Sarah Smith Offensive Production Comparison 04-05 OFFENSIVE STAT: 2004 2005 Batting Average .223 .393 + .170 Avg. with RISP .262 .441 + .179 RBI's 13 31 + 18 Doubles 3 8 +5 Triples 5 2 -3 Homeruns 0 9 +9 Total Extra Base Hits 8 19 + 11 (238%) Slugging % .350 .757 OFFENSIVE STAT: 2003: 2004: 2005: 2006: 2007: 2008: 2009: 2010: Batting Average .266 .324 .058 .353 .029 .307 -.046 .348 .041 .305 -.043 .324 .019 .276 -.048 Runs Scored 258 255 - 1% 271 + 6% 242 - 11% 309 + 28% 213 - 31% 243 + 14% 187 - 23% RBI's Doubles Triples Homeruns 201 40 17 4 208 48 22 24 + 600% 242 80 15 44 + 183% 207 65 5 59 + 34% 266 73 5 59 FLAT 195 55 2 26 - 56% 204 65 9 10 - 62% 174 41 9 28 + 280% 139 (42%) + 11% + 48% 129 (46%) + 4% - 7% 137 (44%) - 2% + 6% 82 (31%) - 13% - 40% 84 (30%) - 1% + 2% Total Extra Base Hits 61 (26%) 94 (31%) vs. % XBH + 5% vs. Prev. Year + 54% 78 (35%) + 5% - 7% Slugging % .363 .499 .614 .616 .637 .464 .457 .454 Players Hitting HR's 3 6 + 100% 8 + 33% 10 + 25% 11 + 10% 5 - 55% 5 FLAT 6 + 20% Team Record 32-4-4 38-1-2 36-3-1 33-4-1 29-5-3 29-7-1 29-5 27-7 Senior Class: 1 4 4 6 2 0 4 6 Senior Homeruns: 2 2 21 44 16 0 1 18 PLAYER 2007 Average HR's XBH 2008 Average HR's XBH 2009 Average HR's XBH 2010 Average HR's XBH 19 374 6 13 467 3 15 465 1 11 13 467 14 22 438 8 21 406 3 18 411 7 19 23 247 3 8 330 2 9 275 1 15 284 2 13 24 299 9 15 302 12 20 384 4 12 472 10 16 TOTALS: 347 32 58 384 .037 25 -22% 65 12% 383 9 56 -0.001 -64% -14% XBH 2005 Average HR's PLAYER 2003 Average HR's XBH 2004 Average HR's XBH 29 139 1 4 223 0 8 393 9 19 16 268 0 8 442 6 21 534 12 34 11 250 0 2 337 9 17 465 8 17 17 TOTALS: 326 219 1 14 334 .113 5 12 20 58 1500% 329% 386 445 .113 8 17 37 87 185% 150% 389 .006 19 48 211% -14% 2006 Average HR's 418 432 425 -.001 11 15 Average Totals: HR's XBH .376 85 227 XBH 25 23 26 48 163% 141% Totals: Average HR's .355 84 XBH 207 1. Pitch faster and throw harder 2. Swing the bat harder and hit the ball further 3. Steal more bases 4. Get better jumps off the bases 5. Explode out of the batter's box 6. Run down more balls in the field 7. Reach, stretch and get more of those "oh-so-close" balls 8. React faster 9. Have more stamina for long games and tournaments 10. Stay healthy and avoid injuries 11. Tolerate heat better and perform when it's really hot 12. Practice longer without being tired or losing your focus 13. Be much more consistent and have less "ups and downs" 14. Get it faster when learning or refining a skill because of increased body awareness 15. Be much more confident and feel stronger 16. Be mentally tougher 17. Get more extra bases when running 18. Develop an athletic body 19. Recover faster between innings and games 20. Be more dominant in all aspects of the game The mission of the Strength and Conditioning staff at St. Amant High School is to provide each student athlete with the most up to date and researched training program that will allow our athletes to compete at their highest level physically as well as mentally while focusing on the reduction of injuries. We believe in the pursuit of excellence in our student athletes as well as ourselves. It is our goal to provide