Lecture 18. SDH, DWDM, IP over SDH D. Moltchanov, TUT, Spring 2015 Outline SDH capacity and protection design SDH ring bandwidth design DWDM restoration design IP over SDH two-layers design SDH: capacity design Telephony: routing of calls again Synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH) Replacement for PDH (E1/E3) Strictly synchronized (by atomic clocks) Allow for country wide networks Three types of nodes Terminal multiplexers (TM) Digital cross-connects (DCS) Add-drop multiplexers (ADM) Possible topologies Mesh: TM and DCS Ring: ADM nodes Telephony: topology example Telephony: routing of calls again Isn’t STM-1 155Mbps too huge? Subrates for carried demands Virtual containers (VC) in SDH Classic E1/E3 can also be connected Things are getting complex… Telephony: routing of calls again SONET/SDH are transport networks for Trunks from digital telephony networks (including cellular) Leased-line services Originally no support for IP networks IP: via Packet over SONET/SDH (PoS) is very important nowadays Specifics designing SDH/SONET Analogous to those discussed previously More complicated: because of particular rates available Demand: usually subrate VC-12/VC-3/VC-4 Should be connected to a capable node Common assumptions Nodes are DSC capable Can switch as any rate: VC-12/VC-3/VC-4 for SDH Telephony: routing of calls again Example 1: SDH as a transport for telephony 1 PDH E1 (2.048Mbps) into 1 SDH VC-12 (2.304Mbps) Demands between ingress/egress DSCs in terms of VC-12s A trunk group of 30 trunks (E1) is a single demand for SDH 1 DVU = 1 VC12 Available link rates STM-n: 1 – 155 – 622 Mbps,16 – 2.4Gbps, 64 – 9.9Gbps STM-1: carries 63 VC-12 containers Capacity of a link measured in STM-1 (SDH) 1 LCU = 63 DVU (1 DVU – 1 E1 converted into 1 VC-12, 30 trunks) 1 STM-1: 63 times 30 = 1890 calls… Should be a classic problem with modular design! Telephony: routing of calls again The whole problem E Minimize F e1e ye Subject to Pd x dp p 1 D Pd hd , d 1, 2, d 1 p 1 ,D x Mye , e 1, 2, edp dp ,E where xdp , ye are integers Note the following M = 63 and e is the cost of one STM-1 unit on link e We optimize using flat cost for STM-1 We do not differentiate between costs of STM-1 within STM-n A problem can be extended… Telephony: routing of calls again Let the cost of one STM-n on link e be en The whole problem Minimize F Subject to Pd x dp p 1 D Pd y N e1 n1 en en hd , d 1, 2, d 1 p 1 E ,D N x M n yen , e 1, 2, edp dp n 1 where xdp , yen are integers ,E SDH: restoration design Telephony: SDH restoration What are the consequences of failure of a link? Loosing all the flows xdp assigned to the path traversing link e i.e. to all the paths Pdp with coincidence coefficient edp 1 surviving capacity of demand d in case of failure situation s Pd hds hd edp xdp , d 1, 2, ,D p 1 simultaneous partial failure of several circuit groups d recall, demand volumes are in 30 trunks units What to do? How to minimize the effect? The capacities of circuit groups d should be split! Between as many non-zero flows as feasible This process is called path diversity Not commonly used in transport networks such as SDH… Why???? Telephony: SDH restoration One possible way Split each trunk group d to at least two flows How? Add a constraint xdp hd 2 , d 1,2, ,D What do we get applying this? Single link failures: availability is around 0.5 for all demand volumes Even demand volumes: ds 0.5 Odd demand volumes: at most slightly less than 0.5 Path diversity in SDH Can be really costly Recall restoration example we considered! (245 instead of 85!) Here bundles are really large… Restores capacity of individual flows! Path diversity is also called path protection Another way: link protection Restores capacity of a link instead of individual flows Telephony: SDH restoration Link protection Fixed link capacities ce , e 1,2, , E assigned in normal state Minimizes the cost of additional link capacities ye , e 1, 2, , E For each link e there is a list of restoration paths q 1,2, , Qe Used when the link fails Capacity is restored using flows zeq , e 1, 2, , E, q 1, 2, , Qe feq 1 if link f belongs to path q restoring link e The whole problem E Minimize F e ye e1 Subject to Qe z eq q 1 E Qe ce , e 1, 2, e1 q 1 z yf , feq eq ,E f 1, 2, where zeq , ye are integers , E , e 1, 2, , E, f e SDH: ring bandwidth design