Thesis: Thesis with Subtopics: In-text Citations Print Source with

Research Question:
List Your Sources
In-Text Citation
Introduction (capture audience’s interest, establish perception of you as a writer, and announce the thesis)
Focusing event, Quotation, Shocking statistic, Analogy, Personal statement
Establish a personal connection (writing about abortion due to a friend/family member)
Establish your writing voice: compassionate, aggressive
Narration (explain the situation to the reader)
Background information, Definitions/key terms, History, Legal Precedents, Public Opinion Polls/Statistics
Confirmation #1 (start with the strongest claim from your thesis, provide evidence, and elaborate)
Facts, Testimony, Examples
*Make sure the evidence for each claim supports the larger thesis.
1. What are the arguments that support my thesis that my audience is most likely to respond to?
2. What arguments that support my thesis is my audience least likely to respond to?
3. How can I demonstrate that these are valid arguments?
Confirmation #2 (2nd strongest claim from your thesis, provide evidence, and elaborate)
Confirmation #3 (3rd strongest claim from your thesis, provide evidence, and elaborate)
Refutation and Concession (counterclaim #1- opposing side’s argument)
Anticipate potential objections and have an answer for them.
Show that the opposition has some merit but is flawed in some way.
Show that the opposition has merits but is outweighed by other considerations
Example: An under-aged female should not have to obtain a guardian’s permission for abortion in cases of incest, but an adult
appointed by the court should be available for the girl to talk with in order to make a wise decision.
Example: Stronger groundwater pollution laws are needed, but cities and municipalities should not be held liable for cleaning up
groundwater that was polluted before the law was passed.
You must show that the opposing argument is based on incorrect evidence, questionable assumptions, bad reasoning, prejudice, superstition,
or ill will.
Refutation and Concession (counterclaim #2- opposing side’s argument)
Look back at your narration and identify key information to show the reader why your claim is the best.
Include a statement that provides an emotional or ethical appeal to the reader.
1. How can I best leave a strong impression of the rightness and importance of my view?
2. How can I best summarize or exemplify the most important elements of my argument?
3. What is the larger significance of the argument? What long-range implications will have the most resonance with my readers?
In-text Citations
Print Source with Author- ______________________________________________________________________________________
Print Source with Unknown Author- ______________________________________________________________________________
Internet Source with Author- ___________________________________________________________________________________
Internet Source without Author- ________________________________________________________________________________
Thesis: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Thesis with Subtopics: ________________________________________________________________________________________