Steps in Scientific Method I. Observe a problem or a question. II. Research III. Create a Hypothesis IV. Experiment A. Design the experiment 1. Control 2. Independent Variable 3. Dependent Variable B. Carry out experiment V. Collect and Analyze Data A. Graph or other mathematical relationship B. Interpret graph looking for trends VI. Create conclusion VII. Communicate findings Chemistry Scientific Method Exercise Name_________________________ Per ___ Problem: What would you research? What would be your Hypothesis? Describe your Experimental Plan. What equipment or supplies do you think you would need? What data collection methods would you employ? What data analysis methods would you use? What do you think your conclusion would be? Who would you present the results to? Chemistry Matter Worksheet I 1. Describe the 7 steps in Scientific Method. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. 2. What is a hypothesis? 3. Experimentation a. Variables 1. Independent variables 2. Dependent variables b. Controls 4. a. Empirical Data b. Theory c. Model d. Scientific Law Name______________________________ Per ___ Chemistry Matter & Energy II Name__________________ 1. Chemistry a. Define b. Describe 6 branches of Chemistry i. Organic ii. Inorganic iii. Physical iv. Analytical v. Biochemistry vi. Theoretical 2. Matter 3. Mass 4. Volume 4. Element a. Define b. Metals c. Non-metals d. Metalloids e. Noble Gases 5. Compound 6. Atom 7. Molecule 8. Physical Properties a. density b. Color c. malleable d. ductile e. high viscosity Period___________ Chemistry Matter Worksheet III f. brittle g. hardness h. melting and boiling points i. texture j. low viscosity 9. Physical Change 10. Chemical Properties a. How does it react with water? b. How does it react with oxygen? c. How does it react with _____? 11. Chemical Change a. Reactants b. Products c. Change of quantity of matter 12. States of matter a. Solids b. Liquids c. Gases d. Plasmas 13. Diatomic Molecules 14. Kinetic energy 15. Potential energy Name _________________________Per._________ Chemistry Matter Worksheet IV 16. Energy Transformation Name _________________________Per._________ 17. Mass relates to energy 18. Law of Conservation of Matter & Energy 19. Changes of state a. Freezing b. Melting c. Vaporization d. Condensation e. Sublimation 20. Endothermic 21. Exothermic I. Differentiate: Definitions and examples are needed a. Homogeneous vs Heterogeneous b. Element(atom) vs Compound(molecule) c. Accuracy vs precision III. Contrast: Be specific with properties and energy differences. a. Solids b. Liquids c. Gases Chemistry IV. Matter Worksheet V Name _________________________Per._________ Define and differentiate from the others: a. Pure substance b. Mixture c. Solution(may have to look beyond) d. Compounds(How to distinguish from mixture) V. Define: a. Physical separation b. Filtration c. Chromatography d. Distillation VI. Compare or contrast: e. Physical Properties compared to Chemical Properties f. Physical Change compared to Chemical Change g. How do intensive properties differ from extensive properties? Chemistry Matter Worksheet VI Name _________________________________ Sect. Using the rules of Uncertainty Factors, calculate the answers to the following questions. I. Find the total volume of the sample if 3 different graduated cylinders are used with these volumes being blended together to make one