Christian-Islamic church is merely a continuation of a reverence of
the stars perhaps made, by the designs of men, to have a greater control of the
people by the introduction of a non-corporeal God, hidden from the masses and
can only be invoked by persons with inside knowledge exercising control, be they
worshippers of the God of good or, for balance, Evil. How do we know? – The
answer is the curious reverence of Jerusalem by all three religions. Its position in
the celestial scheme of things will be explained later.
The placing of these churches in the area surrounding Sauniere’s church has very
probably inadvertently marked out a pattern in the landscape that unbeknown to
the later Christian church authorities in an effort to stamp out a previous Pagan
religion they have reinforced this pattern with their larger buildings with spires
reaching for the sky. All this seems is an inadvertent continuation of a previous
apparent reverence to the ‘heavens’ whose first meaning as been lost in time and
modified to an extent that it is no longer directly observed.
The Saunière bookplate here shows the two over-lapping
triangles with some phrases in Latin around it. In the seal
are the initials B.S. apparently immediately either side of
a Crucifix affixed to another circle containing another
Latin phrase; around the enclosing circle are the four
angels representing North East West and South or, as we
shall see later, represent perhaps four specific stars:
The Latin phrases are:
“There are three miracles - God and Man - Mother and Virgin (or Virgo) - The Three
and the One.
The opposing triangles giving the appearance of the seal of Solomon are usually
labelled 'Japhah' and 'Kedar', however you will notice that one triangle is black the
other white. In this case they also have the initials B.S. - Beringer Saunière
perhaps? Actually no, this bookplate is copied in the Porta Magica in the Garden of
Palombara in Rome and this bookplate appears to have been deposited in the
museum by Antoine Captier. Japhah is the ‘Beautiful one’ and inside these
triangles is a circle with a cross at the top. The circle has the words 'In Trigono
Centri Centrum' - The Centre in the triangle of the Centre: With another smaller
circle at its centre. Perhaps it is important to note here that we have two separate
entities here God and Man, three and the one but also we have Mother and Virgo.
But the mother of Jesus is the Virgin, isn’t she? How can we have mother and
virgin? The circle with the dot in the centre was used by a group known as the
Illuminati as a means of mutual identity.
Amongst his possessions we also have another bookplate that was also previously
displayed in the Rennes le Chateau museum showing Saunière’s Asmodeus from his
church but here he is seen chained by the Archangel Michael. Asmodeus, Lord of
the Earth is being made to controlled by an Angel, a specific Angel; in this case
Michael. The Archangel Michael is special, for he was the Angel of the Lord who
appeared to the Shepherds watching over their Flocks.
This Angel of the Lord is in fact according to Cornelius Agrippa represented by the
star Aldebaran (alpha Tauri) who is seemingly chaining the activities of the Lord of
the Earth to some kind of behavioural pattern. The Archangel Michael is the Angel
of the Lord and his star is Aldebaran which is ‘The Follower’.
8And shepherds were in the same country, waking and keeping the watches
of the night on their flock. 9And lo! the Angel of the Lord stood beside
them, and the clearness of God shined about them; and they dreaded with
great dread.
The Follower? - What is Aldebaran following? The answer is that this bright star
immediately follows the group of stars already mentioned called the Pleiades (The
Flock of Doves) as the heavens track from East to West and this set of seven stars
(six are normally seen with the naked eye). However in particular the central star
Alcyone is absolutely fundamental to the understanding of the whole concept of
timings of the days, seasons and years. Aldebaran (Michael) has a special status to
the Pleiades, as does Michael to the God Jehovah. What has the Pleiades to do
with time marked at a datum line of the apparent birth of a king called a Messiah,
an anointed one? Why does the Archangel Michael chain Asmodeus ‘Lord of the
Earth’ so? Going back to Saunière’s church, why “By this Cross will we conquer
him”, him being once again Asmodeus the legendary builder of Solomon’s Temple?
What ‘Cross’ is conquering here?
Is it simply chaos that is being conquered here by chaining space and time? And is
the means of doing this symbolised by the four angels making the sign?
This year is the 2008th year of an age defined by the Christian faith first
implemented by the pagan Holy Roman Emperor Constantine (pagan until his
deathbed confession when he embraced Christianity, no doubt hedging his bets).
What marked the beginning of this age? The birth of an anointed king or was this
king merely taking up his assigned position at a previously defined epoch that was
marked by the particular status of the earth’s precession cycle? Was Jesus nothing
like the person later portrayed by Constantine and his advisors who had a pressing
political agenda to make Jesus into a God equivalent to the existing Roman Gods?
Constantine had many faith’s being practiced within his empire and he was a
practical man and politician. What better way to embrace the already present and
influential Mithraism with its worship of the Invincible Sun at the winter solstice to
the birth of the anointed one representing the Christian Faith that was rising
rapidly in its influence in the fourth century CE. Constantine reportedly embraced
Christianity into his empire when he saw a cross in the sky that enabled him to win
the battle of Milvian Bridge in 312CE. This cross was called Sol Invictus – Invincible
Sun which is now Christmas Day which marks the celebration of the birth of the
anointed one - Christ, whose official birthday is celebrated at the rebirth of the
Sun or when the second brightest star in the sky Canopus briefly makes an
appearance above the horizon to the Egyptians due south from the Temple at
Tis true without lying, certain and most true
That which is below is like that which is above and that which is above is
like which is below to do the miracles of one only thing.
And as all things have been & arose from one by the meditation of one: so
all things have their birth from this one thing by adaptation.
The Sun is the father, the moon its mother
Words from the beginning of The Emerald Tablet
By Hermes Trismegistus
translated by
Sir Isaac Newton.
From his alchemical papers.
What has this to do with Saunière? Well we’ve already seen that the Shepherdess
parchment has encoding that decrypts as
If we take the words PAX DCLXXXI people normally translate this as PEACE 681.
Why do they do this? The passage is in French then suddenly switches to Latin then
back to French and the French word for ‘peace’ is ‘PAIX’ not PAX. However using a
technique called Gematria that gives letters numerical value we find the word PAX
also translates as 681, so in effect for PAX 681 we have 681 681, an unlikely
coincidence? No this is deliberate, for the passage continues ‘By the Cross’ and the
Anglo Saxon word for the measurement ‘The Rood’ is also the word for ‘Cross’ or
So ‘PAX DCLXXXI PAR LA CROIX’ becomes 681 by 681 by the Rood.
If we take a square that is 681 Roods (poles) by 681 Roods (poles) and draw a circle
around it so that the circumference touches each corner then the circle will have a
diameter taken to the nearest integer of three miles or One English League with an
error of less than 1% and even this error is significant. The distance between
Rennes le Chateau church and Rennes les Bains church is EXACTLY 3 miles or 1
English League. If we extrapolate this to the map of the area we find that the
other diagonal 90 degrees to the Rennes le Chateau Rennes les Bains line goes
through the Chateau de Blanchfort and the circle goes through La Valdieu.
