SOUTHEASTERN LOUISIANA UNIVERSITY School of Nursing ANNUAL COURSE REPORT FORM Course: ___Nursing 334______________ I. Spring 2013___ COURSE IDENTIFICATION DATA Level: Course Title/Number: Course Coordinator: Course Faculty: II. Evaluation Period: Foundations_________________________ Health Assessment of Families, Groups, & Communities/N332 Willa Stewart ____________ Susan Bertrand, Dari Calamia, Ramona Kerner, and Joyce Maynor DATA COLLECTION A. Dates (Semesters) Spring 2013 B. Methodology The evaluation was available through Black Board. The students had a two week time frame for completion. Ninety-one students were enrolled in seven sections of N334. Ten completed the course evaluation yielding a return rate of 11%. This is the first time that N332 and N334 were separate evaluations. The Blackboard Administrator (BA) populated students who previously had the course and those currently enrolled in the course. Students who were currently enrolled in the course were asked to complete the survey. Three emails were sent out requesting that students complete the survey due to the poor response rate. The BA sent out a personal email informing students that there was a problem and to complete the survey; only 10 responses were collected. C. III. Evaluation Instrument MUST be attached to this report. EVALUATION RESULTS A. Findings (Summary Data): Question 1. Lab content and design were effective in meeting course objectives. 2. Teaching/learning practices used in the lab were effective in meeting course objectives. 3. The lab provided opportunities for professional communication. 4. The lab provided opportunities for collaboration with peers/faculty. 5. The lab encouraged the use of information management. 6. The lab promoted critical thinking. 7. The sequence of lab course work correlated with theory course (Nurs 332) content. Fall 2011 Response Rate STRONGLY AGREE AGREE 11%___ DISAGRE STRONGLY DISAGREE 30% 50% 20% 0% 40% 50% 10% 0% 30% 50% 20% 0% 50% 30% 20% 0% 40% 30% 30% 0% 30% 30% 40% 0% 30% 50% 10% 10% 8. The presentation by the Government documents Librarian was useful in learning about available library and online resources for the community. 9. The community assessment project provided an opportunity to assess a community using the “Community As Partner Model”. 10. The community assessment project provided an opportunity to make inferences and draw conclusions regarding the health issues of a community. 11. The community assessment project provided an opportunity to develop community focused goals and interventions related to Healthy People 2020. 12. The family assessment project provided an opportunity to assess a family using the “Friedman Family Assessment Model”. 13. The family assessment project provided an opportunity to apply theoretical family concepts to an actual family. 14. The family assessment project provided an opportunity to learn how to construct and interpret genograms and ecomaps. 15. The required textbook, Anderson & McFarlane, “Community as Partner: Theory and Practice in Nursing, 5th edition, was useful in completing the community assessment project. 16. The required textbook, Kaakinen, GedalyDuff, Coehlo, and Hanson “Family Health Care Nursing, 4th edition” was useful in completing the family assessment project. 17. The “APA Publication Manual, 6th edition” was useful in writing the community and family assessment project papers. 40% 40% 20% 0% 40% 30% 30% 0% 40% 20% 30% 10% 30% 40% 30% 0% 20% 60% 20% 0% 20% 70% 10% 0% 40% 40% 10% 10% 30% 30% 40% 0% 40% 30% 20% 10% 10% 60% 20% 10% B. Summary of Narrative Comments: In response to the question “What do you feel were the strengths of the lab?” (Q 18), students responded with written comments, such as the experience gave the student a chance to learn APA, the interviews got the student out of their comfort zone, this was a great experience to understand how a community works, the course correlated well with N332, and gave the students insight into the communities. In response to the question “What suggestions would you make for improving the lab?” (Q 19), students responded with written comments such as requesting a combination of the lab and lecture, instructor was ill and another had to grade the family assessment paper (student did not know how the new instructor would grade), have the family assessment paper first then have the community assessment paper last, this class was not beneficial to their career, combine papers with the assessment class, and give more instruction with the first paper. C. Comparison of current results with results from the last two course evaluations: The 2011 and 2012 course evaluation results had a higher return rate than 2013. Less “strongly disagree” numbers were noted for 2013. Similar essay results noted from 2011-2013. APA was seen as a strength as compared to the last 2 evaluations. Overall, the responses from the students completing the survey were positive with most responses falling into the “strongly agree” and “agree” categories. Fall 2011 IV. REVIEW OF COURSE DESCRIPTION, OBJECTIVES AND CONTENT OUTLINE The course description, objectives, and content have been reviewed and reflect the SON mission and program objectives, as well as the Essentials of Baccalaureate Education. V. REVIEW OF NCLEX RESULTS The most current NCLEX results are from 2012. Those that are relative to the course content include the Nursing Process (assessment and analysis), Human Functioning (psychosocial-cultural functions), and Wellness/Illness Continuum (health promotion). This course introduces content in the above sections. Compared to the national populations of graduates, student scores met the benchmark for Nursing Process (assessment and analysis). Under Human Functioning (psychosocial-cultural functions) and Wellness/Illness Continuum (health promotion), students fell below the benchmark. VI. STANDARDIZED TESTING RESULTS (Including comparison of current results with results from the last two semesters) No current standardized testing is done at the foundation level for community health nursing. VII. QUALITY MATTERS RUBRIC (100% Online Courses ONLY) None of the courses evaluated for this report are considered 100% online