Timeline: To-Do List for October - MYP Personal Project

Name ____________________________
October 2015 To-Do List for Students
DS Teacher _____________________
Submit this form to your English teacher by October 31.
_____ Develop your project’s criteria for success. Record the criteria on the personal project worksheet on ManageBac.
_____ Continue your research. Sources should be documented in MLA format and evaluated for credibility
and usefulness. Consider how the information from the source can help you achieve your goal. By the
end of October, you should have a total of six annotated bibliographic entries that reflect how your
research is guiding your planning. English teachers will assess the annotated bibliography and process
journal entries. Remember that you need a total of 10 sources as you investigate, plan, and take action
to achieve your goal; feel free to get ahead 
_____ Develop and begin implementing an action plan for creating/doing your project. Evidence of planning
should be recorded in your process journal.
_____ Continue writing in your process journal. You should have at least 14 entries by the end of October.
These can include your annotated bibliographic entries IF the entries also address how information
from your sources is guiding your decision-making as you work toward taking action to complete the
______ Your process journal entries should reflect EACH of the strands listed below. Tailor the length of your entries to cover
these strands; some entries may be longer than others.
Criterion A: Investigating
Checklist for Strand iii
□ I have selected at least six varied, relevant sources which will help me achieve my goal and develop my product or outcome.
□ I have evaluated each of my sources for relevance and validity.
□ I have interpreted the information from my sources and described how I applied that information during my project development
Best fit level of achievement at this point: limited
Criterion B: Planning
Checklist for Strand i
□ I have described the criteria (specifications) that will be used to evaluate the project’s outcome/product.
Best fit level of achievement at this point: limited
substantial and appropriate
Checklist for Strand ii
□ I have described a detailed and accurate plan and record of the development process of my project. This includes an entry that discusses
how I developed the specifications for my product or outcome. This plan and record is evidenced through my process journal and might
include written entries, timelines, photographs, diagrams, videos, etc.
Best fit level of achievement at this point: limited or partial
detailed and accurate
Checklist for Strand iii
□ I have described the self-management skills that I had before the project and the ones that I am developing through completion of the
project. See “Additional Help with Approaches to Learning” on the Process Journal page of the website smmhspersonalproject
guide.weebly.com for a list of self-management skills (organization, affective and reflective skills).
Best fit level of achievement at this point: limited
Criterion D: Reflecting
Checklist for Strand ii
□ I have included an in-depth and thoughtful reflection of how the project is extending my personal knowledge and understanding of the
chosen topic.
Best fit level of achievement at this point: limited
Overall best fit level of achievement at this checkpoint: