Conversational Evangelism: How To Listen and Speak so that You may be Heard By Dr. David Geisler Obstacles to Evangelism Today The World we Live In •Rejection of moral absolutes •The skepticism of our society •An indifference towards truth Problems Doing Evangelism in the World We Live in “It is hard to proclaim the forgiveness of sins to people who believe that, since morality is relative, they have no sins to forgive.” Gene Veith, Postmodern Times, p.16 Two-Thirds Reject “It is not the lunatic fringe rejecting the very concept of [absolute] truth, but twothirds of the American people." Gene Veith, Postmodern Times, p.16 It May Be a Long Hard Journey Before Some People Ever Approach the “Bridge” The Road Further Behind… “We cannot possibly agree on the solution that Jesus provides if we cannot agree on the problem he confronts.” D.A. Carson, “Athens Revisited” in Telling the Truth, p. 386 Evangelism in the 70’s The Challenges of Evangelism Today Problems Evangelizing Today Truth is becoming an unwelcome stranger in the land, so much so that even the appreciation of and the ability to reason critically is being lost. “Truth” is increasingly fluid, arrived at depending on the given situation and one’s individual experience. Not being absolute, it varies from one community to the next. There is widespread skepticism or outright rejection of universal moral absolutes, objective truth and those who advocate either. Obstacles to Evangelism Today The World we Live In •Rejection of moral absolutes •The skepticism of our society •An indifference towards truth or rejection of truth Signs of Trouble Have Surfaced Even In The East! The Tsunami of Post-Modernism Signs of Trouble Have Surfaced Even In The East “Many students don't think that there is a standard of right and wrong. Rather, they believe that this is up to the individual. This means they do hold a standard of right and wrong themselves, but they feel that each person's standard of right and wrong differs from the other.” “Personally, I feel stuck as to how to proceed on with the conversation. It's like saying that this food is nice for me but may not be nice for you. They relegate the standard of right and wrong to personal preference.” Former Student, East Asia School of Theology Signs of Trouble Have Surfaced Even In The East “I find that I'm shaken. Not in terms of my faith but in terms of how to answer such questions.” Former Student, East Asia School of Theology Things That Have Changed In the Last 35 years A World View Shift “…a major cause of our current crisis consists of a world view shift from a Judeo-Christian understanding of reality to a post-Christian one.” J. P. Moreland, Love Your God with All Your Mind, p.21 Historical Development of Western World Views Changing Beliefs - Pluralism 1st Century 17th Century 19th Century Pre-modern THEISM Theism GOD Deism GOD Naturalism 19th-20th Century 20th Century Late 21st Century Modern Postmodern ATHEISM PLURALISM Nihilism GOD Existentialism Fill in the blank Postmodernism Weak Theism New Age: Pantheism, Monism Bottom line: “What works for you.” COSMOS COSMOS COSMOS SOCIETY There is an intolerance towards those who say there is a bridge they must cross! Key Question How can we do more effective evangelism in this kind of world? Answer: We need to better understand the times or culture in which we live. Understanding the Times We Live In! We need to be like the men of Issachar and understand the times in which we live and therefore know what we should do. See I Chronicles 12:32 Key Question How can we do more effective evangelism in this kind of world? If we truly understand the times or culture in which we live in we will engage in pre-evangelism. Pre-Evangelism If evangelism is planting seeds of the Gospel, pre-evangelism is tilling the soil of their mind and heart, preparing them to at least be willing to listen to the Truth. (Mark 2:22, 4:8) “Pre-evangelism” is the emphasis of Conversational Evangelism. “… other seeds fell into the good soil and as they grew up and increased, they yielded a crop and produced thirty, sixty, and a hundredfold.” (Mark 4:8) Being Effective in Pre-evangelism means I will… See “evangelism more as a process” “I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow.” 1 Corinthians 3: 6 Evangelism is a Process! “We have come to believe that there are only two kinds of Christians: the harvesters and the disobedient. We must begin to teach, with great urgency, that every laborer should learn to reap and that God will call some to exercise this role exclusively--but everyone can learn to sow right now, right where they are.” Tim Downs, Finding Common Ground, p.32. Expanded Definition of Evangelism “Every day and in every way helping our pre-believing friends to take one step closer to Jesus Christ.” Dr. David Geisler Being Effective in Pre-evangelism means… allowing others to discover the truth for themselves by asking them probing questions about what they say they believe! Why Not Just Proclaim the Truth? “We live in a world where people are reluctant to be told what is true, but are willing in some cases to see for themselves (as in a mirror) the inconsistencies in what they believe.” Dr. David Geisler The Need For Probing Questions “For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.” (2 Tim. 4:3-4) The Joy of Self-discovery “We need to make him think it was his idea.” From the movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding The joy of selfdiscovery Conversation with a Buddhist “If giving up desire is one of the goals of Buddhism, how as a parent does one give up on the desire to have children?” Our Problems In Evangelism Are Just the Tip Of the Iceberg Our Problems in Evangelism Are Symptoms…Of An Even Greater Problem! “As we approach the twenty-first century, It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to recognize that our entire culture is in trouble. We are staring down the barrel of a loaded gun and we can no longer afford to act like it is loaded with blanks.” J. P. Moreland, Love Your God with All Your Mind, p.21 The Impact Of Our Changing World on Christians “How is it possible for a person to be an active member of an evangelical church for twenty or thirty years and still know next to nothing about the history and theology of the Christian religion, the methods and tools required for serious Bible study, and the skills and information necessary to preach and defend Christianity in a post-Christian, neopagan culture?” J.P. Moreland, Love Your God With All Your Mind, p.188 In order to do pre-evangelism effectively we need to identify some of the most common misconceptions we have about the Christian Faith. 1. What is involved in Biblical Faith? 2. What is the relationship between Faith and Reason? 3. What does it mean to be ready in 1 Pet. 3:15? A Misunderstanding of what is involved in Biblical Faith “About one out of four (26%) born again Christians believe that it doesn’t matter what faith you follow because they all teach the same lessons.” Born Again Christians, 2000, George Barna, Barna Web-site A Misunderstanding of what is involved in Biblical Faith “Faith is now understood as a blind act of will, a decision to believe something that is either independent of reason or that is a simple choice to believe while ignoring the paltry lack of evidence for what is believed.” J.P. Moreland, Love Your God With All Your Mind, p. 25 A Misunderstanding Of What Is Involved In Biblical Faith Example: The DaVinci Code “But you told me the New Testament is based on fabrication. Langdon smiled. ‘Sophie, every faith in the world is based on fabrication. That is the definition of faith—acceptance of that which we imagine to be true, that which we cannot prove.” Dan Brown, The DaVinci Code, p. 341 The Consequences “…if what we believe is off center and yet so pervasive that it is seldom even brought to conscious discussion, much less debated, then this explains why our impact on the world is so paltry compared to our numbers. I can not overemphasize the fact that this modern understanding of Christianity is neither Biblical nor consistent with the bulk of church history.” J. P. Moreland, Love Your God with All Your Mind, p.25. A Misunderstanding Of What Is Involved In Biblical Faith Student, University of Texas at Austin “I have many different objects of my faith.” To download go to: www.meeknessandtruth. org/tools.htm Faith Must Have an Object - m4v (9.4 MB) What Has Gone Wrong? “When the foundations are being destroyed, what can the righteous do?” Psalm 11:3 Christianity is Based on a Historical Event “And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith.” I Corinthians 15:14 (NIV) * Biblical faith must have an object to be valid. But I Thought That Christianity Was A Leap Of Faith? Our Faith is Not a Blind Faith The Bible does not teach blind faith. Example: I Kings 18:21, 36 – 39 Elijah at Mount Carmel Verse 39: "And when all the people saw it, they fell on their faces and they said "the Lord, He is God.” … But is a Faith With Reason “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all of your mind and with all of your strength.” Mark 12:30 … And a Faith That is Supported by Evidence “That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked at and our hands have touchedthis we proclaim concerning the Word of life. The life appeared; we have seen it and testify to it, and we proclaim to you the eternal life, which was with the Father and has appeared to us.” I John 1: 1-2 What is the relationship between Faith and Reason? What part does reason play in someone coming to Christ? •Important distinction between “belief that” and “belief in” James 2:19 says that the Demons “believe that” God does exist but they do not “believe in” Him. Apologetics Bears on the Question of “Belief That” not “Belief In” Apologetics can make the horse come to the water, but only the Spirit of God can help it to drink! John 6:65 You can’t use apologetics to argue someone into the kingdom. You shouldn’t give up using apologetics in your witness to others (Acts 14:1) What Does It Mean to be Ready? 