Crafting a Thesis Statement

Crafting a Quality
Thesis Statement
 Tell
me what you think a thesis statement is.
 Just
as a topic sentence states the main idea
of a paragraph, a thesis statement states the
main idea of a paper.
 Usually
one sentence, but can be two or
more sentences.
 All
paragraphs in your paper support and/or
prove your thesis statement.
A successful thesis statement
A thesis statement
• tell the subject of your paper
• be simply a statement of fact:
“Mount Everest is popular with
mountain climbers.”
• show your point of view on the
• be statement as an
announcement: “In this paper I
will show that…”
• be a statement that can be
• be an opinion that can’t be
supported with facts:
“Mountain climbing is the
greatest sport.”
• be specific
• be general: “Mountain climbing
takes different types of athletic
 Example
1: Many climbers have perished on
Mount Everest as a result of poor planning,
lack of experience, and bad weather.
 Example
2: Different climbing routes on a
mountain require different kinds of climbing
 Example
3: To prepare for a trip up Mount
Everest, climbers need money, training, and
experienced guides.
 Formulate
a topic question – on what are you
focusing your research?
 For
example, if you topic is abortion your
topic question could be: Should abortion be
illegal or do women have a right to choose?
 For
example, if you topic is gangs your topic
question could be: What are the negative
effects of gangs and how can society control
Form an opinion and state it clearly
Do not be wishy-washy
For example, if you topic is abortion your
opinion is either 1) it should be legal or 2) it
should be illegal
For example, if your topic is gangs your opinion
is either 1) gangs need to be controlled by the
government or 2) gangs serve a purpose for
communities and are necessary
 Craft
your thesis statement
 Contains
the subject and your opinion – think
about what your research proves
 Write
a few thesis statements and think
about which one will be the easiest to prove
based on your opinion and research.
 Does
your thesis pass the "how and why?"
 If
a reader's first response is "how?" or "why?"
your thesis may be too open-ended and lack
guidance for the reader.
 See
what you can add to give the reader a
better take on your position right from the
The following slides contain three
different thesis statements. Identify
each as strong or weak, giving a
reason for your opinion.
 Many
states have a maximum highway speed
limit of 65 miles per hour.
Is this a quality thesis statement?
If not, what error is being made in the
construction of this thesis statement?
 In
this paper, I will explain why highway
speed limits should be raised.
Is this a quality thesis statement?
If not, what error is being made in the
construction of this thesis statement?
 Highway
speed limits improve the safety and
efficiency of motor vehicles.
Is this a quality thesis statement?
If not, what error is being made in the
construction of this thesis statement?
For example: F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby is
a great American novel.
In The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald develops a
contrast between the lives of the rich and the lives of
the working class.
Why? and How?
Through its contrasting rich and working class
lifestyles, Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby suggests that
to find the true expression of the American dream,
one must not become corrupt and engage into false
impressions of success.