SYLLABUS 1. Wayland Baptist University, Sierra Vista Campus, School of Business 2. Mission Statement: Wayland Baptist University exists to educate students in an academically challenging, learning-focused and distinctively Christian environment for professional success and service to God and humankind. 3. Course: COSC 2311 - Computer Applications 4. Term: Summer 2011 (May 23, 2010 – August 6, 2011) 5. Instructor: Edward E. Boyles 6. Office Phone and email: (520) 538-5061, Home Phone: (520) 459-2354, email:, Cell Phone: 520236-7991 7. Office Hours, Building, and Location: Available by phone 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm 8. Class Meeting Time and Location: Hybrid Course* -- On-line see and the following lab/lecture sessions at the WBU Sierra Vista Campus Computer Lab located at 400 W. Fry Blvd., Suite 14, Sierra Vista, AZ 85635: Blackboard features and MS Word MS Excel MS Access MS PowerPoint All MS Office 2007 applications review Thursday, May 26, 2011-- 5:30 PM to 9:10 PM Thursday, June 9, 2011 -- 5:30 PM to 9:10 PM Thursday, June 23, 2011 -- 5:30 PM to 9:10 PM Thursday, July 21, 2011 -- 5:30 PM to 9:10 PM Thursday, July 28, 2011 -- 5:30 PM to 9:10 PM *Check Blackboard Announcements for the latest information on the above listed dates and times 9. Catalog Description: Students with computer competency will learn to enhance their personal productivity and problem solving skills using knowledge work tools (spreadsheets, presentation graphics, word processing, Internet and electronic mail) expected of end users. Students will improve their skills as knowledge workers through effective and efficient use of integrated software. Information technologies will be applied to problem situations by design and use of small information systems for individuals and groups. Students who possess the requisite skills may opt to take a challenge examination administered by the Division of Business. If a satisfactory score, 75% or better, is received on the examination, the student may substitute an elective in place of the COSC 2311 requirements in the degree plan. Cost of the examination is $20. This is not an advanced placement test and no academic credit will be awarded. Students who want credit for the course may take a different exam, pay 1/3 tuition and score 80% or better. Students who fail the exam or choose not to attempt the examination must enroll in and pass COSC 2311 as part of the academic foundations of the baccalaureate degree plan unless an approved computer course has been taken. Fee $50. 10. Prerequisites: Documented computer competency: transcripted course(s), passing the ACAC 0303 examination, or passing ACAC 0303. 11. Required Textbook and Resources: BOOK Go! With Microsoft Office 2007 AUTHOR ED YEAR PUBLISHER Gaskin, Ferrett, 3rd Vargas, McLellan 2007 12. Optional Materials: None 13. Course Outcome Competencies: 1 ISBN# Pearson/Prentice 0-135109949 Hall Bundle REVIEW Spring 11 Introduction to Microsoft Office 2007 MS Word 2007 Start Word Create and edit a MS Word 2007 document Enter text into a document Check spelling and grammar Change Fonts size, color, underline and bold Paragraph alignment and format Delete and undelete Insert files, clip art Save a document MS Excel 2007 Formulas Functions Formatting MS Access 2007 Describe databases and database management systems Create a database Create a table and add records Create and use a simply query Create and use a simple form MS PowerPoint 2007 Using a design template Auto layouts Create a Presentation 14. Attendance Requirements: Attendance is determined by your ability to meet the assignment delivery schedule outlined below. Missed delivery dates will count as an absence. Assignments are expected to be completed on or before the due dates. If you are unable to complete an assignment on time, you should request an extension at least 48 hours before the assignment is due and this will be considered an excused absence. 15. Disability Statement: “In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), it is the policy of Wayland Baptist University that no otherwise qualified person with a disability be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subject to discrimination under any educational program or activity in the university. The Coordinator of Counseling Services serves as the coordinator of students with a disability and should be contacted concerning accommodation requests at (806) 291- 3765. Documentation of a disability must accompany any request for accommodations.” 