Public Opinion and Public Education: Communicating for Advocacy Presented to the Utah School Boards Association Convention January 13, 2007 Terri Duggan Schwartzbeck American Association of School Administrators About AASA • Professional organization for 13,000 school system leaders and superintendents – Also professors of educational administration and aspiring school system leaders • Mission: to support and develop effective school system leaders who are dedicated to the highest quality public education for all children • Stand Up for Public Education™ initiative to support public education as the heart of our democracy About the Stand Up for Public Education™ Campaign • Launched in 2003 in response to NCLB and continued challenges for public education • Three emphases: – Giving school leaders the tools to Stand Up for Public Education – Responding to misinformation about public education – Reshaping the dialogue about public education around how to have schools that are effective for each child • Polling, toolkits, web page, merchandise, and newsletters Polling Findings – and our Agenda • Political context • Where does the public get information about public education? Who do they believe? • How the public feels about accountability in an NCLB world • How the public feels about current high school reform efforts • Vision and values in public education Political Context Right Direction/Wrong Track • Most Americans continue to feel that the country is off on the wrong track. 57 50 46 37 60 51 43 35 56 40 52 52 55 44 43 40 59 35 65 64 32 33 67 66 30 28 Jun- Sep- Dec- Mar- Jun- Sep- Dec- Mar- Jun- Sep- Dec- Mar- Jun03 03 03 04 04 04 04 05 05 05 05 06 06 Right Direction Wrong Track Q. Generally speaking, would you say things in this country are heading in the right direction, or are they off on the wrong track? AP/Ipsos Poll Presidential Approval • The President’s job approval rating has declined steadily over the last year with many polling organizations reporting all-time lows. 58 39 55 43 53 44 49 50 52 51 50 48 48 46 47 48 55 43 59 57 39 42 60 37 63 36 Jun- Sep- Dec- Mar- Jun- Sep- Dec- Mar- Jun- Sep- Dec- Mar- Jun03 03 03 04 04 04 04 05 05 05 05 06 06 Approve Disapprove Q. Overall, do you approve, disapprove, or have mixed feelings about the way George W. Bush is handling his job as President? AP/Ipsos Poll National Issue Agenda • Education rates very low when people are asked to name the most important problem facing the US today. • This speaks to the need to address education at the local level. Foreign affairs (NET) War Immigration Terrorism Other foreign affairs Domestic Issues (NET) Political leaders Energy crisis Morality Crime/Drugs Education Environment Other domestic issues Economy (NET) Economy (unspecified) Unemployment Other economy issues 47 19 13 7 8 29 8 6 6 2 1 1 6 14 6 4 4 Q. In your opinion, what is the most important problem facing the US today? AP/Ipsos Poll Education in the U.S. – Right Direction or Wrong Direction? 61 51 43 10/03 53 53 53 55 48 42 2/04 40 3/04 Right Direction 43 8/04 41 1/05 51 38 37 7/05 9/05 35 7/06 Wrong Direction Are public schools in THE U.S. headed in the right direction or the wrong direction? (Ipsos July 2006) Where does the public (and parents) get their information about public schools? Who do they believe? Whose voice? Newspapers and Television Are The Predominant Passive Sources of Information About Public Schools Was the Source of the MOST RECENT item about public schools you saw, read, or heard… 49% 46% August '03 October '03 38% 35% 7% Print Television Ipsos/AASA Poll 7% Radio 6% 5% Internet 3% 1% Other Credibility as a News Source on Public Schools Starts In The Classroom And Ends In Washington 89% 86% Your child´s teacher(s)* 88% Teachers 80% 84% Your child´s principal* 72% 79% Principals 67% 74% School leaders 61% 69% School administrators 59% October '03 August '03 On a scale from 0 to 10, please tell me how credible you think that source is when it comes to news about public school education. Note: Chart shows total % credible (6-10) Ipsos/AASA poll Credibility of Public School Education News Sources continued Local Media ** 58% School Board Members ** 56% Superintendents 55% NEA 56% AASA 49% State officials 66% 63% 57% 50% 40% National Media ** 48% Federal officials 39% October '03 August '03 44% Ipsos/AASA poll On a scale from 0 to 10, please tell me how credible you think that source is when it comes to news about public school education. Note: Chart shows total % credible (6-10) The Trust Index Teachers 71 Parents 62 Other parents 59 Principals 55 Radio 46 Gates Foundation 44 School district website 44 Students 44 Local newspapers 43 Local TV news 43 Local school system leaders 43 School board members 36 National newspapers 29 US Dept of Educ Officials 26 National TV news 25 Think tank leaders High Trust 15 Medium Trust 5. Now I would like to read you some possible sources of information about your local public high schools. For each one I read, please tell me if you completely trust, somewhat trust, trust only a little, or do not at all trust the source of information about local high schools. Low Trust Ipsos/AASA poll July 2006 Local School Leaders are Believable on Funding Issues