1 Pet. 3:15 says, “But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared (ready) to give an answer to everyone who ask you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.” (N.I.V.) Observations about “Being Ready” in 1 Pet. 3:15 1. We should know how to answer the difficult questions people ask us concerning our faith. 2. Being ready involves also an eagerness to share. 3. Being ready is one way we make Christ Lord in our hearts. * Why we shouldn’t wait for them to ask us questions? Being Ready The Greek word for ready (Hetoimos) is used in Matt 24:44 and Luke 12:40 to communicate the idea that as Christians we need to anticipate Christ's return. Now, if we combine 1 Peter 3:15 with 2 Corinthians 10:5 and I Cor. 9:22 and Paul’s example in Acts 17, it is clear that our responsibility as Christians is also to eagerly anticipate the questions and objections that our pre-believing friends may raise against Christianity, whether they ask us a specific question or not! Clarifying Misconceptions Review 1. What is involved in Biblical Faith? 2. What is the relationship between Faith and Reason? 3. What does it mean to be ready? The Need For Pre-Evangelism “As a Campus Crusade Staff, I am trained in using the 4SL and some apologetics skills, but I have problems trying to integrate them during evangelism. When people indicate that they were not interested, I could only ask them for the reason and then invite them for an evangelistic bible study or share my personal testimony. This (pre-evangelism) model helps me to go further by asking questions, identifying the barrier, and finding common ground in my conversations with non-believers.” - Former student at East Asia School of Theology The Value of A Pre-Evangelistic Approach “Only on a good day do I help someone take one step closer to Jesus Christ.” Campus Crusade staff member in U.S. The bottom line about Pre-Evangelism The more opportunity we have to share the Gospel, the greater the percentage of people will come to Christ. The more pre-evangelism we do, the more opportunities we will have to share the gospel with others. Therefore, the more pre-evangelism we do the greater the percentage of people will come to Christ! “… other seeds fell into the good soil and as they grew up and increased, they yielded a crop and produced thirty, sixty, and a hundredfold.” (Mark 4:8) No One Size Fits All Approach Not all pre-believers are at the same place. Hostile Skeptical Seekers Trust in Christ What is different about this approach? • You don’t need to know much apologetic information to engage successfully in using the methodology of Conversational Evangelism. • It attempts to keep in balance both cognitive and non-cognitive elements to evangelism. • It provides a methodology for doing pre-evangelism that is transferable and easily taught to others. Ingredients to This Model 1. Active Listening 2. Positive deconstructionism* (tearing down) * This concept was developed by Nick Pollard, Evangelism Made Slightly less difficult, p. 44 Ingredients to this Model Positive deconstructionism (Tearing down) Nick Pollard’s definition “The process of positive deconstructionism recognizes and affirms the elements of truth to which individuals already hold, but it also helps them discover for themselves the inadequacies of the underlying worldviews they have absorbed. The aim is to awaken a heart response that says, “I am not so sure that what I believe is right after all. I want to find out more about Jesus.” Nick Pollard, Evangelism Made Slightly Less Difficult, p. 44 Ingredients to This Model 1. + 2. + 3. + 4. + 5. + 6. + 7. Active Listening Positive deconstructionism* (tearing down) A questioning approach that allows others to surface the truth for themselves A method for removing the burden of proof from us to them (Boomerang Principle*) A method to determine the real barriers to the Gospel A strategy for finding common ground A strategy for building a bridge to the Gospel (both intellectual and heart bridges) _______________________________________ = The Conversational Evangelism Method *Concept developed by Nick Pollard, Evangelism Made Slightly less difficult, p. 44 Conversational Evangelism in Action… The Apostle Paul said, “I have become all things to all men so that by all means, I may save some.” I Cor.9:22 We too should do what ever it takes, remove what ever obstacle, whether it be intellectual, emotion, or spiritual, to help others take steps to the cross. Learning the Mechanics of Doing Evangelism It can seem as difficult and mechanical as learning how to drive a clutch for the first time! The Vital Role Of The Holy Spirit In Evangelism The Vital Role Of The Holy Spirit In Evangelism Remember we are just the instrument! “God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong.” 1Corinthians 1:27b (NIV) What do we want to trust the Holy Spirit to do? To empower us to speak in a way that makes a difference. (Acts 14:1) To empower us to live godly lives. (Philippians 1:14) This approach is not a substitute for a caring sensitive approach of loving people in the context of a Christian Community. Conversational Evangelism Four types of conversations we want to have with non-believers Four types of roles you need to play in your friend’s life Artist Musician Builder Archeologist Hear what they are saying! Hear Illuminate Uncover Build The Importance of Being A Good Listener Proverbs 18:13 (NASB) “He who gives an answer before he hears, it is folly and shame to him.” Learn how to be a better listener James 1:19-20 My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires. Really hear what people are saying to us! Hear the Sour Notes People are Singing to us! Musician As a musician, you need to listen, and you need to train yourself Artist to hear what people Builder areArcheologist saying to you! Our Purpose… By listening to the sour notes we may be able to “detect” some of the uncertainty in their beliefs which may give us an opportunity to help them to think more clearly about what they believe and why. Dr. Norman Geisler Not All Religious Viewpoints Can Be Right! “Either Jesus is the Only “Way The Truth and the Life…” (Jn. 14:6) or He is not the Only Way the Truth and the Life Jesus’ Approach in Matt: 19:16-22 “Now a man came up to Jesus and asked, ‘Teacher, what good thing must I do to get eternal life? Why do you ask me about what is good?’ Jesus replied. ‘There is only One who is good. If you want to enter life, obey the commandments.’ ‘Which ones?’ the man inquired. Jesus replied, ‘Do not murder, do not commit adultery, do not steal, do not give false testimony, honor your father and mother,’ and ‘love your neighbor as yourself.’ ‘All of these I have kept,’ the young man said. ‘What do I still lack?’ Jesus’ Approach in Matt: 19:16-22 ‘Jesus answered, ‘If you want to be perfect, go sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasures in heaven. Then come, follow me.’ ‘When the young man heard this he went away sad, because he had great wealth.’” Inconsistent Beliefs What were the two inconsistencies that Jesus wanted the rich young ruler to see? A. I am a good person, I keep all of the commandments. B. I care about financial wealth more than following Jesus. Sour notes in Acts 17 Example: Idols in Acts 17:22-30 What are the two contradictory beliefs? “For in Him we live and move and exist, as even some of your poets have said, ‘For we also are His offspring.’ Being then the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Divine Nature is like gold or silver, an image formed by the art and thought of man.” (Acts 17:28-29 NASB) A. You created these wooden gods B. These wooden gods created you. Types of Sour Notes You Might Hear Types of inconsistencies you might hear: Belief vs. Heart Longing (Eccl. 3:11) Belief vs. Behavior (Galatians 2:14-16) Belief vs. Belief (Acts 17:22-30) Illogical Belief (2 Cor. 1:18) Belief vs. Heart Longing 1. The inconsistency can be between their worldview perspective and their heart longing. * People may believe one thing but their heart may long for something else Belief vs. Heart Longing "There is a God shaped vacuum in the heart of every man which cannot be filled by any created thing, but only by God, the Creator, made known through Jesus." Blaise Pascal (French mathematician, philosopher, and physicist) Belief vs. Heart Longing 1. The inconsistency can be between their worldview perspective and their heart longing. * Many world religions contain views which are inconsistent with the longings of people’s hearts. Belief vs. Heart Longing (Buddhism) In Buddhism the goal is to achieve a state of Nirvana which is an abstract nothingness. However this means I must loose myself (personhood) But not only is losing myself not fulfilling, but the way to get to Nirvana can only be accomplished through a heavy burden of living according to rules and regulations that can never be completely attainable . Belief vs Heart Longing (Hinduism) • Some Hindus believe in only an impersonal god • Yet a Hindu desires to know God in a deeper more personal way Belief vs Heart Longing (Chinese) • I believe in materialism •I want to be remembered after I died or at least die with a good reputation. Belief vs. Heart Longing The teachings of Islam betrays the heart cry to have an intimacy with God. “In Islam, the distance between God and humanity is so vast that even those most devoted to Allah never get close to him….Repetition (of rituals) and submission take the place of a warm relationship.” Ravi Zacharias, Jesus Among Other Gods, p. 78-79 Belief vs. Heart Longing “Union with the impersonal force won’t ever satisfy our human ache for intimacy—to know and to be known.” Ravi Zacharias, Jesus Among Other Gods, p. 78 Belief vs. Heart Longing (Postmodern culture) * In a postmodern culture there is a desperate need today for young people to feel a sense of belonging. To be a part of something bigger than themselves. * The popularity of reality TV Belief vs. Heart Longing 1. The inconsistency can be between their worldview perspective and their heart longing. Example 1: A pre-believing student who after 9/11 said his life had to now count in some way…. Belief vs. Heart Longing Example 2: Student who said (after 9/11) I don’t believe in an afterlife but I believe that the terrorist were going to be held accountable for what they did. What do you think was his heart longing? Answer: That justice must be done! The Bible Speaks About Heart Longings Solomon wrote that: "He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from the beginning to end." (Ecl. 3:11). What You Might Hear Types of “sour notes” or inconsistencies you might hear: • Belief vs. Heart Longing (Eccl 3:11) • Belief vs. Behavior (Gal 2:14-16) Belief vs. Behavior The inconsistency can be between what they say they believe and how they live or behave. Paul challenged Peter about his inconsistent behavior. (Galatians 2:14-16) Student: What Hitler did was not necessarily wrong Reply: “ It must be hard to live your life that way…huh? Belief vs. Behavior Talking to a Buddhist: If one of the goals of Buddhism is the elimination of desire, is it really possible for human beings to really live without emotion or desire? (conversation with Buddhist auto-mechanic) Specific Questions To Ask A Buddhist If Desire is the source of all suffering, how do we desire to stop desiring? Jesus taught that the issue is not giving up desire, but having right desire (Matt 5:6). Belief vs. Behavior What is wrong with these statements? • Someone who claims that there is no such thing as right and wrong • Yet they try to live a good life. Belief vs. Behavior What is wrong with these statements made by a Chinese student? A. I don’t think that religion is really necessary. B. Sometimes I pray but I don’t feel anything. Belief vs. Behavior What is wrong with these statements? • I believe in naturalistic evolution. • I try to live a good life. • I treat others with respect. • There is no such thing as right and wrong. Belief vs Behavior What is wrong with these statements? • I believe that there is no absolute right or wrong. • Yet I believe it is important to treat others with respect and civility. Belief vs. Behavior What is wrong with these statements? • I believe in Buddhism. • I hope I can win the lottery tomorrow. • I don’t’ believe in life after death. • We need to respect our dead ancestors by practicing burning incense and money for them. Belief vs. Behavior What is wrong with these statements? • I think it is important that we offer our joss sticks to our dead relatives . • I am not really sure how real my sacrifice is. Belief vs. Behavior What is wrong with these statements? • I am an Atheists or Free Thinker • I sometimes go to temple for fortune telling and pray for success in my career.… Belief vs. Behavior What is wrong with these statements? • Christianity is not suitable for Chinese because it comes from the West • I am going to study to get a science degree in the United States… Specific questions to ask a Muslim Do you pray at least five times a day A. I believe that my good deeds must outweigh my bad deeds in order to get to heaven. B. I don’t pray at least five times a day. How then can you have any assurance that you are going to heaven when you die? Specific Questions To Ask A Confucianist Confucius said, “Man is born with uprightness” Wing-Tsit Chan “A Source Book in Chinese Philosophy. Princeton, N.J.; Princeton Univ. Press, 1963, p. 29 If it is true that humans are good by nature, then wouldn’t the doing of good come more naturally and easily to us? Do our thoughts naturally tend toward kindness when people speak evil of us? Do we automatically desire to love those who have wronged us? When someone is promoted ahead of us do we immediately consider them more worthy than we and want to congratulate them? Specific Questions To Ask A Confucianist The Bible says: The Apostle Paul, who was perhaps one of the greatest Christians who ever lived, said himself, “I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out.” Romans 7:18 What You Might Hear Types of “sour notes” or inconsistencies you might hear: • Belief vs. Heart Longing (Eccl 3:11) • Belief vs. Behavior (Gal 2:14-16) • Belief vs. Belief (Acts 17:22-30) The inconsistency can be between two contradictory beliefs. Belief vs. Belief 1. The woman is pregnant 2. The woman is not pregnant Belief vs. Belief 3. The inconsistency can be between two things they hold that are mutually contradictory. Jay Leno’s Headlines: Psychic Sarah says her predictions never fail (99% Accurate) What are the two contradictory beliefs? 1. Her predictions never fail 2. They are only 99% accurate Can Krishna, Buddha, Jesus, and Muhammad all be right? Can all religions simultaneously be true? Contradictory Truth Claims Regarding “Salvation” Christianity– by faith alone in Christ alone Islam– by belief in Allah, his prophet Muhammad, and good works Hinduism– by overcoming karma an incarnations with good works Buddhism– by cessation of desire through eight-fold path Show That They Cannot Hold Conflicting Views! What is wrong with these statements? A. B. Jesus is my Savior I can measure up A. B. The Bible is reliable I must do good works to be saved (Ephesians 2:8-9: Titus 3:5) Belief vs. Belief • The Bible is reliable • Jesus is just one of the many ways to God Conversation with Chinese Student • I’m a Christian • I’m not quite sure why Jesus had to die on the cross. Belief vs. Belief • Someone who claims to be a Buddhist • Yet they are not sure if there is any life after this life Belief vs. Belief • As a Chinese I believe in Deng’s pragmatism, therefore I try my best to succeed by all means possible! • I believe that the salesperson is so evil to cheated me money! It really is not fair! Belief vs. Belief • There is no absolute right or wrong. • The Japanese military leaders were absolutely evil and wicked in killing millions of Chinese and Asians during World War II. Belief vs. Belief • I believe that Jesus is just a great prophet • But Muhammad is the last and greatest prophet though the Koran teaches that Jesus was without sin and virgin born while Muhammad was not. Belief vs. Belief (Reincarnation) • I believe that all humans are reincarnated after death and that if they are bad they will become an animal. • I believe that both the human population in the world is getting bigger and that there is an increase in crime. But if reincarnation is true, how can we accounted for the increase in population in spite of the increase in crime everywhere? What You Might Hear Types of inconsistency you might hear: • Belief vs. Heart Longing (Ecl. 3:11) • Belief vs. Behavior (Galatians 2:14-16) • Belief vs. Belief (Acts 17:22-30) • Illogical Belief (2 Cor. 1:18) “The Apostle Paul said, “But as surely as God is faithful, our message to you is not yes and no.” - 2 Cor. 1:18, NIV Illogical Belief The inconsistency or contradiction can also be in the statement itself Illogical Belief Just because a statement is sayable does not mean that it is meaningful. Example: I cannot utter a word in English! Statement That Are Illogical Are Unmeaningful Example: Winnie the Pooh What Are Some Unmeaningful Statements? • You should be skeptical about everything. • Always avoid making absolute statements. Unmeaningful Statements More Examples: • God is so far beyond us that we can not really know anything about Him. • There is really no absolute truth. Unmeaningful Statements More Examples: What is wrong with these statements? • Everything is relative. • You can’t really know anything. • I know for sure there is no god. Your Greatest Tool in Answering False Claims: Apply the claim to itself! For Example. . . Apply the claim to itself! