Curriculum Vitae: Reverend J. Cletus Kiley Reverend J. Cletus Kiley, D.Min . Director for Immigration Policy UNITE HERE International Union 1775 K. Street N.W. Suite 620 Washington, D.C. 20006 Office: 202-661-3689 Cell: 202- 412-5941 Email: POSITIONS HELD: Ordained Roman Catholic Priest: Since ordination as a Roman Catholic priest May 8, 1974 has served in a range of ministries that includes local congregations, diocesan administration, and service at the National Conference of Catholic Bishops and other national positions. Current: July 1, 2010 – to present Serves as the Director for Immigration Policy for UNITE HERE, the hotel and restaurant workers’ international union. In this capacity he works on immigration reform strategies with the union’s national leadership and its local members throughout the U.S. In addition, Fr. Kiley serves as a member of the National Steering Committee for the Catholic Bishops’ Justice for Immigrants Initiative, as well as on the Immigration Committee for the AFLCIO. Fr.Kiley also oversees the Priest-Labor initiative in collaboration with the National Federation of Priests’ Councils, which is a network of on-going formation for priests to develop skills engaging workers, and in particular, immigrant workers, around Catholic Social Teaching. Fr. Kiley is also a trustee of UNITE HERE Health, the Taft-Hartley Health plan for union members. He also serves on the Board of Directors of CPWR- the Center for Research for the Building Trades. President and CEO , The Faith and Politics Institute: 2006-2010 The Faith and Politics Institute is an interfaith and bi-partisan organization that works directly with members of the U.S. Congress promoting deeper spiritual reflection. Working with members of both political parties, a signature program of the Institute is the annual Congressional Civil Rights Pilgrimage. This program immerses members of Congress in a program with civil rights luminaries to reflect on the values and lessons of the U.S. Civil Rights Movement. Fr. Kiley led this pilgrimage to Alabama, as well as one to Mississippi, with Congress John Lewis. Fr. Kiley led two weekly reflection groups with members of Congress. He developed a monthly bi-partisan dialogue group for 35 Senate chiefs of staff. In his tenure, the Institute offered a number of lectures and retreats for members of Congress and their staffs, and the general public. He brought members of Congress together with religious leaders, as well as with Labor leaders in other bi-partisan events. Executive Director, Secretariat for Priestly Life and Ministry, and lead staff member for the Bishops’ Ad Hoc Committee on Sexual Abuse: 1997- 2006 A.In this capacity served as principal staff person to the U.S. Bishops Committee on Priestly Life and Ministry coordinating the Study of the Impact of Fewer Priests, and developing The Basic Plan for the Ongoing Formation of Priests. He served as a liaison between the Bishops' Conference and multiple clergy related national organizations, as well as with the Comision del Clero of the Latin American Conference of Bishops. Among these were the National Federation of Priests’ Councils, the Conference of Major Superiors of Men, The National organization for the Continuing Education of Priests, the National Association of Church Personnel Administrators, the Asociacion Nacional de Sacerdotes Hispanos, among many. He worked closely with the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate, the Life Cycle Center of the Catholic University, as well as the Duke University Divinity School Pulpit and Pew Project, in research projects on priesthood and ministry. He worked with numerous individual bishops providing workshops, clergy days, retreats, and dialogue sessions for their priests. B.He also served as staff director for the Bishops’ Ad Hoc Committee on Sexual Abuse developing a response to the sexual abuse crisis. In this capacity participated in drafting The Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People and the formulation of national policy, and workshops for bishops and their key staff and preparation for the national assembly of Catholic bishops called to adopt the policy. H e participated in multiple dialogue sessions with victims of clerical sexual abuse.He worked with victim advocacy groups to c r e a t e d i a l o g u e s e s s i o n s w i t h U . S . b i s h o p s / He represented the Conference President a n d t h e G e n e r a l S e c r e t a r y in the formation of the National Review Board and the Office for Child and Youth Protection . During the transition to the