Block Scheduling Lesson Planner

Lesson Plan: Memory
Teacher: Jesse Knowles
Learning Objectives:
SSPBC2: The student will
analyze key concepts associated
with information processing.
a. Describe the components of the
human information processing
system; include working memory,
long term memory, sensory
memory, and attention.
b. Evaluate strategies that
enhance memory; include
mnemonics, rehearsal, and
c. Analyze theories of forgetting;
include loss of access,
interference, displacement, and
d. Explain the phenomena
involved in problem solving and
decision making; include
heuristics, algorithms, biases,
expectancies, and mental set.
Book: Psychology (8th Edition)
by David G. Myers
Discovering Psychology:
Remembering and Forgetting
with host Phillip Zimbardo
The Mind Video: Life without
memory: the Case of Clive
Wearing (14:25).
The Brain video: A SuperMemorist Advises on Study
Strategies (9:50)
Segment timeline
1st period
2nd period
8:20 – 8:55 10:00-10:25
9:00 – 9:25 10:30-10:55
9:30 – 9:50 11:00-11:30
Course: Psychology (4th period)
Day 1
EQ: How does the way we encode, store
and retrieve information impact the way
we navigate our environment (in other
words, how can it help me pass a
Psychology test)
Describe the components of the human
information processing system; include
working memory, long term memory,
sensory memory, and attention.
Date: Consult Pacing Guide
Day 2
EQ: How does the way we encode, store and
retrieve information impact the way we navigate
our environment (in other words, how can it help
me pass a Psychology test)
Obj. SSPBC2:
Evaluate strategies that enhance memory; include
mnemonics, rehearsal, and elaboration.
Proposed timeline
Segment 1: Quiz on reading and terms. Encoding
lecture with powerpoint (slides 19-32) vocab. 1117.
1. Flashbulb memory discussion (5 minutes)
Key people
Atkinson & Shiffrin
2. 12 days activity (5 minutes)
Alan Baddeley
3. Serial positioning activity (3 minutes)
Segment 2: Powerpoint lecture continues (slides
33-43) covering vocab. 18-17.
Proposed timeline
Segment 1: Jersey Shore Intro to memory
4. Types of Encoding activity (10 minutes)
with lecture power point (slides 1-18) on
Segment 3: Discovering Psychology:
related terms.
Remembering and Forgetting with host Phillip
Segment 2: Lecture continued followed by Zimbardo video clip on memory (9:46 – 13:38)
Discovering Psychology: Remembering
and Forgetting with host Phillip Zimbardo End lecture with slide 44 and with key word
video clip on memory (9:46)
discussion and vocabulary outline review.
Segment 3: Propose question: What if we
could strip memory away, what kind of
person would you have? Video: Life
without memory: the Case of Clive
Wearing (14:25). Refer to vocabulary to
mark his deficits
Day 3
EQ: How does the way we encode, store
and retrieve information impact the way we
navigate our environment (in other words,
how can it help me pass a Psychology test)
Describe the components of the human
information processing system; include
working memory, long term memory,
sensory memory, and attention.
Proposed timeline
Segment 1: Quiz on reading and terms.
Storage lecture with powerpoint (slides
44-51) focusing on sensory memory.
5. Whole report vs. partial report
activity (5 minutes)
Segment 2: Working Memory
Powerpoint lecture (slides 52-55).
6. Memory Capacity activity (7
Continue lecture on Long term memory
(slides 56-59).
7. Draw graph of memory stores.
Segment 3: The Brain video: A SuperMemorist Advises on Study Strategies (9:50)
Continue lecture with powerpoint on
Storage (slides 60-63)
Vocabulary quiz 11/10 and 11/12
Exam: Friday 11/19 (subject to
change possibly 11/18).
Homework: See Knowles school
Lesson Plan: Memory
Teacher: Jesse Knowles
Learning Objectives:
SSPBC2: The student will
analyze key concepts associated
with information processing.
a. Describe the components of the
human information processing
system; include working memory,
long term memory, sensory
memory, and attention.
b. Evaluate strategies that
enhance memory; include
mnemonics, rehearsal, and
c. Analyze theories of forgetting;
include loss of access,
interference, displacement, and
d. Explain the phenomena
involved in problem solving and
decision making; include
heuristics, algorithms, biases,
expectancies, and mental set.
