Florida State Board of Education 2010-11 Education Budget Request October 27, 2009 STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION 2010-11 Education Budget Presentation October 27, 2009 Introduction PK-12 Education Workforce Education Florida Colleges Other Education Vocational Rehabilitation Blind Services Student Financial Assistance State Board of Education Fixed Capital Outlay State University System Eric J. Smith Frances Haithcock Loretta Costin Will Holcombe Linda Champion Linda Champion Linda Champion Linda Champion Linda Champion Kristie Harris 2 Introduction Dr. Eric J. Smith Commissioner of Education National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) Florida Mathematics Highlights 2009 • In 2009, the NAEP Grade 4 Mathematics scale score gap between Florida’s African-American and White students narrowed 3 points. The scale score gap decreased 6 points from 2003 to 2009. • From 2003 to 2009, the performance of Florida’s African-American students on NAEP Grade 8 Mathematics moved Florida’s status from ranking close to the bottom quarter of the 50 states, when comparing performance of this subgroup, to approximately the top third. • Since 2003, Florida’s African-American eighth-graders have narrowed the achievement gap with White students by 12 points in NAEP Grade 8 Mathematics, compared to the nation’s three point narrowing. • The percentage of Florida eighth-graders performing at or above Basic on NAEP Mathematics is equal to or greater than the national average for every student group tested in the state. 4 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) FLORIDA Percent Scoring At or Above Basic Level 100 82 80 86 86 76 77 80 82 82 62 65 68 70 71 68 69 73 70 63 65 63 64 67 68 66 71 74 73 74 60 40 20 0 GR 4 GR 4 Nation GR 8 GR 8 Nation 2003 GR 4 2005 2007 GR 4 Nation GR 8 GR 8 Nation 2009 5 FCAT Reading by Achievement Level, Grades 3-10 6 FCAT Mathematics by Achievement Level, Grades 3-10 7 FCAT Reading by Achievement Level, Grades 9 and 10 8 FCAT Science by Achievement Level, Grade 5 9 FCAT Science by Achievement Level, Grade 8 10 FCAT Science by Achievement Level, Grade 11 11 12 13 14 2009-10 Statewide All Funds Operations and Fixed Capital Outlay = $66.5 Billion General Natural Governm ent Judicial Branch Resources/ $4.7, 7% $.5, 1% Environm ent/ Grow th Managem ent/ Education Transportation $21.3, 32% $9.3, 14% Crim inal Justice and Corrections $4.7, 7% Hum an Services $26, 39% 15 2009-10 Statewide General Revenue Appropriations (Operations and Fixed Capital Outlay) = $21.2 Billion Natural Resources/ Environm ent/ Grow th Managem ent/ Transportation $.2, 1% General Governm ent $.8, 4% Judicial Branch $.1, 1% Crim inal Justice and Corrections $3.5, 17% Hum an Services $5.2, 24% Education $11.4, 53% Early Learning 2.89% Public Schools 70.62% Florida Colleges Universities Other 7.48% 16.31% 2.70% 16 Department of Education Next Generation Strategic Initiatives 1. Strengthen foundation skills. 2. Improve college and career readiness. 3. Expand opportunities for post-secondary degrees and certificates. 4. Improve quality of teaching in the education system. 5. Improve K-12 educational choice options. 6. Align resources to strategic goals. 