creation of this office he served as Deputy to the General Secretary(2002-2003) He continued to serve as a consultant to the Board. He developed and coordinated training workshops for the bishops and their key staff persons in implementing the national response. He participated in orientation training for teams of auditors in oversight of the implementation of the national policy. He assisted in development of model codes of ministerial/ethical conduct for Catholic clergy and church ministers. This included collaboration with the General Counsel’s office workshop ojn International Priests.He collaborated on the development of communications strategies for both national and local media. He represented the Catholic Bishops of the United States at international meetings in Ireland (1998), Vatican City (2000), in Lithuania, Poland and Ireland ( 2003), in Vatican City and Romania (2004) that focused on clerical sexual abuse. Pastor, St. Agnes of Bohemia Parish: 1996-1997. Served as pastor of this large parish in the inner city of Chicago. The parish was comprised of approximately 5,000 families, mostly Mexican immigrants. As pastor oversaw a full-time staff of eight, and over 350 ministry volunteers. Initiated a parish finance council which then developed a parishioner data base, and a successful grants and gifts program . Initiated an outreach to Hispanic youth. The parish initiated the largest teen RCIA program in the archdiocese. This ministry was coordinated with the YMCA, Archdiocesan Youth Ministry, and other agencies. As pastor also served on the board of directors of the United Neighborhoods Organization , and helped to develop an outreach to the local political leadership, civil authorities, and organized labor in the area and to the multiple neighborhood social service agencies. College of Consultors of the Archdiocese of Chicago: 1996-1998: Served as a Consultor for the Archdiocese of Chicago. This tenure included the transition at the death of Cardinal Bernardin through the installation of Cardinal George. In this capacity we elected an administrator upon the Cardinal's death, and reviewed Archdiocesan finances, pastoral practices, and attested to the appointment of Archbishop Francis George as the new archbishop. Rector/President St. Joseph College Seminary: 1990-1996. As president /rector worked with the College Advisory Board, the faculty, staff, student body, and other constituents in development and implementation of a strategic plan. The plan resulted in a clarified mission for the organization, an enrollment enhancement plan, initiation of a donor base and grants strategy, reduction in faculty and staff, and a reallocation of property use. The strategic plan ultimately led to negotiations with Loyola University to relocate the college program on its main campus, and negotiations with the Village of Niles and a developer for the sale of the property .The college seminary program by 1996 had a clarified mission, an active enrollment, a stream lined staff, a successful fundraising program, an endowment of $24 million and was re-located onto an active university campus. Director of the Department of Personnel Services/Archdiocese of Chicago: 1983- 1990. Founded the department of Personnel Services for the Archdiocese of Chicago. This entailed bringing together a number of existing agencies as well as the development of a several new agencies to meet the ministerial needs of the Archdiocese. Engaged the National Association of Church Personnel Administrators to conduct an audit of our entire ministerial personnel system at the outset. Subsequently developed a plan for the establishment of a comprehensive ministerial personnel system for the Archdiocese. We founded the Association for Pastoral Associates , and established an office for lay ecclesial ministry. Initiated a research and planning effort ( "1990 Project") to identify the ministry needs and projected availability of ministers for the Archdiocese for the proximate future. Brought together the priest personnel function with the Offices of Research and Planning, Vicar for Priests, Vicars for Religious, Vicar for Deacons, Catholic Schools, Religious Education , Finances, and Lay Ministry in reviewing the pastoral needs of parishes which were in need of a new pastor. Chaired the Incardination Committee and the Priests’ Sabbatical Board. The responsibilities of Director also included serving as a member of Cardinal Bernardin 's Cabinet. As a Cabinet member was appointed by the Cardinal as his co-chair in development of a pastoral plan for the Hispanic