courses. VIII. RECOMMENDATIONS TO LEVEL: No recommendations to level at this time. Due to the low response rate, the survey will be repeated the next time the course is offered. Fall 2011 Survey Statistics: NLAB 334 Course Evaluation(1) The statistics are calculated based only on the attempts being used in the grading option (Last attempt, First attempt, Lowest Score, Highest Score, or Average of Scores). If Average of Scores is the grading option, then all attempts are included in the statistics. Content Name Attempts NLAB 334 Course Evaluation(1) 10 (Total of 10 attempts for this assessment) Instructions For each question choose one of the responses. Responses range from strongly agree, agree, disagree, and strongly disagree. Alignments Question 1: Multiple Choice Lab content and design were effective in meeting course objectives. Percent Answered Strongly agree 30% Agree 50% Disagree 20% Strongly disagree 0% Unanswered 0% Question 2: Multiple Choice Teaching/learning practices used in the lab were effective in meeting course objectives. Percent Answered Strongly agree 40% Agree 50% Disagree 10% Strongly disagree 0% Unanswered 0% Question 3: Multiple Choice The lab provided opportunities for professional communication. Percent Answered Strongly agree 30% Agree 50% Disagree 20% Strongly disagree Fall 2011 0% Unanswered 0% Question 4: Multiple Choice The lab provided opportunities for collaboration with peers/faculty. Percent Answered Strongly agree 50% Agree 30% Disagree 20% Strongly disagree 0% Unanswered 0% Question 5: Multiple Choice The lab encouraged the use of information management (technology). Percent Answered Strongly agree 40% Agree 30% Disagree 30% Strongly disagree 0% Unanswered 0% Question 6: Multiple Choice The lab promoted critical thinking. Percent Answered Strongly agree 30% Agree 30% Disagree 40% Strongly disagree 0% Unanswered 0% Question 7: Multiple Choice The sequence of lab course work correlated with theory course (NURS 332) content. Percent Answered Strongly agree 30% Agree 50% Disagree 10% Strongly disagree 10% Fall 2011 Unanswered 0% Question 8: Multiple Choice The presentaion by the Government Documents Librarian was useful in learning about available library and online resources for the community assessment project. Percent Answered Strongly agree 40% Agree 40% Disagree 20% Strongly disagree 0% Unanswered 0% Question 9: Multiple Choice The community assessment project provided an opportunity to assess a community using the "Community As Partner Model." Percent Answered Strongly agree 40% Agree 30% Disagree 30% Strongly disagree 0% Unanswered 0% Question 10: Multiple Choice The community assessment project provided an opportunity to make inferences and draw conclusions regarding the health issues of a community. Percent Answered Strongly agree 40% Agree 20% Disagree 30% Strongly disagree 10% Unanswered 0% Question 11: Multiple Choice The community assessment project provided an opportunity to develop community focused goals and interventions related to Healthy People 2020 objectives. Percent Answered Strongly agree Fall 2011 30% Agree 40% Disagree 30% Strongly disagree 0% Unanswered 0% Question 12: Multiple Choice The family assessment project provided an opportunity to assess a family using the "Friedman Family Assessment Model." Percent Answered Strongly agree 20% Agree 60% Disagree 20% Strongly disagree 0% Unanswered 0% Question 13: Multiple Choice The family assessment project provided an opportunity to apply theoretical family concepts to an actual family. Percent Answered Strongly agree 20% Agree 70% Disagree 10% Strongly disagree 0% Unanswered 0% Question 14: Multiple Choice The family assessment project provided an opportunity to learn how to construct and interpret genograms and ecomaps. Percent Answered Strongly agree 40% Agree 40% Disagree 10% Strongly disagree 10% Unanswered Question 15: Multiple Choice The required textbook, Anderson & McFarlane, "Community As Partner: Theory and Practice in Fall 2011 0% Nursing, 5th edition, was useful in completing the community assessment project. Percent Answered Strongly agree 30% Agree 30% Disagree 40% Strongly disagree 0% Unanswered 0% Question 16: Multiple Choice The required textbook, Kaakinen, Gedaly-Duff, Coehlo, and Hanson "Family Health Care Nursing, 4th edition," was useful in completing the family assessment project. Percent Answered Strongly agree 40% Agree 30% Disagree 20% Strongly disagree 10% Unanswered 0% Question 17: Multiple Choice The "APA Publication Manual, 6th edition," was useful in writing the community and family assessment project papers. Percent Answered Strongly agree 10% Agree 60% Disagree 20% Strongly disagree 10% Unanswered 0% Question 18: Essay What do you feel were the strengths of the lab? Unanswered Responses 0 Given Answers none Gave me a chance to get to know how to use APA. Fall 2011 It helped me get out of my comfort zone with the interviewing. I also had plenty of time to write my papers. none N/a The lab was a great experience to understand how a community works and it correlation to health through assessment of nursing. Even though it the class seemed like a pain, it was really interesting to say the least. helped with communication skills by doing interviews Question 19: Essay What suggestions would you make for improving the lab? Unanswered Responses 0 Given Answers Put the lab and the lecture together. They are the same information and the same activities that we have to do twice. My teacher wasn't able to finish the course so another teacher graded my family paper. I don't think that is fair since I have no clue of what the teachers expectations are. none Try to put the family paper first to do then the community. The family paper was easy, however, it took way too long as opposed to the community. take this class away. it was completely useless and didnt help me at all. I do not feel like this lab was beneficial to my career as a nurse at all. The two huge papers were a big waste of time that could have been used on other classes. We learned about the assessments in the online courses. Having to complete our first assessment with very little instruction and guidelines was extremely challenging. None. Fall 2011