What happened to college civility? How to deal more effectively with aggressive, hostile and demanding students Presented by Dr. Gail M. Platt Director of the Teaching and Learning Center, Title V At South Plains College Week of February 11, 2008 A FORMER student armed with a shotgun and two handguns opened fire in a lecture hall at an Illinois university, killing five and injuring 16 others before killing himself. It was the fifth US school shooting in a week. The massacre follows school shootings in Ohio, Louisiana, Tennessee and California that left five dead. http://www.news.com.au/heraldsun/story/0,21985,23220774-663,00.html If we want collegiality and civility, then we must be collegial and civil. If we want energy and enthusiasm, then we must project energy and enthusiasm. -- Stephen J. Trachtenberg, recently retired president of George Washington University, from The Chronicle of Higher Education, November 2, 2007. Incivility is a serious matter. From 1994 to 1997, 213 cases of incivility were published in The Chronicle of Higher Education. 76% of cases, students were the target 18%, faculty were the target 6.5%, staff were the target Incivility is a serious matter. Among student cases, race was the dominant factor. Among faculty and staff, gender was the issue. According to the researcher, all categories of incivility appeared to be on the rise. “Incivility is speech or action that is disrespectful or rude. Incivility in the contemporary classroom may include insulting or even violent behavior.” Tiberuis & Flak, 1999. "Membership in the academic community places a special obligation on all members to preserve an atmosphere conducive to the freedom to teach and to learn. Part of that obligation implies the responsibility of each member of the community to maintain a positive learning environment in which the behavior of any individual does not disrupt the classes of teachers or learners” (taken from the Civility Statement of Northern Arizona University). Sam Pickering, professor of English at the University of Connecticut and the inspiration for Robin Williams’ character in Dead Poet’s Society, said that he once told a student that she needed to learn civility. “Civility?” she asked. “What’s that? I’m not an English major.” What is civility? An example of expert handling rude behavior Employees of an institution set the climate. Find out what your institutional policies and procedures are in regard to civility and uncivil acts. Instructional employees have two essential prerogatives: 1. establish and implement academic standards; 2. establish and enforce reasonable behavioral standards. Support staff, like all college personnel, are entitled to establish and enforce reasonable behavioral standards in their own work environment (Amado, p. 21). Guidelines for non-instructional staff Meet with supervisors and campus officials to develop strategies and procedures for dealing with disruptive students. Put safety measures in place: A means of ready egress A system of code words to alert others to danger A buzzer to a warning system Reasons for Difficult Situations Some students may have emotional or mental health disorders. Some may be considered disabled and fall under protection of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; however, they are expected to adhere to the same standards of behavior as any other student. “The college does not owe a duty to a student that is higher than the duty owed by society at large” Amado (1994), p. 78. Reasons for Difficult Situations Physical Reasons Medication Illegal drugs Illness Fatigue Discomfort Vision/hearing problems Learning disabilities Reasons for Difficult Situations Emotional Reasons Loss, separation (parents, significant others, etc.) Depression Lack of maturity Attention seeking Redirected aggression Reasons for Difficult Situations Environmental Reasons Norms (regional, national, societal) Class size Tasks Routine and stimulation Poor lighting Poor acoustics Uncomfortable seating, etc. More severe mental-health problems in our colleges A study conducted in 2005 showed that “It’s not unusual to have . . . people who are currently suffering from major depressive disorder, alcohol abuse, obsessive-compulsive disorder, schizophrenia, and the like,” John C. Norcross, professor of psychology at the University of Scranton. Brainstorm What bothers me most? What behaviors do I let slide? What bothers you? Students who arrive at closing time Students who fail to keep appointments Students who argue with you Students who are “talkaholics” -- even after their business is finished, they stay in your office talking. Students who talk on cell phones when they are in your office supposedly taking care of business with you Students who ________ (fill in the blank) Another example: What do you think? General categories of misconduct Passive incivility not interested not involved inattentive Active incivility disruptive defiant disrespectful Immature behavior not coming on time talking loudly, using inappropriate language Criminal behavior cheating threats, intimidation violence Although certain incivilities may bother you more than others, do not take these behaviors personally. Case Study: JANET Things to Do Do stay calm and in control. Don’t become defensive. Make direct eye contact. Maintain an open posture. Stop talking. Wait for silence (or ask for silence). Check yourself. Are you using authoritarian tactics? Are you condescending in your tone and attitude? Are you using “loaded” words? Are you being unreasonable and/or unclear? Are you being inflexible and/or intolerant? Are you accelerating unfortunate