Tutoring and Academic Support How to Gain the Most From Northern Michigan University’s Academic Support Services Academic Support Services o The Academic and Career Advisement Center (ACAC) understands that students have individual learning needs and makes every effort to support and enhance student learning and academic success by offering a wide-variety of support services. These services are provided in a professional, friendly and student-centered atmosphere. Tutoring Services o Free peer tutoring is available for all NMU students in all years and at all levels of understanding. o There is no limit to how many tutoring sessions a student may receive. o Tutors help students to develop course competencies, as well as study skills such as time management, test preparation, and note-taking. o A student being tutored in any subject should consider several important tips in order to maximize each session. Attend Class Regularly and Consistently o Tutoring is not a substitute for class attendance. o Tutoring is beneficial if used as a supplementary educational tool over the course of the school year. o A tutor is most effective when they can help you gradually learn concepts as they arise. o You are at a disadvantage if you only seek help the night before a major test or exam. When You Are In Class o Pre-read the class material o Read the text material scheduled for discussion prior to attending class. o Distinguish and highlight the main concepts. o o What are the major themes that the author is attempting to convey? While reading, write in your notebook any questions that arise. o Focus o Do not distract yourself by reading other material or attending to other issues. Turn off your cell phone, avoid internet browsing and refrain from side conversations. o Be attentive: Listen for key words and concepts. o Teachers often give important clues as to the structure of their quizzes and tests as they teach. Classroom Tips Continued o Actively Participate o Keep thorough class notes over the course of the school year. o Summarize key concepts rather than attempting to copy word for word. o o Thorough notes will not only be beneficial for you, but also for your tutor, since they will be able to see exactly what the teacher covered each day, as well as get an idea of how the teacher organizes the course material. Ask Questions o o Don’t be afraid to speak up during class if any questions arise. If something still doesn’t make sense, talk to the professor after class or meet with them during their office hours. o Don't procrastinate o o Attempts to "cram" study for tests will likely not be successful. Instructors recommend that you devote two hours of study each week for each hour spent in class during the week. Preparing for a Tutoring Session o Identify areas where help is needed the most o o Which specific concepts or ideas do you not understand? Decide in which areas you struggling the most: Understanding the professors’ lectures, keeping up with the class pace, writing essays, taking tests, homework, understanding the readings, etc. o Come with specific questions and topics o o Give your tutor specific topics to work with. Do not expect the tutor to re-teach all of the class material. Tutoring is most productive when you have first tried on your own. Preparing for a Tutoring Session o Bring your textbooks, hand outs, syllabi, and any other materials that your professor provides o Your tutor may need to briefly look through these resources to gain an idea of where the class is going or which concepts need to be covered during the tutoring sessions. o Bring exams, quizzes, and other graded work so the tutor can help you identify your strengths and weaknesses o This will give the tutor the opportunity to point out specific areas where you need assistance or questions/assignments which you do not understand. When You are in a Tutoring Session o Have all classroom materials o Take notes on strategies for improvement o Example strategies: Break down assignments, create a specific study schedule, take more thorough notes, etc. o Ask questions o One-on-one or small group tutoring is meant to be interactive. Don’t be afraid to ask for clarification if something does not make sense. o Keep in mind that improvement takes time o Be patient and keep a positive attitude about the subject and your potential to excel. o Remember, it is your effort and willingness to work that will contribute the most to your success After a Tutoring Session o Take a break o o Study breaks help you to retain information as well as keep you alert and attentive. Have a snack, exercise, or take a power nap. o Analyze the ideas and strategies introduced during the tutoring session o o What might you do differently to succeed in the future? What tips and strategies were most effective? What were least effective? o Summarize the material discussed o Summarizing and reviewing integrate and reinforce the learning of major points. After a Tutoring Session o Connect Ideas o When you build a good house, you start with a strong foundation. You will learn best when you can connect new information to previous concepts, vocabulary, strategies, and activities from earlier learning experiences. o Analyze which study techniques are effective and which are ineffective o Decide and maintain a plan for independent study o How are you managing your time? o Keep the tutor updated as to your progress o This help the tutor to better prepare for each tutoring session. Each session is maximized and the student can learn as much as possible during tutoring time. If Something Still Doesn’t Make Sense o Sometimes information is hard to understand just because it is presented in a manner that just doesn’t quite appeal to the way you like to learn best o Don’t give up! o Learning takes time, effort, and perseverance. o Continue to attend tutoring sessions o Communicate your concerns with your tutor and/or professor o Maintain a positive attitude o Be confident in your ability. o These actions will aid you in achieving your academic goals in the most effective manner possible This PowerPoint presentation is the property of Northern Michigan University’s Academic and Career Advisement Center. It may not be reproduced without written consent. http://www.nmu.edu/acac