Book: Psychology (8th Edition)
by David G. Myers
Discovering Psychology with host
Phillip Zimbardo
The Brain video: Living With
Amnesia: The Hippocampus and
Memory (5:00)
Segment timeline
1st period
2nd period
8:20 – 8:55 10:00-10:25
9:00 – 9:25 10:30-10:55
9:30 – 9:50 11:00-11:30
Course: Psychology (1st period)
Day 4
EQ: How does the way we encode, store
and retrieve information impact the way
we navigate our environment (in other
words, how can it help me pass a
Psychology test)
c. Analyze theories of forgetting; include
loss of access, interference, displacement,
and decay.
Date: 11/15/10 – 11/19/10
Day 5
EQ: How does the way we encode, store and
retrieve information impact the way we navigate
our environment (in other words, how can it help
me pass a Psychology test)
Obj. SSPBC2:
c. Analyze theories of forgetting; include loss of
access, interference, displacement, and decay.
d. Explain the phenomena involved in problem
solving and decision making; include heuristics,
algorithms, biases, expectancies, and mental set.
Proposed timeline
Proposed timeline
Segment 1: Quiz on last week’s
Segment 1: Quiz on vocabulary 27-42
vocabulary (1-27). The Brain video:
 Continue lecture on forgetting introducing
Living With Amnesia: The Hippocampus
new vocabulary (43-45) on slides 80-83.
and Memory (5:00) to close storage
 Discovering Psychology: Remembering and
lecture and begin lecture on Retrieval (64Forgetting(13:47-15:02) with host Phillip
Segment 2: Conclude memory process
Segment 2: Powerpoint lecture on Problems
and introduce new vocabulary words (31solving (slides 83-92) covering vocab. 46-49.
38) that are included on slides 70-76.
Segment 3: Continue powerpoint lecture on
Segment 3: Begin lecture on forgetting
Problems solving (obstacles) (slides 93-113)
introducing new vocabulary (39-42) on
covering vocab. 50-58.
slides 77-79.
Time permitting cover vocab and questions and
give opportunity to complete note cards.
Day 6
EQ: How does the way we encode, store
and retrieve information impact the way we
navigate our environment (in other words,
how can it help me pass a Psychology test)
Learning objectives a.-d.
Proposed timeline
Segment 1: Question and answer session:
Review Game powerpoint
Segment 2: Review Game
Segment 3: Review Game
Vocabulary quiz 11/15 and 11/16
Day 7
Exam: Friday 11/18
Homework: See Knowles school
Key words
1. Memory
2. Recall
3. Recognition
4. Flashbulb memory
5. Encoding
6. Storage
7. Retrieval
8. Sensory Memory
9. Short term memory
10. Long term memory
11. Flashbulb Memory
12. Automatic Processing
13. Effortful Processing
14. Rehearsal
15. Next in line effect
16. Spacing effect
17. Serial positioning effect
18. Semantic
19. Acoustic
20. Visual
21. Mnemonics (visual and semantic together)
22. Method of Loci
23. Link Method
24. Chunking
25. Hierarchy
26. Acronyms
27. Self Referencing effect
28. Hippocampus
29. Cerebellum
30. Anterograde Amnesia
31. Explicit (declarative) memory
32. Implicit (procedural) memory
33. Relearning
34. Priming
35. Context effects
36. State dependent memory
37. Déjà vu
38. Mood congruent memory
39. Absentmindedness (encoding failure)
40. Transience (storage decay)
41. Blocking (tip of the tongue)
42. Proactive Interference
43. Retroactive interference
44. Motivated Forgetting
45. Repression.
46. Trial and Error
47. Algorithm
48. Heuristic (Representativeness and Availability)
49. Insight
50. Confirmation Bias
51. Fixation
52. Mental Set
53. Functional Fixedness
54. Overconfidence
55. Exaggerated Fear
56. Framing
57. Belief Bias
58. Belief Perseverance
Key people
1. Atkinson & Shiffrin
2. Alan Baddeley
3. George Miller
4. Henry Moliason
5. Sigmund Freud
6. Herman Ebbinghaus
7. Clive Wearing