Correction slip No.11 to the G&SR 1999 edition 1. In Existing SR 4.09-1(V) at page No.129 of G&SR 1999 edition is revised to read as under. SR 4.09-1(V) Serving of Caution Order (1) The Caution Order shall be delivered to the Loco Pilot, ALP and the Guard of a train by the Station Master either personally or through a competent railway servant deputed by him or through the lobby supervisors where the train crew are booked and signing ‘On’ for duty and acknowledgement of the train crew obtained on the record foil in token of their having received it. When more than one page of caution order is served, each page will be signed by the train crew. (2) Where there is more than one engine, the Caution Order shall be given to Loco Pilot of the leading engine and his signature obtained in accordance with sub-rule (1). However, before delivering the Caution Order to the Loco Pilot of the leading engine, it shall be shown to the Loco Pilot or Loco Pilots of other engine or engines on the train and his or their signature or signatures obtained, in token of his or their having gone through it and understood its contents. In case, there is banking engine/assisting engine or engines in rear/front, a fresh Caution Order should be issued by Station Master where such engines are attached. (3) It is the responsibility of the train crew to obtain the caution order for his train from the SM/ lobby supervisor concerned while signing ‘ON’ duty. (4) Where the lobbies of LP and guards are at different locations, the SM shall prepare extra copies of the caution order and hand over to the concerned lobby supervisor for delivering the same to the train crew. (5) In case of emergency imposition of caution order, it is the responsibility of SM to ensure delivery of additional caution order to the concerned train crew and obtain the acknowledgement. (6) On Mumbai division where divisional caution order is being prepared daily and issued to train crew, the lobby supervisor should ensure the acknowledgement of train crew in signing ‘ON’ register in respective column as per the special instructions of DRM issued vide JPO. (7) A reminder Caution Order shall be given to the Loco Pilot and Guard of the train at the block station immediately in rear of the affected block section if the train is being worked by an engine pushing it. (Ref: Office note no. TR/G&SR/Genl./102 dated 17.05.2010) 2. New SR 3.64-6 is added below SR 3.64-5 under GR 3.64 at page No.91 of G&SR 1999 edition as under :SR 3.64-6 Disposal /destruction of expiry dated Detonators (fog signals) – Expiry dated detonators/detonators failed to explode during test or actual working shall be destroyed by one of the following methods:a) by soaking them in light mineral oil for 48 hours and throwing them one by one into fire with due precautions; or b) by burning them in incinerator; or c) by detonating them under the wagon during shunting operation; or d) by throwing them in deep sea. Document1 The destruction of expired detonators shall be arranged in the presence of a railway servant who shall preferably be a Gazetted officer and in no case below the rank of a Sr. Subordinate. He shall ensure that during destruction, every care is taken to see that the splinters of detonators do not cause any injury to life and property. It may be noted carefully that in no case the detonators shall be buried or thrown in water at such place where they could be recovered by human beings.” (Ref: Advisor (Safety) D.O. No. 2010/Safety (DM)/7/3 dated 13.05.10.) 3. The Existing SR 4.50-1(a)(item 9) under GR 4.50 on Engine Whistle code at page no. 191 of G&SR 1999 edition is revised to read as under S.NO. Code of Engine whistle __ __ __ __ 9(i) Indication. Approaching level crossing. Intermittent 9(ii) _____________ Continuous (a)Approaching tunnel or area of restricted visibility or curves or cutting or site of accident. (b)Recall railway servant protecting train in rear. (c)Material train ready to leave. (d)Running through a station. (e)Approaching a Stop signal at ‘ON’ position. (f)Detained at a stop signal. (g)When in consequence of fog, storm or any other reason the view of signal is obstructed. (Ref: Office note no. TR/G&SR/Genl./102 dated 23.06.2010.) 4. The Existing SR 4.25-1(1) under GR 4.25 at page no. 156 of G&SR 1999 edition is revised to read as under – a) No train shall run without a Guard. However, in case of emergency a goods train can be run without a Guard with prior approval of Sr.DOM. In all such cases a qualified Group ‘C’ staff should be deputed to perform the duties of Guard who shall carry with him minimum Guard’s equipments including Detonators, Red & Green flags/ LED based flashing HS Lamps etc. required for the protection of the train and its safe running. Record of such goods train run shall be maintained in a separate register in the control office. b) When brake van is not provided, Guard should travel in the engine. However in NE (Kasara – IGP) & SE (KJT – LNL) Ghat sections of Mumbai division in such circumstances, in down direction, guard will travel in rear cab of rearmost