A league is a traditional unit of distance derived from an ancient Celtic unit and
adopted by the Romans as the leuga; the league became a common unit of
measurement throughout Western Europe although distances varied slightly. Most
scholars say that it represents the distance the average person can walk in an
hour. In France this unit is the lieue and is different from an English League in
length. Also a Rood is an archaic word for the now more recently discarded
measurement the ‘Pole’ and as we have seen is the Anglo Saxon word for a ‘cross’,
generally shortened to Rod in more recent times. Remember Henri Boudet’s
suggestion that some of the words in use in the Languedoc are of Celtic and
Northern European origin. The Celts came into a, shall we say, historical existence
in the sixth century BCE under the reign of Tarquino Prisco, the part of Gaul
between the Garonne, the Mediterranean and the Alps and the ocean was referred
to as “The Celtic” by Aristotle, Herodotus and Hiparchus. The word Keltoi is Greek
for stranger and may have been simply the word used for anyone who wasn’t Greek
or Roman.
But what about the rest of the decoded parchment text? The Cheval de Dieu is one
of the four mythological horses – Abraxas; (The others being Actaeon, Aethon and
Amethe’a) and, according to Ovid, they pulled the God Helios (Greek: Titan) in his
chariot every day from the East reaching the Hesperides (Evening) in the West and
descending into a Golden Cup each day (Sunset?) which then carried them around
the Northern streams of Okeanos again to their rising place again in the east. Using
Gematria again the word Abraxas (αβραξας) is equivalent to the value 365, the
number of days in a year. Its equivalent is Mithra (Мειθρας), which also has a value
365. Perhaps I should also mention that the Knights Templar had a seal depicting
the God Abraxas which had on it the words TEMPVI + SECRETVM. Abraxas is talked
about by the Greek scholar Basilides in his work called ‘Seven sermons of the
dead’. He regards Abraxas an effect that is above even God. “Nothing standeth
opposed to it but the ineffective.” He is clearly talking about the daily passage of
the Sun and the stars across the sky. He states categorically that the Pleroma,
literally the totality of the God’s powers (Fullness), is in fact Abraxas. To the
Gnostics the world is controlled by ‘archons’ (sometimes called aeons) among
whom is the deity talked about in the Old Testament known as Yahweh, to the
Gnostics Yahweh (Jehovah) is merely one God of many. The heavenly Pleroma is
the totality of all that is regarded in our understanding of the divine, the Eternal
Divine Principle. To the Gnostics Jesus was an intermediary Aeon who was sent
along with his female counterpart Sophia or Wisdom, from the Pleroma, whom
Basilides regarded as Abraxas. Abraxas had a Chimera-like appearance resembling
a basilisk, he had the head of a rooster the body of a man and legs fashioned like
snakes and usually featured with a whip in his hand. Several scholars notably
Elaine Pagels of Princeton University regarded Paul of Tarsus as a Gnostic and I
agree. The Gnostic myth said that Sophia separated from the Divine Principle the
Pleroma and formed the material world. The concept of the Pleroma is still used
by the Greek Orthodox Church.
What about the rest of the parchment text? Completing a daemon guardian – is
generally regarded as completing a puzzle, and the phrase ‘A Midi’ alludes to the
area including Rennes le Chateau, Rennes les Bains and Carcassonne. The word
daemon (sometimes dæmon) is a Latinised spelling of the Greek δαιμων and is
used to specifically identify the daemons of Greek mythology that can be either
good or malevolent, such as inferior divinities and ghosts of dead heroes. The
Greek translation of the Septuagint that was specifically made for Greek speaking
Jews of Alexandria used the word daimon in the New Testament and was applied
to a Judeo-Christian spirit during the second century CE. It is important to realise
that originally daemons were not necessarily evil. Socrates claimed that he had a
daemon that constantly warned him against making mistakes but never told him
what to do or indeed never tempted him. Almost like a guardian angel they in fact
watched over mortals and kept them out of trouble. A daemon guardian is in fact
a guardian angel and the Theosophical Society called this NOUS or the
incorruptible part of man. Papus had been a member of this association before he
broke with them to form his own group based on Martinist Principles.
The Blue Apples may be alluding to the Grapes of the Promised Land a painting by
Nicolas Poussin one of a series of four paintings called the seasons that he painted
at the end of his life – his swan song. The Promised Land is Zion (Sion) and the
imagery of Poussin’s painting of the Grapes of the Promised Land is repeated in the
frieze (shown above left) in a monastery is Sion, Switzerland and this will also
include why The Shepherdess of Nicolas Poussin and the non-temptation of St
Anthony of David Teniers the younger hold the key. However it is most likely the
phenomena of the blue lights that strike the altar at about midday local sidereal
time on 17th January each year in the current precession cycle.
Returning to the concept of PAX 681 by the Cross the Latin for Earth ‘Geo’ and the
Greek for Measurement ‘Metron’ translates to the word ‘Geometry’ which literally
means Earth Measurement. By extension Sacred Geometry is Sacred Earth
Measurement and transcends sectarian religious considerations and it works for
anyone who fulfils the necessary criteria no matter what their principles or aims.
Geometry is normally included in the discipline of mathematics; however
numerical mathematics is derived from geometry not vice versa, which is much
more fundamental than the manipulation of numbers. Geometrical ratios are
normally expressed in mathematical terms but the mathematical expressions such
as PI and the golden section are more conveniences geared to a literate population
schooled in figures and calculations.
Using numbers to express perfect values of π, the ratio between the circumference
of a circle and its diameter, fails completely and so π is considered an irrational
number. Other irrational numbers are the specific value for positive or negative
exponential ‘increase’ ‘℮’ and the golden section Ф (PHI). All of these values are
better expressed as geometric figures or as mathematical expressions.
Perhaps it is important to realise that the symbol for the transcendental number
for the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter has not always been ‘π’
(pi) the 17th letter of the Greek alphabet, this did not occur until 1706 when it
simply appeared from nowhere in a book by William Jones called ‘Synopsis
palmariorum matheseos’. In the book Jones uses π for other expressions also so his
choosing appears to have been arbitrary. William Jones was a personal tutor to
George Parker who was the cousin of Thomas Anson, Fellow of the Royal Society
and also George Anson the Earl of Lichfield who was the famous navigator and the
husband of Elizabeth Yorke (Lady Anson) who both lived at Shugborough Hall,
where we have the Shepherdess monument. It was William Jones who had
proposed Thomas Anson to become a Fellow of the Royal Society. Thomas Anson
had also been a member of the Dilettanti Society along with the Earl of Sandwich
and Francis Dashwood and together they sponsored the study of ancient Greek and
Roman art and the creation of new work in the style. Thomas Anson had also
visited Versailles whilst building work at Shugborough was going on. The Anson
family you’ll remember were responsible for copying Poussin’s painting in the
frieze with the encrypted letters underneath. The Pi symbol wasn’t used again
until Leonard Euler stopped using ρ (rho) and began using the π symbol we now
know. The Hebrew names for geometric expressions appear to have had a direct
link to their value; for instance the Hebrew expression for circumference is Qof
Vav. You will remember the DM Shugborough message underneath the copy of
Here, in The Language of the Birds we have the solution; between God and Man we
have the expression underneath ET IN ARCADIA EGO.