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. There is no such thing as truth! You can’t know truth! All truth is relative! It’s true for you but not for me! No one has the truth! All truth depends on your perspective! What You Might Hear (Review) Types of inconsistencies you might hear: Belief vs. Heart Longing (Eccl. 3:11) Belief vs. Behavior (Gal 2:14-16) Belief vs. Belief (Acts 17:22-30) Illogical Belief (2 Cor. 1:18) The Difficulty In Listening To Them And At The Same Time Spotting The Discrepancies In Their Viewpoint “It is very difficult (and still is) to listen earnestly to the other person during the conversation and trying to spot the inconsistencies at the same time. However, as I talked to more people, some common things will eventually surface and be repeated, and I will be more ready to pick them up the next time.” Former student at East Asia School of Theology Don’t forget to really listen The fact is that some people hold to beliefs that are some what different than what their particular religion teaches! By listening to them carefully you also communicate that you really care about them and want to understand what they believe. Don’t forget to focus on a few sour notes * Point out the most stand-out inconsistencies rather than pointing out all inconsistencies Illuminate The Discrepancies! Hear Illuminate Uncover Build Illuminate the Discrepancies! What question should be asked? Illuminate the Discrepancies by Asking Questions Be like detective Columbo! “Miss, can I ask you just one other question?” As an artist you want to paint a picture by asking questions Artist Musician Builder Archeologist Asking questions helps paint a picture to help them see themselves more clearly The Importance of Questions • Questions that help clarify the meaning of certain unclear terms • Questions that surface uncertainty and / or expose false belief systems or concepts The Importance of Questions Questions that help clarify the meaning of certain unclear terms Questions that uncover the meaning of certain unclear terms What do you mean by…? • • • • • • • • • Savior Good Died for us Son of God Buddhist Free Thinker Jesus is God All religions are basically the same Accept Jesus Clarify Unclear Terms! Clarify the Terminology I was playing with Billy in the garage and he anointed my head with oil. Use Your Unclear Understanding About Their Beliefs To Your Advantage Help me understand what you mean by…? I’m not sure if I really understand what you are saying. Could you clarify what you mean by…? The Importance of Questions Questions that surface uncertainty and or expose false belief systems or concepts How are we suppose to do this? Begin With Asking Probing Questions That Surface the Uncertainty in Their Beliefs Introductory Questions To Explore the Uncertainties of their Beliefs 1. Do you really think it really matters what we believe or is the important thing we have some kind of religion to make us a better person? 2. Do you think that all religious beliefs basically teach the same thing? 3. Do you think life has a purpose? Introductory Questions To Explore the Uncertainties of their Beliefs 4. Do you think human lives are valuable? 5. Do you believe that some things are either right or wrong? 6. Do you think that by doing good we can get to this better place or heaven? Follow-up Questions That Can Expose False beliefs or Concepts How is it possible. . . • for all religions to be the same when some of them contradict each other’s key beliefs? • for there to be meaning and purpose in our lives and at the same time believe that there is no God? Follow-up Questions That Can Expose False beliefs or Concepts How is it possible. . . • for human life to be valuable but yet believe that life is just a random byproduct of nature? • to claim that there is no absolutes absolutely? Follow-up Questions That Can Expose False beliefs or Concepts How is it possible. . . • How is it possible for us to empty ourselves from all desires? • How do you fit Jesus into your religious beliefs? Lets Try It! Some non-Christians who believe in God say they are getting to heaven by: Being mostly good Performing more good deeds than bad deeds High standard Following the Ten Commandments Treating others well Trying their best Being sorry for the bad things Being humble What questions might you want to ask? Exploring Their Beliefs Example Follow-up Question: “Do you think Hitler will be in Heaven?” “If Hitler will not be in Heaven, what is the standard by which we will all be judged?” (Matthew 5:48; James 2:10) The Right Questions Can Help Them Better Face The Truth! Asking Thought Provoking Questions! If you were coming to the end of your life, and you met Jesus and other great religious leaders, and each suggested a different path, who’s advice should you take. Wouldn’t you take the advice of someone who’s been to the other side and come back to tell us about it? Asking Thought Provoking Questions! If you were not sure if you should follow Jesus or other great religious leaders, consider this perspective. If you follow Jesus and you are wrong, you may have many other life times to get it right. Yet if you follow other paths and you are wrong, you do not have any more chances to get it right. (Heb. 9:27) Wouldn’t it be wise then to choose Christ first? Asking Thought Provoking Questions to Our Muslim Friends! Question: Why do you believe that Jesus was considered just a great prophet when the Bible mentions in many places that Jesus was worshiped as God? • • • • • • • Matthew 8:2 – Leper Matthew 28:9 – women at the tomb Matthew 14:33 – the disciples Matthew 28:17; Luke 24:52 – the disciples after Jesus rose John 9:38 – a blind man John 20:28-29 – Thomas called him “My Lord and My God” Matthew 2:2 – God sent wise men to worship Jesus, and wise men today worship him too. Asking Thought Provoking Questions! Their Answer: The Bible is corrupt and cannot be trusted to tell the true story of what Jesus believed about himself. Response: Yet if Jesus is just a great prophet why does the Qur’an teach that Jesus was virgin born (Sura 3:47) and sinless (Sura 3:45-46: 19:19-21) and yet at the same time why does it teaches that Mohammed was sinful (Sura 40:55;48:1-2) and not virgin born? The Right Questions Can Help Them Better Face The Truth! Why Asking Questions Is So Helpful? “A person can close his ears to facts he does not want to hear, but if a pointed question causes him to form the answer in his own mind, he cannot escape the conclusion—because it’s a conclusion that he reached himself.” David Reed Baker, Jehovah’s Witnesses Answered Verse by Verse, (Grand Rapids: Baker, 1986) p. 113 Jesus’ use of questions in Luke 20:41-44 “Then Jesus said to them, “How is it that they say the Christ is the Son of David? David himself declares in the Book of Psalms: ‘The Lord said to my Lord: Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet.’ David calls him Lord. How then can he be his son? What was the scribes problem? They didn’t believe that Jesus was the Messiah. What were the two contradictory beliefs that the scribes held? Jesus’ use of questions in Luke 20:41-44 Pointing out their discrepancies: A. I believe what the Old Testament says in Ps. 110:1 about the Messiah being the son of David. B. I don’t’ believe that it is possible that Jesus could be the Messiah. Jesus’ use of questions in Luke 20:41-44 What was the question behind the question? Verse 44- “David therefore calls Him Lord, and how is He his son?” The bottom line: Jesus was asking if the Messiah is the Son of David, why isn’t it possible for Jesus to be the Messiah? Conversational Evangelism in Action (Short) Interview with students U.T. Austin To download go to: www.meeknessandtruth .org/tools.htm Conversational Evangelism m4v (23 MB) Show that they can’t hold both conflicting views! A. I can have a foundation for my moral beliefs B. Right and wrong is based on majority rule Response: If right and wrong is based on majority rule what about back in times of slavery when we thought it was okay to have slaves? Show that they can’t hold both conflicting views! A. There are no absolutes B. I am absolutely sure there are no absolutes Show that they can’t hold both conflicting views! A. The Bible is reliable B. There are other ways to God other than Jesus Follow-up Question: Is it possible for the Bible to be reliable and yet not believe that Jesus is the only way to God? Show that they can’t hold both conflicting views! Further follow-up question: So the Bible is not reliable Yet if the Bible is reliable, and history records what the disciples said, and the disciples said that Jesus claimed to be the only way, then either