Catalyst 2011 Gregg and Bev Mitchell Timberline Secondary, Campbell River Whoosh Bottle Chem 11, 12 5 gallon water jug Science 10 100 mL methanol match rate of reaction combustion Disappearing Water Chem 11 sodium polyacrylate All sciences 3 styrofoam cups polymerization Pampers observation skills Thanks to Peter Dibiski, Vernon Sec. 25 mL graduated cylinder water Water Rocket Physics 11, 12 Science 8 water rocket water target identifying forces Newton’s Third Law unsuspecting target Orange Crush Science 8, 10 hot plate 1000 mL beaker change of state air pressure cold water pop can tongs Coke vs Diet Coke Science 8, 10 density aquarium full of water unopened can of coke unopened can of diet coke Bare-Handed Boiling Science 8, 10 large test tube water conductors/insula tors bunsen burner Rock Chuck Physics 11, 12 density projectiles foam rock Robin Hood Physics 11, 12 bow and arrow hat projectiles Water Pistol Physics 11, 12 loaded water pistol or projectile range hose attached to tap Pink Lemonade Chem 12 lemons Science 10 phenolphthalein, in 0.1 M NaOH acid/base indicators food coloring syringe Miss Vickies in the 'Buff' Chem 12 Science 10 buffers Miss Vickies salt and vinegar potato chips 0.1 and 1.0 M solutions of HCl and NaOH pH meter Low-tech Litmus Chem 12 'Galaxy Gold' paper Science 10 0.1 and 1.0 M solutions of HCl and NaOH acid/base indicators Windex Bar of soap Acid-Base Shifts Chem 12 Science 10 0.1 M and 1.0 M solutions of HCl and NaOH universal indicator acid/base indicators equilibrium stressors large graduated cylinder magnetic stirrer M.O.M. to the Rescue Chem 11,12 Science 10 acid/base indicators solubility equilibrium Thanks to ChemFax! Flinn Scientific 2 – 3 mL 3 M HCl per cycle universal indicator 20 mL Milk of Magnesia 800 mL ice water magnetic stirrer Firecracker Momentum Physics 11, 12 safety shield firecracker conservation of momentum 2 Hot Wheels cars board Eggs in Motion Physics 11, 12 raw egg Science 8 hard boiled egg Newton's First Law Musical Motion Physics 11 Science 10 kinematics music with a strong beat marker magnetic toy car or student on rolling lab cart whiteboard or adding machine tape Bug Swatter Physics 12 Science 9 electricity and magnetism battery operated bug swatter Stoichiometry Chem 11, 12 Science 10 stoichiometry neutralization 500 mL 2 M HCl (in volumetric flask) 500 mL 2M NaOH (in volumetric flask) 1000 mL volumetric flask 2 funnels 2 droppers Thanks to Bette Bridges (CHEMED 2005) 25 mL graduated cylinder Elephant's Toothpaste Chem 12 Science 10 20 mL 30% H2O2 MnO2 (s) 5 mL 2 M KI 500 mL graduated cylinder catalysis large test tube dish soap glowing splints Lycopodium Chem 12 lycopodium powder Science 10 candle matches surface area and reaction rate Burning Steel Chem 12 fine steel wool Science 10 bunsen burner matches concentration and reaction rate jar of O2, with lid Wait for Me! Chem 12 reaction mechanism rate determining step Thanks to Bette Bridges (CHEMED 2005) 3 funnels of various sizes retort stand iron ring water Vanishing Act Physics 11 Science 8 refraction pre-soaked phantom crystals 250 mL beaker Water or pyrex test tube canola oil Life in a Fishbowl Physics 11 fishbowl Science 8 laser pointer coffee mate refraction incense Sliding Magnet Physics 12 neodymium magnet copper sheet or pipe induction Repulsive Wires Physics 12 Science 9 induction fuses amputated extension cord 100 g masses leads steel wool fireproof pad Thanks to Jim Axford, Dover Bay, retired Money to Burn Science 9 heat of vaporization $50 bill 50/50 water-alcohol mixture ~ 1 g NaCl flame source tongs