Babylonian Captivity of the Church

Chapter 11
The Reformation
"Лютер в Вормсе" by Anton von
Werner - Скан картины.. Licensed
under Public domain via Wikimedia
Drill Questions
Which of these events occurred first?
Diet of Augsburg
Luther translates the Latin Bible into German
The Peace of Passau
The Peace of Augsburg
What were Charles V’s hopes when he called the Diet
of Augsburg in 1530?
Charles wanted to solve the growing religious
divisions within Germany and reconvert the
Lutherans to Catholicism.
So what happened?
Charles demanded that the Lutheran princes reconvert
and they defied him and forced Charles to listen to a
confession of their faith, called the Augsburg Confession.
What did that mean?
It meant that the Reformation was so firmly entrenched
in Germany that a return to Rome was impossible.
Whom did “Bloody” Mary [Queen Mary I] take for her
husband and make King of England?
Charles V of Spain
Gustavus Vasa of Sweden
 Philip II of Spain
Christian III of Denmark
Christian II of Denmark
Who wrote, The Institutes of the Christian Religion?
John Calvin
Who wrote Leave no stone unturned and Where there
is smoke, there is fire?
Who wrote Hamlet, King Lear, Othello, and Macbeth?
William Shakespeare
Who were the two Dutch Anabaptist immigrants who
came to Munster in 1534 and required all Lutherns
and Catholics to become Anabaptist or get out?
Menno Simons
Caspar Hedio
 Jan Matthys
 Jan Beukelsz
Conrad Grebel
They were the “ancestors” of the modern day
Menonites and Amish?
The Anabaptists
What crucial teaching did the Anabaptists
reject that was practiced by Roman Catholics,
Zwinglians, Anglicans and Lutherans?
Infant Baptism
Which of the following is associated with
Michael Sattler?
Treasury of Merits
The Babylonian Captivity of the Church
 Schleitheim Articles
The Defense of the Seven Sacraments
The Society of Jesus
Who was the author of the 95 Theses?
Martin Luther
Gerhard Groote founded what institution
whose members did not take monastic vows
but still lived a religious life – and ran schools
and helped poor children?
Brothers of the Common Life, also known as the
Modern Devotion
In Protestant [and many Catholic] countries
during the Reformation, the status of women…
did not improve at all
improved marginally (just a little)
remained about the same
definitely improved
As a result of the writing The Defense of the Seven
Pope Leo X gave Edward VI the title Defender of
the Faith
Lutheran ideas spread rapidly in England
it was rumored that Thomas More was the real author
John Calvin wrote the Institutes of the Christian
John Calvin
"John Calvin by Holbein" by Hans Holbein the Younger Licensed under
Public domain via Wikimedia Commons
Who is this Reformation
leader who in 1533 had a
conversion experience and
said that God by a sudden
conversion subdued and
brought my mind to a
teachable frame? This led
him to sternness and
severity on others whom he
felt needed conversion so
that his theology came to
stress the sovereignty of
God and man’s obligation to
obey God’s will.
Even though Saxony and Hesse were defeated at the
Battle of Mühlberg, the city of Magdeburg continued
to defy Charles V and became a center of Lutheran
resistance. What did this mean?
Protestantism was too firmly entrenched in Germany
 to be extirpated.
Charles V was finally able to dominate Germany.
Denmark would remain Lutheran.
Protestants nevertheless began to reconvert and
become Roman Catholics again.
Who was the English reformer who translated the Latin
New Testament into English in 1524-25 while he was in
Germany. His New Testament was printed in Germany and
taken to England where it quickly circulated. He was
later convicted of heresy and executed.
William Tyndale
What religious order was founded in 1530 by three Italian
noblemen, who vowed to seek no personal gain and to give
themselves to teaching, hearing confessions, establishing
missions, educating youth and ministering in hospitals,
prisons and to the dying.
The Barnabites or the Clerics Regular of St. Paul
Which of the following is associated with
Henry VIII?
Treasury of Merits
The Babylonian Captivity of the Church
Schleitheim Articles
 The Defense of the Seven Sacraments
The Society of Jesus
What was result of the First Battle of Kappel
in 1529?
It was a Protestant victory which forced the
Catholic cantons (states) to recognize the
rights of the Protestant cantons.
What was result of the Second Battle of Kappel
in 1531?
It was a Catholic victory in which Zwingli was
killed but in the treaty which followed, each
Swiss canton was free to choose its own religion.
Which of the following is associated with
Martin Luther?
