JERRY AND THE PEANUT FARMER: Presidents Ford and Carter Nixon Resigns 1st President to Resign Ford is in office from August 1974 – January 1977 1st President to take office via the 25th Amendment: Vice President position by appointment, then fill the office of President by succession 1976 Republican Presidential Candidate Reputation for integrity Moderate Appointed Pardons Nelson Rockefeller as VP Nixon THE PRESIDENT WHO WAS NOT ELECTED: FORD IS SWORN IN AUGUST 9, 1974 Ford was born Leslie Lynch King Jr Mother She remarried to Gerald R Ford Sr. Ford U left abusive father shortly after his birth was never formally adopted of M football player (center and linebacker) 13 terms in House of Representatives (House Minority Leader) Died at age 93 (oldest President) VICE PRESIDENT LESLIE LYNCH KING JR.? Wife: Betty Ford 76% approval rating when Jerry lost to Carter Former model and dancer Divorce’ (scandalous…) 4 kids Feminist ERA supporter Pro-Choice Breast Cancer Awareness (Together with VP’s wife Happy Rockefeller) Frankness Substance Abuse and Addiction Advocate Alcoholic Betty Ford Clinic BETTY FORD – MORE POPULAR THAN JERRY! DOMESTIC POLICIES: Socially conscious: i.e. Education of All Handicapped Children Act 1975 (special education) ERA supporter Pardoned Draft Dodgers Country is in midst of Recession Economic goals: Reduce inflation Reduce taxes on business Reduce government controls on business Stimulate the economy by reducing government controls on businesses “NO PAPER SHUFFLERS” FOREIGN POLICIES: Declared Vietnam War (for the US) over Prevent Turkey/Greece/Cyprus going to war Prevent (more) war in the Middle East Maintain Détente with USSR Rabin and Ford MORE OF THE SAME… Ford and Sadat 1975 in California: 1. Lynette “Squeaky” Fromme (follower of Charles Manson) 2. Sara Jane Moore 2 ASSASSINATION ATTEMPTS 1976 ELECTION Ford Loses: Republicans still associated with Watergate Carter: represented the “common man” Farmer from Georgia: Humble/Honest CARTER: 50.1% VS. FORD 48% 40.8M VS 39.1M POPULAR VOTES Condition Middle Cold of the World: East War Condition of the Country: Economy recession Fuel still in a crisis continues WHEN CARTER TOOK OFFICE… At Home: - 8M increase in jobs - Reduction in federal deficit - Interest rates and inflation still high - New energy policy deregulated domestic oil prices = increased production - Civil service reforms - Record number of minorities and women appointed to government jobs - The Department of Education is created in 1979 CARTER’S PRESIDENCY * Increased environmental controls * Emphasis on environmental awareness * Expansion of National Parks - Especially in Alaska CARTER THE TREE HUGGER James Earl Carter, Jr. Born 10/2/1924 Plains, Georgia Family owned a peanut farm Married to Rosalynn Carter 3 kids Attended Naval Academy and was a Naval Officer Governor of Georgia Senator from Georgia WHO IS THIS JIMMY GUY? Informal Didn’t like the “pomp” of the presidential image DIFFERENT KIND OF PRESIDENT Camp David Agreement in 1978 between Egypt and Israel Panama Canal Treaties Established with China full diplomatic relations More nuclear weapons limits (SALT II) with USSR ABROAD… BUT: Soviets invaded Afghanistan Ayatollah Khomeini leader of theocracy in Iran US supported the ousted Shah November 4, 1979: 52 American Students are captured by Iranian Revolutionary Terrorists at the US Embassy in Tehran Held for 444 days Failed rescue attempt “Operation Eagle Claw” April 1980 USS Nimitz and USS Coral Sea were patrolling near Iran 8 US servicemen were killed and 1 Iranian citizen IRAN HOSTAGE CRISIS Initially, it helped gain public support for Carter (Nation gathering together in a crisis) Went on for so long Images in the press of Iranians burning American Flags, etc. Iraq invades Iran Iran and US talk with Algeria as mediator: Algiers Accords Release of hostages Minutes after Reagan is sworn into office IMPACT OF THE IRAN HOSTAGE CRISIS THE END OF THE ‘70S