Apostolate for the Archdiocese of Chicago. Acting Vicar for Religious- Archdiocese of Chicago: 1984 This involved conducting the Study of Religious Life mandated by the Holy See (The Quinn Study). Upon it’s completion oversaw the re-structuring of the Office for Religious with a pastoral focus and the process to select permanent Co-Directors for this ministry. Associate Dean of Formation/ Associate Director Doctor in Ministry Program/St. Mary of the Lake Seminary/Mundelein: 1977-1983. Was part of a team that designed and implemented a fundamental revision of the pastoral and spiritual formation program for the Major Seminary. Served as a spiritual director. Worked with the Director of the Doctor in Ministry Program as a Thesis Project Director and program coordinator. Parochial Vicar: Epiphany Church: 1974-1977 Initiated pastoral ministry as a parochial vicar in this working class parish. Expanded the Spanish masses on the Sunday schedule, developed a multi-ethnic youth group, a Spanish choir, Spanish baptism teams, and catechetical outreach. CONSULTATIONS/ TRAINING: AFL-CIO Delegation to the Central American Parliament (PARLACEN): 2013 To discuss concerns of U.S. Labor Movement and Central American Governments regarding the reform of U.S. Immigration policy. AFL-CIO Delegation to the Congreso Federal Mexicano- Comisision de Asuntos Migratorios: 2013 To discuss concerns of the U.S. Labor Movement and the Mexican Government regarding the reform of U.S. Immigration Policy. Consultant: Anglophone Catholic Bishops' Conferences Meeting: (Rome, Italy and the Vatican; May, 2000;May,2004; May ,2005) Discussions on the development of national policies, and canonical procedures related to clergy misconduct. Also in Ireland, 1997 and 2003. Consultant: Conference Episcopal de LatinoAmerica (CELAM): Prevision Social del Clero: (Mexico City, Mexico, April, 2005) and (Bogota, Colombia, November 2005, Panama City, Panama, February 2006) clergy retirement issues. Consultant: Cuban Bishops' Conference: (La Habana, Cuba; January ,2005) Accompanied Archbishop Keleher for discussions with bishops’ conference, priests' council members and lay leadership to prepare clergy and laity in both the U.S. and Cuba for future pastoral strategies. Consultant: Catholic Seminaries of Lithuania and Latvia: ( Vilnius, Lithuania; 2002 and 2003)Conducted training programs for administrators and faculty for seminaries on development of a national program for priestly formation. Consultant: Catholic Bishops of Lithuania: (Vilnius, Lithuania; 2003) Reported on the response of the U.S. Bishops to the sexual abuse crisis and assisted the Lithuanian bishops in a review of principles for developing a national policy for the prevention of incidents of sexual misconduct by clergy. Consultant: Catholic Seminary Faculties in Poland: (Katowice and Krakow, Poland ; 2002) Conducted discussions with seminary administrators regarding the role of lay ecclesial ministers and collaboration with clergy in Katowice and Krakow , Poland. Consultant: Hotel and Restaurant Employees Union International: 1999-2001. Conducted in-service workshop s for union officials and organizers on Catholic Social Teaching. Also served as a religious support to individual organizing efforts. Consultant: Building Trades: AFL-CIO: 1999-2002: Served as a religious consultant to leadership in the Building Trades. Organizational I Management Consultant: 1985-1997 ; Conducted consultations and audits of the personnel systems in the following (arch) dioceses: Baltimore , San Antonio, Seattle, Wilmington, Charleston, Kansas City (Kan.), Rochester, St. Petersburg, Santa Fe, Portland, S y r a c u s e and Nashville. In-service Training/ Presentations/Retreats: - International Law Enforcement Conference sponsored by the Government of Romania (with the Federal Bureau of Investigation , Scotland Yard, and John Jay College of Criminal Justice) -Catholic Campaign for Human Development staff - USCCB Department of Education staff -Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives and Catholic congressional staffers - Clergy Training for the Dioceses of Green Bay, Youngstown, Pittsburgh, Charleston, Jefferson City, St. Cloud, Palm Beach, Chicago, Orange, Gary, Syracuse, Bismarck, Baltimore, Galveston-Houston, Fort Worth, Fall River, Manchester, Toledo, Cleveland, Indianapolis, Belleville, Portland (Ore.), New Ulm, Knoxville, Marquette, Richmond, Milwaukee, Santa Fe and to the National Association of Airport Chaplains City of Chicago: Committee on Finance: 1996; Developed resource papers on policy issues for the