Syllabus - Rankin County School District

English 1113: Composition I
Instructor Information:
Ms. Martha Berry
Room: 147
Course Prerequisites: Students must have an ACT score of 17 or higher in English,
must be proficient in grammar, and must be willing to read and write independently.
Course Description: Students will learn the steps of composing essays that are
organized, supported, documented, and grammatically correct. Expository essay writing
is emphasized. (3 credit hours)
Unit Objectives: Students will demonstrate that they can read critically, write clearly,
support thoroughly, document correctly, and proofread meticulously.
Units of Study:
*Grammar Review
*Prewriting the Essay
*Writing the Essay
Writing six in-class essays
One diagnostic essay (500 words)
One descriptive narrative essay (500 words)
Three expository essays (including documented sources using the
MLA format / 750 words)
One 500+ word expository essay for the final exam that utilizes all
of the techniques learned in the course
*Revising the Essay
Editing for Grammar
Editing for Style
Using the Correct Words
Using Punctuation and Capitalization
Using MLA Style (headers, heading, ink, spacing, titles, and citations)
Reading the Paper Aloud
*Responding to Literature
Textbooks: Norton Field Guide to Writing with Readings, 3rd ed. (minus handbook),
Richard Bullock, Norton ISBN: 978-0-393-93976-7. This includes the Norton
Field Guide to Go for free.
The Little Seagull with Exercises, Norton ISBN: 978-0-393-93580-6
Bring your textbooks to every class meeting.
Office Hour / Makeup Day: Tuesday, 3:20-4:20
Speak to me if you have a conflict with this time.
a spiral bound notebook
black or dark blue ink pens
dictionary and thesaurus (recommended)
correction fluid
jump drive
Grading Scale for the HCC English Department:
90-100 = A
80-89 = B
70-79 = C
60-69 = D
0-59 = F
Methods of Evaluation: 60 percent = in-class essays (to be completed within the
assigned time limit and NOT taken home)
20 percent = quizzes, prewriting, classwork, and homework
20 percent = exam essay
Notes Regarding Essays: ALL rough draft pages and revisions must be written in
your spiral-bound notebook and turned in at the end of each day. The final drafts
must be double-spaced and typed using 12 font / Times New Roman. All final drafts
must be accompanied by an outline (some informal and some formal), must have an
introduction with a clear thesis statement, must have a logical pattern of development
utilizing at least three body paragraphs full of supporting details, must have a conclusion,
must be at least 500 but not more than 750 words (two to three typed pages), and must
express one central idea. (Some papers will require a Works Cited page as well.) Essays
will be evaluated using the District Theme Grading Chart for English Composition I.
Also, according to the HCC English Department policy, students will review their graded
work and then return it to the teacher.
Notes Regarding the MLA Heading: Use the MLA heading on all essays
submitted to the instructor. Double-space your name, your instructor’s name, class name
and section, and paper due date at the top left margin of your paper. Example:
Angela Smith
Ms. Berry
English 1113: RKD3
31 September 2015
Makeup Work: Always check your Work Schedule if you are absent. Missing a class
will not excuse you from the work; complete all work on the Work Schedule EXCEPT
for the writing of the actual essay, which must be completed in class. With a documented
excuse for the absence, students should complete any missed grammar quiz when they
return to class. (Speak to the instructor before class starts.)
If a student is absent when a final essay is submitted, he/she should complete the work
during the scheduled makeup time. Failure to complete the work on the scheduled day
(or another day that has been requested by the student and approved by the teacher via
email at least two days in advance) will result in a zero. (If a student makes a zero on an
essay, he/she should consider officially withdrawing from Composition I.)
Attendance: Students are expected to attend class and be prepared to learn. Students
are allowed six absences; only three of the total can be unexcused. (School-related
absences do not count against you; however, you must complete any missed work in a
timely fashion.) For excused absences, please bring in a note from the doctor. Sleeping in
class or appearing to sleep in class results in an unexcused absence. The following
attendance policy will also be observed:
1. Attendance will be recorded every class meeting or the first day the
student registers for the course.
2. Students will receive a notice of absence via email at the time they
have two (2) unexcused absences. Students will be dropped from the
class with an F on the fourth unexcused absence. This number also
includes absences accumulated from tardies. (See the Student
Handbook for more information.)
3. Failure to report to class at the beginning of the class period will result
in a tardy. Three tardies equal one unexcused absence. Students who
miss more than 15 minutes of a class will be marked absent. A student who
leaves the classroom without the permission of the instructor will be
marked absent.
4. The first day to withdraw from a full-semester class is October 6, 2015.
Students may withdraw with a W if the allowed number of absences
has not been exceeded. The last day to withdraw from a class or all
classes is December 2, 2015.
Extra Credit: None is available.
Important Dates for Hinds:
August 17-21--drop and add classes
October 6-- first day a student may withdraw
December 2—last day to withdraw from a class
Dec. 10-12; 14-15—final exams
Academic Dishonesty: Students are expected to complete their assignments without
outside help. The HCC Student Handbook asserts that “Cheating on any examination, quiz,
work to be completed in class, assigned work to be completed outside class; cheating on term papers;
cheating on final examinations; plagiarism on any assignment; theft or attempted theft of examination
questions or possession of examination questions prior to the time for examination period shall be
offenses subject to . . . failure in the course and possible dismissal or suspension from the College.”
(The page numbers change each year, so they are not given here.)
Student Conduct: Students are responsible for reading and becoming familiar with the
rules and guidelines in the current HCC Student Handbook. Students should sit as close
as possible to the front of the classroom, be prepared for class, turn off and put away
any phones or electronic devices, wear nothing that covers the head, be respectful of the
instructor and the other students, and work QUIETLY during the entire class. You may
bring a drink to class if it has a cap.
Rankin English Lab: Students who want or need individual tutoring in English, not
proofreading of essays, may get a permission slip from me to use the lab, which is located
in George Wynne Hall, Room 212. The lab is open M-F during fall and spring semesters
from approximately 7:30 A.M. – 2:30 P.M. Also, the lab is open Monday and Tuesday
evenings from 4:30-7:15.
“Official Hinds Community College Notice of Non-discrimination
Statement: Hinds Community College offers equal education and employment opportunities and does
not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sec, age, disability or veteran status in
its programs and activities. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the
non-discrimination policies: Dr. Debra Mays-Jackson, Vice-President of Utica and Vicksburg Campuses
and for Administrative and Student Services, 34175 Hwy. 18, Utica, MS 39175: 601.885.7002.”