Telephony: ring bandwidth design SONET/SDH two topologies Mesh: terminal multiplexers (TM) and digital cross-connects (DCS) Ring: add-drop multiplexers (ADM) nodes Why ring? Restoration mechanism Mesh: restoration via signaling between DCSs Ring: restoration is built-in… Restoration in rings: < 50ms. for a single link failure ADM nodes Capable of inserting/extracting containers For example: we may insert or take out VC-12 at any ADM Telephony: ring bandwidth design Bi-directional line-switched ring (BLSR) Four optical fibers (called BLSR/4) Two pairs of fibers: one basic and one protection pair This is link protection Assumptions we take Service: telephony Based on STM-1 63 VC-12 sub-containers Telephony: ring bandwidth design Problem Given the inherent SDH circular routing in ring topology and the demand volume, how do we determine what is the number and type of parallel rings needed? Example Demand d=1 between ADMs 1 and 2 has volume h1 3 VC-12s Three numbers out of {1,2,…,63} are reserved between 1 and 2 VC-12s between them are used to realize 90 trunks If between ADMs 1 and 3 then reservation is on both segments When one segment fails then inner fiber is used Whole STM-1 is reswitched Telephony: ring bandwidth design Allocation of flows in BLSR/4 Not trivial Why? Demand is split into two parts, not equal Part is realized over one of the two complementary parts of the ring Analyzing the problem Nodes are numbered from 1 to V clockwise Segments from 1 to E, but E=V – ring e=1 connects (1,2), e=2 connects (2,3) Segment e=V connects V and 1 Demand volume between ADMs v and w hvw Clockwise v to w: flow uvw Counterclockwise w to v: flow zvw Telephony: ring bandwidth design Problem Minimize F r Subject to demand constraints uvw zvw hvw , v, w 1, 2, ,V , v w and capacity constraints evwuvw (1 evw ) zvw Mr , e 1, 2, , E where uvw , zvw , r are non-negative integers Link-incidence is now segment-demand incidence evw 1, v e w 0, otherwise 1 if segment e belongs to clockwise path from v to w we did for M=63 (STM-1), can do for M=252 (STM-4) If segment is cut: inner fiber is used (protection switching) Another SDH ring: unidirectional path switched ring (UPRS) Restoration in UPSR: path protection WDM: restoration Telephony: WDM restoration Wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) What? Expanding capacity of fibers without installing new ones What? Bidirectional communication over a fiber How? Mx-ing number of optical carriers into a single fiber How? Using different wavelengths (AKA colors or lambdas) Development of WDM First published in 1978 Lab demonstration 1980 First WDM: two signals Now: up to 160, 10Gbps -> 1.6Tbps Type of fibers Most WDM: single mode fiber 9mkm Sometimes multimode fiber 50-62.5mkm Telephony: WDM restoration WDM systems Conventional WDM (CWDM): 8 channels in C band, 1550nm Dense WDM (DWDM): denser spacing 40 channels at 100GHz spacing or 80 at 50GHz Ultra-dense WDM (UWDM): 12.5 GHz spacing (320 channels) Units for dimensioning DVU: 10Gbps (one wavelength, ~64 STM-1 modules) LCU: ~100 DVUs Telephony: WDM restoration Types of nodes in WDM Optical cross-connects (OXC) With/without wavelength conversion Without conversion: switching in optical domain (colors the same) With conversion: can switch colors (wavelengths as well) Types of networks depends on OXS Network without conversion: color of the light-path is the same Network with conversion: color of the light-path may change Telephony: WDM restoration Problem Wavelength assignment problem: assign wavelength in optimal way assuming WDM network with path diversity, routing, and without wavelength conversion. Specifiyng the problem Demands to be realized hd , d 1, 2, , D Candidate path for demand d: p 1, 2, , Pd Links e 1, 2, , E (composed of sets of fibers) Colors (wavelength) available on links are labeled c 1, 2, We include failures Failure situations s 0,1, , E State s 0 implies no links are broken At most one link at a time ,C Telephony: WDM restoration Analyzing the problem Volume of demand d realized in failure situation s hds , d 1, 2, , D, s 0,1, ,E number of light paths Cost of one LCU (optical fiber) on link e: e , e 1, 2, , E Link failure coefficients es {0,1} 0: if link e is failed in situation s Link-path incidence: edp {0,1} 1: if link e belongs to path p realizing demand d Path