PRINCIPLES OF OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT SYLLABUS for EBTM 365 Section(s): 001-2-3 By Brooks B. Shumate, MBA Fall 2014 Department of e-Business & Technology Management Principles of Operations Management – EBTM 365 Course Information Semester: Fall 2014 | Day: Monday, Wednesday & Friday Section: 001 ~ Course ID: 2809 | Time: 9:00-9:50 AM Section: 002 ~ Course ID: 2810 | Time: 10:00-10:50 AM Section: 003 ~ Course ID: 2811 | Time: 11:00-11:50 AM Classroom Location: Stephens Hall, Room 205 Instructor: Brooks B. Shumate, MBA Office Hours: Tuesday & Thursday 9:00-11:00 AM & by Appointment Email: | Phone: 410-704-4318 | Location: ST 104E (Acct Dept on 1st floor) Towson University 8000 York Road Towson, MD 21252-0001 URL: Credit Hours: 3 | Prerequisites: Major Standing, ECON 205 or MATH231/233, MNGT 361 Course Description Strategies and techniques for service and manufacturing operations. A number of quantitative techniques are presented. Practical business applications and international competitiveness are stressed throughout the course. Computer software is provided for most applications. Objectives / Learning Outcomes 1. To develop an overview of operations management and strategies for both service and manufacturing organizations. 2. To provide a basic understanding of selected quantitative techniques that is useful in operations management. 3. To build skills in problem solving and analysis through application of the methods to representative business problems. Learning Assessment The academic programs at Towson University College of Business and Economics are internationally accredited by the Association for the Advancement of Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). Each semester, as an ongoing part of this exclusive certification, the Department of e-Business & Technology Management conducts routine assessment of students’ proficiency in selected dimensions of knowledge, skills, and attitudes (KSAs), as well as content mastery of selected business topics and students’ satisfaction with the learning experiences provided by the department. The methods of such assessment will be communicated by the instructor. Student participation in these assessments, as part of the overall departmental learning program, is mandatory. Textbook Pearson Custom Business Resources (2013), with New My OM Lab access card (excerpts from Operations Management, 11th Edition, Jay Heizer & Barry Render; Pearson Publishing; * Available through Towson Bookstore *) Document1 Page: 2 of 7 Last updated: 3/15/2016 Department of e-Business & Technology Management Principles of Operations Management – EBTM 365 Course Topics Operations Strategy Forecasting (Regression, exponential smoothing, forecast accuracy measures) Product &Process Design (QFD and sustainability) Process Design (Line balancing) Capacity Planning Facility Layout Location Analysis (Global factors) TQM Tools and 6 Sigma Statistical Process Control (x-bar chart, p chart, c-chart) Inventory Management (EOQ, EPQ, ROP, QD, JIT) Supply Chain (Information sharing, JIT, VMI, bullwhip, globalization, logistics, eBusiness) Student Evaluation and Grading Policy The overall course grade will be a weighted average of grades on the following criteria: Evaluation Criterion Points Contribution to Overall Grade Homework 130 22% Exercises, Quizzes & Discussion 130 22% Exam #1 100 17% Exam #2 100 17% Final Exam 140 23% Total 600 100% The +/- system will be used for determining grades. Points 558-600 540-557 522-539 498-521 480-497 450-479 420-449 390-419 360-389 0-359 Document1 Score Grade 93-100% A 90-92.83% A87-89.83% B+ 83-86.83% B 80-82.83% B75-79.83% C+ 70-74.83% C 65-69.83% D+ 60-64.83% D 0-59.83% F Page: 3 of 7 Last updated: 3/15/2016 Department of e-Business & Technology Management Principles of Operations Management – EBTM 365 Homework This portion of your grade will be determined by homework assignments assigned on MyOMLab, which is a requirement for this course. Each chapter (13 total) will have approximately 4-5 questions and/or problems worth 2-3 points. Homework assignments will usually be announced in class, but it is your responsibility to check your MyOMLab site and Blackboard regularly for assignments and updates. Assignments can be submitted late with a 50% deduction of points. Exercises, Quizzes & Discussion This portion of your grade will be determined by a combination of 13 chapters with approximately 4-5 questions and/or problems worth 2-3 points: In-Class Exercises may be assigned at various times during the semester. Some exercises may be performed individually, and some will be performed in groups/teams. There will be no make-up available for most in-class exercises. Quizzes may be assigned at various times (unannounced) during the semester. Quizzes will be administered either in class or on MyOMLab. Students coming to class late will have to complete the quiz along with the rest of the class. Unannounced quizzes cannot be made up. Discussion Board on Blackboard will be used throughout the course. Questions correspond to each chapter and allows members to rate posts. Class participation will also be taken into consideration as part of your grade. Exams There will be two (2) non-cumulative exams, each valued at 100 points and final cumulative exam valued at 140 points. Exams will consist of questions from course materials, lectures and class activities. Exams must be taken at the scheduled times. Make-up exams will not be given except in the case of serious and extreme emergency. You must notify me of any problems prior to the exam. If you miss the regularly scheduled exam time without prior notice and do not take a make-up exam, you will receive a score of zero. Course Policies and Procedures Syllabus: Any changes will be announced a minimum of one week in advance and posted on Blackboard. Email: Please include EBTM 365: Section xxx in the Subject field of all correspondence. Attendance: It is important that you attend class regularly in order to gain a thorough understanding of the topics covered. In-class exercises and/or quizzes will be used to monitor your comprehension of the material, as well as attendance. Attendance will also be monitored by use of class roster. If you are aware that you will be missing a class, notify me in advance and typically it will be excused. If at the