Terminologi Anatomi PRINSIP UMUM PENAMAAN • SATU NAMA UNTUK SATU STRUKTUR (KADANG-KADANG ADA PENGECUAIAN) • HARUS ADA DALAM DAFTAR NOMINA ANATOMICA, BOLEH DITERJEMAHKAN • MENUNJUKKAN BENTUK/LETAK/ FUNGSI (ADA NILAI DISKRIPTIFNYA) • HINDARI EPONIM PENGGUNAAN NAMA ORANG SEPERTI TUBA EUSTACHII ATAU TUBA FALLOPII Posisi Anatomi • SEMUA DESKRIPSI DIEKSPRESIKAN DALAM HUBUNGANNYA DENGAN POSISI ANATOMI. • POSISI ANATOMI/SIKAP ANATOMI TUBUH BERDIRI TEGAK KEPALA, KEDUA MATA, KEDUA IBU JARI KAKI MENGHADAP LURUS KE DEPAN KEDUA LENGAN DI SAMPING TUBUH DENGAN TELAPAK TANGAN MENHADAP KE DEPAN. Body Planes, Sections, and Cavitites Body planes • Body is 3D • Can be split into three planes – Sagittal – Coronal – Transverse • Anatomical Plane and section. – Perpendicular to long axis. - Transversal = horizontal = cross sectional. – Paralel to long axis. - Sagital. Sagital section separate right and left of body portion at equal size. - Parasagital . Para sagital separate right and left body portion at anequal size. - Frontal = coronal section separate anterior and posterior of the body Sagittal Plane • Plane splitting the body into two parts (left and right) • Sagittal section is a cut made longitudinally along the body • If it splits into two equal parts = midsagittal Coronal Plane • Plane which splits body into anterior and posterior section • Ie. Facelift Transverse Plane • Separates body along horizontal plane • Also called a cross section • Will divide an organism into superior and inferior parts Body Cavities Cavities • Opening within body which protects internal organs, and allows transfer of materials/information • 2 Divisions – Dorsal – Ventral Dorsal Cavities • Made up of two smaller cavities • 1) Cranial Cavity – holds and protects brain • 2) Spinal Cavity – column which runs through vertebra and protects spinal chord Ventral Cavities • Divided into two cavities • 1) Thoracic – chest area (holds heart, lungs, and diaphragm) • 2) Abdominopelvic – lower torso (holds digestive and reproductive organs) Directional. – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Anterior Ventral Posterior Dorsal Cranial = front ---- navel is on the anterior the trunk. = belly side ---- navel is on the ventral surface. = behind ---- spine is on the posterior of the body. = back = behind. = toward the head --- Chest is cranial to the abdomen. Superior = above ( when referring to standing human body superior is equivalent to cranial) Caudal = toward the tail ----- the hips are caudal to the waist. Inferior = below; at a lower level. --- the knees are inferior to hips. Medial = toward the mid line Lateral = away from midline Proximal = toward the central of the body Distal = away from the central of the body. Superficial = toward body surface. Profundus = away from body surface. Cranial Proximal Distal Caudal Superficial Profundus nnnnnnnnnnnn Abreviation a. v. n. m. aa. vv. mm. nn. = arteri = artery = vena = vein = nervus = nerve = musculus = muscle = arteriae = arteries = venae = veins = musculi = muscles = nervi = nerves. Terminologi Struktur • Bagian yang meninggi : – Tuber =bulatan yang menonjol – Tuberculum =tuber kecil – Tuberositas =tuber dg permukaan kasar – Condylus =bulatan besar pd ujung tulang yg bersendi – Epicondylus =bulatan kecil di atas condylus • • • • • • • Spina Processus Crista Labium Pecten eminentia Cornu =bangunan spt duri =istilah umum utk tonjolan =pinggiran tajam =pinggiran berbentuk bibir =pinggiran memanjang =daerah yg meninggi =bagian yg spt tanduk • Caput • Capitulum =bagian ujung yg membulat =caput kecil Bagian yang cekung • • • • • • • • Fovea Foveola Impressio Fissura Incissura Sulcus Fossa Fossula =cekungan =cekungan kecil =cekungan akb penekanan =celah =takik =parit =dataran cekung =fossa kecil Istilah utk lubang • • • • • • Apertura Osteum Orificium Foramen Foramina Porus =lubang masuk suatu rongga =saluran ke dlm rongga lain Istilah utk saluran/pipa • • • • • • • • Vas Canalis Canaliculus Ductus Ductulus Tuba Tubulus Meatus Istilah utk rongga • Sinus • Celullae • Cavum rongga lain • Cavitas =rongga tertutup berisi udara =kumpulan rongga2 kecil =rongga yg berhub dg =cavum kecil Movements – Flexion – Extension – Hyperextension – Adduction – Abduction – Prontaion – Supination – Retraction – Protraction – Elevation – Depression – Rotation – Circumduction – External Rotation – Internal Rotation – Inversion – Eversion – Dorsiflexion – Plantarflexion – Radial Deviation – Ulnar Deviation – Opposition Movements Flexion • Bending a joint or decreasing the angle between two bones – In the Fetal Position we are flexing our joints Extension • Straightening a joint or increasing the angle between two bones – In the Anatomical Position we are extending our joints Hyperextension • Excessive extension of the parts at a joint beyond anatomical position. Flexion / Extension / Hyperextension Movements Adduction • Moving a body part towards the midline of the body Abduction • Moving a body part away from the midline of the body Movements Pronation • Turning the arm or foot downward • (palm or sole of the foot - down) • Prone Supination • Turning the arm or foot upward • (palm or sole of