failure coefficients dps {0,1} 0: if path p of demand d failed in situation s We have dps {e: edp 1} aes Telephony: WDM restoration Number of light paths realizing d in color c of path p: xdpc Number of times color c is used on link e: zce Capacity of link e: ye , e 1, 2, , E The problem (OXCs without conversion) E Minimize: F e1e ye Subject to: Pd C x p 1 dps c 1 dpc hds , d 1, 2, , D, s 0,1, ,E in each state s surviving flows realize DVUs for all demands d D Pd d 1 p 1 x edp dpc zce , c 1, 2, , C , e 1, 2, ,E number of times color c is used on e ye zce , c 1, 2, , C , e 1, 2, ,E fibers sufficient to realize demand for each color on all links where xdpc , zce , ye are non-negative integers Telephony: WDM restoration Notes about the problem Integer programming: a lot of integer variables Complex to solve for large networks LP relaxation Make all variables continuous Allows to get approximate solutions What if OXCs with wavelength conversions? Becomes way simpler We get a “normal” switching network Identical to what we considered for SDH previously… Can be extended to include link opening costs IP over SONET (PoS) Telephony: WDM restoration Recall the following All networks are multi-layer ones Basics: traffic network over transport network IP over SDH/SONET is one frequently used SDH/SONET: no built-in support PoS: packet over SDH/SONET We already considered IP with OSPF protocol SDH/SONET with DSCs Now let’s take a look at IP links over SONET links Two-layered architecture Implemented using PoS Telephony: WDM restoration Problem statement Given an IP intra-network domain and the fact that IP links are realized as transmission paths over a capacitated SONET, how do we determine capacity required for the IP links and the routing of these links in SONET to minimize IP network cost. Want to work with SDH? Just replace capacities… When SONET and IP are owned by the same entity When owned by different entities (we one needs from SONET) Specifying the IP layer SONET network is given (nodes/capacities, etc.) We are given IP traffic demands d=1,2,…,D We are using OC-3 line cards (155.52Mbps) IP links are then modular multipliers of 155.52Mbps If demand < 155.52 then IP link module value is M=155.52 Telephony: WDM restoration Specifying the SONET layer IP links capacity is demand for SONET 1 DVU at SONET layer: 1 OC-3 (155.52Mbps) OC-3 demands are routed using OC-48 (2.4G) or OC-192 (9.9G) 1 LCU at SONET layer: N = 16M (16 OC-3 in OC-48) Path in SONET: several DCSs End IP routers are mapped to some DSCs Example of demands 1 Mbps between two nodes in IP Becomes 1 LCU in IP that is equal to M=155.52Mbps (OC-3) 1 LCU in IP becomes 1 DVU in SONET (OC-3) 1 LCU in SONET OC-48: N=2.4Gbps 1 Mbps -> 155.52Mbps -> 2.4Gbps Telephony: WDM restoration SONET IP Formalization of the problem IP network with V nodes and E links IP network traffic demands: hd , d 1, 2, , D Allowable paths for demand d: p 1, 2, , Pd Link weights system: we , e 1, 2, , E Flows induced by the weight system: xdp ( w) IP link incidence coefficients: edp 1 if path p of demand d uses e let modular capacity of link e in IP be ye (unknown, in modules of M) link capacities ye are demands to SONET network links in SONET: g 1, 2, , G Link capacities in SONET: q 1,2, , Qe candidate path in SONET for IP link (demand) e: SONET link-incidence : geq 1 if path q of demand e uses link g Notes on routing: Routing IP: dynamic, Routing SONET: semi-permanent Telephony: WDM restoration Variables for optimization Link weights: w ( w1 , w2 , , wE ) IP link modular capacities: y ( y1 , y2 , SONET modular capacities: zeq , e 1, 2, Problem Minimize F Subject to: Pd E ye e1 q1eq zeq x ( w) hd , d 1, 2, Pd d 1 p 1 E Qe e 1 e p 1 dp D , yE ) , E, q 1, 2, ,D IP link termination cost (cost of OC-3 cards at the end of link e, often linkindependent,e 2 ) edp xdp ( w) Mye , e 1, 2, , E z M Qe C q 1 c 1 eq E Qe e 1 q 1 ye , e 1, 2, ,E geq zeq Ncg , g 1, 2, , G we , ye , zeq non-negative integers , Qe Cost of routing in SONET Utilization to minimize congestion Telephony: WDM restoration Cost of routing in SONET eq ? Setting eq 1 Maximizing the spare capacity of SONET links Setting eq e , q 1, 2, , Qe Cost rate (per month, per year) of one LCU of IP link e To be paid by IP provider to SONET operator The problem is a huge headache… LP relaxation?...