every athlete with the proper training techniques and motivation to achieve their greatest athletic potential. - - RESISTANCE TRAINING CONDITIONING SPEED TRAINING FLEXIBILITY INJURED ATHLETES - Resistance Training Programs are designed with a focus on ground based, three dimensional, explosive, and multijoint movements. - Ground-based exercises are done with the athlete’s feet on the ground which mimics the athletic movements in the game of softball. - Three-dimensional movements are performed in all three planes of movement: side to side, up and down, and forward and backward. To accomplish this free weights must be used. Free weights will not only develop primary muscles, but the stabilizing muscles as well. - Explosive training is essential for the game of softball. The body’s ability to apply force quickly will determine the athlete’s success on the field. Explosive training takes the strength an athlete has and improves their ability to deliver that strength forcefully and rapidly. (swinging a bat) - Multi-joint exercises require the body to simultaneously move multiple joints in a coordinated effort in order to produce athletic movements. It is important to condition like an athlete. An athletic contest will consist of short burst of activity followed by rest. It is important to follow that pattern when performing conditioning drills. The game of softball is dominated by acceleration and agility. This must be the focal point during speed training. Acceleration is the ability to get to top speed in the smallest amount of time possible. (base running) Agility is the ability to change direction without losing speed. Speed City Program developed by Alpha Dog Sports -- Flexibility plays an important role in the ability to increase performance and reduce the risk of injury. -Flexibility should be worked on before and after every training session. We have constant communication with the Sports Medicine Staff in order to plan a successful training program to get the athlete promptly and safely back to competition. But they must be doing something. HT WT Rouyea, Falynn Bench Incline 60% 69 49 70% 80.5 60.5 80% 92 72 Bench Squat P.C. 115 265 115 90%MAX 103.5 83.5 115 95 3 LiftTotal V.J. S.L.J 495 MAX + 10 Max + 20 125 135 105 115 Military (front) 39 50.5 62 73.5 85 95 105 Close Grip Bench 49 60.5 72 83.5 95 105 115 Military (back) 34 45.5 57 68.5 80 90 100 Squat S.L.D. Snatch Lunges Push Press Shrugs 159 185.5 212 238.5 265 275 285 Bench Goal 135 Squat Goal 295 Clean Goal 65/95/135 65/95/135 65/95/135 65/95/135 65/95/135 65/95/135 65/95/135 49 60.5 72 83.5 95 105 115 65/95/135 59 65/95/135 65/95/135 70.5 65/95/135 65/95/135 82 65/95/135 65/95/135 65/95/135 93.5 105 65/95/135 65/95/135 65/95/135 115 65/95/135 65/95/135 125 65/95/135 Powerclean 69 80.5 92 103.5 115 125 135 Push & Jerk 54 65.5 77 88.5 100 110 120 Clean & Jerk 49 60.5 72 83.5 95 105 115 Bent Rows Pro 65/95/135 65/95/135 65/95/135 65/95/135 65/95/135 ****** ALL PRESCRIBED WEIGHTS MUST BE ROUNDED UP!!!! 65/95/135 65/95/135 140 3 Lift Total Goal 570 40 Bench Military Back Military Front Incline High Pulls Close Grip Tricep Extension 21 Gun