loco of the banker/bankers. (Ref: Office note no. TR/G&SR/Genl./102 dated 07.07.2010) Document1 5. The Existing SR 9.02-5(a) under GR 9.02 at page no.292 of G&SR 1999 edition is revised to read as under – S.R. 9.02-5. Distance between two trains in Automatic Signaling territories after passing an Automatic Signal at ‘ON’ (a) After passing an Automatic Stop signal at ‘ON’ the Driver of the train hauled by any locomotive shall ensure that minimum distance of 150 metres or two clear OHE spans is maintained between his train and the preceding train if any or any obstruction on the line ahead. However, in the case of EMU train the minimum distance of 75 metres or one clear OHE span shall be maintained between EMU train and a preceding train if any or any obstruction on line ahead. However, during dense fog, after passing an Automatic Stop Signal at ‘On’ (Red), the Loco pilot/Motorman of the train hauled by any locomotive including EMU train shall, while moving at a speed not exceeding 10 kmph, should ensure that he maintains a reasonable distance at which he is able to observe the flashing tail lamp of the train ahead or the obstruction, as the case may be. (Ref: Rly Board’s letter no. 98/Safety(A&R)/19/16 dated 07.12.2009 and 23.08.10.) 6. New SR 4.08-3 is added below SR 4.08-2 under GR 4.08 at page no.122 of G&SR 1999 edition as under :S.R. 4.08-3 – The speed of the train may be controlled during thick and foggy weather as under:i) The loco pilot shall run the train at a speed at which he can control the train depending on brake power, load and visibility etc. ii) In Absolute Block system, the loco pilot shall run the train at a speed at which he controls the train so as to be prepared to stop short of any obstruction, which shall not exceed 60 kmph. iii) In Automatic territory, the loco pilot shall not exceed the speed of the train prescribed as under :Green Aspect Yellow - 60 kmph; Double Yellow 30 kmph, Restricted speed so as to be prepared to stop at the next stop signal. iv) Loco pilot to whistle frequently to warn the gateman ahead to keep gate closed and the road user of an approaching train at level crossing. 7. The Existing SR.3.61-1(d) at page no. 84 of G&SR 1999 edition is revised to read as under – (d) In foggy or tempestuous weather or in dust storms when station signals cannot be seen, the Station Master on duty shall personally ensure that the Station Signals are lit, and then send two trained men to act as fog signal men, one in either direction, to the fog signal posts which are erected at all stations 270 meters in rear of first stop signal. No fog signal posts are to be provided at stations with Double Distant Signals. Document1 The fog signal posts will consist of steel trough sleepers or wooden sleepers painted or provided with alternatively black and white luminous strips and fixed vertically in the ground. (Ref: Rly Board’s letter no. 98/Safety(A&R)/19/16 dated 23.08.2010 &04.11.2010.) 8. SR 3.61-1(h) at page no. 85 of G&SR 1999 edition is deleted . (Ref : Rly Board’s letter no. 98/Safety(A&R)/19/16 dated 23.08.2010 &04.11.2010.) 9. Existing SR 3.61-1(l) at page no. 86 of G&SR 1999 edition is revised to read as under (l) The procedure in S.R. 3.61-1 (k) refers to action to be taken by the Station Master on duty in an emergency. Divisional Railway Managers will notify the names of stations at which fog prevail persistently. At each such station, four of the station class IV Staff (or if this number is not available, it may be made up by one or a maximum of two Gang men per station being deputed by the Permanent Way Inspector) shall be posted and detailed to act as a fog signalman. All four men must be fully trained in fog signal duties and must be regular employees of the Railway and not substitutes. The four employees detailed as fog signalman will be replaced by the appointment of two or more Class IV staff at the station and by one or two temporary men in the engineering gang from which the permanent men have been withdrawn. (i) At a double line station if the fog appears for about 7 days in the month, it should be treated as persistent fog and separate fog porters should be appointed. If the fog is for less than 7 days in a month the Station Master will act according to S.R. 3.61-1 (k), that is, he will immediately call out two of the station Class IV staff who are “off duty” to work at the station as porters, and the staff who are on duty will be utilised for fog signaling duties. The “Off duty” staff will be paid any overtime that is due and will be replaced by substitutes to work during their normal turn of duty. This arrangement will obviate the necessity of retaining fog porters permanently and substitutes will be required for permanent staff only, when they are actually utilised on fog signaling duty. It should, however, be noted that only permanent employees will be utilised for this purpose. (ii) At single line stations where the station porters are required for delivering tokens also, Divisional Railway Managers should examine both the duration of fog and the number of days in a month on which it appears and then taking the overall work into consideration, determine whether special fog porters are required or not. If fog appears only on one or two days in a month and for a short duration it would obviously not be necessary to have separate fog porters and the procedure stated in sub-paragraph (i) above should be followed. (Ref : Rly Board’s letter no. 98/Safety(A&R)/19/16 dated 23.08.2010 &04.11.2010) 10. SR 3.61-1(q) at page no.87 of G&SR 1999 edition is deleted. (Ref : Rly Board’s letter no. 98/Safety(A&R)/19/16 dated 23.08.2010 &04.11.2010.) Document1 11. In SR 3.75-4, of G&SR 1999 edition note (2) at page no. 106 is deleted. (Ref : Rly Board’s letter no. 98/Safety(A&R)/19/16 dated 23.08.2010 &04.11.2010.) 