Per 5, 2014 Dolphin Text. 6.1 Due: Wed 1/14 Reading Notes: What Causes Variations in Solar Radiation of Earth? What Causes Earth’s Seasons? Reading Notes: How Does Uneven Solar Heating Affect Earth? Pg 164, Figure 6.1 Earth’s Seasons. Ecliptic (plane of the ecliptic), Vernal equinox, summer solstice, Tropic of Cancer, autumnal equinox, winter solstice, Tropic of Capricorn, declination, tropics, Arctic Circle, Antarctic Circle, (Albedo) Pg 165, Figure 6.2 Solar Radiation received Albedo 6.3 Due Thursday 1/15 Reading Notes: What Physical Properties Does the Atmosphere Possess? Pg 167, Table 6.2 Composition of Dry Air Pg 167, Fig 6.4 Temperature profile of the atmosphere Pg 167 6.5 Convection in a room Pg 168, Fig 6.6, High and Low Atm pressure Troposphere, convection cell, wind, 6.4 Due: Skip 6.5 Due: Friday 1/23 Reading Notes: How Does the Coriolis Effect Influence Moving Objects? Reading Notes: What Global Atmospheric Circulation Patterns Exist? 6.6 Due Monday 1/20 Reading Notes: What Weather and Climate Patterns Does the Ocean Exhibit? 6.2 Due: Wed 1/14 Coriolis effect, Online Animation: Coriolis Effect Hadley cells, Ferrel cells, polar cell, subtropical highs, polar highs, equatorial low, subpolar low, trade winds, northeast trade winds, southeast trade winds, southeast trade winds, prevailing westerly wind belts, polar easterly wind belts, doldrums, Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), horse latitudes, polar front, weather, climate, cyclonic flow, anticyclonic flow, sea breezes, land breezes, storms, air masses, warm front, cold front, jet stream, tropical cyclones, hurricanes, typhoons, cyclones, Saffir-Simpson Scale, eye of the hurricane, storm surge, equatorial region, tropical region, subtropical regions, temperate regions, subpolar region, polar region, Online Animation: Global Wind Patterns; Seasonal Pressure and Precipitation Patterns None Pg 173, Fig 6.10 Atmospheric circulation and wind belts Pg 177, Fig 6.12 Pg 178 Fig 6.13 Sea and Land Breezes ON MAP handout: Pg 179 Fig 6.14, Air Masses. Pg 179 Fig 6.15 Warm & Cold Fronts Pg 180 Fig 6.5 Saffir-Simpson Scale Online Animation: Earth-Sun Relations Online Animation: Cyclones and Anticyclones; Cold Fronts and Warm Fronts; Hurricanes. 6.7 Due: Monday 1/26 Reading Notes: How Do Sea Ice and Icebergs Form 6.8 Due: Thursday 1/29 Reading Notes: What Causes the Atmosphere’s Greenhouse Effect? 6.9 Due Thursday 1/29 Reading Notes: Can Power from the Wind Be Harnessed as a Source of Energy? Due: Monday 2/2 No work due. We will be talking about the chapter concepts in class, but you may begin studying for the tests: Publisher’s online help at, Mastering oceanography. Wed 2/4 Continue Mastering Oceanography. Thursday 2/5 Quia: Practice Vocabulary Test Vocabulary Test in Class Ch 6. Monday NO SCHOOL Lincoln’s Birthday Tuesday 2/10 7:00 am Quia: Ch 6 Practice Test Mastering Oceanography points will be awarded. Tuesday 2/10 Ch 6 Test Pg 187 Fig 6.21, Sea ice ONLY (c). Not (a) & (b) Pg 190 Fig 6.24 How a greenhouse works. Pg 192 Fig 6.25 Earth’s Heat budget sea ice, icebergs, pancake ice, ice floes, shelf ice greenhouse effect, heat budget, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Kyoto Protocol, iron hypothesis, none Online Animation: Global Warming; Atmospheric Energy Balance.