However the solution to this is much simpler, the central eight letters are
arranged into pairs substituted for numbers in the alphabet. So we have:
|15+21|15+19| 22+1|22+22|
36º 34’N - 23º 44’E
Which is the Latitude and Longitude of the Greek state of Arcadia?
However there is a slight problem with this solution to which I shall return when I
discuss the Prime Meridian.
With regard to the Shugborough Monument it is Thomas Wright who is the most
significant here. Wright was an astronomer and was born at Byers Green County
Durham in 1711, the son of a carpenter. These seemingly humble beginnings
culminated in the study of Euclidean mathematics and astronomy and it was he
who wrote “An original theory or new hypothesis of the universe” where he
explains that the Milky Way is caused by our edge on view of our galaxy an idea
that was taken up by Immanuel Kant. He has been described as the precursor to Sir
William Herschel and supported Newton and Halley in the new theory of comets; it
was Wright who spawned the word Nebulae to describe groups of stars. He set up
his own school at Sunderland where he taught mathematics and navigation, he
later moved to London to work on a number of projects for wealthy patrons
including the Duchess of Kent, to whom he taught geometry and surveying. He was
even invited by the Czaritsa Elizabeth to become Professor of Navigation at the
Imperial Acadamy in Petersburg. During this period Wright was instrumental in
designing many gardens and country houses but significantly he designed and built
the Astronomical observatory tower known as Wright’s Folly close to his birthplace
at Westerton, County Durham. However it is at Shugborough Hall, close to
Lichfield, Staffordshire in England and at nearby Hodnet Church that for the
purposes of our story Thomas Wright was particularly active. It can be confidently
stated that Wright worked at Shugborough from 1748 – 1749 and was active in
laying out the grounds and adding a library and dining room (formally the drawing
room) for the soon to be wed George Anson and Elizabeth Yorke. In 1763 in letters
to her brother Philip Yorke, Lady Anson speaks of the Shepherdess monument,
some fourteen years after Wright is known to have been there. Wright had been a
personal tutor to Philip Yorke’s wife (Lady Anson’s Sister in Law) and the Yorkes
lived at Wrest Park in Bedfordshire where Wright built a Mithraic Altar and Root
House (for Mithraic Priests), it is important to state that this altar also carries a
cryptic message written in some kind of ancient cuneiform which is translated into
Latin on the other side. Wright was in no doubt that the earth was nothing more
than another planet in a giant collection of other stars and planets however he did
have theories on the transmigration of the soul which was a theological doctrine
that taught that the soul, after death, would inhabit a succession of other worlds,
becoming progressively more prefect. Wright is particularly famous for building
Follies in the gardens of English stately homes and wrote a book in 1755 describing
designs for arbours and grottos which he called “Universal Architecture”. The
shepherdess frieze itself was carved by the Dutch sculpturer Scheemaker but it is
likely that he never saw the real painting but modelled his sculpture from a
reversed print possibly copied by Lady Anson from Poussin’s Les Bergere d’Arcadie
from Chatsworth. However the surrounding arch is generally thought to have been
built by Wright.
Wright’s ideas of the universe appear to stem from 18th century ideas of the Druid
religion. In one of Wright’s earliest books he wrote in 1734 called “Elements of
Existence” he imagined the universe as three great spheres where the middle
sphere he calls “The Sphere of Felicity” where life is happy and balanced and in
18th century Druidism there is “The Circle of Felicity” Both ideas are from the 16th
century mystic Jacob Boehme who influenced many 18th century philosophers in
the philosophical clubs of London in Wright’s day. You will remember that we have
already discussed The Martinist Movement which was started by Papus which is
based on the teachings of the French mystic and philosopher Louis Claude de Saint
Martin (1743 – 1803) who took his lead from his mentor Martines de Pasqually.
Pasqually had in turn taken his philosophy from Jacob Boehme and Louis Claude
Saint-Martin called Boehme his ‘second’ master.
In “Elements of Existence” Wright also appears to have been greatly influenced by
the mid 17th century Rosicrucian writer Robert Fludd whom Wright directly quotes
in a later publication called “Second Thoughts”. He also wrote another strange
book and the front cover it says:
On the back page it says:
“If my readers should at any time remark that I am particularly dull, they may be
assured there is a design under it” – British
Significantly neither the Romans, nor the Arabs, nor the Chinese, nor even the
Greeks used the expression PI ‘π’ for the expression circumference/diameter.
Archimedes didn’t use any single expression to denote this ratio. However in 1652
William Oughtred had previously used the expression π/δ for the ratio; π being
shorthand for ‘periphery’ (the circumference) and δ (delta) for diameter. This
expression prompts us to take another at the tombstone of Marie de Blanchefort,
shown above.
It is important to state before we go any further that we do not know from where
this image of the tombstone originally came beyond Gérard de Sède saying it was
on the other flagstone over the tomb of Marie de Blanchefort Countess d’Hautpoul.
Elie Tisseyre described the other headstone that carries the anagram of the
message BERGERE PAS DE TENTATION etc in 1905 However Tisseyre did not
mention this stone at all and as Tisseyre appeared to be meticulous to a fault in his
recording of detail then we have to assume that either Saunière had already
removed it before Tisseyre’s visit or it is a more recent addition since 1905. My
personal reaction to the latter proposal is to simply say – So what? It is a complete
non sequitur that clues to this mystery should only have any value if someone
made it up centuries ago as opposed to recently. Articles of historical value could
have been fabricated from someone’s imagination whatever the era or they could
be from initiates of today. The value of this image lies solely in whether any useful
message can be gleaned from it and to simply refuse to examine this on the
grounds of prior belief and prejudice precludes any serious examination and is the
actions of a fool.
Let’s look at it anyway as true science inquiry
dictates for here the geometry positively leaps at us
from the image. Remember that prior to Euler the
expression for the circumference had been ρ Rho.
Indeed Euler himself had been using this expression
to specify the circumference/diameter ratio for some
time. In the drawing of the tombstone above if we
look at the two crosses that appear to break up the
expression ET IN ARCADIA EGO we have one cross
which occurs prior(PRAE) to Rho ρ and the other cross
within(CUM) delta δ. A line drawn between the
crosses makes an angle of 60˚ to the vertical line
drawn between PS and PRAE-CUM. This line between
the crosses implies a line between the circumference
and the diameter drawn at 60º or maybe perhaps 59º
59’ 50” the number indicated at the bottom in Roman numerals. I would remind
readers that the alignment of Rennes le Chateau church is 60º from North. The two
crosses are at Rho Chi and Delta Iota the verse from Le Serpent Rouge Cancer says:
“The mosaic tiles of this sacred place alternate black or white and Jesus [Хρ Chi
Rho] like ASMODEUS [Δ] observes their alignments.”