17 Voluntary Prekindergarten Program Dr. Frances Haithcock Chancellor, Public Schools Voluntary Prekindergarten (VPK) 2008-09 VPK Data 234,186 - Estimated Total Number of Four-Year-Olds 147,706 - Total Number of Children Served (63% of all four-yearolds); 128,304 FTE Appropriated* 2009-10 VPK Data (as of July 30, 2009 VPK Estimating Conference) 233,212 - Revised Estimated Total Number of Four-Year-Olds 164,654 - Revised Total Number of Children Expected to be Served (66.70% of all four-year-olds) 131,711 - Total Number of Children Enrolled (as of 10/23/09) (56% of all four-year-olds) 136,957 FTE Appropriated* * Exceeded or Expected to Exceed Appropriation 19 2010-11 Voluntary Prekindergarten Program Funds 2010-11 Data 233,442 - Estimated Total Number of 4 Year-Olds 169,666 - Planning Estimate for VPK (68.80%) 2010-11 Legislative Budget Request 145,397.05 Full-time Equivalent (FTE) $2,575 Base Student Allocation (BSA) 2010-11 School Year $2,190 Base Student Allocation (BSA) 2010-11 Summer 4.85% Administrative Costs $389,202,790 20 2010-11 VPK Early Learning Standards and Accountability Provider Services VPK Regional Facilitators Printing and Distribution of Standards and Parent Guide Professional Development for Teachers (in the area of mathematics – 2008 VPK Standards) Statewide Implementation/Availability of VPK Reading and Mathematics Assessments (includes materials, training, and online reporting system) Accountability VPK Provider Kindergarten Readiness Rate Web site and calculation of rate $950,000 21 K-12 Education Dr. Frances Haithcock Chancellor, Public Schools 2010-11 Florida Education Finance Program (FEFP) Request 2009-10 Legislative Appropriation Base Student Allocation Class Size Reduction 2010-11 SBE Request $ Increase/ (Decrease) % Increase/ (Decrease) $3,630.62 $3,717.75 $87.13 2.40% $2,845,578,849 $3,199,319,955 $353,741,106 12.43% 23 2010-11 FEFP Strategic Investment 2,605,329 Students 2,678 Decrease in unweighted FTE $18,559,375,598 in State and Local Funds Provide $7,123.62 per student 3.59% increase of $246.63 per student 24 2010-2011 Proposed Budget Just Read, Florida! 2009-10 Legislative Appropriation FEFP Federal Total 2010-11 SBE Request $ Increase/ (Decrease) % Increase/ (Decrease) $101,923,720 $101,923,720 $0 0% $9,600,000 $4,600,000 $(5,000,000) -52.08% $111,523,720 $106,523,720 $(5,000,000) -4.48% 25 2010-11 K-12 Proposed Budget Investment Overview 2009-10 Appropriation 2010-11 Request 2010-11 Request Increase over 2009-10 Total K-12 Program - FEFP 8,980,604,123 10,074,645,227 1,094,041,104 Total K-12 Program - Federal Grants 3,513,489,783 3,602,538,541 89,048,758 274,265,312 275,424,373 1,159,061 10,490,693 14,387,107 3,896,414 367,189,114 390,152,790 22,963,676 $13,146,039,025 $14,357,148,038 1,211,109,013 Total K-12 Program - Non-FEFP Total Educational Media & Technology Services Total Early Learning Prekindergarten Education Total K-12 9.21% 26 Workforce Education Loretta Costin Acting Chancellor, Workforce Education Florida Workforce Education 2010-11 Budget Request School District Workforce Education – Operating Funds 1. 2009-10 Appropriation for Workforce Education and Performance 2. $ 382,589,931 Workload $ 25,766,749 Estimated increase in enrollment = 3,813 FTE Move select districts toward state funds per unweighted FTE of $3,958 Total Increase Requested 2010-11 Workforce Education and Performance % Increase Over 2009-10 Appropriation $ 25,766,749 $ 408,356,680 6.73% Workforce Education – Other Increase Adult Basic Education (Increase in Federal Budget Authority) $ 6,073,066 -Nonrecurring budget authority is requested for a one-time payment of federal funds for adult education and family literacy programs. 