12. SR 8.03-1, at page no. 268 of G&SR 1999 edition is deleted. (Ref : Rly Board’s letter no. 98/Safety(A&R)/19/16 dated 23.08.2010 &04.11.2010.) 13. - New SR 3.61-3 is added below SR 3.61-2 at page no. 87 of G&SR 1999 edition as under S.R. 3.61-3 (i) Necessity of placement of detonators. Where it is necessary to place detonators:- The detonators should be placed at 270m short of the first stop signal at stations detailed as under:(a) At ‘A’ class stations where Warner exists – Detonators to be placed short of Home Signal and not the Warner; (b) At ‘B’ class station equipped with Lower Quadrant signals- Detonators to be placed short of Outer signal; (c) In multiple Aspect Signalling , where single Distant Signal is provided- Detonators to be placed short of Home Signal. Note:- The Fog signal Posts will be provided only at stations where there may be a requirement for placing detonators. Such post may, therefore, be shifted suitably based on the above mentioned position(s). (II) Where not necessary to place the detonators:It is not necessary to place Detonators to indicate ‘location of a Stop signal’ to the Loco Pilot in following circumstances:(a) In sections where a reliable Fog Safe Device has been provided on Locomotives; (b) Where adequate pre-warning is provided; i.e. at stations where double distant signals are provided; (c) Where maximum speed allowed in the station section is up to 15 kmph even at stations where pre-warning signal is not available, but a Warning Board exists; (d) Where speed of the section is less than 50kmph (but more than 15 kmph) and the first signal of a station is not a stop signal. (e) In Automatic Signalling Territory; (f) On Gate Signal; (g) On Departure signal; (h) At the site(s) of temporary Speed Restriction imposed due to maintenance of Track/OHE/Signal. (Ref : Rly Board’s letter no. 98/Safety(A&R)/19/16 dated 23.08.2010 &04.11.2010.) Document1 14. The Existing GR 3.07(3) at page no. 22, GR 3.07(4) at page no.23 under the sub-heading Attention and Proceed aspect and GR 9.02(3) at page no. 290 and GR 9.07(5) at page no. 294 of G&SR 1999 edition is revised to read as under – i)GR 3.07(3) Attention – Proceed – Proceed and be prepared to pass next signal at such Proceed, Block Section ahead is restricted speed as may be prescribed by special clear, train is to pass run through instructions. Train is being received either on Main line the station via Main Line. and is required to stop at the Starter signal; or on a Loop line required to stop at the Starter signal or to pass run through via Loop Line. ii) GR 3.07(4) Attention – Proceed – Proceed and be prepared to pass next signal at such Proceed, Block Section ahead is restricted speed as may be prescribed by special clear, train is to pass run through instructions. Train is being received either on Main line the station via Main Line. and is required to stop at the Starter signal; or on a Loop line required to stop at the Starter signal or to pass run through via Loop Line iii) GR 9.02(3) (3) Where owing to the curvature of the line, fog, rain or dust storm, engine working the train pushing it, or other causes, the line ahead cannot be seen clearly, the Loco Pilot shall proceed at a very slow speed, which shall under no circumstances exceed 10 kilometres an hour. Under these circumstances, the Loco Pilot, when not accompanied by an Assistant Loco Pilot, and if he considers necessary, may seek the assistance of the Guard by giving the prescribed code of whistle. iv) GR 9.07(5) (5) Where owing to the curvature of the line, fog, rain or dust storm, engine working the train pushing it, or other causes, the line ahead cannot be seen clearly, the Loco Pilot shall proceed at a very slow speed, which shall under no circumstances exceed 10 kilometres an hour. Under these circumstances, the Loco Pilot, when not accompanied by an Assistant Loco Pilot, and if he considers necessary, may seek the assistance of the Guard by giving the prescribed code of whistle. Note :- The amendment to GR 3.07(3) and GR 3.07(4) will be subject to change in aspect control circuit of distant signal on a particular section through change of circuitry and will come in force from the date the change is notified by the Signaling department. As soon as the changes done in the aspect control circuit of distant signal