Chapter 10 Worksheet Matching Match the terms to the descriptions. a. social welfare b. pogrom c. Francis Joseph d. kaiser e. Duma f. g. h. i. j. zemstvo emigration Giuseppe Garibaldi Ferenc Deák anarchist ____ 1. leader of the “Red Shirts” ____ 2. local, elected assembly in Russia ____ 3. an important safety valve that relieved social tensions in Italy ____ 4. a person who wants to abolish all government ____ 5. elected national legislature in Russia ____ 6. government programs to help certain groups of citizens ____ 7. helped create the Dual Monarchy ____ 8. violent mob attack against Jews ____ 9. inherited the Hapsburg throne at age 18 ____ 10. title of William I of Germany Multiple Choice Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. ____ 11. In the 1830s, Prussia created a union called the Zollverein, which promoted German unity by a. establishing German as the official language. b. establishing Frederick William IV as king of a united German state. c. removing tariff barriers between German states. d. banding together to fight Napoleon’s invading forces. ____ 12. In Bismarck’s practice of Realpolitik, his political actions were guided by a. the needs of the people. c. the principle of divine right. b. traditional morality. d. the needs of the state. ____ 13. William II asked Bismarck to resign because a. Bismarck had lost favor with the people. b. William II wanted no rivals. c. Bismarck had falsified William’s telegram to the French ambassador. d. William II wanted a stronger military leader. ____ 14. Bismarck introduced many social reforms in Germany because he wanted to a. avoid a socialist revolution. b. fulfill the state’s obligation to its people. c. win votes for reelection. d. move the country toward democracy. ____ 15. Synthetic dyes were among the new products that resulted from cooperation between German industrialists and a. farmers. c. scientists. b. bankers. d. workers. ____ 16. When Italy unified, what form of government did it take? a. an absolute monarchy c. a socialist democracy b. a republic d. a constitutional monarchy ____ 17. Which of the following was an obstacle to Italian unity? a. the efforts of the Risorgimento c. a strong monarch b. identification with local regions d. the efforts of the Red Shirts ____ 18. The Dual Monarchy was a combination of a. Austria and Germany. b. Germany and France. c. Austria and Hungary. d. Germany and Hungary. ____ 19. Which of the following was an obstacle to progress in Russia in the 1800s? a. a rigid social structure c. a powerful middle class b. few natural resources d. little productive land ____ 20. Tsar Alexander III launched a program of Russification, in which he a. emancipated the serfs. b. introduced legal reforms, such as trial by jury. c. suppressed non-Russian cultures within the empire. d. secured foreign investment to develop Russian industry. ____ 21. After the defeat of Napoleon I, the Congress of Vienna created the German Confederation headed by a. Russia. c. Austria. b. Prussia. d. Hungary. ____ 22. Bismarck became the king’s highest official when he assumed the title of a. prime minister. c. president. b. kaiser. d. chancellor. ____ 23. When the Frankfurt Assembly offered Frederick William IV of Prussia the throne of a united German state in 1848, the ruler refused because a. not all the German states were included. b. the offer came from “the people.” c. the real power would remain with the individual states. d. the governments of the states had not agreed to the offer. ____ 24. Bismarck’s editing of the Ems dispatch resulted in a. an alliance between France and Prussia. b. an alliance between Sardinia and Prussia. c. a war between Sardinia and Prussia. d. a war between France and Prussia. ____ 25. In the government Bismarck set up for the German empire, membership in the Reichstag was determined by a. a vote of all male citizens. b. inherited titles of nobility. c. appointment by the rulers of the German states. d. Bismarck. ____ 26. In the Kulturkampf, Bismarck’s goal was to a. unify the Germans and Austrians. b. reduce the power of the socialists. c. reduce the power of the Catholic Church. d. increase his power over the monarch. ____ 27. During the struggle for Italian unification, the “Red Shirts” were forces made up of a. anarchists. c. socialists. b. nationalists. d. monarchists. ____ 28. Italian unification was complete when Naples and Sicily were turned over to Victor Emmanuel by a. Camillo Cavour. c. Giuseppe Garibaldi. b. Giuseppe Mazzini. d. Otto von Bismarck. ____ 29. In 1859, Camillo Cavour provoked a war between Sardinia and Austria because a. he wanted to end Austrian power in Italy. b. the Austrian king had insulted a Sardinian ambassador. c. German forces would fight for Sardinia against Austria. d. Austrian assassins had attacked Victor Emmanuel. ____ 30. In 1800, Austria was ruled by the oldest ruling house in Europe, called the a. Hohenzollerns. c. Bourbons. b. Hapsburgs. d. Romanovs. ____ 31. Which of the following is a true statement about the Dual Monarchy? a. One parliament made laws for both Austria and Hungary. b. Austria and Hungary became one country ruled by the Hungarian monarch. c. Austria and Hungary shared the same constitution. d. Austria and Hungary remained separate states. ____ 32. By the 1800s Russian tsars saw the need to modernize, but they resisted because they thought reforms would a. undermine their absolute rule. c. undermine their industrial might. b. slow the pace of westernization. d. hold back revolutionary reforms. ____ 33. Emancipation of the serfs benefited the Russian economy because many former serfs a. rose to become the new merchant class. b. took jobs in factories. c. acquired large country estates. d. helped expand the empire by joining the army. ____ 34. Bloody Sunday served as a turning point in Russia because a. it strengthened the tsar’s power. b. it led to Japan’s triumph over Russia. c. it caused the people to lose faith in the tsar. d. it marked the beginning of World War I. ____ 35. One result of the October Manifesto was a. the establishment of zemstvos. b. a bloody revolution. c. the rise of the Socialists. d. the establishment of the Duma.