16: Course Requirements and Grading Criteria: All students are required to have access to the Internet, an e-mail account, and access to a computer with the Windows Operating System (XP, Vista, and Windows 7) or a Macintosh OS capable of running Office 2007. Microsoft Office 2007 software (including Access) is required for this course. If you have Microsoft Office 2010 on your computer, this will work, but some of the descriptions in the book may vary slightly especially in the Access chapters. Files created in Office 97, 98, 2000, 2003, Star Office, Open Office, Word Perfect Office Suite, Microsoft Works, Lotus Office Suite and others are NOT ACCEPTABLE for obvious reasons. Check with the Wayland Bookstore or on-line to get academic/student discounts on your Office 2007 software. The class will use the WBU Blackboard accessible at You should check Blackboard at least twice each week for updated instructions and announcements. NOTE: If you experience problems with your home computer, you may use the computers at the Education Center during the following hours: Monday - Thursday 7:30 a.m. – 9 p.m., Friday 7:30 a.m. - noon, Saturday 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. Computers are also available at the WBU Sierra Vista Campus at 400 W. Fry Blvd., Suite 14, during the following hours: Monday – Wednesday 8:00 a.m. – 9 p.m., Thursday 10:00 a.m. – 9 p.m., Friday 8:00 a.m. – noon. Contact the office at (520) 459-1610 for further information. 2 Assignments and exams are weighted as follows: Weekly Assignments Midterm Final 70% 15% 15% Letter Grade Determination I use the following percentages to convert your score into a course grade: Grade Percentage A 90-100 B 80-89 C 70-79 D 60-69 F below 60 I an incomplete may be given to a student who is passing, but has not completed some required work for reasons beyond the student’s control. The ‘I’ grade must be discussed with and approved by the instructor before the end of the session. I prefer you send a personal e-mail message if you are going to be late; however, telephonic coordination or Blackboard is acceptable. When requesting an extension, include a date specifying when you will send the assignment. This will become the assignment’s new due date. Manage your time and commitments appropriately. If you have difficulty with an assignment, send me a Blackboard message and an e-mail. Include a detailed description of the problem and, if applicable, page and step numbers. You will typically receive a response within 24 - 48 hours. NOTE: You are not required to submit print outs. If you do not have the fonts called for in the assignments, substitute an alternate font. Unless directed otherwise in the assignment list, if you cannot find the clip art called for in the assignment, substitute an alternate (but similar) graphic. 17. Tentative Schedule: (Calendar, Topics, Assignments) Submission of Assignments: All due dates are due by midnight Friday (The server is in Texas, so I will accept time tagged messages up to 2:00 AM as tagged by the server depending upon the time of year and daylight saving time). You will be submitting your assignments as Blackboard message attachments using the message feature of Blackboard. We will not use the Digital Drop Box or Safe Assignment feature of Blackboard for this course. If you don’t pre arrange a late homework submission, you will be subject to a 50% late penalty deducted from your earned score for that week. The subject line of the message should include your name, the class name and the week. For instance -- “Boyles COSC 2311 Week 1.” Send complete assignments for each week as a blackboard message with a single attachment. You will have to learn how to use compressed folders or WinZip because Blackboard only allows one attachment per message. I will post instructions on how to create these folders on Blackboard in the “Lecture Notes.” You may submit assignments and take the on-line tests ahead of the assignment due dates if you wish. Examinations There will be a midterm and final exam. The midterm will cover MS Word and Excel 2007. The final will cover Access and PowerPoint. You will be taking these exams on-line using the WBU Blackboard. If you need to use the education center or WBU Sierra Vista Campus computers to take your exams, remember they close at noon on Fridays. 3 NOTE: This class contains no group projects. All work must be the result of each submitting student's individual efforts from "blank page" to completed product. Each student is responsible for safeguarding his or her own work. Sharing violates the ethics policy. NOTE: This syllabus in only a plan and may be adjusted during the course. Proctor Hours This course will use automatically graded exams on Blackboard, so no proctor is required. For other proctorrequired courses, the locations and times are as follows. Proctor Hours: No proctors are available on dates that the offices are closed. Please arrive early enough to complete the exam prior to the close of business. Test proctoring is available on the final Saturday of the term, August 7th, 2010, from 8am until 2pm at the Landmark office only and only by prior appointment. Landmark Office: Monday – Wednesday 8 AM – 9 PM Thursday 10 AM – 9 PM Friday 8 AM – NOON Fort Huachuca Office: Monday – Wednesday 8 AM – 5 PM Thursday 10:30 AM – 5 PM Friday 8 AM – NOON 18. Additional information as desired by the faculty member. 