Treasury of Merits
 The Babylonian Captivity of the Church
Schleitheim Articles
The Defense of the Seven Sacraments
The Society of Jesus
Who wrote The Imitation of Christ?
Thomas à Kempis
Whose philosophy did The Imitation of
Christ illustrate?
The Brothers of the Common Life.
What were Thomas à Kempis two most famous quotes?
(1) At the Day of Judgment we shall not be asked
what we have read, but what we have done
(2) Man proposes, but God disposes
Which of the following was NOT accomplished at
the Council of Trent?
Trent acknowledged the abuses in the Church
Trent created a standardized liturgy or mass
Trent required bishops to be visible in their dioceses
Trent defined Roman Catholic theology in detail
Trent adopted Justification by Faith theology
Matteo da Bascio, a Franciscan friar in Italy, sought
to return the Franciscans to the primitive and holy
ways of St. Francis of Assisi. What was his order
The Capuchins
What was the name of this religious movement within
the Catholic Church (mostly in France) that echoed
the Augustinian tradition and Calvinism in that it
emphasized original sin, human depravity, the
necessity of divine grace, and predestination?
Which of the following is associated with
Saint Ignatius Loyola?
Treasury of Merits
The Babylonian Captivity of the Church
Schleitheim Articles
The Defense of the Seven Sacraments
 The Society of Jesus
Conrad Grebel was an Anabaptist who broke
with Zwingli, who preferred a more gradual
rejection of corrupt religious practices. What
did Grebel’s group come to be called?
The Swiss Brethren
What were the Schleitheim Articles?
The Schleitheim Articles (authored by Michael
Sattler) were the first Anabaptist Confession of
Faith which not only affirmed the necessity of
adult baptism but also the practice of refusing to
swear oaths and taking part in secular
Foundling Homes or Hospitals
treated the wounded and were the idea of
Philip Melanthon
caused Ignatius Loyola to write Spiritual Exercises
 were places where unwanted infants were left
were an outgrowth of the Genevan Academy
Лютер в Вормсе" by Anton
von Werner - Скан
картины.. Licensed under
Public domain via
Wikimedia Commons http://commons.wikimedia
When Luther proclaimed at the Diet of Worms, I cannot and
will not recant anything, since it is neither safe nor right to
go against conscience. May God help me., what did the
Emperor Charles V do?
He had Luther made an outlaw.
What did the reformers “get” from Henry VIII?
The invocation of the Saints
Certitude of Salvation
Clerical Celibacy
 Justification by Faith
Henry VIII did not want a divorce. He wanted what?
an annulment
Name Henry VIII first three wives in order and
the child each bore him.
Catherine of Aragon - Mary
Ann Boelyn - Elizabeth
Jane Seymour - Edward
Which of the following was the most radical form
of Protestantism?
 Calvinism
In 1529 when Henry VIII didn’t get his annulment, he
dismissed Wolsey, who had worked for years to gain
the annulment, and, although Thomas More became
chancellor, Henry took as his principal advisors
Cranmer (soon to become Archbishop of
Thomas Cromwell both of whom
Canterbury) and __________________,
had _________leanings.
Their solution was simple:
declare the king the head of the Church in England;
then the king could solve his own problem.
When Calvin produced his doctrine of
Predestination, he was influenced by
Martin Luther
Thomas Aquinas
 Augustine of Hippo
Thomas Cranmer
How were Northern Humanists different than
Italian Humanists?
Northern Humanists had a stronger religious
sincerity and generally urged [like Erasmus,
Jean Colet and Thomas à Kempis] a return to a
more simple and heartfelt religion.
Who was this priest [and product of Northern
Humanism] who became the father of the Swiss
Reformation? He said that Erasmus more than Luther
set him on the path to reformation
Ulrich Zwingli
Which of the following is associated with
Pope Clement VI?
 Treasury of Merits
The Babylonian Captivity of the Church
Schleitheim Articles
The Defense of the Seven Sacraments
The Society of Jesus
Who said, As soon as a coin in the coffer rings,
the soul from purgatory springs.
Johann Tetzel
In 1520, Luther wrote a pamphlet, An Address to the
Christian Nobility of the German Nation. What did it
want from the nobility?
Luther wanted the German princes to force the
Church to reform, especially in the areas
curtailing the Church’s political and economic
interference in Germany
Which of the following best describes the
Rejection of the principle of cuius regio, eius
religio (whose kingdom, his religion)
Support for the papacy
A rejection of the New Learning
A rebirth of Humanism
The last gasp of medieval piety
This protégée and son-inlaw of Zwingli, became
the new leader of the
movement and guided its
eventual merging into
Calvinism after the death
of Zwingli at the Second
Battle of Kappel.