they were wrong or Jesus is right. How do I know if I am asking the right kind of questions in the right way? Is it according to the Three D’s of Asking Questions? Doubt Defensiveness Desire How do I know if I am asking the right kind of questions in the right way? Ask “Am I asking questions in a way that surfaces their doubt (uncertainty) about their own perspective, while at the same time minimizes their defensiveness, and yet creates a desire (curiosity) to want to hear more?” How do I minimize someone’s defensiveness? Ask “Am I asking questions in a way that surfaces their doubt (uncertainty) about their own perspective, while at the same time minimizes their defensiveness, and yet creates a desire (curiosity) to want to hear more?” The joy of self-discovery Conversation with guy in exercise room What church do you go to? “I go to _______ catholic church….We believe in Mary! What do you mean by…We believe in Mary? We believe that Mary makes up what Jesus’ lacks! The joy of self-discovery Conversation with guy in weight room But do you know what 1 Tim. 2:5 says? What do you think this verse teaches? The joy of self-discovery Conversation with guy in weight room Certainly I can see how some Catholics could see Mary as being a helpful person who could pray for them just as some Baptist might consider it helpful if they got Billy Graham to pray for them. “But can Mary do anything to help you atone for your sins in any way?” How To Ask Questions Highway Video clip Who is Jesus Christ? Notice his skill in asking questions in a nondefensive way. Notice how he is listening to what others say and asking follow-up questions based on what they say. Good Follow-up Questions Is there any reason to consider Him further? Have you ever thought about it? What have you come up with? Do you think there is any reason to decide? Do you think there is any reason to check it out further? Does He mean anything to you? Do you think there is any reason to decide? Do you care? Uncovering Real Barriers Hear Illuminate Uncover Build As an Archeologists Uncover Their Real Barriers to the Gospel Archeologist Uncover the Real Barriers Go Below The Surface “Proverbs 20:5 says, ‘The purpose in a man's mind is like deep water, but a man of understanding will draw it out.’ Good apologetics requires people of understanding who have the patience and insight to not only deal with people’s stated questions but to go below the surface and speak to their true objections…” M&T Trainer, Rev. Dave Montoya, “Dealing With Both Minds and Hearts: Answering the Questions Behind the Questions,” which can be downloaded at Barriers Between Them and God The Goal: Explore what’s getting in the way of honestly talking about God. How: Keep seven steps in mind! Is the Barrier Real? 1. Determine whether their issue is real concern or a smoke screen. A Formula for Clearing Away Smokescreens “If I could answer your questions in a way that would make sense to you, would that help you to more seriously consider a belief in God and Christianity? “If you could know the truth, would you want to know it? Why It Is Important To Ask This Question! “My second conversation was with a student at Nanyang Polytechnic. I started by using a simple survey form asking about belief in God. From there, I was able to find out that he believes in a supreme being, and even believes that he will be accountable to that Being at the end of his life. When I asked him if he believed all religions could be right, he revealed that he believed each person was entitled to their beliefs.” I asked him if it was important whether the object of what someone believed in was true or not, and used the example about jumping out of an airplane with a backpack, believing that it was a parachute. But he did not seem convinced, and kept repeating his stance that each person could believe what he or she wants to, and that is all that is important. Former student at East Asia School of Theology Why It Is Important To Ask This Question! (Continue) “He also revealed that he had gone to a Christian school for a few years and therefore ‘knew all the stories’ and about the Gospel, but he did not believe it. I tried presenting him with some evidence to show him that the Bible is a reliable historical account. But finally, after about an hour of us talking and sharing views, he said: ‘even if you put all the evidence right in front of me, I still won’t believe. I don’t want to believe.’ I did not know what else to say after that.” Former student at East Asia School of Theology Why It Is Important To Ask This Question! (Continue) “In retrospect, I realize this student had been throwing up a smokescreen, and early in the conversation I should have tried uncovering the real barriers by asking him something like “If I could answer your questions....” Former student at East Asia School of Theology 2. Determine the Nature of the Barrier * Determine whether their barrier is mostly an intellectual or emotional question or concern, or a combination of both. Example: Problem of Evil 2. Determine the Nature of the Barrier * Many times the barriers will be non-intellectual Questions that Possibly Indicate Emotional Baggage 1. How could a good God allow so much suffering and evil in the world? 2. If God is there, why doesn’t He answer my prayers? 3. If God is real, how come there are so many hypocrites in the church? Statements that Possibly Indicate Intellectual Baggage 1. It doesn’t matter what you believe as long as it makes you a better person. 2. Since so many people disagree on so many things there cannot be one right answer. 3. Since the Bible has been mistranslated so many times, we can’t be sure what it originally said. 4. It’s been too long since Christ lived, so we can’t really know what he said or did. Handling the Tough Questions Reverse the burden of proof! Remember, when someone throws a question at you, like a boomerang, let it come back around to them first! Q: Isn’t Christianity only a “crutch?” A: What do you mean by “crutch?” Handling the Tough Questions Reverse the burden of proof! For example, if someone says I don’t believe the Bible is reliable? Ask why is it that you don’t’ think the Bible is as reliable as other books of antiquity written around the same time period?” Jesus’ Example Jesus used this approach! Luke 20:2-4 “And they (the chief priests and scribes) spoke, saying to Him, ‘Tell us by what authority you are doing these things, or who is the one who gave you this authority?’ And He (Jesus) answered and said to them, ‘I shall ask you a question, and you tell me: Was the Baptist of John from heaven or men?’” Jesus Knew The Value Of Answering Questions With Questions “When religious leaders asked Jesus if it was right to pay taxes, Jesus referred to a coin and asked, “Whose portrait is this?” (Matt. 22:17-20). When the Pharisees asked him, “Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath?” Jesus’ response was a question: “If any of you has a sheep and it falls into a pit on the Sabbath, will you not take hold of it and lift it out?” (Matt. 12:9-12). At times (far too many, I’m afraid), I’ve answered questions with biblically accurate, logically sound, epistemologically watertight answers, only to see questioners shrug their shoulders. My answers, it seemed, only further confirmed their opinion that Christians are simpletons. So I started answering questions with questions, and have gained far better results.” Randy Newman, “Rabbinic Questioning: A Better Way to Evangelize” 3. * Uncover the Specific Emotional Baggage That They are Carrying Ask God for wisdom in discerning what the “real issues” are that you need to address with your pre-believing friends (Js. 1:5). One of the biggest baggage issues for Asians to deal with is the perceived lack of honor for elders and ancestors, if one trusted in Christ. Handling Emotional Baggage • Invite them to share their story • Listen discernibly for the most obvious barriers to the gospel. • Empathize with them • If appropriate, affirm God’s love and hope for them • If appropriate, apologize for how another brother or sister in Christ treated them • Tell them you will keep them in your prayers. Determine What’s Below The Surface 4. Determine whether there is a question or concern behind the question or issue raised. * Jesus was a mastered In getting below the surface in His interaction with others. Jesus was a Master In Getting Below The Surface In Mark 12:18-27 notice how Jesus responds When the Sadducees asks Jesus a hypothetical question about who will be the wife’s husband at the resurrection, (since all seven brothers were at one time married to her but all died but didn’t leave any children), : First, He pointed out that they don’t know the scriptures for in heaven they neither marry nor are they given in marriage. But next he gets underneath their question and surfaces their true nature of their objection. What was their true objection? Jesus knew that their real question or concerned had to deal with the issue of the resurrection of the dead. Jesus was a Master in Getting Below The Surface Jesus’ response: “Now about the dead rising—have you not read in the book of Moses, in the account of the bush, how God said to him, “I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.’ He is not the God of the dead, but of the living. You are badly mistaken.” Mark 12:26-27 (N.I.V.) Jesus points to a passage in the Pentateuch (which they did accept) Ex. 3:6 which supports the position that there is a resurrection. Jesus was a Master In Getting Below The Surface “I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.” By using the present tense verb (am) this implies that the patriarchs were still alive and that God still had a relationship with them as a covenant keeping God, even though they died long ago. 4. Determine whether there is a question or concern behind the question or issue raised. Example: “How can you claim that there is only one way to God? “How can you claim that there is only one way to God? What might be the belief behind the question? They may believe that Christians are arrogant to think that they have the truth and are therefore better than others. They may believe that Christians are not very “open” to other faiths by being so exclusive. Speak to Their Heart Felt Issues Discover: 5. Find out what their biggest barrier to Christianity is? * Family obligation or expectations Barriers to Belief in God and Christianity "One of my biggest barriers to belief in God or Christianity is that I am not brave enough to consider religious issues solely without considering the consequences of what other people think." International Student, U.T. Austin Speak to Their Heart Felt Issues Discover: 5. Find out what their biggest barrier to Christianity? * Family obligation or expectations * Being fearful of spirits Be mindful of the Devil’s schemes (2 Cor. 2:11) “Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” (1 Pet. 5:8) N.I.V. Being fearful of spirits His scheme is to make us fear the lesser spirits rather than the God of Heaven who created all of us including the spirits A Biblical Perspective: * We should only fear God “I tell you, my friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body and after that can do no more. But I will show you whom you should fear; Fear him who, after the killing of the body, has power to throw you into hell. Yes, I tell you, fear him.” Luke 12:4-5 Speak to Their Heart Felt Issues Discover: 6. Find out what would motivate them to get answers in these areas? 7. Uncover the Volitional Factors Volitional Factors * In this step we are attempting to surface an unwillingness to believe that goes beyond just dealing with the intellectual and emotional barriers. “But though He (Jesus) had performed so many signs before them, yet they were not believing in Him.” (Jn. 12:37) Handling Volitional Barriers • Prayer for spiritual enlightenment “But a natural man does not accept (welcome – the Greek word is dechomai) the things of the Spirit of God; for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually appraised.” (I Cor 2:14 NASB) * Remember that the natural man can perceive some of the truth (Romans 1:19) but he cannot receive or welcome or embrace the truth of Christ without the work of the Holy Spirit.” (Jn. 6:65) Uncovering Barriers (Review) 1. Determine whether their issue is a legitimate concern, or whether it is a smoke screen. 2. Determine the nature of their barrier (Intellectual, emotional, or a combination of both) 3. Uncover the specific emotional baggage that they are carrying. 4. Determine whether there is a question or concern behind the question or issue raised. 5. Find out what their biggest barrier to Christianity is. 6. Find out what would motivate them to get answers in these areas. 7. Uncover the volitional factors “Uncovering Conversations” From the Movie “Uncle Buck” Build a Bridge to the Gospel Hear Illuminate Uncover Build Build a Bridge to the Gospel Artist Musician Builder Archeologist Build a Bridge Building a Bridge to the Gospel Goal: The goal is to find common ground and build a bridge to the Gospel. How: Keep six steps in mind Building a Bridge to the Gospel (Jn. 8:32) 1. Find the Right Balance in your approach Building a Bridge to the Gospel (Jn. 8:32) 1. Find the Right Balance in your approach? Objective Evidence: Subjective Experience: A Caution In Using Reason “…there is just enough of the modern worldview left so that reason still has a point of entry. But we have to use this knowledge wisely. We cannot give an overdose of argumentation.” Ravi Zacharias, “An Ancient Message, Through Modern Means To the Postmodern Mind” in Telling the Truth: Evangelizing Postmoderns, p. 27 Be mindful of the fact that your life will speak louder than your words “Because of my chains, most of the brothers in the Lord have been encouraged to speak the word of God more courageously and fearlessly.” Philippians 1:14 (NIV) Building a Bridge to the Gospel (Jn. 8:32) 2. Find Common Ground with those you are trying to reach (1 Cor. 9:22) Find Common Ground “To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all men so that by all possible means I might save some.” (1 Cor. 9:22) 1. Find Common Ground 2. Find Common Ground • Start with ideas that you and the other person agree on. • Search for common ground with low-key spiritual questions. 1. 2. 3. 4. Does it matter what you believe? Can everyone be right? Is just faith enough? Is there any difference between Jesus and other religious leaders? Biblical Example: Acts 28; Acts 17 Notice that Paul’s approach was different in these two passages. Why? Finding Common Ground in Action in Asia “I went into this taxi where the driver was playing some Buddhist mantras over his sound system. He asked me politely if I minded and offered to turn it off if I did. Actually I did mind, but I decided to use the opportunity to ask him what he was playing. He told (me) what it was and asked if he could explain it to me. He also asked which religion I belonged to which I answered Christianity. I agreed to hear his side of the caveat that he was open enough to hear my side at the end of his. He then began an exposition on his Buddhist faith that he enjoyed immensely, talking about how he tries to be as good a person as possible At the same time, he boasted how he was open to other faiths as well. So I asked him if I could share why I felt Christianity was different….By the time we reached my destination, I had taken the opportunity to invite him to my church (likewise, he had invited me to attend some of his Buddhist meetings).” Former student at East Asia School of Theology Finding Common Ground in Action in Asia “I realized what made him open up to me initially was the fact that I was open to him to start with. Though he did not say it explicitly, I had to ‘hear’ his desire to continue listening to his mantras, following which I bothered to ‘hear’ about his faith. By allowing him that, the common ground of understanding was laid and he was open to listen to my view.” Former student at East Asia School of Theology Building a Bridge to the Gospel (Jn. 8:32) 1. 2. Find the right balance in your approach Find Common Ground with those you are trying to reach 3. Build a bridge from point of shared beliefs (even those they are not quite aware of) These can be head bridges and or heart bridges. Heart verse Head “…‘giving an answer,” while it often includes dealing with intellectual objections, should not end there. The reason for this is simple. People are more heart creatures than head creatures. As Pascal famously observed, “the heart has reasons that reason will never know.” He insightfully said that you first need to get a person to want to believe Christianity is true before actually making a case for it. In other words, you have to deal with people’s heart’s as well as their heads. That, I believe, is why Peter draws our attention to the hope and not the knowledge within us (in 1 Pet. 3:15). Hope appeals to the heart and its deepest longings, longings that can only be filled by God. For the scoffer, the head is a barrier to the heart; for the seeker, the head is an Bridge to the heart. In both cases, the heart is the final prize that God seeks.” Meekness and Truth Trainer, Rev. Dave Montoya, Dealing With Both Minds And Hearts, Unpublished works located on Meekness and Truth web-site at: Heart Bridges * Show others that Jesus meets the longings of our hearts! What oxygen is to the brain, Jesus is to our hearts. He satisfies our deepest longings unlike anything else….If we were to list all of our hungers, we might be surprised at how many legitimate hungers we have. We hunger for truth, love, knowledge, belonging, self-expression, justice, imagination, learning, and significance—to name a few. Ravi Zacharias, Jesus Among Other Gods, p. 71-72 Developing Heart Bridges with Asians “In a religious culture that seeks either to ‘appease’ or to ‘bribe’ the gods for one’s own needs, I need to find a way to communicate and contrast the idea of a personal Christian God as opposed to the distant and impersonal deities that the Chinese is familiar with. Although Guan Yin, the goddess of mercy is suppose to be the deity symbolizing love and