4 Signing Into the Course Due Date: May 27, 2011 Students will post an introduction about themselves on the Blackboard discussion board no later than November 12, 2010. This posting will include: Your name and e-mail address A short introduction outlining your familiarity with the MS Office, computers in general, and a statement of your expectations for the course Anything else you want the class to know Syllabus Quiz – Check Blackboard “Assignments” 5 Week 1 Assignment Due Date: May 27, 2011 Reading Assignment Homework Microsoft Word 2007 Project 5A Application Letter Pages 3 – 24 Follow the assignment and complete the activities from page 3 - 24. You will not print or submit the files. This is a skill builder. Microsoft Word 2007 Project 5B Company Overview Pages 25 – 48 Walk through the assignment from Page 25 – 48 and create the file. You will not submit these files – more skill building. [submit the following] Project 5C: Receipt Letter on page 52. Create the receipt letter in project 5C and save the document as filename: 5C_Receipt_Letter_Firstname_Lastname Project 5D: Marketing on page 55. Create the document and add text from the student files (w05D_Marketing, w05D_Piano) and save your document as filename: 5D_Marketing_Firstname_Lastname Submit the following files placed in a as a single zip folder attachment to your Blackboard message. (Remember the rules of assignment submission.) 1. 5C_Receipt_Letter_Firstname_Lastname 2. 5D_Marketing_Firstname_Lastname Post a 50+ word notice (or reply) on the discussion board. (This IS graded) 6 Week 2 Assignment Due Date: June 3, 2011 Reading Assignment Homework Microsoft Word 2007 Project 6a (Seminar) and 6b (Law Overview): Pages 73 – 121 Walk through the assignment from 73 – 100 and create the file. You will not submit this though. Walk through the assignment from 101 – 121 and create the file. You will not submit this though Skills Review [submit the following] Skills Review: Project 6C, page 125 - 127 + 6C_Patent_Search_Firstname_Lastname Skills Review: Project 6D, page 128 - 131 + 6D_Copyright_Law_Firstname_Lastname Submit the following files as a single zip attachment to your Blackboard message. (Remember the rules of assignment submission.) 1. 6C_Patent_Search_Firstname_Lastname 2. 6D_Copyright_Law_Firstname_Lastname Post a 50+ word notice (or reply) on the discussion board. (This IS graded) 7 Week 3 Assignment Due Date: June 10, 2011 Reading Assignment Homework Microsoft Word 2007 Using Graphics and Tables Walk through the assignment from 147 – 187 and create the files. You will not submit this though. Skills Review: Creative Supplies and Sales Figures [submit the following] Skills Review: Creative Supplies, Project 7C, page 191 + 7C_Creative_Supplies_Firstname_Lastname Skills Review: Sales Figures, Project 7D, page 195 + 7D_Sales_Figures_Firstname_Lastname Microsoft Word 2007 Special Document Formats, Columns, and Mail Merge No Assignment. Read for your own interest if desired. Submit the following files as a single zip attachment to your Blackboard message. (Remember the rules of assignment submission.) 1. 7C_Creative_Supplies_Firstname_Lastname 2. 7D_Sales_Figures_Firstname_Lastname Post a 50+ word notice (or reply) on the discussion board. (This IS graded) 8 Week 4 Assignment Due Date: June 17, 2011 Reading Assignment Homework Microsoft Excel 2007: Creating a Worksheet and Charting Data Walk through the assignment from 275 – 341 and create the files. You will not submit this though. Skills Reviews Skills Review: pages 347 – 350 + 9C_Service_Firstname_Lastname Pages EX 3 – EX 55 Skills Review: pages 351 – 354 + 9D_Tires_Firstname_Lastname Submit the following files as a single zip attachment to your Blackboard message. (Remember the rules of assignment submission.) 1. 9C_Service_Firstname_Lastname 2. 9D_Tires_Firstname_Lastname Post a 50+ word thread (or reply) on the discussion board. (This IS graded) 9 Week 5 Assignment Due Date: June 24, 2011 Reading Assignment Homework Microsoft Excel 2007: Managing Workbooks and Analyzing Data Pages 371 – 417 Walk through the assignment from pages 373 – 417 and create the files. You will not submit this though. [submit the following] Skills Review -- Property Tax: Pages 425 – 428 + Microsoft Excel 2007: Using Functions and Tables Pages 445 – 489 10D_Property_Tax_Firstname_Lastname Walk through the assignment from 447 – 488 and create the files. You will not submit this though. [submit the following] Skills Review – Pendants: pages 494 – 497 + 11C_Pendants_Firstname_Lastname Skills Review – Auto Loan: page 498 – 501 + 11D_Auto_Loan_Firstname_Lastname Submit the following files as a single zip attachment to your Blackboard message. (Remember the rules of assignment submission.) 