Matthew Simeone Award for Public Private Partnership Excellence The ASIS Foundation and the Law Enforcement Liaison Council (LELC) proudly present the Matthew Simeone Award for Public Private Partnership (P3) Excellence Purpose of the Award: to annually recognize public private partnership (P3) excellence at the local level in affiliation with ASIS chapter leaders to advocate collaboration between stakeholders in law enforcement and the private sector as the force multiplier needed in a resource-challenged time to enhance safety and homeland security as recommended in the 9/11 Commission Report to recognize the representatives of an outstanding P3 program: one from the public sector and one from the private sector The award was launched in 2011. INSPECTOR MATTHEW SIMEONE Matthew Simeone was a distinguished 24-year member of the Nassau County Police Department (NCPD) in New York. Prior to his untimely death in 2009, he was the Commanding Officer of the Police Commissioner's Community Affairs Unit and a highly respected private sector liaison. An active LELC member, he spearheaded the NCPD Security/Police Information Network (SPIN) by working closely with ASIS business and security leaders, COPS, the ASIS Long Island Chapter, NCPD, NYPD and Suffolk County Police. SPIN, a two-way email communications P3 network, brings together the public sector (law enforcement and non-law enforcement governmental agencies) and the private sector (pre-vetted private security directors and non-vetted community-based organizations). Well-known for his Naval Postgraduate Thesis "The Integration of Virtual P3s into Local Law Enforcement to Achieve Enhanced Intelligence-Led Policing", his work was also published in Police Chief magazine and he contributed to the USDoJ/COPS-funded "Operation Partnership". ASIS Foundation and Award Sponsors The ASIS International Foundation's mission is to provide highquality and contemporary research and education opportunities that serve to enhance the security profession. The ASIS Foundation Board of Trustees approved tax deductible status for all contributions. 2013 Award Donors: Microsoft Global, Mike Howard, CSO The Conley Group, Tom Conley Long Island Chapter, Chairman Mark Eklund Oksana Farber Mike Gambrill Richard E. Widup, Jr., CPP (2014 President-Elect) LELC Award Selection Committee The LELC Award Selection Committee consists of seven qualified and highly experienced P3 subject matter experts: Five LELC members ASIS International Vice President Of Government Affairs One representative from the IACP Private Security Liaison Committee Award Management Barbara Buzzell, ASIS Foundation Manager Oksana Farber, Chair - Award Selection Committee Tom Conley, Award Funds Treasurer Applications submitted prior to June 3, 2011 first award deadline: 1. Downtown Emergency Response Team; Dallas, TX 2. Tysons Corner Security Association; McLean, VA 3. Johns Hopkins Medicine; Baltimore, MD 4. AlertID; Reno, NV 5. Coordinate Statewide Disaster Reentry Program; Baton Rouge, LA 6. Snohomish/Everett PD; Everett, WA 7. NYPD Shield; New York, NY 8. Johns Hopkins University; Baltimore, MD 9. Snohomish/County Sheriff; Everett, WA 10. Regional Investigators Group; Rochester, NY 11. Lake Cook Regional Critical Incident Partnership; Libertyville, IL 12. Caterpillar/ITTF/STIC; Peoria, IL 13. Infragrad; Denver, CO 14. Boston Regional Intelligence Center; Boston, MA 15. SPIN 1; Long Island, NY 16. SPIN 2; Long Island, NY • • • • • • 2011 Award recipient: NYPD Shield, New York City, NY Umbrella program for public private partnership on security and counterterrorism, based on information sharing. Center for private sector security managers to obtain information and engage Police Department resources. Addresses business on both an industry-specific and a geographic basis, enabling NYPD to best serve the unique needs of each constituency. NYPD provides training to assist public and private sector entities in defending against terrorism. Information specific to a particular sector or neighborhood is transmitted directly to those affected by one of several methods: > In-person intelligence and threat briefings conducted by Counterterrorism Bureau and Intelligence Division personnel > Informal conferrals with Patrol Borough Counterterrorism Coordinators > NYPD Website postings > Shield Alert e-mail messages Keeps private sector partners informed of developing situations in the City, preparations for upcoming events and new intelligence and threat information. First Annual Matthew Simeone Award presentation, September 21, 2011 in Orlando, FL: Oksana Farber, Award Selection Committee Chair; Brian Reich, LELC Chairman and winners Chief Michael Blake (NYPD Shield), ASIS President Ray O’Hara and Craig Schwab (NYC chapter) Applications submitted prior to June 15, 2012 second award deadline: 1. John Hopkins U. Community Safety Program, Baltimore, MD 2. Boston Regional Intelligence Center, Boston, MA 3. International Dr. Tourist Crime intelligence Coalition, Orlando, FL 4. LEAPS, Houston, TX 5. Lake Cook Regional Critical Incident Partnership, Libertyville, IL 6. Downtown Emergency Response Team, Dallas, TX 7. Washington State Organized Retail Crime Alliance, Tacoma, WA 8. San Diego Chapter Law Enforcement Partnership, San Diego, CA 