uebelherr_CV - iSearch

Arizona State University
School of Public Affairs
411 N. Central Avenue
Phoenix, AZ 85004
(602) 510-5596
Research Interests: Policy informatics, quantitative and qualitative analysis, and integration of
environmental policy and management.
PhD student in Public Administration and Policy, 2012 –
Arizona State University, School of Public Affairs, Phoenix, AZ
Dissertation Topic: Phoenix Heat Relief Network Complexity Governance.
Certificate: Policy Informatics
Master of Science, 2008
Duke University, Graduate School University Program in Ecology, Durham, NC
Major: Ecohydrology & Ecophysiology
Minor: Statistics.
Master’s thesis: The effects of plant-area index on precipitation throughfall and its
spatiotemporal variation among deciduous and evergreen forests.
Bachelor of Arts, magna cum laude, 1997
University of Colorado, Boulder, CO
Double Major: Environmental, population and organismic biology; and Climatology:
environmental conservation.
Senior thesis: Bulk canopy conductance over a grassland site in CASES-97.
Graduate Research Associate, Arizona State University School of Public Affairs, 2013 –
Center for Policy Informatics: Managed ASU research team in partnership with
AZ state & county health departments during summer 2014 collecting a total of 52
cooling center site assessments and facility manager interviews, and 424 visitor
surveys. Completed IRB approval for participatory modeling interview study using
an agent based model prototype of the Phoenix Heat Relief Network. Redesigned and
implemented ASU Center for Policy Informatics website.
National Science Foundation Innovative Broadband Data Project
Managed Broadband Data Seed Grant Competition for three $10,000 grants.
Organized Broadband Data Conference in Phoenix and reveloped related broadband
online data portal prototype.
Research Professional - Assistant, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ. 2010-2013
Research Scientist - Assistant, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY. 2009-2010
Developed, managed and analyzed large databases for NSF Plant Ecophysiology
research on a theoretical and computational framework using hierarchical Bayesian
models to link tree form and function to forest diversity and productivity.
NOAA, National Marine Fisheries Service and Coral Reef Ecosystems, Honolulu, HI
Fisheries Observer. Monitored long-line catch and protected species. 2006-2009
Research Diver. NW Hawaiian Islands coral reef restoration. 2006
Nicholas School of the Environment, Duke University, Durham, NC
Research Assistant. Managed ecosystem experiments of H2O and CO2 flux response
to inter-annual environmental variation; supervised lab assistants. 2002-2005
Research Scientist, NCAR, NSSL International H2O Project 2002, Norman, OK
Studied convective storm initiation for improved flash-flood prediction. 2002
Environmental Planner, RI DEM Strategic Planning and Policy, Providence, RI
RI Greenhouse Gas Action Plan project manager; evaluated CO2 and economic
impacts of energy policies (EPA Climate Protection Award 2005). 2000-2001
Toxicologist, Springborn Laboratories, Wareham, MA
Managed toxicology studies of industrial effluent and polluted soils. 1999
Environmental Affairs Intern, Senator John F. Kerry, Boston, MA
Interpreted environmental legislation and policy to aid constituents. 1999
Research Intern, NCAR Micro and Mesoscale Meteorology, Boulder, CO
Analyzed Cooperative Atmospheric Surface Exchange Study 1997 data. 1999
Assistant Biome Manager, Columbia University, Biosphere 2 Center, Oracle, AZ
Studied elevated CO2 effects on ocean coral and tree growth. 1998
Civil Air Patrol, Colorado Air National Guard, Boulder, CO 1995-1996
Trained as pilot for search and rescue missions over the Colorado Rocky Mountains.
Uebelherr, J. M., Hondula, D. M., and Johnston, E. (in review). Using participatory
modeling to enable local innovation through complexity governance. In Knowledge,
innovation networks and regional development. An agent-based simulation
perspective, Eds. Vermeulen, B, and Paier, M., Springer series Economic Complexity
and Evolution.
Tor-ngern, P., Oren, R., Oishi, A. C., Uebelherr, J. M., Palmroth, S., Travainen, L.,
Ottosson-Lofvenius, M., Linder, S., and Nasholm, T. (in review). Forest daily
transpiration controlled by canopy leaf area and soil texture spatial variation, and by
atmospheric and soil humidity temporal variability - experimental synthesis and
review. Global Change Biology.
Stoy P. C., Katul G. G., Siqueira M. B. S., Juang J.-Y., McCarthy H. R., Oishi A. C.,
Uebelherr J. M., Kim H.-S., Oren R. (2006). Separating the effects of climate and
vegetation on evapotranspiration along a successional chronosequence in the
southeastern U.S. Global Change Biology, 12, 2115-2135.
Stoy P. C., Katul G. G., Siqueira M. B. S., Juang J.-Y., Novick K. A., Uebelherr J. M.,
Oren R. (2006) An evaluation of models for partitioning eddy covariance-measured
net ecosystem exchange into photosynthesis and respiration. Agricultural and Forest
Meteorology Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2-18.
Uebelherr, J. M., Hondula, D. M. , Eneboe, J., and Johnston, E. W. Extreme heat
relief agent based model of an ad-hoc cooling center network of community and public
organizations. American Meteorological Society Conference, Phoenix, AZ, January
Uebelherr, J. M. Extreme heat relief in phoenix: gap analysis of cooling center
accessibility. Society for Risk Analysis Conference, Denver, CO, December 2014.