The expression PRAE-CUM has always been thought of as an inclusion in order to
make the encryption work with the anagram of the tombstone text, however the
expression does seem to imply the nature of what governs the physical position of
the vertical line. The fact that this is a direct link to Poussin’s Les Bergers
d’Arcadie and this phrase is being pointed to by the Blue and Red shepherds. This
must be significant even if written recently by de Chérisey. However it must be
mentioned here that PRAE-CUM also appears on a stone called the Dalle de
Coumesourde, named after where it was found by Ernest Cros who had been a
friend of Beringer Saunière. Cros was from the village of Ginoles and was obsessed
with detail; we are told he made notes meticulously, however his records and
documents were stolen in a burglary in 1960. The phrase PRAE-CUM is thought to
signify PRAETOR CUMPRIMUS or Crowned Leader. If Le Serpent Rouge is to be taken
seriously then this Crowned Leader is to be released by a magic ring given by Zeus
to Hercules to release a Sleeping Beauty who long ago was called ISIS, Queen of
the Benevolent springs, however this may be an allusion to the Chevaliers
Bienfaisants de la Cité Sainte. This Sleeping Beauty is now called Magdalene or
Notre Dame des Cross. Curiously the author of the Serpent Rouge uses the English
word for Cross here and not the French word croix.
You will remember a date was printed on the other headstone. Although this date
is supposed to indicate the death of Marie de Blanchefort Countess d’Hautpoul in
1781 this date indicated is most certainly 17th January 1681 a date indicated from
three separate sources. For according to Pierre Plantard, the foundation of the
Priory of Sion was linked to the Compagne du Saint Sacrament and to the Enfants
de Saint Vincent, and the preferred belief of the membership was that it was
founded on
17 January 1681 at Rennes-le-Château.
The "proof" of the Priory's foundation was 19 September 1738 (19 September being
the Feast date of St JANVIER) - through the actions of François d'Hautpoul and Jean
de Nègre - the evidence coming from the archives of Monsieur de Saint-Hillier (who
came from the Château du Lys), and was the great uncle of Philippe de Chérisey.
The line down the centre of the tombstone goes not from PS (for many implying
the Priory of Sion) but from P-S with a spiral around it and here a verse from Le
Serpent Rouge (one of the Prieure documents) a document that has never claimed
to have come from a distant past, helps us. Here is the passage below:
There is a celestial vision for the one who recalls the four tasks of EM.
SIGNOL around the line of the meridian; the same Choir (heart) of the
sanctuary from which radiates the source of love for one another. I turn
looking at the rose of P then to that of the S. Then from the S to the P until
my mind is dizzy. The spiral in my mind becomes like a monstrous octopus
expelling its ink, the shadows absorb the light. I put my hand to my mouth,
biting my palm, maybe like OLIER in his coffin. Curses, I know the truth,
HE HAS PASSED, in doing GOOD as did HE of the flowery tomb. But how
many have pillaged the HOUSE, leaving only embalmed corpses and a
number of metal things they could not carry? What strange mystery is
concealed in the new Temple of SOLOMON, built by the children of ST.
Conventional history tells us that E M SIGNOL was responsible for the Meridian Line
through the church of Saint Sulpice although this is highly controversial and the
suggestion seemed to have upset the painter Eugene Delacroix we have already
mentioned who has three paintings in the Chapel of Angels. The four tasks of E M
SIGNOL in the church of St Sulpice were:
1. He erected an obelisk in the northern part of the transept.
2. He traced a meridian line in the form of a copper strip leading to the obelisk
3. He put a window in the southern part of the transept with a lens with a
focal length of 80 feet.
4. He put a copper plaque where the equinoxes should occur. This is now a
marble stone slab.
Signol also placed four paintings around his meridian and his signature in the
church has the letter N reversed, Thus: И
For Le Serpent Rouge – Scorpio; the source of love for one another appears to be
the meridian itself – the Rose Line, for one normally gives roses as a token of love
for one another. The spiralling P to the S appears to indicate the controversy of
placing of the Paris meridian and possibly the problem they were having with
precession. A Rose in the ceiling of the nearby church of St Germane du Pres has
the inscription P-S written in it and this church is also close to the Rose Line. The
spiral in the mind of the writer becoming like a monstrous Octopus expelling its ink
is almost certainly an allusion to the Pulpit of St Sulpice. La Poulpe is French for
Octopus and is slang for Pulpit, the confusion possibly coming from the church that
could not decide where to put the line for zero longitude, eventually deciding on a
line through the Paris Observatory which was later itself moved. It is important to
realise that the Paris meridian is several hundred metres from the line marked by a
copper strip that goes through the church at St Sulpice which is usually referred to
as the Rose Line, which culminates in a Gnomon with a Golden Ball at the top. It
can be seen that the Sun never reaches the globe on top of the Rose Line Gnomon
during the winter solstice. Is this a miscalculation or is it waiting for a different
epoch when the precession cycle will once again enables us to see the ball
illuminated by the Suns rays at the winter solstice.
Perhaps this is a good time to introduce the legend that another temple is
supposedly underneath the church of St Sulpice – allegedly a Solar Temple.
Curiously the church authorities vehemently deny this even though the suggestion
that some previous Temple remains are clearly there. What they clearly don’t
want is a cult religion growing up around the church of St Sulpice, too late for that
methinks. The founder of the church of St Sulpice was Jean Jacques Olier who is
buried there and who was a member of a secret organisation that according to
Gino Sandri had many members who went over to the Priory of Sion after it was
The phrase from Le Serpent Rouge “IL EST PASSE” (HE IS PASSED) “en faisant LE
BIEN” (in doing GOOD) as “ainsi que xxxxxxxx CELUI de la tombe fleurie ” (HE of the
flowery Tomb) and here we are being a direct reference to the graveyard of
Rennes les Bains. For there is a tomb so phrased in that graveyard, a graveyard
that also holds the grave of the Count de Fleury - Paul Vincent de Fleury to be
precise. One is also tempted to ask why the author of this passage saw fit to put
the phrase HE IS PASSED in capital letters. It becomes clear when one realises that
yes the phrase rendered in French is indeed ‘he is passed’ but it also means ‘It is
the Master Key’. Are we looking for a new Temple of Solomon, built by the
children of St Vincent, the house of which has already been pillaged? And that the
Chevaliers Bienfaisants de la Cité Sainte (Scottish Rite Freemasonry) are the
master key to this?