volume: a. 103±1 ml b. 75.1±.5 ml c. 2.04±.2 ml II. Find the volume poured into a beaker if a graduated cylinder starts with 95.7±.5 ml before pouring and then has 35.0±.5 ml after pouring. III. Find the area of a board whose dimensions are 75.9±1 cm. and 156.2±1 cm. IV. Find the Density of a rubber ball that has a mass of 251±1 grams and a volume of 210±1 ml. V. Find the volume of a piece of glass that is 275±1 cm x 35±1 cm x 2.96±.5 cm. Answers: I. 180±1.7 ml II. 60.7±1.0 ml III. 1.19e4±156 cm2 IV. 1.20±.006 g/ml V. 2.89e4±4813 cm3 Honors Chemistry Worksheet VII Density 1. 2. 3. 4. Name _________________ Section ____ What is the volume of a tank that can hold 18, 754 Kg of methanol whose density is 0.788g/cm3? Ans.= 2.38e7cm3 x x What is the density of a board whose dimensions are 5.54 cm x 10.6 cm X 199 cm and whose mass is 28.6 Kg? Ans. = 13.6g/ml 5. CaCl2 is used as a de-icer on roads in the winter. It has a density of 2.50 g/cm3. What is the mass of 15.0 L this substance? Ans. = 3.75e4g 6. AN OBJECT HAS A MASS OF 42.0 GRAMS WHEN WEIGHED IN AIR. WHEN WEIGHED IN CARBON TETRACHLORIDE, IT WEIGHS 34.0 GRAMS. THE DENSITY OF CARBON TETRACHLORIDE IS 1.59g/ml. FIND THE DENSITY OF THE OBJECT. ans. 8.35g/ml 7. AN OBJECT WEIGHS 240 GRAMS IN AIR AND 200 GRAMS IN A LIQUID WHEN SUBMERGED. THE DENSITY OF THE OBJECT IS 13.69 g/ml. FIND THE DENSITY OF THE LIQUID. ans. 2.29g/ml 8. WILL A 100 GRAM OBJECT WEIGH LESS IN ACETONE(DENSITY .789g/ml) OR IN ACETIC ANHYDRIDE(DENSITY 1.08g/ml). ANSWER BY FINDING THE MASS OF THE OBJECT IN EACH OF THE LIQUIDS. ASSUME THE DENSITY OF THE OBJECT TO BE 5.6 g/ml. ans. 85.9g & 80.7g 9. OUTLINE THE STEPS NEEDED TO DETERMINE IF AN OBJECT IS ACTUALLY MADE OF PURE GOLD AS REPORTED BY THE MANUFACTURER. 10. A HOT AIR BALLOON HAS THE VOLUME OF 260,000 GALLONS. THE DENSITY OF AIR IS .00058 g/ml. WHEN HEATED THE DENSITY DROPS 35%. FIND THE MASS OF CARGO THAT COULD BE LIFTED BY THE BALLOON. ans. 438.7 POUNDS 11. THE DENSITY OF SULFURIC ACID IS 2.58 g/ml. FIND THE MASS OF A GLASS SPHERE WHEN IT IS SUBMERGED IN THE ACID. THE GLASS SPHERE LOSES .57 POUNDS WHEN SUBMERGED IN WATER. THE DENSITY OF THE GLASS IS 3.5 g/ml. ans. = 238g 12. AN OBJECT WEIGHS 500 g IN AIR AND 305 g IN A GREEN LIQUID. THE OBJECT WEIGHED 275 g WHEN SUBMERGED IN WATER. FIND THE DENSITY OF THE OBJECT AND THE GREEN LIQUID. ans. = .867g/ml 13. IF AN OBJECT WEIGHS 500 POUNDS IN AIR AND WHEN IMMERSED IN A LIQUID IT WEIGHS 3987 OUNCES, WHAT IS THE DENSITY OF THE OBJECT? THE DENSITY OF THE LIQUID IS 3.78 g/ml. (ANS. = 7.52 g/ml) 14. A 2 Kg BOTTLE OF OIL COSTS $5.86. FIND THE COST OF OILING THE PAN FOR COOKING PANCAKES IF IT TAKES 6 GRAMS OF OIL FOR EACH PANCAKE. 500 PANCAKES ARE BEING COOKED. (ANS. = $8.79) THIS OIL HAS A DENSITY OF 2.54 g/ml. WHAT IS THE VOLUME OF THE BOTTLE OF OIL. (ANS. = 787ml) 15. AN OBJECT WEIGHS 234 TONS IN AIR AND 5.5E3 Kg WHEN SUBMERGED IN A STRANGE SMELLING FLUID. WHEN SUBMERGED IN WATER THE OBJECT WEIGHS ONLY 195 TONS. FIND THE DENSITY OF THE FOUL SMELLING FLUID. (ANS. = 5.9g/ml) 16. FIND THE DENSITY OF A SUBSTANCE THAT WEIGHS 35 g AND TAKES UP 25 CUBIC INCHES. FIND THE ANSWER IN g/ml. (ANS. = .085g/ml) 17. FIND THE DENSITY OF A SUBSTANCE THAT WEIGHS 2.75 Kg AND TAKES UP 250 CUBIC FEET. FIND THE ANSWER IN g/ml. (ANS. = 3.88E-4 g/ml) 18. DETERMINE THE VOLUME THAT 35.2 POUNDS WILL OCCUPY IF THE DENSITY IS 16.5 g/in3. FIND THE VOLUME IN ml. (ANS. = 1.58e4 ml)