US Test Blanket Module Partially Integrated Testing US ITER TBM Richard Nygren, Tina Tanaka, Dennis Youchison & Mike Ulrickson Fusion Technology (01658) Sandia National Laboratories in collaboration with the US TBM Team, especially Neil Morley and Alice Ying (UCLA) and Clement Wong (GA) US ITER TBM Meeting, 15-16 August 2006, ORNL Sandia is a multiprogram laboratory operated by Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed Martin Company, for the United States Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-AC04-94AL85000. Outline US ITER TBM • Basic schedule – rationale for costing facilities mockups testing ITER qualification • Three “partially integrated” test (fully integrated tests require volumetric heating, neutron damage) • Cross reference detailed WBS schedules, milestones R&D progresses in stages US ITER TBM Basic Properties Single and Multiple Effects Testing Partially-Integrated Mockup Testing Final Design Fabrication Qualification PrelDesRev FabRoute July Dec FY2008 2009 BidPack August 2010 DetDesFinalRev September 2011 PrototypeDone FinDesChng StartTBMfab April December June 2012 2013 R&D stages US ITER TBM Fabricate Mockups • FW HHF He-cooled mockups • PbLi flow mockups, PbLi loop • Pressurization mockup Partially Integrated Mockup Tests • HHF test – DCLL1, HCCB1 • MHD test – DCLL2 • Pressure test – DCLL-p, HCCB-p Data Test Facilities • FW HHF facility – heat + He loop • MHD facility – magnet + LM loop P facility - + burst enclosure PrelDesRev FabRoute July Dec FY2008 2009 BidPack August 2010 Final Design Fabrication Qualification DetDesFinalRev September 2011 Title3DesRev StartPrototype PrototypeDone FinDesChng StartTBMfab April December June June 2012 2013 R&D stages US ITER TBM Fabricate Mockups • FW HHF He-cooled mockups • PbLi flow mockups, PbLi loop • Pressurization mockup Test Facilities • FW HHF facility – heat + He loop • MHD facility – magnet + LM loop P facility - + burst enclosure PrelDesRev FabRoute July Dec FY2008 2009 BidPack August 2010 Partially Integrated Mockup Tests • HHF test – DCLL1, HCCB1 • MHD test – DCLL2 • Pressure test – DCLL-p, HCCB-p Data verify predictive capabilities, complex geometry & conditions Final Design *Satisfy ITER qualification Fabrication assure TBMs will not fail Qualification and jeopardize ITER DetDesFinalRev September 2011 Title3DesRev StartPrototype PrototypeDone FinDesChng StartTBMfab April December June June 2012 2013 Combined Schedule US ITER TBM Partially Integrated Test Data Detailed Design Test Facility He Loop DCLL mockup des/fab HCCB P test FW test FW test DCLL PbLi loop 2009 2010 MHD ship test He loop & PbLi mockup 2011 DCLL DCLL P test analysis analysis DetDesFinalRev September FY2008 Qual HCCB analysis Pressure Facility HCCB mockup des/fab Fab extended operation prototype Title3DesRev StartPrototype PrototypeDone FinDesChng startTBMfab April December June June 2012 2013 Three Partially-integrated Tests US ITER TBM 1. FW Heat Flux Testing: Goals: 1) Verify acceptable He flow characteristics, structural temperatures and deformation, and (perhaps) failure modes; 2) Further experience with high temperature He coolant loops and testing of any non-standard He flow loop components. He-cooled mockup 1/3-1/2 size; materials & fab based on current state of the detailed design; FW heat load characteristic of ITER; portable He loop also used for MHD mockup; Be armor TBD. Three Partially-integrated Tests - #1 US ITER TBM 1. FW Heat Flux Testing: Sandia’s Plasma Materials