HONR269V Honors Seminar: Virus Hunting: From Emerging Diseases to NanoTechnologies; (3 credits) Grade Method: REG. CORE Life Science (LS) Course. Course schedule: Fall Semester 2014, Tu, Th 2:00 – 3:15pm Course location: 1158 Plant Sciences Bldg. Course Instructor: Dr. James Culver, 6139, Plant Sciences Building ; 301-405-2912; jculver@umd.edu; Professor of PSLA/IBBR, Office hours by appointment. ELMS Blackboard: https://myelms.umd.edu/login Course information will be posted on Blackboard Course Description: The term virus invokes visions of sickness, disease and death. But viruses are much more than harbingers of plaque they are an integral part of our environment present in the air we breathe, the food we eat and practically everything else. In addition, virus studies have impacted social controversies including the vaccineautism connection and the development and use of genetic engineering. Furthermore, viruses represent remarkable biological nano-machines that are currently being used to produce and deliver life saving drugs and can even be turned into batteries to power your favorite electronic device. This seminar will explore viruses, their biology and their impact on society. Specific topics will include: 1, viral infectious diseases, their history, epidemiology and control (from the 1918 Spanish flu to the AIDS crisis); 2, the role of virus studies in social controversies (vaccine use and genetic engineering); 3, viruses in our genomes and in our environment (viruses as agents of evolution, cancer and as beneficial symbionts); 4, the impact of viruses in the development of modern science and their use in nanotechnology (from scientific theory to DNA origami). Learning Outcomes: 1. Understand the basic biology of viruses and their impact on society. 2. Understand the role science plays in shaping social issues. 3. Understand how society influences the business of science. 4. Develop skills for reading, interpreting and critiquing scientific literature. 5. Demonstrate proficiency in communicating science using appropriate oral and written means. Course Structure: Classroom Participation All students are required to participate in class through questions and discussions. Participation will be documented. In addition, students will participate in a virus-hunting project. At times this will require participation outside of the classroom. (15% of Grade) Class Attendance and Assignments Assignments will include weekly reading/listening and writing assignments covering current virus research topics. Attendance at all class lectures is required unless a University approved excuse is provided (See link below). Attendance will be documented. (10% of Grade) Weekly Discussion Each week selected students will be responsible for leading the discussion on the topic of the week. This could be on a scientific paper, a pod-cast or current press release related to viruses and or the diseases they cause. (20% of Grade) Quizzes Quizzes covering assigned discussion material are planned. Quizzes will consist of short answer questions. (Up to 4 Quizzes Total of 20% of Grade) Final – Research Proposal Students will prepare a five-page research proposal based on the “Bill and Melenda Gates Foundation” format that targets an innovated aspect of virology and its application or impact to society. Students will also prepare a 10 min presentation to “make the case” for funding their innovative idea. All applications will be reviewed and ranked by the class. (Combined proposal, presentations and review will make up 35% of grade) Extra Points Students can earn extra points through attendance of the University Virology Retreat on Saturday Nov. 15th. Additional points for bringing in news items for discussion are also on the table. Optional Readings: Dorothy Crawford, Michael Oldstone, Carl Zimmer, The Invisible Enemy: A Natural History of Viruses Viruses, Plagues and History: Past, Present and Future A Planet of Viruses Online Resources: VrialZone http://viralzone.expasy.org/ This Week In Virology http://www.twiv.tv/ American Society of Virology http://www.asv.org/ All the Virology on WWW http://www.virology.net/garryfavwebindex.html The World of Viruses http://www.worldofviruses.unl.edu Attendance Policy http://www.umd.edu/catalog/index.cfm/show/content.section/c/27/ss/1584/s/1540 www.president.umd.edu/policies/docs/V-100G.pdf Academic Integrity Code http://www.president.umd.edu/policies/docs/III-100A.pdf UM Counseling services Resources are available on campus for students having personal problems or lacking clear career and academic goals, which interfere with their academic performance. These resources are available through counseling center (www.counseling.umd.edu). Accommodations for Students with Disabilities The University has a legal obligation to provide appropriate accommodations for students with documented disabilities. In order to ascertain what accommodations may need to be provided, students with disabilities should inform the instructor of their needs at the beginning of the semester. The instructor will then consult with the department chair and with Disability Support Services (314-7682), who will help to determine and implement appropriate academic accommodations. CourseEvalUM: Your participation in the evaluation of courses through CourseEvalUM is a responsibility you hold as a student member of our academic community. Your feedback is confidential and important to the improvement of teaching and learning at the University as well as to the tenure and promotion process. CourseEvalUM will be open for you to complete your evaluations starting about two weeks prior to the last day of the term before exams begin. Please go directly to the website (www.courseevalum.umd.edu) to complete your evaluations. By completing all of your evaluations each semester, you will have the privilege of accessing online evaluation reports for the thousands of courses for which 70% or more students submitted their evaluations. You can access results at www.CourseEvalUM.umd.edu, the same link you use to submit your evaluations. Click View Past Results instead. Use the CourseEvalUM URL and choose Take Evaluations to discover upcoming evaluation dates: www.CourseEvalUM.umd.edu