mercy for mortals, who can claim to have a personal relationship with this deity? Other than coming to her when one needs something, can anyone talk to her as with a friend and have a two-way conversation to boot? Of the thousands of deities available, can one find a friend amongst them?” Former student at East Asia School of Theology Show That Jesus Is One Of A Kind “Jesus stated without a doubt that God is the author of life and that meaning in life is found in knowing Him. This idea would be totally denied by Buddhism, which either ignores God or rules out His existence altogether.” Ravi Zacharias, Jesus Among Other Gods, p. 12 Head Bridges Comparing Jesus, Muhammad, and Buddha 1. Jesus was without sin. – Even the Koran states that Jesus was without sin. (See Sura 3:45-46;19:19-21) 2. Mohammed was told to ask for forgiveness (Sura 40:55;48:1-2) Comparing Jesus, Muhammad, and Buddha 3. Buddha was imperfect – He was understood as having many rebirths thus indicating an imperfect life. – At best, Buddha pointed to the way and followed a path to purity. He did not possess it fully himself. Muhammad Jesus Not Virgin Born Virgin born -Sura 3:47 Sinful -Sura 40:55;48:1-2 Sinless - Sura 3:45-46;19:19-21 No Miracles except Qur’an -Sura 17:90-93 Did many miracles Advance by the Sword Sura 29,2,36,73,111,123 Blessed the peacemakers Mt 5:9 Retaliated on Enemies Forgave enemies Motivation by Fear Motivation by love Died and was buried Rose and His tomb is empty (Muslims reject) Adapted from N. Geisler & F. Turek’s PowerPoint 12 Points Build Your Bridge Using Planks Of Common Understanding Building Head and Heart Bridges! Six reasons why it matters what you believe! Building Bridges with those you are trying to reach! ( I Cor. 9:22) 1. What you believe will affect how you live! Not All Religious Viewpoints Can Be Right! 1. 2. What you believe will affect how you live! Not all religious viewpoints can be right! Can Krishna, Buddha, Jesus, and Muhammad all be right? Can all religions simultaneously be true? Can They All Be Right? Christianity Judaism Islam One God Atheism, Theravada Buddhism No God Polytheism, Mahayana Buddhism Many gods Objection! But God can become whatever he wants to be! Reply: Can God as creator be separate from the Universe He created at the same time that He is identical to the Universe? No, He can not. Faith must have an object! 1. 2. 3. What you believe will affect how you live! Not all religious viewpoints can be right! Faith must have an object to have merit! “About one out of four (26%) born again Christians believe that it doesn’t matter what faith you follow because they all teach the same lessons.” Born Again Christians, 2000, George Barna, Barna web-site Christianity is Based on a Historical Event “And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith.” I Corinthians 15:14 (NIV) * Biblical faith must have an object to be valid. It matters what you believe 1. What you believe will effect how you live! 2. Not all religious viewpoints can be right! 3. Faith must have an object to have merit! 4. Not all religious leaders made equal claims! The Unique Claims of Jesus Which religious leader ever made these claims? I am without sin (John 8:46) I have always existed (John 8:58) I am the only Son of God (John 3:16) I am the light of the world (John 8:12) I have come to save the world (John 3:17) I have authority to forgive sins (Mark 2:10) I was born to testify to the truth (John 18:37) You trust in God; Trust also in me (John 14:1) I am the Truth and only way to God (John 14:6) I will come again to judge the world (Matt 25:31-46) Take from “The Top Twenty-three Presentations” By Norm Geisler and Frank Turek It matters what you believe 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. What you believe will effect how you live! Not all religious viewpoints can be right! Faith must have an object to have merit! Not all religious leaders made equal claims! The proof of Christ’s claims have no parallel among major religious leaders! No Comparison! Comparing Christianity and other Religions is not like comparing apples with apples! =/ Christianity Other Religions The Proof of Christ’s Claims (Cont.) “Buddha claimed to point to the way, Mohammed claimed to be a prophet of God, but Jesus Christ is the only major religious leader that ever claimed to be God, who fulfilled prophecy, lived a sinless life, and then died on the cross and rose from the dead.” Dr. David Geisler It matters what you believe 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. What you believe will effect how you live! Not all religious viewpoints can be right! Faith must have an object to have merit! Not all religious leaders made equal claims! The proof of Christ’s claims have no parallel among major religious leaders! Without God, some people find it difficult to find meaning in life! Friedrich Nietzsche 1844-1900 “God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him. How shall we, the murderers of all murderers, comfort ourselves?” The Gay Science, 125 God Fyodor Dostoevshi (1821-1881) The Brothers Karamazov If God is dead, anything is permissible! The Death of God Leads to the Death of Man 12 million murdered 18 million murdered 30 million murdered 1. What you believe will effect how you live! 2. Not all religious viewpoints can be right! 3. Faith must have an object to have merit! 4. Not all religious leaders made equal claims! 5. The proof of Christ’s claims have no parallel among major religious leaders! 6. Without God, some people find it difficult to find meaning in life! Building a Bridge to the Truth (Jn. 8:32) 1. 2. 3. Find the Right Balance in your approach Find Common Ground with those you are trying to reach Build a bridge from point of shared beliefs (even those they are not quite aware of) 4. Memorize a basic outline for defending the Christian faith to guide you in your discussions with others GETTING THE BIG PICTURE! GETTING THE BIG PICTURE! GETTING THE BIG PICTURE! GETTING THE BIG PICTURE! In Him all things hold together. Col. 1:17 “I came that they might have life, and might have it abundantly.” Jn. 10:10 12 Steps in Establishing the Case for Christianity 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Truth about reality is knowable. The opposite of true is false. It is true that the theistic God exists. If God exists then miracles are possible. Miracles can be used to confirm a message from God. The New Testament is historically reliable. The New Testament says Jesus claimed to be God. Jesus’ claim to be God was miraculously confirmed by: a. His fulfillment of many prophecies about Himself; b. His sinless and miraculous life; c. His prediction and accomplishment of His resurrection 9. Therefore, Jesus is God. 10. Whatever Jesus (who is God) teaches is true. 11. Jesus taught that the Bible is the Word of God. 12. Therefore, it is true that the Bible is the Word of God (and anything opposed to it is false). See Baker Encyclopedia of Christian Apologetics by Dr. Norman Geisler for more details, which can be ordered at: The Importance of Memorizing Logical Progression of Points “The main difficulty I had in applying the conversational approach in the three encounters was in effectively linking one question or argument to the next, to lead the person to a clear conclusion. I often felt somewhat muddled in the conversation. I realize I need to focus on understanding and remembering a logical progression of points so that I can help someone to see and understand for himself.” Former student at East Asia School of Theology Building a Bridge to the Truth (Jn. 8:32) 1. 2. 3. 4. Find the Right Balance in your approach Find Common Ground with those you are trying to reach Build a bridge from point of shared beliefs (even those they are not quite aware of) Memorize a basic outline for defending the Christian faith to guide you in your discussions with others 5. Remember the goal Remember the Goal! Don’t get so caught up in removing barriers that you forget to remember the goal! Remember the Goal in Using Apologetics in Evangelism! To remove the obstacles so that we can help people take one step closer to Jesus Christ each day. (I Cor. 3:6) Building a Bridge to the Truth (Jn. 8:32) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Find the Right Balance in your approach Find Common Ground with those you are trying to reach Build a bridge from point of shared beliefs (even those they are not quite aware of) Memorize a basic outline for defending the Christian faith to guide you in your discussions with others Remember the goal 6. Actively seek for opportunities to transition to spiritual things. 