situations into really bad events? Check the facts. What happened or is happening? When did it or does it happen? What happens just before, during and after? Who is involved? Who is hurt? How do you feel about it? What changes would make it okay? What did you do and did it work? Explain objectives and rationale for policy as you understand it. Allow students to vent and recognize their feelings. Let them know that you will not tolerate verbal abuse. Immediately report all violations of the law (including campus policies, rule and regulations). Document what happened. Any time student behavior is threatening towards any person (including the student him- or herself), contact campus police/security. Be honest. Don’t make assumptions. The obvious must be stated. Emphasize what students should do (instead of what not to do). Use consistent standards. But, it is okay to change your mind if you learn something new. Say “No” assertively, not aggressively, submissively or hesitatingly. Don’t get into an argument. Don’t press for an explanation of misbehavior. Don’t press for an apology. Avoid threats. Clearly state what you will do and what you expect the student to do. Sometimes students are frustrated about a situation, and if you don’t make it personal, it won’t be about you. Listen without interruption as long as the student is respectful. Don’t turn the discussion into a WIN/LOSE situation. Remind the student that you want to find the best solution. Give the student a graceful out. Remind the student of the policies and accommodations at the college which might improve their situation. Avoid the YOU word. When a student really gets under your skin . . . Professor Pickering suggests that you “go into your office alone, shut the door and quote Tennesee Williams, preferably a terse, ripe phrase, something like ‘Screw you’ or ‘Kiss my ass.’ Afterward open your door, chuckle, step into the hall, and smile like the sunrise.” From Please take my advice, Chronicle of Higher Education, February 11, 2005. Civility Statement: Example Ocean County College defines civility primarily as the demonstration of respect for others, basic courtesy, reciprocity (treating others as we wish to be treated), and behaviors that create a positive environment in which to learn and to work. Civility Statement: Example (cont’d) The Trustees of the College and the College Administration set the tone for civil behavior through their professional conduct and through their leadership of the institution. All members of the college community create a positive environment characterized by considerate and principled conduct (From Ocean County College, Tom’s River, NJ). Civility Statement: Example (cont’d) While no civility statement can guarantee considerate and principled conduct, the values set forth herewith represent institutional ideals and should serve as guide posts: Respect for the work of all persons Courteous discourse (oral, verbal, nonverbal and electronic) Honest interactions and utterances Fair and just treatment Integrity and keeping promises Civility Statement: Example (cont’d) Commitment to the community college philosophy: Access, transfer, career preparation, workforce development, partnering, and community outreach. Open professional communications Diversity, professionalism, and collegiality Free expression of views without meanness or a desire to do harm Tolerance of differing points of view . Civility Statement: Example (cont’d) These ideals are consistently modeled by those in leadership positions—in the administration, staff, faculty, and student body—and should provide direction for all members of the college community. http://www.ocean.edu/campus/PAR/documents/TeamReportfortheWebsite226 07.doc Another Example Members of the Blinn College community, which includes faculty, staff and students, are expected to act honestly and responsibly in all aspects of campus life. Blinn College holds all members accountable for their actions and words. Therefore, all members should commit themselves to behave in a manner that recognizes personal respect, and demonstrates concern for the personal dignity, rights and freedoms of every member of the College community, including respect for College property and the physical and intellectual property of others (Blinn College Civility Statement, Brenham, TX). “Often an infusion of common sense and good judgment will provide a better resolution of the problem than the automatic invocation of a conduct code” Amada, (1994), p. 15. Rights Students have a right to express opinions germane to the subject matter of a course or institutional policy. Employees (faculty and staff) have a right to guide discussion and set reasonable limits. Setting boundaries Do not divulge overly personal information about yourself to students. You can be friendly without being a friend. Be increasingly brief if students try to start a personal relationship. Do not date students. Factors Affecting Interactions Situational content Communication style/method Employee’s personality Student’s personality What do you control? Situational content? Maybe? Communication style/method YES! Employee’s personality YES! Student’s personality TO THE EXTENT YOU UNDERSTAND IT Control what you can control about content. Know office/institutional policy and procedures. Know where you have leeway. Model appropriate behavior. Show respect and courtesy to your students. Define appropriate behavior. Communication: Fear Center/Danger Center/Center of Negative Emotion Amygdala region of the brain plays a role in fear, anger and rage (about the shape and size of an almond), located near