Salute Gator Busters Push Up Circuit Wide/Regular/ Diamond/Hindu Plate Raises Bent Rows Inverted Pullups Inverted Rows Shoulder Dips Shrugs Squat Front Squat Power Clean Snatch Clean and Jerk Spilt Jerk Lunges SLD Good Mornings Killer Abs Russian Abs Lateral Leg Raise Flutter Kicks WEEK 1 REPETITIONS & PERCENTAGES 60% 2X10 DATE JUNE 1-4 MONDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY Bench Close Grip Bench Squat Front Squat Squat Military Back Military Front Close Grip Power Clean Power Clean Power Clean Incline Incline Inverted Rows Spilt Jerk Clean and Jerk X 3 ON EACH LEG Snatch Tricep Extension 21 Gun Salute 2 SETS Shoulder Dips Lunges X 5 ON EACH LEG SLD Good Mornings Push Up Circuit X 10 EACH Plate Raises 2 X 10 10LBS Gator Busters 2 X 10 10LBS Wide/Regular/ Russian Abs 3 X 30 SEC Flutter Kicks 3 X 10 Diamond/Hindu Killer Abs X 20/25 MONDAY Lateral Speed Day WEDNESDAY Power Day FRIDAY Linear Speed Day SPEED LADDERS LATERAL RUNS X 2 SAND PIT STRAIGHT AHEAD SPEED LADDERS 1 FOOT X 2 BUZZ SAW RUNS X 2 2 FEET, RIGHT LEG , LEFT LEG 2 FEET X 2 DOUBLE ICKY SHUFFLE X 2 1 FOOT X 2 FACING RIGHT ICKY SHUFFLE X 2 2 FEET, RIGHT LEG , LEFT LEG 2 FEET X 2 FACING LEFT ICKY SHUFFLE X 2 2 FEET, RIGHT LEG , LEFT LEG 40 YARDS HURDLE MOBILITY BOX PLYOMETRICS STEP OVERS FORWARD STEP OVERS BACKWARD RIGHT LEG LEAD LEFT LEG LEAD OVER AND OVER FACING RT OVER AND OVER FACING LF STRAIGHT AHEAD 40 YARDS 2 FEET, RIGHT LEG , LEFT LEG FACING RIGHT TAG SPRINTS X 4 2 FEET, RIGHT LEG , LEFT LEG 40 YARDS FACING LEFT 2 FEET, RIGHT LEG , LEFT LEG PARACHUTES X 4 STRETCH ROPES X 4 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Close Grip Inverted Rows Close Grip Squat Front Squat Snatch Power Clean Spilt Jerk Lunges Gator Busters Plate Raises Diamond Pushups Push Up To Planks Rotator Cuff Circuit Y, W, T 's Wide Arm Push Ups Killers Abs 20/25 Chin Up Bar Hangs 30 sec Flutter Kicks 3x 10 Chin Up Bar Hangs 30 sec Russian Abs 30 sec x 3 Chin Up Bar Hangs 30 sec SPEED LADDERS BOX PLYO Two Feet Right Leg Left Leg HURDLE MOBILITY Pick 3 X 2 Reps Facing Right /Left Two Feet Right Leg Left Leg Straight Over A Skip C Skip Over and Unders Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 3 sets x 8 reps 3 sets x 10 reps 3 sets x 12 reps 3 sets x 12 reps 2 sets x 5 reps 2 sets x 5 reps 2 sets x 7 reps 2 sets x 7 reps 2 sets x 5 reps 2 sets x 5 reps 2 sets x 7 reps 2 sets x 7 reps 2 sets x 5 reps 2 sets x 5 reps 2 sets x 7 reps 50% 50% 50% 50% 60% 60% 60% 60% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% Athletic Throwing Prep Slide Jacks 2 Laps Toe Grabs 1 Lap Walking High Hips 2 Laps Forward Lunges 2 Laps Backward Lunges 2 Laps Upward Reach 10 Reps Sideways Reach 10 Reps Big Arm Circles- 5x Forward & 5x Backward Diagonal Reach 10 Reps Small Arm Circles- 5x Forward & 5x Backward Throwing Arm Push 30 sec Hold Wrist Stretch 3sec hold 3x Throwing Arm Pull 30 sec Hold Internal Rotation Stretch 3sec hold 3x Statue of Liberty-Right Statue of LibertyLeft 30 sec Hold 30 sec Hold Arm Pull Down-right 30 sec hold Arm Twist 30 sec hold Arm Pull Up-right Pull Up-left 30 sec hold Arm Pull Down-left 30 sec hold Arm 30 sec hold