chairman of the Finance Committee. BOARDS AND ASSOCIATIONS: Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation: Board of Visitors: term 2005-2007 . Appointment by the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of the Army to serve as a member of the Board of Visitors. The Board is charged with independent review, observation and making recommendations regarding the operations of the Institute. S.O.S. Children's Villages Illlinois, Chicago, Illinois: 2005- 2010: Board member. S.O.S. Children's Villages is a non-denominational organization that provides homes and house parents for orphaned or dependent children. Center for the Protection of Workers' Rights, Silver Spring, Md.: 1999-present: Board member. The CPWR is a creation of the AFL-CIO Building Trades in conjunction with the Department of Labor. It is a research center that reviews study proposals on issues related to workers in the building trades. Institutional Review Board/ Center for the Protection of Workers' Rights : 1999present: member. The IRB reviews research proposals that involve workers in the building trades. The IRB insures that all workers ' rights are protected and that studies are done in accordance with the Belmont Principles. National Interfaith Committee for Worker Justice: 1999- 2009: member. The National Interfaith Committee brings together representatives of many religious traditions in the support of various workers issues and struggles. Currently serve as the chair of the fundraising committee of the Board . United Neighborhoods Organization: 1996-1998: UNO is the major community organization serving the Little Village neighborhood where I served as pastor. In this capacity we worked on public school reform, as well the establishment of liaison between the public schools and the Catholic parishes. We also promoted citizenship and home ownership. College of Consultors/ Archdiocese of Chicago: 1996-1998 Mundelein Seminary: Board of Advisors: 1990-1996: Served as a member of the Formation Committee . This involved a review of the admissions policies for the major seminary. National Association of College Seminaries: 1992-1996; Served as a member of the Executive Committee of the Association. National Association of Church Personnel Administrators: President: 1988. This was preceded by a year as president-elect, and then concluded with a year as past-president. Served five years on the Executive Committee of the Association. This Board developed the document Justice for Those Who Work for the Church. EDUCATION: Doctorate in Ministry ( D.Min.): University of St. Mary of the Lake, 1980 (with a specialization in organizational development in Church structures) Master's in Applied Spirituality: University of San Francisco, 1980 ( with a specialization in the Ignatian Exercises) Master's in Divinity: University of St. Mary of the Lake: 1974 Bachelor of Arts: Loyola University , Chicago, 1970 Sabbatical Study: Research in Management of Religious Not-for-Profit Organizations under the direction of the Director of Loyola University's Program for Community and Organizational Development Fellow: Leadership Greater Chicago: 1989-1990: This Fellowship Program is a year long program introducing the Fellows to a wide range of issues of concern to the Metropolitan area. Fellows Alumni member since 1990. Mexican-American Cultural Center: 1977, Studies in Hispanic culture and popular religion Instituto Hispano: Mundelein College: summers 1975- 1976 ( CEB courses and Pedagogia Catequetica) Languages: Spanish-fluent (Centro de Artes y Linguas , Cuernavaca , Mexico, 1974) Italian- fluent (Loyola University, Chicago, 1993; Seminario Archivescovile, Milano, Italy; 1994) French- reading ( Institute Catholique, Paris, France, 1996) Honors: President's Award, National Organization for the Continuing Education of Roman Catholic Clergy, 2003 2005 President's Touchstone Award, National Federation of Priests' Councils 2005 Vision Award, National Association of Church Personnel Administrators Grand Marshal. City of Chicago, St. Patrick’s Day Parade, 2012 Fellow Honoris Causis, Catholic Scholars for Worker Justice, 2013 FRATERNAL ORGANIZATIONS: Knights of Columbus, 4th Degree Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulcher, Knight Commander Irish Fellowship Club of Chicago Jesus-Caritas Fraternity for Priests REFERENCES: His Eminence Francis Cardinal George Archbishop of Chicago P.O. Box 1979 Chicago, Illinois 60690 312-751-8200 Most Reverend Wilton D. Gregory Archbishop of Atlanta 680 W. Peachtree Street, N.W. Atlanta, Ga. 30308-1984 404-888-7804