It is now beyond any doubt that a pattern has been laid out in the landscape that
immediately surrounds Rennes le Chateau and indeed seems to extend beyond the
Languedoc and even to other countries including places as far away as the island of
Bornholm in the Baltic Sea. The name Bornholm is taken from Burgudianholm, and
is associated with Saint Bernhard of Clairvaux. The wife of the Merovingian king
Clovis I was Clothilde and was Burgundian, born in Lyon. Naturally some people
have pooh poohed this idea and incredibly qualified engineers have made idiots of
themselves trying to compare GPS readings with maps made with Lamberts conical
map projections and declared errors less than 100 metres as confirmation that the
patterns are nonsense. That they can accurately measure features on a map made
in two dimensions of a feature that is in three dimensions and not even spherical
but flatter at the poles (oblate) and then cite errors around 100 metres as
confirmation of invalidity is quite frankly stupid. Such is the power of denial that
makes seemingly intelligent people write stupid things in their religious desire to
render obsessive fidelity to their belief system that the entire human history has
nothing beyond the ordinary and the mundane. Does this then carry the suggestion
that human activity throughout their history is also ordinary and mundane? - Not in
my experience it’s not. The fact that these supposedly educated people who have
spent a large amount of time in a system being brainwashed how not to think,
didn’t know that the meridian for GPS is different to the tune of some 120 metres.
That they didn’t know that the error of GPS compared to that used by the French
IGN mapmakers is absolutely incredible and one of these people, an engineer, is
still doing the rounds doing lectures to this effect. Fortunately for him his
audience comprises of people who also have mostly been taught how not to think.
They have made bold claims that patterns can be made up of anything; the trouble
is where they have actually had the courage to actually go out and do this rather
than simply talk about it they have come nowhere near to repeating the criteria
that these patterns around Rennes le Chateau meet. Not only are these features
laid out in a justifiable pattern but they also show measurements conforming to
the measuring system that appears to have been adopted by the English imperial
Measurement system in the 17th century. Indeed there may well be many more
places that have been influenced by this way of mapping the earth’s surface. This
fact of landscape geometry appears to be the personal discovery of Henry Lincoln,
who deserves all of the credit for bringing this the world’s attention. It is not
recognised by science but then why would we be surprised with this when they
didn’t discover it and so it has to be declared false by virtue of this fact alone. As
the late Rennes researcher Jean Luc Robin most ably put it “Henry Lincoln is wrong
by being right too soon”. No historian likes to be exposed with questions he cannot
deal with so the immediate option he reaches for is to deny it there at all.
The terrain of the Ariège makes this is a good place to build sighting towers to map
the passage and timings of the movement of the heavenly hosts and one finds that
the above line is almost at 72 degrees to north, an angle that will prove significant
in the mapping of the specific star Aldebaran at a specific time. Putting them a
known distance apart is vital to this science of measuring the earth through the
timing of star observations. Is this how we chain the Lord of the Earth with the
Angel of the Lord? One can also point out that a line in England known as the Saint
Michael Ley line is also at an angle of almost 72 degrees and starts at St Michael’s
Mount and many churches names St Michael and also passes through many stone
circles including Avebury Ring.
Has there been a group laying out a Temple on the earth’s surface, is this the real
Temple of Solomon? Could it be that Solomon’s Temple is a temple that maps the
landscape in geometry (Earth Measurement)? Is this the true wisdom? Significantly
the words SOL and OM and ON are the names of the Sun in three languages, in
other words are we actually talking about a Temple of the Sun and laid out on the
Earth when we discuss this New Temple of Solomon? It is a fact that the Order of
the Solar Temple did try to buy the Villa Bethania but happily the owner sold it to
the public instead. Is this a Temple that spans the entire planet as indeed the light
from the Sun does?
Did the 17th century King of France Louis XIV who was known as the Sun King (Le
Roi Soleil) lay out Paris as a Temple to the Sun?
Consider: An antiquary by the name of Louis Douvrier devised the king’s emblem as
a Sun darting its rays onto the earth with the words Nec Pluribus Impar – Not
unequal for many - A curious phrase using a double negative. Throughout May Day
in 1664 and three years after the death of Cardinal Mazarin, Louis XIV, then 26
years old held a fête at Versailles for seven days. His attendees comprised of six
hundred guests complete with their suites and all of their expenses were defrayed.
All the entertainment was paid for out of the king’s coffers, nothing was wanting.
Monuments were erected to Greek and Roman deities and according to Voltaire
had “much magnificence in taste” and “was a marvel”. The proceedings began
with a kind of tournament in which heralds-at-arms, pages and equerries carried
devices and shields which had, written in gold, verses composed by Perigni and
Benserade about persons of antiquity and of legends. They were “armed in the
Greek fashion”. The king impersonated Ruggerio who, legend says, was imprisoned
along with his Christian Knights by Alcina on her enchanted Isle and fell under her
spell. Alcina was later to become a full opera by Frideric Handel. Molière’s actors
played the parts in a procession and the central part in all the festivities. On the
first day a Golden Chariot 18 ft high, 24ft long and 15ft wide led a parade and the
actor La Grange played Apollo. A decrepit figure with wings and a scythe was
portrayed by M Millet the coach driver which signified Time. At Apollo’s feet sat
the Four Ages as described by Virgil; Bronze, Silver, Gold and Iron they were
played by Mlle de Brie, M Hubert, Mlle Molière who played the Golden Age and M
Du Croisy. The twelve hours of the day and the twelve signs of the Zodiac walked
in double file alongside Apollo’s chariot followed by the knights of Ariosto’s epic,
portrayed by the French nobility. At night the actor Lully dressed as Orpheus
conducted a band of thirty four musicians, who played by candlelight a ballet for
the Signs of the Zodiac and the Four Seasons. This latter group were mounted on
different animals for the different seasons. Mlle du Parc rode a Spanish horse
representing spring. Her husband riding an elephant represented summer. La
Torillière representing autumn rode a camel and winter was represented by M
Béjart who rode a bear. Molière himself played Pan.
One would at best feel that this openly pagan gathering would have been nothing
more than a high spirited king’s court party, however Apollo played by La Grange
gave a speech at this procession which revealed the King’s intention to lay claim to
the Spanish crown as the lawful inheritance of his wife. As part of the Peace of the
Pyrenees that ended the Franco-Spanish War five years earlier in 1659, MarieThérèsa of Austria had renounced her rights to the Spanish Crown even though she
was the daughter of the king of Spain. In this speech of Apollo La Grange judged
that the Queen was the legitimate owner of her mother’s possessions in the
Spanish Netherlands, in which the right of dévolution existed. King Louis XIV
subsequently backed up his claim with an invasion of the Spanish Netherlands and
by doing this ultimately took the Spanish Crown back for his grandson. In other
words the king used this gathering to proclaim his intentions of expanding the
Bourbon power over Hapsburg Spain and its territories. It was in 1685 that Louis
XIV took possession of the painting called Les Bergers d’Arcadie by Nicolas Poussin
but kept it hidden away in Versailles.
Even after centuries of modernisation Paris still bears the distinct mark of Louis
XIV who reigned for 72 years. The Louvre museum was once his palace and Louis
XIV’s Minister of Arts, Jean-Baptiste Colbert saw the remodelling of the Louvre as a
way to assert the monarch’s presence. A year after this at Versailles in 1665 the
great architect and sculptor Gian Lorenzo Bernini came back to Paris to complete a
new façade for the east wing of the Louvre.