High-level government official 14% Not sure 2% Neither 4% Local school leader 80% When a high level official from the U.S. Department of Education says there is sufficient funding to meet new federal standards for student achievement and a local school leader says the federal initiatives are under-funded, who is more believable? Ipsos/AASA Poll February 2004 Public Doesn’t Believe That Schools “Aren’t Trying Hard Enough” Not believe 37% 24% Total not believe 61% Believe 26% 11% Total believe 37% Not sure 2% Probably Definitely Suppose you read or heard a news report in which a highlevel official from the U.S. Department of Education says that students are not making sufficient progress because teachers and administrators are not trying hard enough. Is that something you would definitely believe, probably believe, definitely not believe or probably not believe? Other Ispos/AASA poll February 2004 Teachers and Leaders Have the Best Ideas on How to Improve Schools Other 8% Senior researcher from a think tank 7% College or University Professor 8% Included in “Other” Local school leader 24% Local Teacher 53% Political Candidate 3% Federal Official 2% None of the above 2% Not Sure 1% Who do you think would have the best ideas about how to improve schools? Ipsos/AASA poll March 2004 Effective Advocacy: Reaching Your Audience • Work hard to develop a good trust relationship with local media, especially local newspapers and the local television news stations your community watches • Most (about 70 – 75%) of the public reads, sees or hears news about public schools • The main passive sources of education information are – Local newspapers – Local television news Effective Advocacy: Choosing the Right Messenger • Superintendents are a credible source of information about schools • Teachers and principals are even more credible • Federal officials are the least credible source of information about education • Think tanks are less credible than teachers or school system leaders in – judging how effective schools are – Determining how to improve schools • When you disagree with “officials” from Washington, the public believes you The Public and Accountability in the NCLB World People Are Influenced More By State Labels 2. As you may know, schools around the country are rated in two ways – a state accountability system required under state law and a federal accountability system required by the federal No Child Left Behind Act. Is your opinion about the quality of schools in your community influenced more by state labels or federal labels? All 68% State labels 63% 20% 21% Federal labels Both equally Neither Parents 2% 3% 5% 6% Ipsos/AASA poll August 2004 Impressions of School Quality Would Decline Somewhat for Schools in the Penalty Phase If you heard that a school in your community received a passing mark under the state accountability system, but has failed to make adequate progress and is in the penalty phase under the federal requirements, would your impression of that school’s quality decline significantly, decline somewhat, or would it not have much of an effect at all? All 42% Parents 45% 31% 24% 27% Decline significantly 26% Decline somewhat Not much effect Ipsos/AASA August 2004 poll N=1,000 A Majority Disagree with “One Size Fits All” Penalties for Schools Under the federal No Child Left Behind accountability system, there are at least 36 achievement targets that each school must meet. Currently, a school that misses 1 or 2 of its targets receives the same penalty as a school that misses nearly all of its targets. Do agree or disagree with this way of penalizing schools? All Parents 53% 25% 51% 23% 15% 8% 10% Strongly agree 11% Somewhat agree Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree Ipsos/AASA poll August 2004 N=1,000 Measuring Student Progress Should Focus On EACH Child There is a lot of discussion about the best way to measure student progress in our public schools. Which of the following ways of measuring student progress comes closest to your own opinion? Not sure 1% A system that measures the progress of all children 20% A system that measures the progress of each individual child 79% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Ispos/AASA poll July 2005 Following Students Year to Year Is Best Measure Of Teaching Effectiveness 8. Thinking about the impact of teaching, which of the following do you think is the best way to accurately measure the job that teachers are doing in educating children… Following the progress of each student 40% from year to year on state tests Making adequately yearly progress as 16% defined under the federal No Child Left Comparing average state scores for the 15% school as a whole from year to year 13% Student grades Average state test scores for each school 10% as a whole Not sure 6% Individuals who feel U.S. public schools are headed in the right direction are more likely to report AYP as an accurate measure of teaching effectiveness (23% vs. 12% among those who feel schools are headed in the wrong direction). Ipsos/AASA poll July 2005 Impact of Standardized Testing • Both parents and teachers are more likely to say that increased emphasis on standardized testing has taken individual attention away from students. Parents Teachers Increased emphasis on standardized 64 testing has reduced the ability of teachers to provide 77 individual attention to students Increased emphasis on standardized 33 testing has improved the overall quality of 22 education in the school AP/AOL Poll – January 2006 Q. Which comes closest to your view about testing at (your child’s school/your school)? Meeting NCLB Requirements • Teachers are much less confident than parents that their schools will meet state standards by the 20132014 school year. Parents Teachers 5 20 21 16 Not too Not at all 37 very very somewhat Not too 28 somewhat 31 41 Very confident Somewhat confident Very confident Somewhat confident Not too confident Not at all confident Not too confident Not at all confident Q. The No Child Left Behind law says that ALL students must meet their state’s standards in reading and math by 2013-2014. How confident are you that (your child’s school/your school) will meet those standards by the deadline? AP/AOL Poll – January 2006 The Achievement Gap • A strong majority of Americans believe that the achievement gap between white students and Hispanic and black students is the result of “other factors.” • Parents, teachers, and students all play a role in determining success. 75 43 33 20 17 Quality of schooling Q. Q. Other factors Students Teachers Parents In your opinion, is the achievement gap between white students and black and Hispanic students mostly related to the quality of schooling received or mostly related to other factors? In your opinion, who is most important in determining how well or how poorly students perform in school . . .? PDK/Gallup – June 2005 The Public and Current High School Reform Efforts A Mixed Bag Few Want Major Overhaul of High Schools, But Few Are Completely Satisfied Do you think the public high schools in your community… Need a complete overhaul Need major changes Need minor changes Are doing well and don't need many changes 74% 65% 57% 50% 30% 24% 10% 8% 15% 16% All All 17% 20% Public School Parents Public School Parents Ipsos/AASA January 2005 poll The public wants “improvement” – not overhaul 49 Improvement 19 Major Reform Complete Overhaul 18 No changes needed Not sure 9 5 4. Now I would like to read you some words to describe possible changes in your local high schools. Please tell me which one you think best describes the changes that you personally feel need to be made to your local high schools. Do you think your local high schools need… (Ipsos July 2006) The Public Is Divided On Priorities For High Schools Some people say that high schools should put a higher priority on preparing students for college, while others would say that high schools should put a higher priority on providing students with basic skills, regardless of whether students continue to college or not. Which of these positions comes closest to your own opinion? 2% 6% Prepare for college Basic skills 42% 51% Should focus on preparing students for college Should focus on providing students with basic skills Neither Not sure/refused Priority – Preparing for college: •Non-white (58%) •Age 18-34 (55%) •Parents (50%) •Urban (49%) •Men (47%) •Schools headed in right direction (47%) Priority – Basic Skills: •Women (57%) •Age 65+ (63%) •Rural (60%) •HS education or less (57%) •Non-parents (55%) Ipsos/AASA January 2005 poll But…Most Agree That High Schools Have A Responsibility to Prepare Students for College Now please tell me whether you strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree, or strongly disagree with the following statement – High schools have a responsibility to prepare every child for college. 38% 29% 19% 13% Strongly agree Somewhat agree Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree Ipsos/AASA January 2005 poll Job Training is the Most Supported Reform, But Strong Majorities Support Standards, Testing, Exit Exams Some people are advocating reforming high schools. For each item I read, please tell me whether you strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree or strongly disagree with each possible type of high school reform. How much do you agree or disagree with… Strongly agree Somewhat agree Somewhat disagree Expanded job training for students who do NOT go to college Required subject area standards, such as requiring students to take four years of mathematics Annual standardized testing to measure student performance Requiring exit examinations that students must pass before they are allowed to graduate Strongly disagree 74% 58% 46% 53% 20% 27% 34% 27% Ipsos/AASA January 2005 poll Career and Technical Skills Retain Favor Providing career and technical skills 37 Preparing all students for college 17 Getting more kids to graduate 16 Making high school less anonymous 12 Making schools more rigorous 11 All of these (VOL) 4 None of these (VOL) 2 Not sure 1 6. If you could make one change to your local high schools, would it be…? (Ipsos July 2006) Most Popular School Board Policy Issues Design recovery programs for low-performing students (math/literacy) 7. Now, suppose that you were voting in a local school board election where changes in the local high schools were an important issue. Which of the following candidates would