28 Workload Increase Enrollment Growth $15,092,883 -estimated growth of $3,813 FTE Compression/Equity $10,673,866 Performance Increase N/A Total Increase Appropriation $25,766,749 29 Ready to Work – Current Budget Curriculum and Implementation Services 3,000,000 1,500,000 450,000 650,000 Assessments, Credentials, Employer Outreach Site Licenses Credentials Recruit Employers Contract Administration Bank of Assessments Job Profiles Employ Florida Credential Printing $5,600,000 $1,350,000 1,016,490 132,500 144,000 57,010 Administrative Services $ Total Appropriation 50,000 $7,000,000 30 Florida Colleges Dr. Will Holcombe Chancellor, Florida Colleges An “open door” with a positive outcome! Comparison of FTE Enrollment to Total Degrees and Certificates Awarded Total Degrees and Certificates Awarded Public Two-Year Colleges (2006-2007) SREB States, 2007-2008 400,000 70,000 350,000 60,000 300,000 50,000 250,000 40,000 200,000 30,000 150,000 20,000 100,000 10,000 50,000 0 GA 49,373 FTE DEGREES 6,190 MS AL SC FL TX 56,583 10,116 60,591 9,896 65,338 13,736 257,503 66,169 383,575 58,318 FTE DEGREES SREB - Southern Regional Education Board 0 32 Florida Colleges Growth in FTE 400,000 375,000 378,436 350,000 353,399 325,000 330,819 300,000 305,535 294,818 275,000 287,714 286,755 2005-06 2006-07 250,000 2004-05 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 33 Florida Colleges State Funding Per FTE $4,000 $3,809 $3,643 $3,750 $3,448 $3,500 $3,222 $3,250 $3,115 $3,105 $3,105 $3,000 $2,750 $2,500 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 34 The Florida College System 2010-11 Budget Request Florida College System Operating Budgets 2009-10 Operating Appropriations $ 1,050,662,283 Workload Adjustment - lower division * Workload Adjustment - upper division * 70,110,900 15,672,319 Operating Cost of New Facilities 10,000,000 2010-11 Requested Operating Budget $ % Increase in State Operating Budget 1,146,445,502 9.1% Other Programs 2009-10 Appropriations (Administered Programs) 914,513 Distance Learning - Digital Repository 42,500 Dr. Phillip Benjamin Matching Program 39,000,000 2010-11 Requested Total Other Programs 39,957,013 2010-11 Total State Support % Increase in Total State Support $ 1,186,402,515 12.8% * Workload adjustments accommodate additional enrollment at both the lower and upper division, as well as funding all upper division FTE at the same level for 2010-11. 35 Other Education - Division of Vocational Rehabilitation - Division of Blind Services - Student Financial Assistance - State Board of Education Linda Champion Deputy Commissioner, Finance and Operations 2010-11 Budget Request for the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation General Revenue Purchased Client Services Rehabilitation & Worker’s Comp Trust Funds Total Requested Increase $1,544,341 $7,355,401 $8,899,742 $66,623 $0 $66,623 Able Trust High School/ High Tech Program Requested increase in General Revenue funds for Purchased Client Services will allow the department to maximize the available federal funds. 37 2010-11 Division of Blind Services Total Funding $61,677,861 $44,642 increase to serve an additional 34 children enrolled in the Blind Babies program $901,030 increase in state funds to match available federal dollars 38 Student Financial Assistance 2010-11 Proposed Budget for the Three Largest Programs 2009-10 Appropriation 2010-11 SBE Request $ Increase Bright Futures $418,878,452 $430,294,076 $11,415,624 2.73% *Student Financial Aid $133,768,360 $147,973,355 $14,204,995 10.62% $127,641,073 $141,367,562 $13,726,489 10.76% $84,171,709 $85,255,119 $1,083,410 1.29% Florida Student Assistance Grants (FSAG) Florida Resident Access Grant (FRAG) *Student Financial Aid Amount includes FSAG amount on following line. % Increase 39 2010-11 State Board of Education Assessment and Evaluation Technology: 2009-10 Appropriation 2010-11 Request $ Increase % Increase $85,497,299 $90,186,422 $4,689,123 5.48% $10,190,391 $10,190,391 FACTS.org $1,400,000 $1,400,000 Network/Telephone Infrastructure $1,189,871 $1,189,871 $102,000 $102,000 $12,882,262 $2,691,871 Integrated Management System Total Technology $10,190,391 26.42% 40 Investments in Education 2009-10 Appropriation Early Learning/ Prekindergarten Education 2010-2011 Request 2010-11 Request $ and % Increase Over 2009-10 367,189,114 390,152,790 22,963,676 6.25% 12,778,849,911 13,966,995,248 1,188,145,337 9.30% 508,287,255 540,127,070 31,839,815 6.26% 1,051,576,796 1,186,402,515 134,825,719 12.82% Private Colleges & Universities 114,837,105 116,275,475 1,438,370 1.25% SFA/State & Federal 582,188,342 606,579,647 24,391,305 4.19% State Board of Education 218,767,344 225,052,661 6,285,317 2.87% Vocational Rehabilitation 223,501,755 226,381,446 2,879,691 1.29% 60,660,911 61,677,861 1,016,950 1.68% 15,905,858,533 17,319,644,713 1,413,786,180 8.89% K-12 Workforce Education Florida Colleges Blind Services Total 41 2010-11 K-20 Operating Budget Request 1% 1% 0% 2% 1% 4% 7% Early Learning/ Prekindergarten Education K-12 3% Workforce Education Community Colleges Private Colleges & Universities SFA/State & Federal 81% State Board of Education Vocational Rehabilitation Blind Services *Excludes Universities and Board of Governors 42 2010-11 Fixed Capital Outlay Legislative Budget Request Linda Champion Deputy Commissioner, Finance and Operations 2010-11 Public Education Capital Outlay Legislative Budget Request Total Appropriation $161,900,000 Less off-the-top projects 5-Yr Appropriation Average $6,944,856 K-12 CC SUS 34.39% 29.12% 36.49% 100% $53,289,074 $45,122,938 $56,543,132 $154,955,144 44 Summary of 2010-11 FCO Request 2009-10 Appropriation FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY 2010-11 DOE Request SUS Construction Projects $ 141,000,000 $ Lake Wales Charter Schools $ 500,000 $ Maintenance, Repair, Renovation, and Remodeling $ 139,544,804 $ 157,778,536 $ 18,233,732 Survey Recommended Needs - Public Schools $ 6,254,738 $ 4,717,433 $ (1,537,305) Florida College Projects $ 84,221,380 $ 0 $ (84,221,380) State University System Projects $ 104,855,904 $ 0 $ (104,855,904) Special Facility Construction Account $ 12,762,458 $ 12,274,731 $ (487,727) *Debt Service $ 1,089,985,025 $ 1,134,252,701 $ 44,267,676 Classrooms First And 1997 School Capital Outlay Bond Programs - Operating Funds and Debt Service $ 166,957,717 $ 166,941,298 $ (16,419) School District And Florida College $ 28,000,000 $ 28,000,000 $ Debt Service - Class Size Reduction Lottery Capital Outlay Program $ 151,922,482 $ 159,334,399 $ 7,411,917 Florida Colleges Facilities Matching Program $ $ 12,693,554 $ 12,693,554 Florida School for the Deaf and Blind - Capital Projects $ 13,160,619 $ 5,032,566 $ (8,128,053) Division of Blind Services - Capital Projects $ 4,062,500 $ 1,192,490 $ (2,870,010) Public Broadcasting Projects $ 4,806,000 $ 719,800 $ (4,086,200) SUS Facility Enhancement Challenge Grants $ $ 113,169,838 $ 113,169,838 $ 15,000,000 $ 15,000,000 $ 1,952,107,346 $ 4,073,719 0 0 SUS Concurrency TOTAL FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 1,948,033,627 141,000,000 2010-11 DOE Request over/under 2009-2010 0 $ $ 0 (500,000) 0 45 *Includes debt service amount for University System Capital Improvement Fee Bonds 2010-11 Fixed Capital Outlay Request 1.7% 0.8% 0.4% 4.3% 2.7% 3.4% 0.0% Off-the-Top Allocations Distribution to K-12 Distribution to CC Distribution to SUS Classrooms for Kids Program Spending Authority for Debt Service Spending Authority for Administration of Programs Community College Facilities Matching Program 86.8% 46 2010-11 K-20 Education Operating and Fixed Capital Outlay Budget Request VPK