Test Facility is a world class high heat flux test facility with two e-beam systems. EB1200 (right), has a large D-shaped vacuum chamber that could accommodate a TBM test. A high pressure (8MPa), high temperature (500C) He loop would have to be added to perform the TBM HHF tests. Three Partially-integrated Tests - #2 US ITER TBM 2. PbLi Flow and Heat Transfer Test (DCLL only): Goals: 1) Verify MHD PbLi pressure drop, flow distribution, heat transfer, and initial chemical compatibility; scale to match MHD parameters rather than TBM dimensions; fit into existing magnet facilities. 2) Practice safe handling, preheating and uniform filling of the TBM with PbLi, and testing of non-standard flow loop components. Inlet/outlet manifolds, parallel poloidal channels, He cooled flow divider plates and walls, coaxial PbLi inlet/outlet pipes, all FCIs; “dual use” of He loop requires shipment to MHD test site. Three Partially-integrated Tests - #2 US ITER TBM 2. PbLi Flow and Heat Transfer Test (DCLL): UCLA has developed the MTOR lab for liquid metal MHD studies. UCLA MTOR Lab FLIHY Electrolyte loop BOB magnet QTOR magnet and LM Flow Loop Use of the MTOR lab would require that the PbLi loop (DCLL test) fit an existing magnet. (also true elswehere) Three Partially-integrated Tests - #3 US ITER TBM 3. Pressurization tests: Goal: Qualify system against overpressure.* He breach into PbLi (DCLL) or He breach into breeder (HCCB) Prototype TBM mockups prepared exactly as the first test article in order to test all procedures and steps, except perhaps Be armor *over-pressure per final ITER acceptance test requirements (1.25, TBWG ITA Report) Costing Process US ITER TBM Initial Cost Estimates: US TBM Team discussed mockups, characterizations needed, potential failure mechanisms, and identified tests and test facilities. Sandia evaluated facility features for FW HHF and pressurization tests, plus costs for purchases, manpower and travel (collaborators). UCLA performed similar type of evaluation for MHD flow test, but with the constraint that an existing facility (magnet) be used. Initial cost estimates were entered into TBM WBS data base, then cost elements moved as needed to integrate overall schedule. n b n ckout 31 D E C 12 0 28 JU N 13 0 RO em % r ig E ar ly D ur S tar t Fi na l TB M D e s i gn C ha n ge s I n i ti a te T B M F a b ri c a ti o n E ar ly Finish FY 0 6 FY 0 7 01 S E P 10 31 D E C 09 L0 9 Mockup Part.01 JUInt. Test 30 JU N 11 25 FE B 10 30 S E P 09 A P R 10 2912 02 N O V 09 30 A P R 31 D E C2912 JU N 10 26 FE B 10 13N O V 10 30 A P R 10 28 JU N01 0 0 0 Co m pl e te Prototy pe F a bri c a ti on M o c k u p fa b ri c a ti o n 0 DCLL 0 Fi na l TB M D e s i gn C ha n ge s He L o o p c h e c k o u t 0 FW HHF 0 test 0 I ni ti a te TB M F a bri c a ti on M o c k u p te s ti n g M o c k u p p o s t-a n a ly s i s 0 01 M A R 11 28 A P R 11 0 01 JU L0 9 28 D E C 09 01 O C T08 30 D E C 08 31 D E C 08 29 S E P 09 0 He li um l oop p ro c ure m e nt & fa b ri c a ti on 01 R 910 M AL0 31 JU 31 10 P 09 EC SE 28 D 00 FW te s t m ocLkMupM de s i gn o c k u p fa b ri c a ti o n 29 D E C 09 28 S E P 10 M o c k u p d is p o s a l & fa c il i ty c le a n u p 0 DCLL 0 PbLi flow0& heat transfer test Pb L i L o o p S p e c ifi c a ti o n & De s i g n He li um l oop s pe c ifi c a ti on & de s i gn L M te s t M o c k u p a n d F CI d e s ig n / b i d Pb L i l o o p p ro c u re m e n t a n d fa b ri c a ti o n 0 Subtask costing at this level 30 P 009 25 00 10 S EBP10 28 FE