on a particular section, it should be notified by Signaling department in station working rules, crew booking lobbies and the acknowledgement of the concerned staff obtained by depot. incharge and monitored by LIs & TIs. . (Ref: Rly Board’s letter no. 2009/Safety(A&R)/19/24 dated 06.12.2010 & Gazette notification No. 621 dated 10.11.2010.) Document1 15. New SR 4.61-2 is added below SR 4.61-1 under GR 4.61 at page No.198 of G&SR 1999 edition as under :SR 4.61-2 - In case locomotive has to be stabled, the Loco Pilot and Asst. Loco Pilot before leaving locomotive should ensure the following :i) Loco should be stabled clear of fouling mark. ii) Required entries in repair book and trip card should be made. iii) Hand brake should be applied. iv) Loco brakes should be applied. v) The diesel engine should be shut down and all circuit breakers and switches should be switched off. vi) A9, SA9 and reverser handles should be removed vii) Wooden wedges should be applied on wheels viii) The reverser handle, A9, SA9, repair book and trip card should be handed over to the authorised person i.e. Lobby Supervisor/ Supervisor in-charge of Station or Yard / On-duty Supervisor in Shed, as the case may be. (Ref: This office note No.TR/G&SR/Rev./101 dated 03.03.2011.) 16. New SR 5.23-3 is added below SR 5.23-2 under GR 5.23 at page No.228 of G&SR 1999 edition as under :SR 5.23-3 - In case locomotive has to be stabled, with or without load, provision of SR 4.61-2 to be observed. (Ref: This office note No.TR/G&SR/Rev./101 dated 03.03.2011.) 17. The Existing SR SR.5.06-1at page no. 216 of G&SR 1999 edition is revised to read as under – S.R.5.06-1. The Divisional Railway Managers are the Authorised Officers for the purpose of this Rule. Powers to issue working instructions are delegated to the Divisional Railway Managers within their own divisions and to their Sr. Divisional Operations Manager. The Station Working Rules should be framed jointly and signed by the Sr. Divisional Operation Manager and Sr. Divisional Signal & Telecommunication Engineers for interlocked stations and by the Sr. Divisional Operations Manager and Sr.Divisional Engineers for non-interlocked stations and the appendices signed by the concerned officers only. 18. The Existing SR.5.06-2 at page no. 216 of G&SR 1999 edition is revised to read as under – S.R.5.06-2. Preparation, Revision and Issue of Station Working Rules – (a) The Sr. Divisional Operations Manager and Sr.Divisional Signal & Tele. Engineers will have the station working rules and correction slip thereto of all the stations carefully checked on the spot to see that they are correct and complete in all respect before they are finally issued and brought into force. The Chief Transportation Document1 (b) (c) (d) (e) Planning Manager and Chief Signal and Telecommunication Engineer may be approached for any advice, if necessary. If the Working Rules and instructions to be issued for regulating safe working of traffic, in and between stations and in yards, involve matters, in which general rules, require either issue of ‘Approved Special Instructions’, or exemption from a rule, Divisional Railway Manager, shall refer the matter to the Chief Operations Manager, through CSTE who will obtain the necessary sanction from the Commissioner of Railway Safety. On the expiry of five years if up to three correction slips have been issued and no further change is contemplated, the Station Working rules should be treated as not requiring any change and should be re-validated. When a fourth correction is contemplated, the Station Working Rules should be revised and re-issued. The method of re-validation at the end of every five years can be by way of issuing re-validation order jointly signed by the Operating and S&T officers which should be placed on the Station Working Rules. Re-calling of Station Working Rules for this purpose should not be necessary. (Ref: Rly Board’s letter No.2005/Safety(A&R)/19/36 dated 27.10.2005.) 19. The Existing SR 16.01-1 at page no. 386 of G&SR 1999 edition is revised to read as under – SR 16.01-1:- Gateman competency certificate: (a) No person shall be appointed to work as a Gateman unless he is in possession of a certificate of competency. This certificate shall be issued as per the guidelines given below: Competency Certificate to be Particulars of staff Counter signed by signed by Gateman working on Interlocked Traffic gates. TI and SE (Sig) AOM(G) Gateman working on Interlocked Engineering gates. SE (P.Way)and SE (Sig) ADEN Gateman working on Non-interlocked Traffic gates. Gateman working on Non-interlocked Engineering gates. TI SE (P.Way) AOM(G) ADEN (b) Preferably, these certificates shall be issued at the time of refresher or initial training in divisional training centers after proper training, counseling and evaluation of knowledge and understanding of the gateman. The validity of the certificate will be three years. (c) The controlling officials must ensure that Gatemen posted at a level crossing gate under their control are fully conversant with its working before they are posted to work independently and in possession with the competency certificate. Document1 (d) The competency of Switchman/ Cabin man / Lever man regarding working of gate should be checked at ZRTI/Divisional Training Centre. The Switchman/ Cabin man / Lever man competency certificate should include their competency regarding operation/ working of gates also. The format of the competency certificates should be modified accordingly. (Ref: This office note No.TR/G&SR/Rev./101 dated 11.03.2011.) 