Hondula, D.M., Asburry, A., Bentz, D., Berisha, V., Eneboe, J., Goodin, K., Luc, M.,
McCullough, M., Mohamed, A., Roach, M., Salas, B., Starr, K., and Uebelherr, J.
Evaluation adaption strategies for extreme weather: Cooling center utilization and
accessibility in Phoenix, AZ. 20th International Congress of Biometeorology,
Cleveland, OH, September 2014.
Juang, J.-Y., Porporato, A., Stoy, P. C., Siqueira, M. B. S., Oishi, A. C., Kim, H.-S.,
Uebelherr, J. M. and Katul, G. G.. The effect of land cover change on the convective
precipitation during the growing season in the Southeastern United States. American
Geophysical Union Conference, San Francisco, CA, December 2005.
Stoy P. C., Katul G. G., Siqueira M. B. S., Juang J.-Y., Palmroth S., Kim, H.-S.,
McCarthy H., Oishi A. C., Uebelherr J. M., Oren R. The carbon and water cycles in
SE piedmont ecosystems: Insights from 17 site-years of eddy covariance data.
Southeastern Evolution and Ecology Conference, Athens, GA, March 2005.
Stoy P. C., Katul G. G., Juang J.-Y., Siqueira M., Palmroth, S., Kim H.-S., McCarthy
H., Oishi A. C., Uebelherr J. M., Oren R. Interactions between the carbon and
water cycles along a successional gradient in the southeastern US. American
Geophysical Union Conference, San Francisco, CA, December 2004.
Grossman, R. L., Lemone, M. A. , Chen, F., Yates, D., McIntyre, H., Blanken, P.,
Uebelherr, J. M. Investigation of Land-Atmosphere Interactions Across the EastWest USA Continental Precipitation Gradient: CASES in the International H2O
Project. American Geophysical Union Conference, San Francisco, CA, December
Uebelherr J. M., Grossman R. L. and Blanken P. D. Bulk Canopy Conductance Over
a Grassland Site in CASES-97. American Geophysical Union Conference, San
Francisco, CA, December 2000.
Public Policy Analysis, graduate. Fall 2012. Arizona State University School of Public
Affairs. Worked closely with students in intensive course setting for interactive
learning assignments using Netlogo agent based models, game theory, and framing of
political interest distribution to evaluate likely success of policy proposals. Provided
interim feedback and final grading for students major policy memo assignment.
Public Administration and Management, undergraduate. Fall 2012. Arizona State
University School of Public Affairs. This was a unique in person course with a major
Wiki page interface focus, where all course modules were presented from the Wiki
page and student assignments were completed on their individual course Wiki page.
Designed three new homework assignments for new course modules, graded
homework assignments, and calculated all final grades.
Environmental Science and Policy, undergraduate. Spring 2005. Duke University
Nicholas School of the Environment. Responsible for leading field trips as well as
grading exams and assignments.
Sources of Environmental Problems, graduate. Fall 2002 & 2003. Duke University
Nicholas School of the Environment. This was a critical thinking seminar style
course where I was responsible for engaging students in critical thinking discussions
Energy and the Environment, graduate. Spring 2003. Duke University Nicholas
School of the Environment. This seminar course was taught for the first time and I
assisted with design of the course, as well as presented my experience working on
climate policy and energy issues for one of the course modules.
Introduction to Human Biology Laboratory, undergraduate. Spring 1998. University
of Colorado at Boulder School of Arts and Sciences. Taught three laboratory sections
weekly covering basic aspects of introductory biology. Designed all lectures, quizzes
and exams. Laboratory teaching methods included lecture and applied lessons such
as dissection.
Student Travel Grant, Society for Risk Analysis Conference, Denver, CO, 2014.
Graduate Fellowship, Arizona State University School of Public Affairs, 2012-2015.
University Program in Ecology Graduate Fellowship, Duke University 2002-2003.
Environmental Protection Agency, 2001 ($25,000, co-I) “Rhode Island Department of
Environmental Management Child Lead Paint Risk Reduction” Joshua Uebelherr
and Janet Keller (RI Dept. of Environmental Management).
Environmental Protection Agency, 2000 ($100,000) “Rhode Island Department of
Environmental Management Greenhouse Gas Action Plan” Joshua Uebelherr and
Janet Keller (RI Dept. of Environmental Management).
Pi Alpha Alpha, National Honor Society for Public Affairs and Administration
Sigma Xi, Scientific Research Society
Data analysis volunteer coding for audio recordings for CPI lab project related to
Phoenix transportation plan meetings
Student Voluteer, Society for Risk Analysis Conference, Denver, CO, December 2014.
Manuscript Review: Mangel, Marc. The Theoretical Biologist’s Toolbox: Quantitative
Methods for Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Cambridge University Press, 2006.
Association of American Geographers, American Geophysical Union, American
Meteorological Society, American Society for Public Administration, Association for
Policy Analysis and Management, Association of Internet Researchers, Digital
Governance Organization, Public Management Resource Association, and Society for
Risk Analysis.
ArcGIS ESRI certified, MS Office, Matlab, R, Netlogo, OpenBUGS, S-Plus, SAS, Stata,
Sigma Plot, NOLS Wilderness First-Aid, DAN Oxygen First-Aid for diving injuries,
and CPR trained; certified NOAA Coxswain (class III vessels), PADI Dive master &
NOAA trained Scientific Diver.