Is this geometric pattern is laid out in central Paris that has been clearly laid out
making order from apparent chaos on the Earth’s surface? Are we symbolically
placing the chaotic Lord of the Earth Asmodeus in chains with geometric pattern
set by the Archangel Michael and the bright star Aldebaran? Is the holder of these
chains St Michael as Sauniere’s bookplate showed us? If so it could only have been
made by strict observation of the stars and ground features from the ‘Watchtower’
of the Flock – Migdal-Eder in Hebrew - a Magdala Tower and as the Templars are
the poor knights of Christ and the Temple of Solomon, then also we include
observations from the Templar’s Capelli Militia – The Templar’s Round Towers.
Does this Temple fix the meridian and would it be too great a religious gesture if
this was marked by something or a grave of someone very significant?
The picture shown is one of the wedged openings on La Tour d’Alchemie (The
Alchemy Tower) the round tower that is part of the Chateau at Rennes le Chateau
the former seat of Marie de Negré d'Ables dame d'Hautpoul Contesse de
Blanchefort. This small wedge shaped tapered holes in the tower; these are cut on
the southern and eastern sides of the tower at regular positions around the tower,
two between each of the rectangular openings which appear to coincide with each
of the four cardinal points – North, East, South and West.
In 1210 the original chateau was destroyed by Simon de Montfort at the time of the
Albigensian crusades it was rebuilt around 1250 by Pierre de Voisins, who had been
a Lieutenant of Simon de Montfort and who was described as a Seigneur of Arques,
Couffoulens, Couiza and Limoux. In 1362 the castle was destroyed yet again by the
Catalan 'Routiers.'
On the northern side of the round tower the wedge shaped openings seem to have
been less important. We have several within a few feet of each other and then
nothing for quite a few feet. These small slotted openings are clearly for sighting
objects in the surrounding landscape, you do not have tapered holes right through
the wall for wooden supports neither do you put them at seemingly irregular
intervals. It is the geometry of the landscape that determines their position on the
tower. But objects in the landscape hardly move, what is being determined here is
their monthly position with respect to astronomical objects and whose correlations
are appearing to move in a seemingly predetermined pattern. Hence the reason
the wedge shaped openings seem to have more view upwards than downwards.
Indeed this Alchemy Tower is a Watchtower of the Flock; a Migdal-Eder. No these
wedge shaped openings are not arrow slots they would not be required on the
inside of the village and would not be a practical shape anyway. Neither are they
holes for placing the supports for overhanging wooden walkways similar to the ones
at the Chateau inside La Cite de Carcassonne as they go right through and why
would you put these openings either side of a natural window? Their position at
first glance appears arbitrary and is easily overlooked but these wedge shaped
holes narrow down to a hole no more than a few inches wide, they are designed to
be offer a very narrow field of view in a specific direction. Any occurrence of
similar slots elsewhere in other towers merely means they served the same
purpose and until anyone positively identifies the correct purpose of these wedge
shaped holes then intelligent speculation is the correct course of scientific enquiry
here. We could start by determining their position with respect to objects in the
landscape but on close examination these holes are arch shaped at the top and
give a greater arc of vision upwards than they do downwards. They are clearly
curved upwards and are designed for upward observation but have little use for
seeing things close in to the tower, the thickness of the wall preventing a good
view immediately downwards. These holes placed around a circular tower are for
observing celestial events at specific times and comparing them with land features
be they natural or man-made.
As I said when I first visited La Tour Magdala I said that if it wasn’t an astronomical
observation tower then it should be. Investigations into this mystery have all but
confirmed that Saunière’s intentions where precisely this.
The 17th century Italian Giovanni Dominico Cassini had a similar tower to the Tour
Magdala built at his family residence, its similarity to Saunière’s Magdala tower is
obvious and it wouldn’t be a great leap to consider that this great astronomer and
mapmaker of the Renaissance period would have built a tower from which to make
his astronomical observations. The Cassini family became involved in mapping out
the French landscape in the late 17th century but all this happened after the death
of Poussin.
In 1681, a date that has already become significant for us for the establishment of
the Priory of Sion, the Kings advisor Colbert proposed to the king of France the
urgency to establish “geographical maps of France, more exact than those than
have been done up to now”. Initially, Jean Picard was entrusted the task to draw
up the “general framework” of this operation. Picard was an accomplished
astronomer who in 1655 measured the length of a degree and from it computed
the size of the earth. Picard is the instigator of the principle of triangulation on
the scale of a region or even a country. In 1668, he was able to demonstrate how
to measure “the Arch of a terrestrial meridian line” over a distance equivalent to
130 kilometres, between Malvousins in the Essonne region and Sourdan near the
At the initiation of the King’s project Colbert required Picard to establish a “zero
meridian” or a “baseline” from which all future calculations and from where the
triangulations start that in order to create the detailed topological maps of
France. This gigantic survey was to be begun from a fixed point in Paris from a
then non-existent astronomical observatory, which first needed to be built. Thus in
1667 the Royal Observatory of Paris was born under the auspices of the Royal
Academy of Sciences. The site chosen was to be on ground that had formally been
the Abbey of Port Royal, the noviciate of the Fathers of the Oratory and the
noviciate of the Capuchins. Claude Perrault, the brother of the famous author of
fairy tales Charles Perrault, drew up the plans for this building and you will
remember that Perrault is also mentioned in Le Serpent Rouge. The people
involved in this project belonged to an organisation given the curious name “Le
Brouillard” or “the Fog” and certain dignitaries of the observatory itself also
became members of ‘The Fog’, which was never a secret society. Various places
were selected and specialists retained, trained and sent to these sites to do their
observations and create their maps. To ensure and manage this project, it was
necessary to find a master who is skilled both in astronomy and geography. Some
have suggested that “Le Brouillard” is another name for the Société Angélique
which included members such as Leonardo da Vinci, Alexandre Dumas, Guercino,
Nicolas Poussin, Dante Alighieri, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and Jules Verne.
Colbert submitted just one name to the king of France a man who had the
knowledge and the abilities to achieve such a mammoth task. After some
negotiations and him refusing initially, the man chosen was no less than JeanDomenica Cassini (1625-1712) the famous mapmaker. Louis XIV then entrusted to
him the responsibility of running the Paris Observatory which were to be the
headquarters of this project.
Thus began a true dynastic saga that eventually involved four generations of the
Cassini family: Jean-Domenica Cassini, Jacques Cassini (known as Cassini II; (he is
most famous for mapping the shape of the Earth and was actually born at the Paris
Observatory), César-François Cassini de Thyry (who eventually drew up the charts
of the kingdom of France on the scale 1/86400), and finally Jean-Domenica, Count
of Cassini (1748-1845), who completed the cartographic work of “French State”.
