The Ins and Outs of the ACT

The Ins and Outs
of the ACT
Who?, What?, When?, Where?, Why?,
How?, How Much?, Before…,
During…, After…, Questions!
Questions! Questions!
Who Takes the ACT?
Anyone wanting to go to a 4-year
university in the U.S.
Anyone wanting to take a career
interest inventory to help narrow
down plans for the future (college,
tech. school, workforce, military, etc.)
Any student grades 6-12
The ACT is a national college
admissions examination that consists
of subject subtests in the areas of:
PLUS Writing
The ACT Plus Writing includes the
four subject area tests plus a 30minute Writing Test
The ACT…
• Consists of 215 multiple-choice questions
• takes approximately 3 hours and
30 minutes to complete (or just over four
hours if you are taking the ACT Plus
• includes a short break
• Actually takes 2 hours and 55 minutes
(plus 30 minutes if you are taking the ACT
Plus Writing)
The ACT is an achievement test,
measuring what a student has
learned in school
The ACT has up to 5
components: English,
Mathematics, Reading, Science,
and an optional Writing Test
ACT offers its well-established
test, plus an optional writing
test. You take the ACT Writing
Test only if required by the
college(s) you're applying to
The ACT is scored based on the
number of correct answers with
no penalty for guessing
The ACT has an Interest
Inventory that allows students
to evaluate their interests in
various career options
The SAT is more of an aptitude
test, testing reasoning and
verbal abilities
The SAT has only 3
components: Critical
Reasoning, Mathematics, and a
required Writing Test
The College Board introduced a
new version of the SAT in 2005,
with a mandatory writing test
The SAT has a correction for
guessing. That is, they take off
for wrong answers
The SAT does not include an
Interest Inventory
Do I Need to Take the ACT Plus
• If you are planning to attend:
– Auburn University
– University of Alabama
– UT
– UT Martin
– Motlow State
– University of Montevallo No
– Birmingham Southern
– Samford University
What is the Highest
Possible ACT Score?
What You Need to be Admitted to:
Auburn University
University of Alabama
– UT
UT Martin
Motlow State
University of Montevallo
Birmingham Southern
Samford University
Tentative admission will be granted on
the basis of ACT scores and the H.S.
record through the junior year
16 to 18
uses the "super scoring" method of
combining test scores into a new composite
18 to 21 depending on GPA
Open Enrollment Policy
Open Enrollment Policy
acceptable score
2009 Test Dates
Test Date
April 4
June 13
Registration Deadline
February 27
May 8
(Late Fee Required)
February 28 - March 1
May 9 – 22
2010 Test Dates
Test Date
Registration Deadline
(Late Fee Required)
September 12 (Registration deadlines will be posted on the ACT
December 12 website as soon as they are made available.)
February 6
April 10
June 12
Pick a test date that is at least two months ahead of the
application deadlines of all the colleges and scholarship
agencies you might want to apply to.
• Advantages to testing in your junior year:
You've probably completed the coursework corresponding to the test material.
You'll have your test scores and other information in time to help you plan your senior year. (For
example, you may decide to take an additional class in an area in which your test score was low.)
Colleges will know of your interests and have your scores in time to contact you during the summer
before your senior year, when many of them are sending information about admissions, course
placement, scholarships, and special programs to prospective students.
You'll have information about yourself and the schools you're considering prior to your campus
visits, making your visits more focused.
You'll have the opportunity to retest if you feel your scores don't accurately reflect your ability.
ACT research shows that of the students who took the ACT more than once:
55% increased their Composite score
22% had no change in their Composite score
23% decreased their Composite score
Why Take the ACT?
• The ACT is universally accepted for college
admission in the U.S. The ACT is accepted by all
4-year colleges and universities in the U.S.,
including the Ivy League schools.
• The ACT is more than a test. In addition to the
tests, the ACT also provides test takers with a
unique Interest Inventory that provides valuable
information for career and educational planning
and a student profile section that provides a
comprehensive profile of your work in high school
and your future plans.
The Cost of the
Basic registration fee (per test option)
ACT (No Writing) $31.00 Includes reports for you, your high school (if
you authorize reporting), and up to four college choices (if valid codes
are provided when you register).
ACT Plus Writing $46.00 Includes reports for you, your high school (if
you authorize reporting), and up to four college choices (if valid codes
are provided when you register).
Late Registration fee is $20.00
Creating an ACT Student Web
• An ACT student Web account allows you to: register online,
view scores online and make changes to your registration
before the deadline, to name a few.
• ACT encourages all students to create a free student web
account.. You will be required to provide identifying
information, including an email address. Once you do, you will
be able to do all of the following 24/7, anywhere you have
Internet access:
Register to take the ACT Choose your preferred test option
Learn immediately whether your preferred test center has space for you to test
Decide where you want your scores sent
Print your admission ticket (bring it with you on test day)
Receive email messages, including notification when your score report is ready
Use state voucher or fee waiver to register
Print your admission ticket (if you misplace it, even if you registered by mail)
Make changes to your registration (even if you originally registered by mail)
Add or remove Writing Test
Change your test center
Continued…setting up an ACT
Change your test date
Add additional college and scholarship score recipients (up to six)
View your Scores
If you test on a national or international test date, you will be able to view your scores online
after you test—before you receive your official score report in the mail. You can view your
multiple-choice scores as soon as they are added to the computer files. If you take the ACT
Plus Writing, your Writing scores will be added as soon as they are available.
If you test through State Testing (as of Spring 2008), you will be able to view your scores
online about a week after you receive your score report in the mail, but you will need a
student Web account to do so.
Beginning mid-October 2008, if you test through Special Testing, you will also be able to
view your scores online about a week after your score report arrives, provided you have a
student Web account.
Update your student profile and view your account history
Complete or update your responses to the High School Course/Grade Information, Student
Profile Section, and Interest Inventory.
Order Test Prep Materials
All services ordered online must be paid for with a valid credit card (American Express,
DISCOVER, MasterCard, VISA) and you must be at least 13 years old to place an online
This section of the website will
answer almost ANY question you
may have regarding the test
Test Prep
Guidance Office
• Remember: Ms. Kirk has paper
registration packets, practice
ACT tests, information
regarding local ACT Prep
Tutors, etc. Visit the guidance
office for specific questions that
may arise!!!
• Questions?
• Do not hesitate to
come by Ms. Kirk’s
• 256-423-2685