6. Actively seek for opportunities to transition to spiritual things. Example: Has anyone ever explained to you the difference between Christianity and all other religions? * Explain Do versus Done (See Bill Hybels, Contagious Christians Training) Do vs Done For example: Muslims believe that man’s good works have to outweigh his bad works. (Do) Hinduism teaches that if one does enough good he can pay off his karmic debt and escape the cycle of reincarnation. (Do) Buddhism teaches that salvation comes about when one desires to stop desiring. (Do) Jesus says accept the gift I offer. It has already been “Done” for you (you can do nothing to earn God’s gift) Invite me to come into your life and change you from the inside out (Phil. 2:13) Building a Bridge to the Truth (Jn. 8:32) (Review) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Find the Right Balance in your approach. Find Common Ground with those you are trying to reach. Build a bridge from point of shared beliefs (even those they are not quite aware of). Memorize a basic outline for defending the Christian faith to guide you in your discussions with others. Remember the goal. Actively seek for opportunities to transition to spiritual things. Invite Them To Take A Step Of Faith “Accepting Jesus is like drinking a cup of tea, you will never know how it really taste by hearing what others say unless you drink it for yourself.” Former student at East Asia School of Theology But what if they don’t care? Answer: “If life is just a drop in the bucket compared to eternity, wouldn’t that be worth checking out?” Has anyone ever explained to you the difference between Christianity and all other religions? For example: Muslims believe that man’s good works have to outweigh his bad works. (Do) Hinduism teaches that if one does enough good he can pay off his karmic debt and escape the cycle of reincarnation. (Do) Buddhism teaches that salvation comes about when one desires to stop desiring. (Do) Jesus says accept the gift I offer. It has already been “Done” for you (you can do nothing to earn God’s gift) Invite me to come into your life and change you from the inside out (Phil. 2:13) Building a Bridge to the Gospel Interview with students U.T. Austin To download go to: www.meeknessandtruth .org/tools.htm Building Bridges to the Gospel - m4v (89 MB) Conversational Evangelism Four types of conversations we want to have with non-believers Four types of roles you need to play in your friend’s life Artist Musician Builder Archeologist The Conversational Evangelism Model (In a nutshell) We want to “hear” their discrepancies and then illuminate them by asking questions that will “clarify” their religious terminology and “expose” the weaknesses of their perspective. Then we want to uncover the real barriers and “build” a bridge to help them take one step closer to Jesus Christ each day (I Cor. 3:6). A Biblical Perspective The Apostle Paul said, “I have become all things to all men so that by all means, I may save some.” I Cor.9:22 Application Exercise This next week I will: 1. Listen for the types of “sour notes” I hear in my conversations with others. 2. Look for opportunities to ask clarifying questions in my witness to others. Ask, what do you mean by…? (Example: Free Thinker) 3. Attempt the process of building a bridge with a notyet-believer by asking probing questions to reach areas of common understanding and agreement. 4. Actively seek for opportunities to transition to spiritual things. (example: Do versus Done) 5. Discuss the results of this exercise with my small group and or evangelism pastor. Build A Bridges With a Taxi Cab Driver Introductory question Me: How long have you been driving a Taxi? Him: About one and a half years. Me: My wife’s uncle used to drive a taxi. It seems like it is harder and harder to make money these days being a taxi cab driver when petrol prices keep rising. (This statement was to get him talking which he enjoyed doing and sharing his frustration) Build A Bridges With a Taxi Cab Driver Me (After he seemed more open to talking I asked) Do you have any kind of religious belief? Him: I am a Buddhist Me: Are you a devote Buddhist? Him: (no real response) – meaning he probably was Buddhist in name only Me: Do you know the difference between Christianity and all the other religions in the world? Pause wait for him to respond… Build A Bridges With a Taxi Cab Driver Him: No, I won’t mind if you told me Me: I can explain the difference between Christianity and all the other religions in the world using two words “Do versus Done.” All the religious in the world basically say “do this.” For example, Muslims belief that their good works have to outweigh their bad works; Buddhist believe that one must get rid of desire; Hindu’s believe they must do good things to be released from the Karmic cycle and reach Nirvana. All these religions basically say you have to do something. Christianity on the other hand says, there is nothing you can do, it has already be done. All you need to do is to accept the gift that God has provided in sending Jesus to die for us in our place and invite Jesus to come into our lives and to change us from the inside out. Build A Bridges With a Taxi Cab Driver Me: Have you ever heard anything like this? Him: Sort of, my brother in law is a Christian. Me: So when he because a Christian did you see any changes in his life after that? Him: Yes….(I can’t remember what else he said here) Me: Another way to explain the difference between Jesus and all the other religious leaders is to say it this way. “Buddha claimed to point to the way, Mohammed claimed to be a prophet of God, but Jesus Christ is the only major religious leader who ever claimed to be God, who lived a sinless life, who fulfilled prophecy written hundreds of years before he ever existed, who died on the cross, and rose from the dead and had all these miracles to prove it.” Build A Bridges With a Taxi Cab Driver Him: Pause….Why are there so many different religious beliefs? Me: It is partly because people see God in different ways. Some see there is one God, some see there is many gods, and some see (as in some form of Buddhism) there is no god. But do you see that they all can not be right? God can not be one, many and none all at the same time. Him: Pause…I believe in one God Me: Christians believe that no matter how much good we do, we can never do enough good. That is why Christians believe that God send Jesus to die on the cross to take the penalty of our sins. Have you ever heard anything like this before? Build A Bridges With a Taxi Cab Driver Him: Not so clearly Me: But it is not just that we believe that Jesus is the Messiah, who died for our sins to take the penalty for what we deserve, that makes us a Christian. Each person must individually decide to accept Christ to come into their lives, forgive us or our sins, and change us from the inside out. For example when I talk to people about Jesus I tell them that there are two decisions one must make about Jesus Christ. First you have to decide is there good evidence to believe that Jesus is who he said he is. Then once you have decided that you have to make the most important decision, do I want to put my faith and trust in Christ? And the second decision is much more difficult than the first decision because you have to decide whether you want to submit your will to another person. Build A Bridges With a Taxi Cab Driver Me: So I can give you good evidence to show that Jesus really was who he says he was but you personally have to decide to put your faith and trust “in Him.” For example, when I married my wife Charlene, I believed that she would make a good wife based on the evidence. But that evidence as to why I believed she would make a great wife never forced me to say I do to her. That was a decision of my will, right? In the same way you may be convinced that Jesus really is who he said he was but still you must decide whether you want to “believe in” Him before you can become a Christians. Does that make sense? Him: Yes Build A Bridges With a Taxi Cab Driver Me: Have you ever heard it explained in that way? Him No Me: (I could see the Spirit was convicting him but he was not ready to make a decision for Christ). Have you ever been to church? Him: (I can't remember for sure but I think he said he's attend before) Me: If you are interested to learn more I can meet you sometime and we can go together to my church, Covenant Evangelical Free Church. Him: Yes maybe sometime I can do that. Build A Bridges With a Taxi Cab Driver Me: Here is my card, give me a call sometime and we can go together. To me this is the most important decision anyone can make in life, who is Jesus Christ. Evangelism Training for the New Millennium Conversational Evangelism Acknowledgements: This material was developed by Dave Geisler & his Meekness team members, and was refined by suggestions from people around the globe and based in part on the Mirror model concept developed at Hill Country Bible Church and pioneered by Glenn McGorty (See speaker notes for more details). Special thanks to Kent Vanderwaal for all his work in developing our new graphics. Thanks also to Brett Yohn (Baptist Student Ministry Dir. U.N.L.) who originally developed the imagery of artist, archeologist, and engineer to better describe the Think model process which we now call the Conversational Evangelism model based on the imagery of the Musician, Artist, Archeologist, and Builder. Revisions Descriptions of Revision Author Conversational Evangelism: How To Listen and Speak so that You may be Heard By Dr. David Geisler