Night History & Background Information

Night History & Background
Night by Elie Wiesel
Elie Wiesel (1928 
Born in Sighet, a village in Transylvania, Romania
Forced to live in a ghetto during World War II
1944 – taken to Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland
Separated from mother and sisters
Never saw them again
Had to go on a “death march” which he describes in Chapter 6 of Night
1945 – Allies liberated the concentration camp
1985 – won the Congressional Medal of Freedom
1986 - won the Nobel Peace Prize
Memoir = type of autobiography that concentrates on a
particular period or series of events
An account of Wiesel’s experience as a young Jew in
Nazi Germany and in concentration camps (between
1941 and 1945)
Considered to be one of the most powerful accounts of
the Nazi atrocities
Wiesel does not intend his autobiographical account to
be a comprehensive view of everything that took place
in the Holocaust
Wiesel did not write Night until 10 years after the
World War II
Began in 1939 with the German invasion of Poland
Ended in 1945 with the Allied invasion of
Normandy, France on D-Day
Allies = United States, Britain, France, Soviet
Axis = Germany, Italy, and Japan
Nuclear bombs dropped on Japan lead to the end of
The Holocaust
Was the systematic, planned extermination of 6
million European Jews (and others) by the Nazis
during WWII
Many non-Jews died also, but the Holocaust only
targeted the complete extermination of the Jews
Holocaust = a Greek term, meaning “burnt whole”
The Holocaust was
From the Greek term genos- (race or nation) + -cide
Term created AFTER WWII to describe the
deliberate and systematic murder of an entire
political, cultural, or religious group
The word DID NOT exist before the Holocaust
Nazis used phrases such as “Final Solution” and
“resettlement” in place of genocide
Adolf Hitler (1889-1945)
Born in Austria
Developed anti-Jewish and anti-democratic views
WWI veteran
Dedicated, courageous soldier, but never promoted
beyond rank of Private because he didn’t have
leadership qualities (SITUATIONAL IRONY)
Nazi – National Socialist German Workers
Hitler was elected party chairman with full dictatorial
Adolf Hilter continued…
Wrote Mein Kamph (My Struggle) while in prison
Rebuilt the Nazi party after WWI; took power of
Germany and established himself as dictator
One of the 20th centuries most powerful dictators
Launched WWII in 1939 with the invasion of
Anti-Semitism (hatred toward Jews) = a keystone
of Hilter’s propaganda and politics
Being Jewish is NOT a race;
being Jewish is a religion
Religion is a choice.
You are not born with a permanent religion in your
You can CHOOSE your religion.
Race is NOT a choice.
You are born with genes/DNA that makes you a certain
You CANNOT choose your race.