be most likely to support? Would you be most likely to support a candidate who proposed…or….? * % of times each option picked 63 59 Higher-level knowledge for college prep 57 Teacher/administrator incentives Accountability by setting benchmarks and intervening in low-performing schools Work readiness assessments College-readiness assessments Covering costs of AP or IB exams and college prep classes for low-income students 50 41 39 32 Ipsos July 2006 Do parents think students are prepared to succeed? …in the work world yes, 61% …in college not sure, n/a no 12% 27% not sure, n/a 24% no 7% yes, 69% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Public Agenda Reality Check 2006 And most think their child gets enough math and science now Less math & science 2% Don’t know 9% Things are fine as is 32% 57% More math and science Public Agenda Reality Check 2006 But they agree with international competitiveness proposals Percent of parents who say the following will improve high school education in the United States: Updating high school classes to better match skills employers want – 71% Greatly increasing the number and quality of math and science courses students take in high schools – 67% Making sure that our high schools expect as much from students as high schools in Europe and Asia – 56% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% Public Agenda Reality Check 2006 Values and Vision in Public Education Most Important Goal: Providing Children with Tools to Succeed And from the list of goals I just read, if you had to pick just ONE goal as the most important goal, what do you think the most important goal for a school in your community should be? 34% Providing children with the tools they need to succeed in life 20% Mastery of the basics 16% Creating well-rounded children 8% Critical thinking Meeting high expectations Basics as a foundation for critical thinking Meeting state standards 5% 4% 3% Minimum competency 1% Meeting state targets 1% Something else 8% Ipsos/AASA August 2004 poll Developing Better Citizens Is Seen As a More Critical Goal For Schools There are two important tasks in public schools today – developing better citizens and improving achievement. If you had to prioritize, which would you say is more critical to the future of the country – developing better citizens or improving achievement? All 57% Parents 58% 36% 38% 6% Developing better citizens Improving achievement 4% Both equally Ipsos/AASA August 2004 poll N=1,000 The Vision Thing • The public has a vision of quality public education: – – – – – – – The American dream A school where students are happy and eager to learn Dedicated and trained teachers Strong parent involvement Good discipline Available information about student achievement Reasonable class sizes • Educators share these goals…yet… 61 percent of the public thinks schools are going in the wrong direction! Learning First Alliance We have a great group of young people in school today: Less crime Serious violent crime offending rate by youth ages 12 to 17, 1980-2000 SOURCE: U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics, National Crime Victimization Survey. Federal Bureau of Investigation, Uniform Crime Reporting Program, Supplementary Homicide Reports. Less smoking Percentage of students who reported smoking cigarettes daily in the previous 30 days by school grade (1980-2003) SOURCE: National Institutes of Health, National Institute on Drug Abuse, Monitoring the Future Survey. Less teen pregnancy Pregnancy Rate per 1,000 women aged 15-19 250 223.8 222.3 216.6 200 209.9 198.7 181.4 175.1 168.1 162 156.1 153.3 88.7 85.7 83.6 150 116.9 115.3 100 111 108 104.6 99.6 95.6 91.4 50 0 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 All women 1995 1996 1997 Black women Source: The Alan Guttmacher Institute, 2004. 1998 1999 2000 But perception is disconnected from reality Please tell me if you strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree, or strongly disagree with the following statements. I have more concern that teens today will engage in aggressive behavior than my parents did when I was a teenager Today’s young people commit fewer crimes and are less likely to use drugs and alcohol than previous generations 71% 84% 46% 60% 25% 27% 14% 16% 24% 11% 9% 1% 5% 1% Strongly Somewhat Neither Somewhat Strongly Not Sure Agree Agree Agree nor Disagree Disagree Disagree Ipsos/AASA February 2004 poll 1% 1% Strongly Somewhat Neither Somewhat Strongly Not Sure Agree Agree Agree nor Disagree Disagree Disagree But, there is hope Please tell me if you strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree, or strongly disagree with the following statements: Total Agree 58% Total Disagree 54% 40% Children Today Work Harder in School – They Take More Classes and Harder Classes – Than Previous Generations Ipsos/AASA March 2004 poll 43% Children Today are More Likely to be Good Citizens Wrap Up/Take-Away • School leaders have credibility • Public does not lend the federal government much credibility • Use your voice to put out positive messages and communicate your vision and values – Citizens – Each child – Tools to succeed in life Questions? For more information: Terri Duggan Schwartzbeck 703-875-0764