1. 10D_Property_Tax_Firstname_Lastname 2. 11C_Pendants_Firstname_Lastname 3. 11D_Auto_Loan_Firstname_Lastname Post a 50+ word thread (or reply) on the discussion board. (This is graded) 10 Week 6 Assignment: Midterm Exam Due Date: July 1, 2011 The midterm exam consists of 50 multiple-choice questions covering the Word and Excel chapters. The test will be taken on line at Blackboard and has a two-hour time limit. Once you begin the test do not close the browser or navigate away from the page or you will be locked out. The Education Center/WBU Campus closes at noon on Fridays. If you need to use the lab there, you must plan accordingly. 11 Week 7 Assignment Due Date: July 8, 2011 Reading Assignment Homework Microsoft Access 2007 Getting Started with Access Databases and Tables. Pages 521 - 571 Walk through the assignment on pages 521 - 571 and create the files. You will not submit this though. [submit the following] Skills Review: Departments – pages 575 - 580 + 12C_Departments_Firstname_Lastname Skills Review: Benefits Fair, pages 581 - 583 + 12D_Benefits_Fair_Firstname_Lastname Submit the following files as a single zip attachment to your Blackboard message. (Remember the rules of assignment submission.) 1. 12C_Departments_Firstname_Lastname 2. 12D_Benefits_Fair_Firstname_Lastname Post a 50+ word notice (or reply) on the discussion board, the topic of your choice. (This IS graded) 12 Week 8 Assignment Due Date: July 15, 2011 Reading Assignment Homework Microsoft Access 2007: Sort and Query a Database Pages 601 – 659 Walk through the assignment on pages 603 - 659 and create the files. You will not submit this though. [submit the following] Skills Review: Music Department, pages 663 - 666 + 13C_Music_Department_Firstname_Lastname Skills Review: Concerts and Sponsors, page 667 - 672 + 13D_Concerts_Sponsors_Firstname_Lastname Submit the following files as a single zip attachment to your Blackboard message. (Remember the rules of assignment submission.) 1. 13C_Music_Department_Firstname_Lastname 2. 13D_Concerts_Sponsors_Firstname_Lastname Post a 50+ word notice (or reply) on the discussion board, the topic of your choice. (This IS graded) 13 Week 9 Assignment Due Date: July 22, 2011 Reading Assignment Homework Microsoft Access 2007: Forms, Filters and Reports. Pages 689 – 739 Walk through the assignment on pages 691 - 739 and create the files. You will not submit this though. [submit the following] Skills Review: Counseling Sessions, pages 743 - 747 + 14C_Counseling_Session_Firstname_Lastname Skills Review: Workshops and Rooms, page 748 + 14D_Workshop_Rooms_Firstname_Lastname Submit the following files as a single zip attachment to your Blackboard message. (Remember the rules of assignment submission.) 1. 14C_Counseling_Session_Firstname_Lastname 2. 14D_Workshop_Rooms_Firstname_Lastname Post a 50+ word notice (or reply) on the discussion board, the topic of your choice. (This IS graded) 14 Week 10 Assignment Due Date: July 29, 2011 Reading Assignment Homework Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 Getting Started with Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 Pages 771 – 818 Walk through the assignments on pages 773 – 813 and create the files. You will not submit this though. [submit the following] Skill Review : Hospitality, pages 817 – 819 + 15C_Hospitality_Firstname_Lastname Skill Review: Funding, page 820 - 822 + 15D_Funding_Firstname_Lastname Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 Designing a PowerPoint Presentation, 837 - 877 Walk through the assignment 837 - 877 and create the files. You will not submit this though. Skills Review: Snowboarding, pages 881 – 884 + 16C_Snowboarding_Firstname_Lastname Use Blackboard messenger to transmit the following files after you complete these assignments: 1. 15C_Hospitality_Firstname_Lastname 2. 15D_Funding_Firstname_Lastname 3. 16C_Snowboarding_Firstname_Lastname Post a 50+ word notice (or reply) on the discussion board, the topic of your choice. (This IS graded) 15 Week 11 Assignment: Final Exam Due Date: August 5, 2011 The final exam consists of 50 multiple choice questions covering the Access and PowerPoint chapters. The test will be taken on line at Blackboard and has a two-hour time limit. Once you begin the test do not close the browser or navigate away from the page or you will be locked out. The Education Center closes at noon on Fridays. If you need to use the lab there, you must plan accordingly. 16