Two Term Tradition James G. Blaine Rutherford B. Hayes Samuel

Two Term Tradition
Chinese Exclusion Act
James G. Blaine
Noble and Holy Order of the Knights of Labor
Rutherford B. Hayes
Uriah Stephens
Samuel Tilden
Terence Powderly
The New South
Jim Crow Laws
American Federation of Labor
Grandfather Clause
Samuel Gompers
1883 Civil Rights laws
Homestead Strike
Plessy v. Ferguson
Pullman Strike
Frederick Jackson Turner
Eugene V. Debs
International Workers of the World
Wounded Knee
Big Bill Haywood
The Dawes Act of 1887
Home Life Insurance Building
The Comstock Lode
Frederick Law Olmstead
John Gates
Smith Hughes Act
Pacific Railway Bill
Smith Lever Act
General Grenville Dodge
Local Colorists
Jay Gould
Unearned Increment
Leland Stanford
Thorstein Veblen
Andrew Carnegie
Settlement House Movement
John D. Rockefeller
Jane Addams
Alexander Graham Bell
Susan B. Anthony
Thomas Alva Edison
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
The Trusts
National Woman Suffrage Association
Social Darwinism
Waving the Bloody Shirt
J.P. Morgan
Charles Guiteau
Molly Maguires
Pendleton Civil Service Act
Railroad Strike of 1877
Wabash v. Illinois
William T. Gorgas
Sherman Anti-Trust Act
Philippine Commission
Sherman Silver Purchase Act
Jones Act of 1907
Granger Movement
Society of the Righteous Harmonious Fist
Populist Party
Treaty of Portsmouth
Farmers Alliance
Root Takahira Agreement
Depression of 1893
Roosevelt Corollary
Coxey’s Army
Great White Fleet
William Jennings Bryan
Queen Liliukalani
Albert Beveridge
Gifford Pinchot
Alfred Thayer Mahan
16th Amendment
Carl Shurz
17th Amendment
William Randolph Hearst
Bullmoose Party
Joseph Pulitzer
Clayton Act of 1914
USS Maine
Porfirio Diaz
Teller Amendment
Francisco Madero
Foraker Amendment
Victorian Huerta
Platt Amendment
Venustianzo Carranza
George Dewey
Pancho Villa
First United States Volunteer Cavalry
John J. Pershing
William T. Sampson
Kaiser Wilhelm I
William Shafter
Archduke Ferdinand
San Juan Hill
Gavrilo Princeps
White Man’s Burden
Alfred von Schlieffen
Leon Czolgosz
First Battle of the Marne
Leonard Wood
Chemical warfare in WWI
Aedes aegypti
Battle of Verdun
The Great Migration
Scottsboro Case
Lafayette Escadrille
Teapot Dome
Preparedness Movement
Farmer-Labor Party
National Defense Act of 1916
Robert Lafollette
Zimmerman Telegram
Hawley-Smoot Tariff of 1930
Unrestricted Submarine Warfare
The Great Crash
Selective Service Act of 1917
Reconstruction Finance Corporation
Committee on Public Information
Glass-Steagall Act of 1932
Espionage and Sedition Acts
Federal Home Loan Bank Board Act of 1932
Eugene V. Debs
Emergency Relief and Reconstruction Act of
Schenke v. U.S.
The Fourteen Points
The Big Four
Henry Cabot Lodge
League of Nations
The Red Scare
Influenza Pandemic
Sacco and Vanzetti
Emergency Immigration Act of 1921
Ku Klux Klan
John T. Scopes
Volstead Act
19th Amendment
Carrie Chapman Catt
Marcus Garvey
The Bonus Army
Emergency Banking Relief Act
The 100 Days
Frances Townsend
Huey Long
The Second New Deal
National Labor Relations Act
Social Security Act
John Maynard Keynes
Washington Conference of 1921
Five Power Agreement
Kelloff-Briand Pact of 1928
Battle of Leyte Gulf
Good Neighbor Policy
Thomas Dewey
Battle of the Bulge
Benito Mussolini
Yalta Conference
Anti-Comintern Pact
Enola Gay
USS Missouri
USS Panay
GI Bill of Rights
Neutrality Act of 1939
Taft Hartley Act
National Defense Research Committee
National Security Act
Lend Lease
Nuremberg Trials
Four Freedoms
Containment Policy
Act to Promote Defense of the United States
Truman Doctrine
Atlantic Charter
Marshall Plan
USS Ruben James
Berlin Airlift
Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere
Bataan Death March
Battle of the Coral Sea
The Fair Deal
Battle of Midway
Ho Chi Minh
War Powers Act of 1942
38th Parallel
War Relocation Camps
Pusan Perimeter
North African Campaign
Inchon Landing
Casablanca Conference
Yalu River
Battle of the Atlantic
Strategic Bombing of Germany
Alger Hiss
Teheran Conference
Joseph P. McCarthy
Operation Overlord
John Foster Dulles
Douglas MacArthur
Bao Dai
Chester Nimitz
Ngo Dinh Diem
Suez Crisis
26th Amendment
Gamel Abdel Nasser
Yom Kippur War
Eisenhower Doctrine
U2 (not the one with Bono)
Sam Ervin
Brown v. Board of Education
War Powers Act of 1973
Rosa Parks
Camp David Accords
Martin Luther King Jr.
Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini
Civil Rights Act of 1957
Orville Faubus
Grenada Invasion
Kitchen Debate
Iran Contra Affair
Bay of Pigs
Tiananmen Square
Cuban Missile Crisis
Berlin Wall
Barry Goldwater
Manuel Noriega
89th Congress
Operation Desert Storm
Christian Coalition
1963 March on Washington
H. Ross Perot
Voting Rights Act of 1965
Murrah Federal Building
Black Power Movement
Contract with America
Malcolm Little
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
Operation Rolling Thunder
Viet Cong
Tet Offensive
Silent Majority
Kent State
Ellsberg Papers
Swann v. Charlotte Mecklenburg Board