Heinrich Bullinger
"Heinrich Bullinger" by Hans Asper - Geschichte des Kantons Zürich. Bd. 2, Frühe Neuzeit.
Werd: Zürich 1996.. Licensed under Public domain via Wikimedia Commons
When Luther wrote a pamphlet, the Babylonian
Captivity of the Church, what was its thrust?
Luther attacked the Roman Catholic Doctrine of the
Seven Sacraments, arguing that only the Eucharist
and Baptism were fully scriptural.
What was Luther’s main point in his pamphlet,
Freedom of a Christian?
In Freedom of a Christian, Luther taught his
doctrine of Salvation by faith alone.
What two enemies kept Charles V from dealing
quickly with Luther and his growing popularity?
Francis I of France and the Ottoman Turks
When Charles V at the Diet of Speyer in 1526
conceded that each German state was free to enforce
or not enforce the Edict of the Diet of Worms [which
declared Luther an outlaw], what was the result?
The result was that Lutheran German princes
were given time to firmly establish Lutheranism
in Germany
For what two reasons did princes in
Germany break with the Roman Church?
Rome’s banning of the sale of Indulgences
Fear of the Imperial Diet
The influence of Ignatius Loyola
 Genuine religious belief
 Political advantage
In the 1530s, Protestants in Germany organized a
defensive league against the emperor and the
Roman Catholic Church. Name it
The Schmaldkaldic League
Why did Luther not support the Peasants’ Revolt?
Because as far as Luther was concerned, Christian
freedom meant a spiritual release from guilt and
anxiety - not revolutionary bloodshed
He was a German priest, theologian and defender of
Catholicism during the Protestant Reformation. He
first sympathized with Luther but when Luther
attacked the Church, he attacked Luther. He was the
emperor’s prosecutor at the Diet of Worms.
Johan Eck
Under which English monarch was a religious compromise
effected whereby the Anglican Church became a Bridge
Church as it kept much of the basic Catholic practices
and theology, but adopted many Protestant ideas?
Elizabeth I
If Luther had supported the peasants in the
Peasants' rebellion, what would have been the
probable result?
The Reformation would have died immediatley
Lutheranism might not have survived beyond the
 1520s
Charles V would have united Germany
Europe would have been gravely weakened before
the onslaught of the Ottoman Turks
After Martin Luther defied the
Emperor Charles V at Worms in
1521, this power friend of
Luther’s had Luther “kidnapped”
and and hidden in Wartburg
Castle for almost a year.
Frederick III of Saxony
[Frederick the Wise]
While at Wartburg Castle, what
did Luther accomplish?
He translated the New
Testament into German.
"Lucas Cranach d. Ä. 097" by Lucas Cranach the Elder Licensed under Public domain via Wikimedia
The Six Articles of 1539
issued by Henry VIII
and reaffirmed Transubstantiation, Holy Communion
in the bread only, clerical celibacy and the
continuance of private masses and confessions.
Protestants angrily called the Six Articles a
a whip with six stings
Who was the author who wrote Don Quixote?
What did Pope Leo X demand in his Papal
bull, Exsurge Domine [Arise, O Lord]?
that indulgences no long be sold
That Henry VIII refuse his title Defender of the Faith
 That Martin Luther recant his teachings
That Humanism was a grave sin
That John Calvin be burned for heretical doctrines
In 1343, which pope proclaimed a Treasury of Merits?
Clement VI
What was a Plenary Indulgence?
A Plenary Indulgence erased all punishment in
purgatory for the living or the dead.
Why did Julius II authorize the selling of Indulgences?
To raise money to build a new Saint Peter’s Basilica.
Who was the first person to perform an
adult rebaptism in Zurich in 1525?
Martin Luther
Michael Sattler
 Conrad Grebel
Ulrich Zwingli
Antoine Froment
Whose quintessential work was Spiritual Exercises?
Ignatius Loyola
What was the movement within the Catholic Church
(mostly in France) that echoed the Augustinian
tradition and Calvinism in that it emphasized original
sin, human depravity, the necessity of divine grace,
and predestination?
Who wrote the Dark Night of the Soul, which tells the
story of a human soul leaving its bodily home to find
mystical union with God.
Saint John of the Cross
Which of the following did Luther advocate?