the back cortex (where the brain analyzes and makes meaning of our experiences). It does not solve problems, create ideas or plan actions. Communication: Fear Center/Danger Center/Center of Negative Emotion Every situation is quickly and subconsciously monitored by the amygdala. Research shows amygdala becomes less active when we a) see happy faces; b) start solving puzzles. The amygdala (red areas) are almond shaped groups of neurons located deep within the medial temporal lobes of the brain. Control communication. Smile. Speak in a calm and even voice tone. Do not escalate your volume. Use a professional voice, not a personal one. If the student is angry, ask if they are angry at you personally. Ask the student to explain what you have done. Ask exactly what they are upset about. Ask the student to suggest a solution that is fair to everyone (if applicable/appropriate). Be willing to apologize. Let students know that you want them to succeed at your institution. Express your support and empathy. Restate your position. Personality (preferences) as a tool for effective interaction A form of the MBTI can be accessed at no charge through the website below: http://www.humanmetrics.com At this website, click on the Free Jung Typology. MBTI measures preference. • • • • MBTI does not measure ability. MBTI does not measure pathology (what is normal versus what is abnormal). MBTI is not an intelligence test. MBTI is easily-biased (if you answer the way you’d like to be or the way you think you should answer). Dimensions of Type INTROVERT EXTRAVERT SENSING iNTUITIVE THINKING FEELING PERCEIVING JUDGING <...Dimensions move along a continuum...> I or E Your energy source 35% Extraverts Introverts 65% • E’s get their energy from without – by interacting with and being around others. • I’s get their energy from within – spending time alone in reflection and contemplation. S or N How you think 35% Sensors iNtuitives 65% S or N Ss are Sensors, sensitive to their environment and preferring to learn through the senses. Ns are iNtuitives, preferring to learn by insight and inspiration. T or F How you make decisions 50% 50% Thinkers Feelers T or F • • Ts are thinkers who make decisions objectively based on facts and logic. Fs are feelers who make decisions subjectively based on how they and others feel about the impact or outcome of those decisions. J or P Plan it? Wing it? How you organize and live your life 40% Judgers 60% Perceivers P or J • • Ps are Perceivers, flexible thinkers, making decisions based on many observations. Js are Judgers, rigid and structured decision-makers who prefer rules and regulations. Use your personality* to your advantage. I E Don’t ignore the behavior. Deal with it assertively. Calm yourself. Maintain your professional voice and manner. *based on MBTI type Use your personality* to your advantage. S N Stay focused on what is really imported. Don’t get distracted by details/minor infractions. Be specific in identifying the inappropriate behavior and the desired behavior. *based on MBTI type Use your personality* to your advantage. T F Show empathy. Support the student’s feelings. Explain actions to the extent you are comfortable. Don’t become emotional. Don’t take responsibility for things you don’t control. Don’t assume guilt. *based on MBTI type Use information about other personality types* to your advantage. I Students E Students Appeal to their preference for privacy; in a quiet and inconspicuous manner, show them facts/rules/policies. Appeal to their preference for attention and immediacy; ask them to take a deep breath and try to relax; respond without delay. *based on MBTI type Use information about other personality types* to your advantage. S Students N Students Appeal to their preference for detailed information processed in various ways; Appeal to their preference for the big picture and “why;” give them handouts/handbooks, etc; show them website info; tell them what they need to know. *based on MBTI type provide reasons for the rules/policies or situation; explain how the policy benefits students. Use information about other personality types* to your advantage. F Students T Students Appeal to their preference for a personal connection. Appeal to their preference for the facts. *based on MBTI type Use information about other personality types* to your advantage. J Students P Students Provide organizational information; deadlines, options. *based on MBTI type Be proactive. Be constructive. Be reactive. Be proactive. Provide clear rules and expectations. Student handbook with clear rules and regulations, policies and protocols. Office materials, brochures, policy statements, etc. Be consistent. Be constructive. Demonstrate respect for students and expect respect in return. Compliment appropriate behavior. Motivate with positive feedback. Examine your relational/interactional style. Understand and follow due process policy. Choosing the right approach If you are too strict, you may encourage defiance. If you are too lax, you may foster disrespect. Research shows some teacher behaviors are correlated with student incivility. Could these findings also apply in student services? Professionals who are aloof with distancing mannerisms Professionals who discourage student involvement Professionals with low level enthusiasm, clarity and organization (Boice, 1995). Be reactive. Attend to the first incident quickly. Use the college Student Code of Conduct to address behavior. Contact Campus Security if necessary. More people with major mental disorders are attending college, with recent improvements in psychotherapy and drug treatment allowing people to attend college who earlier would have been too ill. A general principle People observe and imitate behavior that generates acceptance and results in the desired reward. When individuals who are uncivil do not encounter immediate consequences, they become role models for other students. Another general principle If you respond to uncivil behavior with sarcasm or criticism, you create an aggressive environment. What should you know? 1. 