9. Bayer Emergency Responder Community Support Program, Berkeley, CA 10. United Kingdom Chapter: National Business Crime Forum, Derbyshire, UK 2012 Award Recipient: International Drive Tourist Crime intelligence Coalition, Orlando, FL • • • • • • • • • • Highly effective cooperation between the private sector (PS) and law enforcement (LE) has developed specialized units known as Tourist Oriented Police Services (TOPS) to protect, educate and serve large tourist population of 54,000,000 people. LE enlists PS’s assistance in locating wanted persons and property. Crimes such as fraud, counterfeiting and human trafficking are identified to PS to assist LE in uncovering evidence and building criminal cases. PS can identify and seek assistance from LE in developing training initiatives from armed robbery prevention to deterring terrorism. TOPS held joint bike officer training class to certify PS bike units and further enhance P3 program & relationship. Both LE and PS have unified to push for critical legislation often testifying side by side in front of legislators to lobby the passage of a law. Major events such as World Cup Soccer, Casey Anthony Trial, NBA All-Star Game could not have been panned and executed without the cooperation and information sharing at work in this P program. Formal intelligence meetings are held once a month at different locations throughout the County. In existence for 16 years, this P3 program has grown to involve the FBI, Secret Service, TSA and Military Intelligence. Many other jurisdictions throughout the State of Florida seek information from the Orlando partners about this P3 program and the mechanisms of how it works: there is a waiting list of organizations that would like to host the monthly intelligence sharing meetings. Second Annual Matthew Simeone Award presentation September 12, 2012 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: John Petruzzi, RoseAnn Simeone, Brian Reich (LELC Chairman), Major David Black, Gregory Moore and ASIS President Eduard Emde 2013 Donors Mike Howard, Tom Conley, Oksana Farber (Award Selection Committee Chair), Mark Eklund (LI Chapter chairman) and Mike Gambrill (not pictured: Richard E. Widup, Jr. (2014 President-Elect)) Applications submitted prior to June 14, 2013 deadline: 1. Lake Cook Regional Critical Incident Partnership, Deerfield, Illinois 2. Long Island Pharmacy Crime Task Forum, Bethpage, New York 3. National Business Crime Forum, Derbyshire, United Kingdom 4. Law Enforcement And Private Security, Houston, Texas 5. Security/Police Information Network, Long Island, New York 2013 Award Recipient: LEAPS, Houston, Texas • • • • • Working in close collaboration with the ASIS chapter #12 in Houston, LEAPS successfully exhibits a highly efficient practice through a P3 program that provides law-enforcement training to private security personnel. Established in 2011, LEAPS fosters a strong working relationship between law enforcement and the private security industry to protect homeland security interests and citizens’ safety. LEAPS collectively conducts 8-hour structured workshops for private security officers. The Associated Security Services and Investigators of the State of Texas (ASSIST) joined forces with LEAPS to coordinate the training which enhances private security personnel’s efficiency by being trained on police reports, crime scene protection/preservation, criminal trespass, threats, notetaking, crime prevention, emergency preparedness and better understanding the criminal justice system. The training workshops, conducted at the HCSO Academy, have given over 200 security officers new tools to become much more knowledgeable and professional security practitioners. The LEAPS leadership, which meets on a monthly basis with ASIS chapter leaders, ASSIST and HCSO, not only addresses and breaks down the historic wall of silence between law enforcement and the private security and establishes a positive impact on all-sector security relationships through cooperation and understanding, but also is working on a formal model program that can be replicated in any community. LEAPS is one of the largest and most successful P3 partnerships in the State of Texas. Third Annual Matthew Simeone Award presentation September 26, 2013 in Chicago, Illinois: ASIS President Geoff Craighead, LEAPS public sector rep Sheriff Adrian Garcia, LELC Chairman Brian Reich, LEAPS private sector rep Greg Autry and Charles Andrews 2013 Honorable Mention Recipient Lake Cook Regional Critical Incident Partnership, Deerfield, Illinois: RoseAnn Simeone, Oksana Farber (Award Selection Committee Chair), LCRCIP representative Andrew Twombly, Tom Conley and ASIS President Geoff Craighead LELC MISSION STATEMENT: “Working Together for a Safer Tomorrow” The ASIS International Law Enforcement Liaison Council works to foster vital Private/Public Security Partnerships while advancing critical infrastructure protection, business recovery and asset protection efforts: to foster and facilitate strategic alliances with essential stakeholders within the Law Enforcement – Public Sector (LE-PS) community in the exchange of ideas and information; and to lend active support to external partnership initiatives having broad application and high value to the security industry. Thank you.