File - ThekimaMayasa 1- Sankofa Reflection Student

ED 850 In-Class Learning Reflection
Learning Reflection of In-Class Artifact
Thekima Mayasa
ED 850
Summer 2012
ED 850 In-Class Learning Reflection
In-Class Learning Reflection
I have selected my final individual project from ED 850: Quantitative Methods
and Inquiry as the In-Class Artifact Reflection for Summer 2012. I chose this artifact
because it effectively demonstrates the program learning outcomes of Professional
(Program Goals: A, B, C, D, E) and Organizational Advocacy (Program Goals: A, B, C) for
the San Diego State University independent Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) program (San
Diego State University, 2011. pp.7)
This artifact reflection serves as example of my acquired proficiencies in utilizing the
Professional and Organizational Advocacy learning outcomes. I thoroughly enjoyed this course
as it gave me an opportunity to really dive into the research process and to gain a really
good feel for and experience with the writing skills sets I believe is required to complete
my dissertation. I am truly appreciative that this course was scheduled over the summer
because it really gave me time to focus on all the varying mechanics of the quantitative
research process.
This was particularly meaningful to me as it provided an opportunity
to recall an undergraduate experience (over 25 years ago) concerning a quantitative
course in my early days at SDSU called ECON 347, Research and Design. This was a
required course for the degree and at that time was taught by one elderly faculty member.
It was common knowledge that the vast majority of his students were subject to repeating
this course at least twice. However, I was fortunate to have taken this course the year a
UCSD graduate student was hired to teach another section of the ECON 347. His
instructional style and ability to make meaning of macroeconomics became the
motivating factor that inspired me to also major in economics. That year in 1983, my
math interests and skill sets where challenged like nothing I had ever known before, yet
more importantly this professor instilled a confidence within me that resulted in my
ED 850 In-Class Learning Reflection
passing the course on my first attempt. This was considered nothing short of a miracle for
any student in those days.
Having the opportunity to reflect back in time, pick up, explore and engage in a
greater understanding of quantitative research, brought me closer to my original higher
education goals of becoming an engineer like my father, whom I loved very much. This
class helped me revive and rejuvenate this desire while affirming I could do it, and, do it
Professionally, my interest in this class and the sharpened skill sets acquired,
gave me real pause to seriously reconsider conducting my dissertation research (STEM
focused) as a mixed-methods study. A more in-depth consideration caused me to really
seek the best possible approach for my topic as I concluded that a much needed voice of
experience was required to capture what traditional quantitative analysis would fall short
of incorporating. That is how impactful this course has been for me. It reaffirmed my
ability to effectively engage in the scientific realm and further inspired me to continue my
research on this very important topic of the naturally existing congruent relationship
between culture and STEM fields. As diversity continues to be a growing factor within
an increasing technologically based economy, research will inevitably be required to
address this issue more thoroughly and I intend to be a pioneering force in it.
This is one project that I am extremely proud of and there is no doubt that it has
enhanced my Organizational Advocacy skills. As a visual learner, seeing a format of
scientific writing that I produced and can understand enables me to use it as a framework
to build upon with added value for future projects and evidenced based inquiries
requiring written scientific analysis. Here again, Dr. Wood made the course content
ED 850 In-Class Learning Reflection
interesting and relevant to my research, proving to me that cultural congruency makes a
profound difference in the learning process. Furthermore, this experience gave me a
visual foundation for the level of work necessary to complete the dissertation process and
serves as hard evidence to myself and others of my ability to complete the program.
San Diego State University, (2011). San Diego State University College of Education
Doctoral Program (Ed.D.) In Educational Leadership Student Handbook. Retrieved
May 14, 2012, from the San Diego State University website
San Diego State University, (2011). Individual end-of-the-semester reflection
Retrieved May 14, 2012, from the San Diego State University website