Annex 2 APPLICATION FORM For participants of the competition nomination «TRADITIONAL RESTAURANT MANAGEMENT» I. Title page Should reflect the restaurant concept Name of the restaurant Name of the school Names of the team members English language level 1. 2. 3. 4. ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ (alternative) Member 1 2 3 4 (alternative) School address Contact e-mail Contact tel number Level of English language knowledge (from 0 – is not an English speaker, to 5 – fluent) II. Executive Summary (no more than 1 paragraph) III. Restaurant concept description (no more than 0,5 page) How restaurants relates to the Carpathian traditional cuisine Type of establishment Type of cuisine served Meals served Hours of operation Location of restaurant Target market IV. Interior and décor (no more, than 0,5 page). V. Restaurant Diagram Please provide on the separate page the restaurant diagram. Proposed format – А4. Sample Restaurant Diagram1 1 All samples should be deleted in the final application form VI. Organizational Chart Please insert here the organization chart that shows the positions required to staff a new restaurants and subordination. VII. Menu and Recipe a) Please, provide menu that includes 5 positions (4 meals and 1 drink) with prices. b) Please provide a recipe for 1 menu item (not a drink) Recipe Menu Item Number of Portions Portions Size Cooking Method Source/origin/acknowledgements Ingredients Item Amount Procedure Cooking sequence c) Please provide costing for the recipe above Recipe Cost Menu Item Number of Portions Ingredients Item Amount Ingredients Cost Unit Cost Total Cost Total Recipe Cost a) Please, attach sample presentation menu with prices in separate file in JPG or PDF format (not less than 300 DPI). VIII. Marketing. a) Please chose 1 marketing tactic for your new restaurant concept promotion / marketing from the list below or propose new one. List of Marketing Tactics Advertising Promotions – Incentives to entice customers to patronize an operation. o o o o o o o o o o Frequent shopper program Special Pricing Premiums Special Events Samples Contest Signage & display materials Merchandising Carryout & door hanger menu Public Relations Direct Marketing -mail campaign b) Provide description of marketing tactic chosen, including the goal, target group and costing (maximum 0,5 page) c) For the one marketing tactics, teams must submit a paper-based sample of the tactic (maximum ½ A4 format paper). IX. Check-list □ Executive Summary □Description of new traditional restaurant concept □ Interior and décor □ Restaurant Diagram □ Organizational Chart □ Listing of 5 menu items □Recipe □Recipe Cost □ Presentation menu □ Marketing Tactic Descriptions Goal Budget Sample of marketing tactic □ Visual presentation Traditional restaurant management competition Evaluation form Total score - 160 Criteria Written Proposal (55 points) Restaurant Concept (25 points) Description of concept Traditional Carpathian cuisine – in the center of the concept Type of establishment indicated and substantiated Meals served Hours of operation Location of restaurants Target market Interior and décor Does it match concept Restaurant diagram/layout Flow of visitors planning applied Effective servicing facilities layout planned and respond to the restaurant concept (all facilities planned and located properly) Appropriate equipment planning (enough size for visitor and servicing areas, all equipment envisaged) Organizational chart Does the staffing fit the concept All positions accounted Proper organization of chart Executive Summary Menu (15 points) Matches restaurant concept & appropriate menu mix Description of 5 items Sample presented Easy to read Fits concept (conceptually and visually) Recipes, food costing Origin indicated Price for item reflects the price costing Marketing Plan (15 points) Matches restaurant concept Tactic description Tactic goal Will it reach target market Tactic budget Sample Creativity Verbal presentation (maximum 55 points) Organization of presentation Presentation skills Ability to sell concept Easy to hear/understand Professionalism Slideshow Supports/illustrates/complements verbal presentation Max Points 10 3 4 3 5 3 3 4 5 5 3 4 3 5 15 20 Score Readable Creative Material presented Reflect the written presentation Appropriate for a verbal presentation Depth of overall knowledge Critical Thinking (50 points) Teamwork Presentation skills Ability to sell solution Easy to hear/understand Professionalism Sector 1. Safety and sanitation Sector 2. Servicing of clients, staff Sector 3. Menu Sector 4. Marketing and conceptual knowledge 15 5 5 10 10 10 10