2. 3. Get to know counselors and campus resources in counseling. Know how your institution complies with the ADA. Know how to contact campus police in emergency, keeping in mind that it’s best to notify an administrator before calling the police (if possible). What should you know? 4. 5. 6. Don’t be tempted to “treat” students or provide therapy. Let all students know about campus resources for students with difficulties or questions. Your role is to stay focused on your job/assignment, not how the student’s treatment and/or mental health is going. Don’t give into undesirable behavior. Ignoring it does not make it go away. Document! Document!! Document!!! After an incident with a student, you should write a summary of the incident and make two copies. Give one copy to the student and one to your supervisor while keeping the original in your files. Document behaviors. Do not diagnose reasons for the behavior or possible events/scenarios leading up to the behavior. Just tell what happened. If you have a preference for a particular action, indicate that in your documentation. If a discussion with the student does not resolve the matter, you may wish to send the student to your supervisor. Avoid Legal Problems Treat everyone the same. Stick to written rules and policies. No exceptions. No bending the rules. Remember . . . Common sense is a good thing. Students with legitimate learning disabilities, including mental illness, must be documented through the appropriate office. Students who have documented mental illness should receive no fewer – but no more – academic accommodations than a student with a similarly debilitating physical illness. However, students with disabilities are expected to adhere to the same standards of behavior as any other student. Remember Students (both male and female) have greater expectations for female authority. Stay calm. Aggression and/or sarcasm can raise the ante. Do a little investigation. Safety is most important. Anytime you feel uncomfortable, you should take action. Incivility costs. One study (University of N. Carolina) showed: 28% of people lost work time trying to avoid the instigator of the incivil behavior. 53% lost work time worrying about the incident or what might happen next. 37% felt less committed to their organization. 46% thought about changing jobs. 12% changed jobs. Some suggestions (continued) Join your professional organizations and get professional liability insurance. Acknowledgements: The impetus for this presentation and some content taken from Ronald Johnston’s slide show at Blinn College, originally found at the Blinn College website (http://www.blinncol.edu/classroom%20civility /sld001.htm). Information was also taken from Coping with classroom incivilities, Starlink, October 20, 2005. Bibliography Amada, G. (1999). Coping with misconduct in the college classroom: A practical model. Asheville, NC: College Administration Publications. Benton, T. H. (2007). Remedial civility training, Chronicle of Higher Education, May 11, 2007. Boice, R. (1996). Classroom incivilities. Research in Higher Education, 37(4), 453486. Bibliography (cont’d) Carbone, E. (1999). Student behaving badly in large classes. In S.M. Richardson (Ed.) Promoting civility: A teaching challenge (pp. 35-43). New Directions for Teaching and Learning Vol. 77. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Cross, K. A., & Angelo, T. A. (1994). Classroom assessment techniques. San Francisco: JosseyBass Downs, J.R. (1992). Dealing with hostile and oppositional students. College Teaching (40)3, 106108. Eisner, P. A. & Boggs, G.R., eds. (2005). Encouraging civility as a community college leader. Washington, DC: Community College Press. Bibliography (cont’d) McKeachie, W.J. (1999). Problem students (there’s almost always at least one!). In W.J. McKeachie Teaching tips: strategies, research and theory for college and university teachers (10th ed., pp. 235247). Lexington, MA: D.C. Heath. Schneider, A. (1998, March 27). Insubordination and intimidation signal the end of decorum in many classrooms. Chronicle of Higher Education 44, A12. Sorcinelli, M.D. (1994). Dealing with troublesome behaviors in the classroom. In K.W. Prichard & R.M. Sawyer (Eds.) Handbook of college teaching: Theory and Applications (pp. 365-173). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press. References Civility in the classroom http://www.blinncol.edu/Classroom%20civility/ http://www.inform.umd.edu/cte/PODResourcePacket s/Studentteacher/Academic.html http://www.prm.nau.edu/prm423/naucivility.htm http://www.studentaffairs.ttu.edu/vpsa/publications/ci vility.asp http://www.webs.twsu.edu/cs105/civility.htm Eisner, P. A. & Boggs, G.R., eds. (2005). Encouraging civility as a community college leader. Washington, DC: Community College Press. References (cont’d) Classroom assessment techniques http://www.hcc.hawaii.edu/intranet/committees/FacD evCom/guidebk/teachtip/assess-1.htm http://www.utc.edu/Teaching-ResourceCenter/assessment.html http://ss.uno.edu/SS/TeachDevel/Asses/AssemTech. html ©2008 G.M. Platt, Ph.D. South Plains College, Library Bldg. 310 Levelland, TX 79336 (806) 894-9611 Ext. 2240 gplatt@southplainscollege.edu