20. The Existing SR 16.03-2(b) at page no. 389 G&SR 1999 edition is revised to read as under – SR 16.03-2 (b) Non-interlocked gates provided with telephonic communication with Station/Cabin, the normal position of which is closed or open to road traffic (i) Before permitting each train to enter the block section, the Station Master shall ask the Gateman on the telephone whether the gate is closed to the road traffic for the passage of a train. The Gateman after ensuring that the gate is actually closed to the road traffic and locked, shall give a private number to the Station Master in assurance of gate being actually closed and locked to the road traffic. (ii) The Station Master shall not permit any train to enter the block section unless he is assured of the closure and locking of the gate against the road traffic by the Gateman supported by a private number. (iii)In case the Gateman is not responding on the telephone or in case the telephone becomes defective or private number is not received from the Gateman, the Station Master shall adhere to the procedure prescribed in S.R. 16.03-2 (e) & (f) below. (iv) In case the Gateman desires to open the Gate for passing road traffic, he should ensure that he has not issued any private number to the station/cabin as per (b)(i) above and no train is approaching the gate. Before opening the gate for road traffic he shall display danger signal at either side of the track at a distance of 5 metres. Then he shall open the gate for passing the road traffic keeping a red flag/hand signal lamp ready in his hand to stop any approaching train. (v) In the event of failure of the telephone, if the gate is required to be opened for the passage of road traffic, the Gateman shall look out in both directions before opening the gate to ensure that no train is approaching from either end. He will then plant a red banner flag, during day and a hand signal lamp with the red light during night, 5 metres away from the gate on the track on either side. He will thereafter, open the gate for passing the road traffic keeping a red flag/hand signal lamp ready in his hand to stop any approaching train till the road traffic is clear. After the passage of road traffic he shall close the gate against the road traffic and lock it retaining the key in his personal custody. Thereafter he will remove the danger signal planted on either side of the gate. (vi) The Station Master and Gateman shall maintain records of issue of private numbers for all trains in a register as per the proforma given below: (Note: No change in proforma.) (Ref: This office note No.TR/G&SR/Rev./101 dated 11.03.2011.) Document1 21. The Existing SR 16.03-2(c) at page no. 390 of G&SR 1999 edition is revised to read as under – SR 16.03-2(c) signals - Interlocked Level Crossing gate provided with telephone and gate (i) The normal position of which is closed or open to road traffic. (ii) The Station Master shall advise the Gateman of the passage of train on the telephone, before permitting a train to enter into the block section. (iii) On getting advice of a train, the Gateman shall ensure that the gate is closed and locked to the road traffic and then take off Gate signals. (iv) In case the Gateman is not responding on the telephone or in case the telephone becomes defective, the Station Master shall adhere to the procedure prescribed in S.R. 16.03-2 (e) & (f). (v) In the event of failure of the telephone, the gateman shall act as follows He shall ensure that the gate signal is in ‘On’ position and the signal lights are burning brightly during night. Where the normal position of gate is open to road traffic, he shall keep a good look out to ensure that no train is approaching from either side. Whenever he finds a train approaching the gate he shall ensure that the gate is closed and locked to the road traffic and then take off the gate signal. Through the Driver of the first train, he shall inform the Station Master that the gate phone is not working. (vi) In case the interlocking of the gate and signals fails due to damage to the gate leaves/ barriers or any other reason the gate signal protecting the gate shall be treated as defective and it should be ensured that the signal is kept in ‘On’ position. The signal shall not be taken ‘Off’ unless the interlocking is restored. The train shall be worked as per the procedure laid down in S.R. 16.03-2(b). (Ref: This office note No.TR/G&SR/Rev./101 dated 11.03.2011.) ______________________________________________________________________________ Date: 05.05.2011 Document1 Satya Prakash COM/C.Railway