On the construction of the first meridian we see some intriguing coincidences. The
start point in the north has it running through the northernmost part of France
near the Belgian border close to Dunkirk it then passes through the Observatory in
Paris and ends, in the south, in Prats-de-Mollo, the last town immediately before
reaching the Spanish border. This town still retains a fort with a tall tower that
once belonged to the Hautpoul family and who drew up the first defences of this
site at their own expense. Prats-de-Mollo also retains, on the side of the church, a
bone of the famous Babaos; the monstrous beast that legend has it devastated the
Perillos area that was destroyed by Raimon de Perielle upon his return from the
The very word meridian seems to have a curious etymology and can be associated
with the name Mary or Mari and is of course any line drawn the shortest distance
around the earth’s surface from the North Pole to the South Pole. This would be
designated as a datum line usually given zero degrees from which the West/East
circumference would be segmented into 360 equal degrees. So each hour the earth
will rotate 15 degrees. The word Meridian is largely thought to have stemmed from
the Old French word for noon, literally medhyo-dyeu - mid day. However the word
dyeu, although now taken to mean day is in fact directly from the word for god
and the same base from which the Latin word dei stems. The name for the Indo-
European God Jupiter is from the vocative compound dyeu – pater (God father) and
Diana is from the Latin Diā – na (literally Moon Goddess). Even Asmodeus is from
Aēšma-Daēva, which if we are to translate literally using Zoroastrianism is literally
Wrath of God from the Avestan old Persian language. The marking of the meridian
is therefore directly linked to a god or goddess and taken literally could in fact
mean the Goddess Mari – Mari-dyeu.
At the rotational axis of the world in the skies for the northern hemisphere is the
constellations of the Great and Little Bear; the Pole star Polaris is currently at the
axis around which the vault of heaven turns and is part of the Little Bear
constellation. These two prominent groups of stars act seemingly like dancing
bears tethered to a pole hence their name. In the district of France known as
Roussillon is a country whose first lords blended in with this legend of the bear.
The origin of the name Roussillon is “roux sillon” or russet-red furrow, after the
fault line made up of deposits of Iron Ore that runs through the area. Could it be
that the true Rose Line is named after the red rust colour of a piece of magnetised
iron that will point along it when suspended close to this magnetised iron ore fault
line. Would this seem a good place to bury someone of importance?
Coincidence? Irrelevant? Well this very thought is repeated in the writings of
Cassini himself who appeared to admire the enigmatic past of the regions he was
given the task to map. It was in 1630 – just before Cassini was appointed – that a
royal notary we have already mentioned called Courtade writes that the grounds of
the Roussillon, specifically the lands of Perillos, shelter the tomb of a monarch
whose resurrection would save the world - A ‘once and future king’ buried at
Perilous perhaps? An Earth Bear:Arth-ur as opposed to a Sky Bear.
The noted astronomer Jean Picard is listed as a member of this esoteric group
known as the “Brouillard” – The Fog. Those who had access to the Brouillard’s
register including Gasthon de Mérancourt, Oron Boujeville, Mathieu Cristin Motter
and others, all belonged to satellite “circles” of this same company. Picard’s
esoteric alliances appeared to in no way lessen his scientific qualities and if
anything they seem to have enhanced it?
Also the two brothers – Perrault – were affiliated with a company that was known
as “Angelic” or Angelica and they were also founder members of the first French
Masonic Lodge, the “Errant Knights”. They also have a specific veneration for June
21st, normally designated to be the summer solstice, for it is on that day that the
ground plan for the Paris observatory was established. The four directors of the
observatory (Jean-Domenica Cassini, Jacques Cassini, César-François Cassini de
Thyry, and finally Jean-Domenica count of Cassini (1748-1845) were also all
members of this “Angelica” society, where they occupied the highest ranks.
Our circle closes again because another member of the “Angelic” society was no
less a person than Nicolas Poussin the painter of Les Bergers d’Arcadie. These
people claimed to have had in common the experience of being visited by an
The Cassini family, we are told, still retains a personal document to this date that
has never been published. This is a series of the “Meridian books” was added to
during the uninterrupted series of the four members of the Cassini family as
directors of the Observatory.
It is in this work, amongst other places, that there are certain accentuated
references about certain points of the land there is a tendency for instance for
sites that are referred to as “archaeological” that are only located on the Paris
Meridian. Throughout their series of books, the Cassinis insist that these are
important sites and that they are described as “crowned”, a term they use when
directly referring to them. Not only do they map these places, they also add
remarks that can only be described as curious. Moreover, they made archaeological
collections of objects that they called “engines” and “antique machines”. Another
significant part of this collection – the Cassini documents – can be found in the
South of France, and not as one would expect, in the Bibliothèque Nationale in
Paris or the archives of the Observatory. They are to be found preserved in the
region of Perpignan. In 1936 Paris prefect Xavier Guichard used these to write his:
Eleusis Aleia and as he notes on page 119, he reuses the “Cassini layout” for sites
close to the Observatory, like the passage of the Meridian through Groslay,
Montmagny, Deuil, St Denis, Arcueil and Hay, all are sites on which the Cassinis
personally worked.
The Cassinis could not fail to be aware of the importance of what the creation of
Meridian would represent for France and the points through which it passed? They
must have known that the meridian would come to represent much more than just
a line on a map for a meridian has a religious aspect. It expresses the idea that
God, the geometrician, measured the earth using a compass. Where he placed the
needle was the omphalos, from which he measured the world. A meridian
therefore has a magical aspect. The omphalos is the centre of the world, the navel
from which the axis mundi not only divides the world, but also provides a point of
access to the higher realms, from which men can ascend to Heaven – God.
They can transfigure.
Of course a meridian is any arbitrary line set between the poles, which is equally
indicated by the iron needle of a compass (The Compass Rose): it is thus said to be
red in colour, as red is the symbolic colour of iron – rust – and this is attracted to
the pole or more specifically the Lode Star Polaris; The Northern Star. From this
we can find the Cardinal Points usually displaying the Fleur de Lys to indicate
north. In old French compasses North is sometimes displayed as a ‘T’ which is short
for Tramontane and is from the Latin trāns- + montānus, literally ‘Across the
Mountains’ and has come to describe the name of the star that appears over the
mountains – Polaris.
We should remember too the legend of Christian Rosenkreutz featured in the
Rosicrucian Manifestos who was the guest of the royal wedding, who arrives at a
crossroads and needs to decide which road to take to the Bridal Palace the site of
a Chemical Wedding. He decides to eliminate the “wrong road” with the help of
his compass, refusing to deviate from the meridian. (As can been found in the last
part of the Rosicrucian trilogy, the “Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz”)
and he did this “Thinking about the Dove and the Raven.” The Raven had stolen his
bread that he had given to the Dove and in chasing it in order to retrieve the bread
had gone down path from which he could not return.
This may be an allusion to Mithraism, the Dove representing the true Christian
faith and the Raven conveying the message from Apollo to slay the Bull – Taurus.