JUEL1 29 S He li um l oop ll aotipon to m a g n e t fa c il i ty H eta lo Sh ipi ns (examples purchases, labor, trav) 02 09 29 0 V 10 OR NP 26 A 10 Plater, EV SO 29 N osal 11 Y 10 AR MP 02 A 30 T12 CV OO 30 N 01 10 0 WBS annual costs 02 N O V 10 28 FE B 11 30 JU N 11 01 M A R 11 01 M A R 11 28 A P R 11 this level 31 O C T11 01 JU L1 1 0 01 M A Y 12 29 JU N 12 0 29 A U G 12 27 FE B 13 0 28 JA N 13 25 A P R 13 0 26 A P R 13 25 JU L1 3 0 29 JU L1 0 28 S E P 10 0 26 N O V 10 0 29 S E P 09 29 D E C 09 31 M A R 10 29 S E P 10 Ear ly Bar Crit ical Act ivit y 28 S E P 10 28 S E P 10 l oc k up te s ti ng Ex te n d e d o p e ra ti o n , p o s t a n a l y s is , d i s p o s a M M oc k up p os t-a na ly s i s Pre s s u re te s t fa c i li ty s p e c & d e s ig n M oc k up d is pos a l & fa c il i ty c le a nu p Pro c u re m e n t fo r fa c il i ty m o d s Pb Li L oop S pe c ifi c a ti on & De s i gn 0 F a c i li ty m o d i fic a tio n & c h e c k o u t Pa c k a g e a n d s h i p p ro to ty p e to te s t fa c i l ity LM te s t M oc k up a n d FCI de s ig n/ bi d 0 M o c k u p i n s ta ll a ti o n & te s ti n g Pb Li l oo p proc u re m e nt a nd fa b ri c a ti on 0 M o c k u p p o s t-a n a ly s i s & d e s ig n re c o m m e n d a ti o n s LM M oc k up fa b ri c a ti on 0 Di s p o s a l o f m o c k u p ; fa c i li ty d e c o m m i s i o n i n g Sh ip H e lo op to m a gn e t fa c il i ty Sy s te m (H e , L M , M a g ne t) i ns ta ll . & c he c k ou t Sheet 1 of 1 TBM 9 29 N O V 10 Progress Bar 30 M A R 10 He L oop c he cI nkiou ti a tl L M M o c k u p te s ti n g a n d p o s t a n a l y s i s 0 30 A P R 12 28 D E C 09 M oc k up fa c amti on (H e , L M , M a g n e t) i n s ta ll . & c h e c k o u t Sybsrite DCLL 0 0 0 Pressurization & LOCA test 01 N O V 11 01 JU L0 9 FY 1 5 Ti tle I I I De s i gn Re v i e w - I ni tia te P ro to ty pe Fa b 28 FE B 11 30 M A R 10 FY 1 4 He li u m l o o p i n s ta ll a ti o n 0 02 N O V 10 29 S E P 09 FY 1 3 De ta il e d D e s i gn F in a l D e s i gn R e v i e w 0 sis FY 1 2 F W te s t m o c k u p d e s i g n 0 29 JU 11 A PNR10 ckout FY 1 1 He li u m l o o p p ro c u re m e n t & fa b ri c a ti o n 0 29 S E P 09 31 D E C 08 FY 1 0 He li u m l o o p s p e c ifi c a ti o n & d e s i g n 0 30 D E C 08 01 O C T08 26 10 N OBV10 29 FE sioning FY 0 9 DCLL Schedule sis ity FY 0 8 29 A P R 11 0 WBS 1 .8 .1 .1 .2 .9 Dat e Ex te nde d ope ra ti on , po s t a na l y s is , di s p os a l IRevi nistiiona l LM M oc k up te s ti ng a n d posChecked t an alysis Appr oved “Big Ticket Items” US ITER TBM 1. He Loop (>$1M purchase) Dual use for FW HHF and PbLi MHD & heat transfer tests; later comp. testing High P (8MPa), high T (500C) loop; main elements are pump, heater, HX, piping; “system on sled” (portable) Sandia estimate consistent (10%) with independent GA estimate. He loop for ITER TBM 2. PbLi Loop for DCLL mockup (>$1M mat/labor) PbLi loop (470C) is auxiliary for PbLi mockup and prototype. 3. Facility mods for Pressurization (>$1M mat/labor) Qualification test at operating temperature and overpressure requires chamber around mockup for controlled atmosphere and containment. Concluding Statements US ITER TBM TBM effort on integrated testing included: • Development of an integrated schedule (facilities, mockups, testing, ITER overpressure qualification) • Initial specifications of three tests - 1) FW HHF tests, 2) DCLL MHD & heat transfer test and 3) pressure test (qualify prototypes) • Identified WBS schedules, milestones, detailed costs