Martin Luther: early career to 1517

Martin Luther: Diet of Wörms, 1521
Richard Fitzsimmons
Strathallan School
Background …
Luther had been summoned before the Imperial Diet
and the new young Emperor Charles V to answer for his
writings and teachings
He had been given a promise of safe conduct by the
Emperor, though many in Germany did not expect
Charles to keep to it. (c.f. Jan Hus in 1415)
He had been granted a hearing before his peers in
Germany as a favour to Frederick the Wise, and
because of a law passed by Maximilian I that Germans
could not be place on trial outside of Germany
Luther was unaware of the amount of public support he
had on the journey to Wörms – he was to receive a
shock when he got to Wörms
What was the situation in 1521 ?
Luther’s rejection of the Bull
Exsurge Domine at the end
of 1520 meant that the
internal church mechanisms
for controlling opinions had
failed to bring him back to
 The rapid spread of his
writings, and the
effectiveness of their appeal
to the German people,
threatened the established
religious structure in
As Luther’s writings
began to divide educated
opinion in Germany, his
campaign was becoming as
much of a political as a
religious issue.
 Any physical punishment
of Luther would require
either the cooperation of
his own ruler, Frederick
the Wise, or action by the
Imperial authorities.
A fatal invitation ?
Charles V became German
Emperor just as Luther’s
campaign was spreading –
he did not appreciate the
level of support that
Luther’s ideas had amongst
the Germans
 Charles himself was a
deeply committed Catholic:
he felt that he was the
heir to good Catholic
rulers and that he should
uphold their example.
Although he was Emperor,
Charles was in a relatively
weak position as an
inexperienced ruler, while
the German princes were
eager to see how their
ruler would react to
Luther’s challenge
 Rather than seek to punish
Luther immediately, he
decided to summon him to
an Imperial Diet at Wörms
where he could answer for
his views.
Who was Charles V ?
On the death of Emperor
Maximilian in 1519, his
grandson, Charles I of Spain,
was elected Emperor
Through the inheritance of his
mother, Joanna of Castile,
Charles had already been King
of Spain since 1516.
He now became Emperor
Charles V, and ruler of
Flanders, Sicily, Naples and
the New World.
Safe Conduct …
Martin Luther was offered a
safe-passage to appear before
the Emperor at Wörms on 17
April 1521.
In 1415, the Czech reformer, Jan
Hus, had been given a similar
safe-passage to the Council of
Constance. He was arrested and
burned at the stake.
Luther’s life was certainly in
danger – not necessarily from the
Emperor but perhaps from
someone anxious to ingratiate
themselves with their new ruler
Would the Reformation have died
there and then if Luther had
been burnt at Wörms ?
Luther at Wörms …
Luther was asked whether he was prepared to
recant the views that he had held. He refused
and defended himself.
 “I do not set myself up as a saint. It is not my
life that I am arguing about, but the teaching
of Christ. It is not right for me to retract
these works …”
 He concluded: “Here I stand, I can do no
What did the Emperor say ?
Charles V was infuriated by Luther, and
replied: “After Luther’s stiff-necked reply
yesterday, I now repent that I have so long
delayed proceedings against him and his false
doctrines. I have resolved never again, under
any circumstances, to hear from him. Under
protection of his safe conduct he shall be
escorted home, but forbidden to preach and to
seduce men with his evil doctrines and incite
them to rebellion.”
The Edict of Wörms, 1521
Charles V kept his promise and Luther was
allowed to return to Saxony.
 Elector Frederick abducted Luther and hid him
in the Wartburg Castle, for his own protection,
until 1522.
 The Edict of Worms gave imperial confirmation
and support for the Pope’s Bull of
Excommunication of 3 January 1521.
 Luther was now condemned both by the Pope
and the Emperor.
The situation after Wörms …
Luther was not only an excommunicate, but also now an outlaw
in the Empire – he could be seized by anyone and handed over
as a heretic.
 Luther ‘disappeared’ into the protective custody of Frederick
the Wise at the Wartburg castle (1521-22)
 Charles departed for Spain thinking that the official Ban
passed by the Diet would be enough to dampen down the
‘Luther Affair’ – he was wrong. His absence and delegation of
power to his brother Ferdinand meant that the Habsburg
response to the spread of Lutheranism was ‘hardly vigorous or
 There was widespread sympathy for Luther’s criticisms of the
Church throughout Germany, and Charles’ Edict was upheld in
some areas, ignored in others. Certain groups took up Luther’s
‘cause’ enthusiastically, among them the Imperial Knights.