Early Learning - $390,152,790 K-12 - $13,966,995,248 Workforce Education – $540,127,070 Florida Colleges - $1,186,402,515 Student Financial Aid - $606,579,647 Other Education - $629,387,443 State Board of Education - $225,052,661 Vocational Rehabilitation - $226,381,446 Blind Services - $61,677,861 Private Colleges & Universities - $116,275,475 Fixed Capital Outlay – $1,952,107,346 *includes BOG items Total - $19,271,752,059 *Excludes operating budget for State University Systems and Board of Governors 47 2010-11 K-20 Education Operating and Fixed Capital Outlay Budget Request 2% 3% 3% 10% 9% Early Learning/ Prekindergarten Education SFA/State & Federal Community Colleges/Workforce K-12 Other 73% Fixed Capital Outlay 48 2010-2011 Legislative Budget Request Kristie Harris, Board of Governors Director, Budget and Fiscal Policy 49 SUS At A Glance UWF FSU • 11 Institutions FAMU • 302,513 Students (Fall 2008) UNF UF • 71% Full-time; 29% Part-time • 61,178 Personnel (Fall 2008) USF • 70,659 Degrees Awarded (2007-08) • 31,362 Acres • 3,643 Facilities Main Campus • 77.6 Million Gross Square Feet • $2.0 Billion State Operating Budget • $1.6 Billion in Research Contracts UCF NCF Branch Campus FAU FGCU FIU 50 Investments in Higher Education Appropriation Category E&G Core Budget 2009-10 Recurring Appropriation 2010-2011 BOG Request 2010-2011 $ and % Change $2,807,242,655 $2,995,666,408 $188,423,753 6.7% UF-IFAS $122,854,148 $132,202,552 $9,348,404 7.6% UF-HSC $126,344,994 $146,972,439 $20,627,445 16.3% USF-HSC $84,600,835 $97,034,523 $12,433,688 14.7% FSU-MS $45,312,364 $48,147,388 $2,835,024 6.3% FIU-COM $22,382,970 $26,987,531 $4,604,561 20.6% UCF-COM $19,267,014 $22,966,141 $3,699,127 19.2% $3,228,004,980 $3,469,976,982 $241,972,002 7.5% Sub-Total 51 Investments in Higher Education Appropriation Category E&G/Special Units 2009-10 Recurring Appropriation 2010-2011 BOG Request 2010-2011 $ and % Change $3,228,004,980 $3,469,976,982 $241,972,002 7.5% IHMC* $1,055,016 $1,502,953 $447,937 42.5% Moffitt Cancer Ctr. $9,363,197 $10,889,781 $1,526,584 16.3% $285,898 $420,148 $134,250 47% $0 $140,795,787 $140,795,787 ------- $3,238,709,091 $3,623,585,651 $384,876,560 9.6% Distance Learning Major Gifts Grand Total *Institute of Human & Machine Cognition 52 Key 2010-2011 Initiatives Plant, Operation and Maintenance - $34.7 M Federal Stimulus (Year 2) - $161.2 M Base Operating General Revenue - $11.3 M Medical Education - $23.4 M Major Gifts Matching Program - $140.7 M 53 Total E&G Funding Per FTE Student will Increase Slightly $15,000 1.6% increase in funding per FTE Student. $14,000 $13,000 $12,000 $11,000 Adjusted by the Higher Education Price Index. 2010-11 2009-10 2007-08 2005-06 2003-04 2001-02 1999-00 1997-98 1995-96 1993-94 $10,000 54 Board General Office LBR Summary Appropriation Category Salary & Benefits 2009-10 Total Appropriation 2009-10 NonRecurring Appropriation 2009-10 Recurring Appropriation 2010-2011 BOG Request $4,585,072 ($1,284,000) $3,305,869 $4,678,280 $40,673 ($6,300) $34,373 $40,673 $878,695 ($190,000) $688,695 $878,695 $8,112 ($2,380) $5,732 $8,112 Contracted Services $84,982 ($50,000) $34,982 $84,982 TR DMS Contract $25,015 $0 $25,015 $25,015 $5,622,549 ($1,532,680) $4,094,666 $5,715,757 OPS Expenses OCO Total 55 Fixed Capital Outlay LBR Summary Public Education Capital Outlay (PECO) $56.5 M Infrastructure, Capital Renewal and Maintenance (no new projects) Courtelis Matching Program $113 M Match for Private Donations 56 Questions? Kristie Harris, Director Budget and Fiscal Policy Office Board of Governors State University System of Florida (850) 245-9757 Kristie.Harris@flbog.edu 57