end of the semester your grade is borderline, attendance can be a deciding factor. Document1 Page: 4 of 7 Last updated: 3/15/2016 Department of e-Business & Technology Management Principles of Operations Management – EBTM 365 Re-grade Policy: If you feel that your exam, homework or quiz was not evaluated correctly, please see me no later than the next class period after I return your work. I will be happy to discuss your concerns with your, but after the next class period, your grade is final. E-mail Addresses: E-mail may be used periodically throughout the semester for class announcements. The email account that will be used is your Towson University email account! It is your responsibility to check your mail regularly. Course Evaluations: Student evaluations of this course play a crucial role in my delivery. All course evaluations will be administered online during the last two weeks of the course. You will receive an email with a link to the website with directions on how to access the survey. It is vitally important that you complete the survey as I use the results to modify the course and assess my teaching and the University uses the results to address technology and facility needs. You can be assured that your responses will be confidential as the results will be transmitted to me after the grading period and they will not include any identifying information. Academic Integrity: Academic integrity is central to the learning and teaching process. Students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that will contribute to the maintenance of academic integrity by making all reasonable efforts to prevent the occurrence of academic dishonesty. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, obtaining or giving aid on an examination, having unauthorized prior knowledge of an examination, doing work for another student, and plagiarism of all types. Plagiarism: Plagiarism is the intentional or unintentional presentation of another person’s idea or product as one’s own. Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to, the following: copying verbatim all or part of another’s written work; using phrases, charts, figures, illustrations, or mathematical or scientific solutions without citing the source; paraphrasing ideas, conclusions, or research without citing the source; and using all or part of a literary plot, poem, film, musical score, or other artistic product without attributing the work to its creator. Students can avoid unintentional plagiarism by following carefully accepted scholarly practices. Notes taken for papers and research projects should accurately record sources to material to be cited, quoted, paraphrased, or summarized, and papers should acknowledge these sources. The penalties for plagiarism include a zero or a grade of F on the work in question, a grade of F in the course, suspension with a file letter, suspension with a transcript notation, or expulsion. Students may learn more about Towson University’s formal policies at: Disability and Equal Access Policy: In accordance with Towson University, State of Maryland and federal government policies, students will not be denied access to this course on the basis of race, color, religion, age, national origin, sex, disability and sexual orientation. Students with documented disabilities and who require accommodations should contact the instructor within the first week of the class and make arrangements for accommodation. Students with disabilities must verify their eligibility for accommodations through the Office of Disability Support Services [AD 232, (410) 704-2638 (Voice or TDD),]. See also the Office of Diversity and Equal Opportunity, 410-704-2360, Document1 Page: 5 of 7 Last updated: 3/15/2016 Department of e-Business & Technology Management Principles of Operations Management – EBTM 365 Course Withdrawal: Please note that the last day to drop a class is noted in the online Academic Calendar. Students dropping on or before this date will receive a “W” on their official transcript. Withdrawal after that date will require an assignment of a letter grade for the course. Repeated Course: According to University policy, all students may repeat any course once. If repeating, you are advised to inform the instructor. For a third attempt, the student must obtain prior written approval from the Academic Standards Committee. Course Outline (Tentative) Class # 1 2 3 Day Wed Fri Wed Date 8/27 8/29 9/3 4 Fri 9/5 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Mon Wed Fri Mon Wed Fri Mon Wed Fri Mon 9/8 9/10 9/12 9/15 9/17 9/19 9/22 9/24 9/26 9/29 15 Wed 10/1 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Fri Mon Wed Fri Mon Wed Fri Mon Wed Fri 10/3 10/6 10/8 10/10 10/13 10/15 10/17 10/20 10/22 10/24 26 Mon 10/27 27 28 29 30 Wed Fri Mon Wed 10/29 10/31 11/3 11/5 Document1 Chapter-Topic Assignments 1-Operations and Productivity MyOMLab Ch. 1 Homework due 2-Operations Strategy in a Global Environment MyOMLab Ch. 2 Homework due 3-Forecasting MyOMLab Ch. 3 Homework due 4-Design of Goods and Services MyOMLab Ch. 4 Homework due Exam #1 5-Sustainability in the Supply Chain MyOMLab Ch. 5 Homework due 6-Managing Quality MyOMLab Ch. 6 Homework due 7-Statistical Process Control MyOMLab Ch. 7 Homework due 8-Process Strategy MyOMLab Ch. 8 Homework due 9-Capacity and Constraint Management MyOMLab Ch. 9 Homework due Exam #2 10-Location Strategies Page: 6 of 7 Last updated: 3/15/2016 Department of e-Business & Technology Management Principles of Operations Management – EBTM 365 Class # 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 44 44 Day Fri Mon Wed Fri Mon Wed Fri Mon Mon Wed Fri Mon Wed Thu Mon Wed Date 11/7 11/10 11/12 11/14 11/17 11/19 11/21 11/24 12/1 12/3 12/5 12/8 12/10 12/11 12/15 12/17 Chapter-Topic Assignments MyOMLab Ch. 10 Homework due 11-Layout Strategies MyOMLab Ch. 11 Homework due 12-Supply Chain Management MyOMLab Ch. 12 Homework due 13-Inventory Management MyOMLab Ch. 13 Homework due Sec 002, 10:15 AM -12:15 PM Sec 003, 10:15 AM -12:15 PM Sec 001, 8:00-10:00 AM Final Exam Final Exam Final Exam Significant Dates: Monday, September 1 – Labor Day, No Classes Friday, September 5 – Last day to drop (change of schedule deadline) Wednesday, September 24 – Rosh Hashana begins Wednesday, November 26-30 – Thanksgiving holiday Document1 Page: 7 of 7 Last updated: 3/15/2016