Clerical Celibacy
 Sola Scriptura
Denial of the consecrated wine to the laity
The sale of Indulgences but only if the sinner
In the Peace of _______
Passau in 1552, an emotionally broken
Charles V guaranteed religious freedom to Lutherans in
the empire which ended his quest to make his empire
Peace of Augsburg made the
Catholic. In 1555, the ________________
principle ______________________
cuius regio, eius religio (whose kingdom, his
religion), meaning that the prince of any principality
determined the religion that would be practiced in his
domain. That meant that if a person did not like his
prince’s religion, then he had to emigrate. Thus, the
division of Western Christendom was permanent.
Which of the following describes Ulrich Zwingli?
He supported clerical celibacy
He believed that whatever lacked literal
 Scriptural support was to not to be believed.
He was the Father of Anabaptism
He taught the doctrines of Absolute Predestination
and Certitude of Salvation
In 1529, Parliament was convened for a seven
year session that would earn it the name, the
Reformation Parliament. It made Henry VIII…
…the head of the Church in England
In 1532, Parliament passed the _______________________
Submission of the Clergy
Act which placed Canon [church] Law under the king’s
control thus making the clergy subservient to the king.
This was called the Principle of _________________.
Royal Supremacy
In 1534, this was an Act of the Parliament of England
under King Henry VIII declaring that he was "the only
supreme head on earth of the Church in England"
This Act is often seen as the beginning of the English
Reformation even though Henry would not abandon
Catholic theology.
The Act of Supremacy
He was the Archbishop of Canterbury and a principal
advisor to Henry VIII of England. When Henry withdrew
the Church in England from Roman obedience, he issued
the annulment that Henry wanted.
Thomas Cranmer
King Gustavus I Vasa
In Sweden, ___________________
embraced Lutheranism and was
supported by the nobility who
were anxious to seize church
lands. In Poland, Lutherans,
Anabaptists, Calvinists and even
Antitrinitarians found a place
to practice their religions even
"Gustav Vasa" by Jakob Binck - Unknown. Licensed
under Public domain via Wikimedia Commons
though Poland remained
Roman Catholic
overwhelmingly _______________.
After the Münster debacle, Anabaptists
became moderate and pacifistic. Who
followed this lead and became the founder
of the Mennonites?
Menno Simons
Who were the mostly isolated individuals
characterized by a dislike for external,
institutional religion; whose only religious
authority was the Sprit of God which spoke to
them, not in some past revelation, but in the here
and now.
What two men led a semi-Zwinglian group that
produced the non-Lutheran Tetrapolitan
Confession in 1530?
Ulrich Zwingli
Caspar Hedio
Heinrich Bullinger
 Martin Bucer
Conrad Grebel
Who was the Spiritualist who abandoned
Lutheranism and flirted with Anabaptism until he
was killed in the Peasants’ Revolt of 1525.
Thomas Müntzer
Who took the Reformation to Silesia? He was influenced
by the Spiritualists but developed his own principles
such as opposition to infant baptism, war, secret
societies, and oath-taking. Many of his followers later
emigrated to America
Caspar Schwenckfeld
When the city of Münster was transformed into
an Old Testament theocracy with charismatic
leaders and polygamy, how did the Catholics
and Lutherans react?
 They crushed them
They tolerated them
They forced them to become Lutherans
They forced them to become Calvinists
What is the belief that God appointed some people to
salvation by his grace, while leaving the remainder to
receive eternal damnation for their sins.
Absolute Predestination
What is Calvin’s teaching that God the Holy Ghost works
to bring about the salvation of preordained individuals
by means of grace and without the cooperation from
the individual.
Certitude of Salvation
The Marburg Colloquy, [a discussion between
Luther and Zwingli] produced fifteen statements of
which fourteen were agreed upon. What was the
only area where agreement could not be reached?
The Act of Supremacy
 The nature of the Eucharist
The doctrines of Absolute Predestination and
Certitude of Salvation
From 1546 to 1547 in the Schmalkaldic
War, _________
Charles V and his allies fought
the League and crushed them at the
Mühlberg capturing John
Battle of _________,
Saxony and Philip of
Frederick of _______
______. The emperor then established
puppet rulers in those conquered
states and issued an imperial law
"<a href="">Titian - Portrait of
Charles V Seated - WGA22964</a>" by Formerly attributed to <a
href="//" class="extiw"
title="en:Titian">Titian</a>. Licensed under Public domain via <a
href="//">Wikimedia Commons</a>.
requiring Protestants to reconvert and
again become Roman Catholics.
Who were the group that believed that they were
people of commonsense, rational and ethical
religion? Most prominent was Michael Servetus, who
was burned at the stake with the support of Calvin.
The Antitrintarians
Why is Faustus Sozzini important?