Here is the relevant passage below from the Chymical Wedding of Christian
"Now although many apparent byways showed themselves, yet I still proceeded with
my compass, and would not budge one step from the Meridian Line; howbeit the way
was often so rugged and impassable, that I was in no little doubt of it. On this way I
constantly thought upon the dove and the raven, and yet could not search out the
meaning; until at length upon a high hill afar off I saw a stately portal, to which, not
regarding how far it was distant both from me and from the way I was on, I hasted,
because the sun had already hid himself under the hills, and I could see no abiding
place elsewhere; and this verily I ascribe only to God, who might well have permitted
me to go forward in this way, and withheld my eyes that so I might have gazed beside
this gate."
(Chymical Wedding, Second Day, p.12)
Enter David Teniers the younger into the mystery.The meridian marks a time and
space and the meridian connects the two poles. All points on any meridian –
longitudinal line – have the same hour and are in “phase” with each other, from
the point of view of the sun. Though in different places, they are in the same
At the pole, all “meridians” – longitudinal lines – meet up; it is a place where in a
practical sense both time and space seem to be suspended. Here one comes in
contact with the celestial pole and with the fixed pivot of our relative universe.
The meridian also has a metaphysical component, linked with the “Heavenly City
of Sion”, and the Heavenly Jerusalem. It is here that the legend of the “Great
Monarch” comes into play the man who would rule the Heavenly Jerusalem – Sion –
and rule Earth from the centre of the world. This “End of Times” is therefore
linked with time… and thus with space?
So what type of information did the Cassinis hold? It seems evident that they
possessed some type of knowledge about the why and how of creating a “proper”
meridian line, its consequences and the mythology that it would create – or
emphasise. It is thus necessary to believe that not only were they aware of some
secret knowledge, but that they were also required to intervene in the creation of
the meridian, so that this knowledge could be shared and incorporated into the
maps. It almost seems that when France was mapped and the Meridian created,
certain people realised they had to pass through this family.
It initially seems that Cassini refused the offer of the king’s minister Colbert, but
then on the insistence of the king of France, which amounted to almost a threat,
accepts this mission. Cassini’s family was powerful and rich so it was not a
financial reason that changed the decision of Cassini… although the last offer that
he is proposed is a salary for the rest of his life, in which he will earn every month
what he normally earned in a year – a financial incentive that is not easy to turn
down. At the time of the surveying, Cassini personally supervised the work.
However, work was to proceed slowly since it all revolved around triangulation and
the technique itself meant that the team making all the notes never remained for
long at the same place. Curiously however we are told that Cassini remained more
than two years in Opoul with his wife and children never moving and this is odd.
Furthermore, Opoul, at that time, is a village without a noble representative, nor
a palace or stately home where a man of his social standing would like to live,
together with hand is crew. The barren landscape of Opoul, a place with little
water had nothing to offer this man of taste and means. So why did he willingly
downgrade his habitation and that of his family in order to live in there? If the
work did require a topographical station in this area, and for two years, Perpignan
with its established communication facilities and its infrastructure would have
been a far better choice when it came to providing a nice residence and the local
aristocracy there would more than willing to welcome such a distinguished man of
One document released shows Cassini’s work from Perpignan using the
triangulation technique. On this map we find the mountains of Bugarach, Canigou,
Forceral, Quéribus (a Cathar castle site), Tauch, Tautavel, four maritime signal
sites and Opoul. Yet another astonishing feature is that, on this map, the sector of
Opoul is not recorded! How does one explain the strange presence of Cassini at
Opoul for more than two years on the only place not shown in the triangulations?
Cassini has nothing to show for his work in Opoul, not in the public domain anyway.
It begs the question what he did with his time there, if not cartography then what?
Did Cassini have an imperative reason to prospect the area as a recluse, if so, why
and what precise area? We have the famous astronomer and mapmaker Cassini
being more than a little interested in this area called Opoul-Perrilos but also we
have Saunière being interested after being told to look there by the cure of Brenac
church, the aristocratic Priest Courtade. What is at Opoul-Perrilos?
In the files of Cassini exists a text, written by the man himself where Cassini tries
to write some poetry. Although the man is intelligent it is clear that the art of
rhyme does not come as easy to him as triangulation and topography. But the
poem resembles a “quatrain” perhaps better known in France as a “centurie”
which is a form of poetry made famous by Nostradamus. Was Cassini trying to
convey a message in cryptic format? Furthermore, it is known that this passage of
poetry consisting of only three lines is also found in one of the smaller registers of
the church of Perillos, which was later found in Durban, a place that once had the
Abbé Boudet as curé, and which is covered with a red wax seal. This text talks
about an event that will occur in the future. The question is how these three lines,
word for word, of a poem written by Cassini whilst in Italy end up in a small
register of the priests of Perillos.
But this is not all. Remember that this is very similar to another aspect of the
mystery, in which there is the famous letter from Fouquet to his brother, reporting
about a secret that Poussin had transmitted to him whilst in Italy. There are some
similarities here… for a similar letter to that of Fouquet is known to exist in Italy,
in the archives of the Cassini family.
The Cassini family is somehow (and we do not know how or what) aware of some
kind of secret knowledge. The King does not accept anyone else but Cassini, even
though others had similar credentials to Cassini notably the Frenchman Picard.
Why did the king appoint a foreigner for the important and strategic task of
mapping France? It is known that the family meets with members of some
societies, some are secret some are not such as Le Brouillard, Angelica and
perhaps others. Another significant point is that part of the evidence found at the
scene of the murder of Saunière’s neighbour, the Abbé Géllis a man whom
Saunière had seen before writing the word Secret in his diary, was an empty
cigarette packet that had the phrase “Viva Angelina” on it.
It appears that the Cassini family became aware of some kind of “ground zero”,
close to Perillos, i.e. Opoul, when they were triangulating France. Cassini stayed in
the area for two years, but when he produces his map, he dare not reveal any
detail about this “ground zero”. This suggests that for two years, Cassini did visit
and scan that area; perhaps solely to understand or verify that what he already
“knew” about the place.
Shortly afterwards, Cassini does seem to hint at what he knows in the form of an
awkward poem that seems to contain the core of the mystery in the form of a
prophecy, that the place contains a king who will rise and rule the earth a kind of
Reggis Relis Celes Arcas , a Return of the King of a Celestial Arc The priest of
Perillos repeats some of this poem and is either already aware or informed of this
text and he reproduces it, without perhaps knowing the reason why, and enters
the three lines of text in a small register of the church, which was then, centuries
afterwards, found in Durban where Henri Boudet, a man deeply interested in
archaeology, had once been a priest.
Poussin had been a member of the society Angelica and one will remember this
letter from the Abbé Fouquet to his brother Nicolas Fouquet about a conversation
with Poussin and it seems that Cassini too became aware of this later. This secret
will give one advantages that even kings will be at pains to draw from you and may
not be rediscovered in the centuries to come.
Are we looking at an archaeological site around the area of Opoul-Perrilos here?
The significance of this area is large enough to devote a whole chapter to this
unique and intriguing place.
Saunière placing his Magdala Tower at the edge of the escarpment is clearly
intended to give him as good an uninterrupted view of the surrounding countryside
as possible and Corbu had once stated that he intended to increase the size of the
tower to 133 metres had circumstances regarding his dispute with the church not