

Ensuring Strong Leadership for

Our Public Schools

UCEA Convention

November 21, 2009

Karen Symms Gallagher, PhD


A Few Facts about USC and the

Rossier School of Education


34,500 students (45-65 split undergrads and grads)

Urban setting (south central Los Angeles)

Established in 1880

Largest private research university in California

 Rossier School

1,265 students (all graduate students)

PhD, EdD, 7 Masters degrees

Centennial year – but have been preparing high school teachers since 1896

Our Mission

Our mission is to strengthen urban education locally,nationally and internationally

We seek to transform urban education by:

Preparing and developing educational leaders

Leading the search for innovative, efficacious and just solutions to the challenges of urban education

Creating mutually beneficial partnerships

Our Vision

Our vision is to be a premier and distinctive

School of Education, defined by innovative educational programs, scholarship and partnerships that directly impact policy and transform practice in urban education.

USC Rossier School of Education

Challenges & Responses

4 External Challenges

1. In 2000, University Committee on Academic Review report called for major revision in graduate programs, standards for admissions, and faculty productivity e.g.: average time to degree

EdD = 7 years PhD = 9 years

Our Response to Challenge

In 2001, 100 stakeholders (all Rossier faculty, students, alumni, K-12 sector, colleges and universities, policymakers, and foundations) spent 2 ½ days in an intensive “Futures

Conference” to determine how the school would move forward.


External to Rossier

2. Stabilize operating budget

Revenue-centered budget management

Like USC, Rossier’s budget is tuition dependent

Each fiscal year, Rossier develops, submits, and is approved for a balanced revenue/expenditure budget

Up to the year 2000, Rossier’s budget looked like a roller-coaster

Our Response to Challenge

Improved budget predictability and accuracy

Diversified revenue streams (88%-90% tuition)

Increased school operating budget by 66% in last 5 years

Our Response to Challenge

Eliminated degree programs

Phased out under-graduate degree (BS in

Elementary Education)

Reconceptualized all remaining degree programs

3 most impactful programs – EdD, PhD, MAT


External to Rossier

3. Review of all USC PhD programs in 2002 resulted in call for many fewer but higher quality PhD programs at USC

- Rossier wanted to continue to offer PhD

Our Response to Challenge

Reconceptualized PhD program along with redesign of EdD program

Agreed to spend operating budget funds to support first 2 years of PhD students

Set up schoolwide EdD and PhD governing committees with authority over program quality and delivery


External to Rossier

4. Substantial need in Los Angeles for K-16 educational leaders:

LA County – 10,000,000 residents

81 school districts – 1.25 million students

Largest community college district in US with highly diverse students (race, ethnicity, language, SES)

Our Response to Challenge

A 3-year EdD program for working professionals that prepares educational leaders who are committed to urban education and who see themselves as change agents

Our Response to Challenge

A 4-year PhD program for full-time students to prepare them to be researchers and the next generation of Education professors who are committed to the improvement of urban education through rigorous research and who want to make a difference through their scholarship

The Rossier School of Education

Challenges & Responses

5 Internal Challenges

1. In 1990s, changing context of educational needs in California schools and colleges but outdated EdD curriculum in three educational leadership programs (K-12 leadership, higher education leadership, curriculum and instruction)

Our Response to Challenge

 No tinkering with existing courses / started from scratch

 Developmental process of implementation

 First year – core courses (accountability, diversity, leadership and learning) & inquiry courses

 Second & Third years – redesigned 5 concentrations courses

 Ongoing – Capstone experience


Internal to Rossier

2. Disconnected courses, rolling admissions, divisional and faculty territorial ownership of some courses, too many ABDs in legacy doctoral programs

Our Response to Challenge





Fall Spring Summer





Inquiry I

Conc 1


Conc 2 Inquiry II Conc 4

Conc 3 Capstone 1 Conc 5

Capstone 2


Capstone 3 Capstone 4

Our Response to Challenge

 One EdD program on educational leadership

 3 concentration tracks:

 K-12 schools, higher education, teacher education (pre-service and staff development)


Internal to Rossier

3. Lack of connection with field

Our Response to Challenge

 Inclusion of current practitioners into planning, teaching and capstone courses

 Hired full-time teaching faculty (NTT)

 Working professional as third member of capstone committee (EdD)

 Cadre of adjuncts with 3-year commitment to teach


Internal to Rossier


Confusion about the purpose of capstone experience:

- arts and sciences dissertation model for both

EdD and PhD

Our Response to Challenge

 Redesigned PhD program for future professors:

 Admit 7-8 full-time students a year

Support with stipends and tuition

Research internships

 EdD program for educational leaders in practice:

 Admit 150 part-time students a year

Few fellowships

Seek school district nominations for future administrators


Internal to Rossier

5. Few support services for students, but particularly for EdD students who were parttime students and full-time working professionals

Our Response to Challenge

Program offices for each degree (EdD & PhD)

Different recruiting and admissions strategies

Student orientation and advisory committees

Early warning system - EdD

Doctoral Support Center

Career Center

Strong program governance committees

As of November 2009

 4 EdD cohorts have finished

 62% completion rates in 3 years, but 72% for 2009 cohort

 78% completion rates in 4 years, but 88% for 2008 cohort

 2 PhD cohorts are complete

 80% completion rate

 All but 2 placed in college or university positions

 All legacy PhD students are completed

Lessons Learned

 Commitment to continuous program and curriculum improvement is worthwhile

 In competitive markets, students choose USC

 Districts and community colleges seek our graduates

 Compete successfully for top PhD students

 Data-driven decision making for both program and budget is worth the investment


We are playing a role in strengthening urban education – locally, nationally, internationally