He helped to found Socianism which not only
denied the Trinity but also Original Sin and that
Christ existed as God before he was born as a man.
Who are the modern day descendants of Socianism?
Which of the following Reformational Churches
had a strong Iconoclastic streak?
 Calvinism
Their goal was to dedicate themselves to the
giving of aid and caring for the poor, to orphans,
abandoned youths and the sick.
 Somaschi
In the 1530s, German Lutherans created Consistories.
What were they and what was their function?
Consistories were judicial bodies of theologians and
lawyers whose purpose was to oversee and administer
the new Protestant churches.
Christian II of Denmark introduced Lutheranism
King _____________
into Denmark where it took root and thrived under his
successor Frederick I, who himself remained Catholic. But
Christian III made Lutheranism the state religion
his son, ____________
and all subsequent Danish kings were Lutheran.
Founded by St. Philip Neri , they were society of
priests and lay-brothers who lived together in a
community bound together with no formal vows but
only with the bond of charity. They were an elite
group who devoted themselves to the promotion of
religious literature and church music.
Clerics Regular of St. Paul
The Capuchins
Who had fought with the emperor’s victorious forces
at Mühlberg and had been rewarded with the title of
Elector and was then picked by Charles V to capture
the rebellious Lutheran city of Magdeburg
Maurice of Saxony
But Maurice was a Protestant who felt he had betrayed
his faith! What did he do and what was the result?
Maurice signed anti-Habsburg treatieswith France
and Germany's Protestant princes thus effectively
changing sides. Confronted by this new resistance
and exhausted by three decades of war, the
emperor was forced to relent.
In 1531, the Schmaldkaldic League was formed by
the Lutheran princes under the leadership of
what two men?
 Philip of Hesse
Giovanni Perluigi da Palestrina
Frederick III of Denmark
Gustavus Vasa of Sweden
 John Frederick, elector of Saxony
Erasmus [at right] feared the Reformation as a
threat to the Catholic Church and to sound
Sebastian Franck a German
learning. _________________,
freethinker and reformer, pointed out the
parallels between Luther’s and Zwingli’s debates
Eucharist to the
over Christ’s presence in the ___________
old ___________
Scholastic debates about the Immaculate
Conception of the Virgin Mary. So both Erasmus
and Franck saw a narrowing of humanism once it
was taken over by Protestant thinking.
"Holbein-erasmus" by Hans Holbein the Younger - Web Gallery of Art.
Licensed under Public domain via Wikimedia Commons
He founded the Theatine Order to groom reformminded leaders at the higher levels of the church
Saint Cajetan
Pope Paul IV
Matteo da Bascio
Saint Jerome Emiliani
Diet of Augsburg
In 1530, Charles V summoned the ________________
which was an assembly of both Lutheran and Catholic
representatives. The Diet was supposed to resolve the
growing religious divisions within Germany
reconvert the Lutherans to Catholicism. Charles
demanded that the Lutheran princes reconvert and they
defied him and forced Charles to listen to a confession of
their faith, called the ___________________.
Augsburg Confession This
defiance proved that a return to Rome was impossible
He was the principal author of the Book of
Common Prayer
Thomas More
Thomas Cromwell
Thomas Wolsey
 Thomas Cranmer
He was the sickly child and was tutored by reformers
who were Calvinist in outlook and corresponded
regularly with John Calvin. Under his reign, the
Reformation was introduced into England.
Edward VI
Edward VI died at the age of seventeen in 1553 and
Catherine of Aragon’s daughter came to the throne as
Mary I. What was her major intention?
Mary intended to take England back to the
obedience of the Roman Catholic Church.
John Calvin encouraged personal study of the
Bible and compared the Bible to
a road map
 a pair of glasses
The Book of Common Prayer
Absolute Predestination
He was a humanist professor of Greek at the University
of Wittenberg where he reformed the curriculum on the
humanist model. In his first address, On Improving the
Studies of the Youth, he claimed to be the defender of
good letters and classical studies against the barbarians
who still practiced the barbarous arts.
Philip Melanchthon
By barbarians, Melanchthon was referring to the
whose methodology of dialectical
reasoning to find truth, he believed actually hurt both
good letters and sound biblical doctrine.
In 1537, Cardinal Contarini presented a report on
abuses in the Roman Curia which ultimately forced
Pope Paul III to…..
…suppress it
…seek the help of Ignatius Loyola
…to support Jansenism
 …call for a general church council
Who was the father of Catherine of Aragon and the
grandfather of her nephew Charles V?
Frederick III
 Ferdinand
Henry VII
Francis I