the foot - up) • Supine Movements Retraction • Moving a part backward Protraction • Moving a part forward Elevation • Raising a part Depression • Lowering a part Movements Rotation • Turning on a single axis Circumduction • Tri-planar, circular motion at the hip or shoulder Internal rotation • Rotation of the hip or shoulder toward the midline External rotation • Rotation of the hip or shoulder away from the midline Movements Lateral Flexion • Side-bending left or right Inversion • Turning the sole of the foot inward Eversion • Turning the sole of the foot outward Dorsiflexion • Ankle movement bringing the foot towards the shin Plantarflexion • Ankle movement pointing the foot downward Movements of the Foot Regional Terms Medical Terminologi Root = Kata Dasar • Umumnya bahasa Latin • Umumnya di dapat dari Anatomi • Diberikan per sistem secara garis besar Root (example: systema digestivus) • • • • • • • • Glandula saliva Esophagus Gaster Hepar Lien Pancreas Intestinum dst Prefix = awalan Yang umum ditemukan : • Kata-kata arah ( ab-, ad-, dst) • Kata-kata jumlah ( mono-, bi-, pan-, mega-) • Kata-kata yg menunjukkan warna (rubra, flava, alba, grisea) • Kondisi : eu-, dys-, iso-,osmo- Suffix • • • • • • -stasis -lysis -plasia -itis -phagia dst Conversion of Suffix. Single to plural us i musculus ---- musculi um a ligamentum --- ligamenta a ae. vena --- venae Examples: terminologi Root Suffix osteophorosis ossa phoros is gastritis gaster itis bicephal Prefix bi cephal Range of Motion 1. 2. 3. Hip _Abduction_________________ __________________________ Hip _Adduction_________________ __________________________ Hip _Flexion___________________ __________________________ Knee _Extension________________ ________________________ Ankle ________________________ _Plantarflexion____________ 4. Wrist _________________________ _Extension________________ (a) _Hyperextension_____________ __________________________ (b) _Flexion____________________ __________________________ 5. Hip _Flexion___________________ __________________________ Knee _Flexion__________________ ________________________ Ankle ________________________ _Dorsiflexion______________ 6. Forearm (a) _Supination__________ ___________________ Forearm (b) _Pronation__________ ___________________ 7. Shoulder _Circumduction_________ ______________________ 8. Shoulder _Elevation_____________ ______________________ 9. Jaw _Protraction________________ __________________________ 10. Shoulder _Rotation______________ ______________________ QUIZ 1. Red arrow : 2. Blue arrow 3. Green arrow 4. The areas on the front and back of the hand are A. Palmar and dorsal B. Dorsal and distal C. Dorsal and distal D. Proximal and palmar E. Distal and proximal 5. The areas of the hand which are closer to the body are referred to as _____ and those further away are referred to as ______ respectively. A.distal and proximal B.Dorsal and proximal C.Proximal and distal D.Palmar and distal E.Cranial and caudal 6. The Transverse Plane divide the body into _______ and ______ portions choose the MOST correct answer below A. Top and bottom B. Posterior and anterior C. Superior and inferior D. Proximal and distal E. Lateral and medial 7. The coronal plane divides the body into _____ and _____portions A. Left and right B. Posterior and anterior C. Above and below D. Medial and proximal E. Dorsal and caudal 8. The terms used to describe areas that are, for instance, close to the surface of the skin or further inside the body are ______ and _______ . A. Superficial and profundus B. Dorsal and ventral C. Cranial and caudal D. Palmar and dorsal E. Anterior and posterior Selamat Belajar . • A 32-year-old woman delivered a large (4800 g) baby vaginally after some difficulty with her labor. Her prenatal course was complicated by diabetes, which occurred during pregnancy. At delivery, the infant’s head emerged, but the shoulders were “stuck” behind the maternal symphysis pubis, requiring the obstetrician to apply some effort and maneuvers to free up the infant’s shoulders and complete the delivery. The infant was noted to have a good cry and pink color but was not moving its right arm. • What is the most likely diagnosis? • What is the most likely etiology for this condition? • What is the likely anatomical mechanism for this disorder? • Compression of the brachial plexus cords may occur with prolonged hyperabduction • while performing overhead tasks. The hyperabduction syndrome of pain down the arm, paresthesia, hand weakness, and skin redness, may result from compression of the cords between the coracoid process and pectoralis minor. An axillary-type crutch that is too long can compress the posterior cord, leading to radial nerve palsy. • Injury to the lateral cord of the brachial plexus will also injure its continuation, the musculocutaneous nerve. Which of the following findings would you observe in a patient with this injury? A. Weakness of abduction of the arm at the shoulder B. Weakness of adduction of the arm at the shoulder C. Weakness of extension of the forearm at the elbow D. Weakness of flexion of the forearm at the elbow E. Weakness of supination of the forearm and hand