Depth Interview Report Jack Parkinson Kelsey Middleton Rubina Carlson Foundation Project Background – The Company, its Product G&M Lighting Solutions (GMLS) is a party lighting hire company that services the Adelaide metropolitan area. GMLS’s established customer base is primarily made up of DJs, bands, venue operators, and people hosting parties in their own homes. GMLS is currently only involved in party lighting, and would like to expand their product offerings to also hire out DJ’s, include complete lighting/audio packages, and eventually cater to the wedding market. GMLS will be required to invest in new equipment in order to meet consumer needs. Management Decision Problem Translated to Research Questions The current management decision problem that GMLS face, is how can they effectively expand their product offerings in order to cater for unexplored segments within the South Australian market. In order to examine this problem we will use qualitative research methods, examining the attitudes, beliefs and needs of the targeted consumers through 3 in-depth interviews. This will in turn inform GMLS on the future directions of expansion. The series of in-depth interviews will attempt to explore the following research objectives: o The demographic profile of existing and potential GMLS customers o Consumers expectations with regards to customer service o Opportunities for collaborative efforts with entertainers o The specific components consumers want in audio/lighting hire packages Purposive Sampling In order to select the respondents for our in-depth interviews, we used the nonprobability sampling technique ‘purposive sampling’, otherwise known as judgment sampling. As researchers, we demonstrated this technique when we determined our sample, as each respondent had to possess the appropriate characteristics in order for our research to be effective. We decided to select one person from each segment of GMLS’s target market: a venue operator, a bride-to-be, and a person hosting a 21st in her own home. This ensured that information gathered from our respondents related to the decision problem, and that the information obtained would help to provide insight for GMLS’s possible future expansions. Convenience sampling also played a role in the selection of our respondents, as generally we obtained only those people who were most conveniently available (i.e. friends and work colleagues). This was an advantage as information was easily accessible and we were able to follow up with our respondents if need be. However, as our respondents were selected using purposive and convenience sampling, bias may have been introduced, as the people interviewed weren’t randomly selected using probability techniques. Venue operators are a significant part of GMLS’s target market; therefore it was essential that we interviewed a venue manager, so that we could gain insight in relation to private functions and annual rentals. As GMLS want to expand their product range to cater for the wedding market, it was also decided that we would interview a bride to be who is currently in the planning stages of her wedding. This would allow us to further understand the needs of those within this segment, and offer ideas as to the type of products that GMLS could possibly invest in. Lastly, we interviewed a person who is hosting her 21st birthday party at her house in June. This was important, as the majority of GMLS’s current clients are within this age demographic. Through these three in-depth interviews we will gain insight about the attitudes, needs, and beliefs of three significant sectors of GMLS’s target market, ultimately allowing us to provide GMLS with ideas relating to future expansion. MEASUREMENT DESIGN The four research objectives aim to be met through the completion of three separate personal in-depth interviews, containing 16 carefully worded undisguised questions, both structured and unstructured (See Appendix 1). The structure of the questions follows the funnel technique whereby simple questions are asked first and then are slowly followed by more specific questions. This allows for more reliable unbiased answers. The first set of questions all relate to the respondents demographic profile such as age and living location. These questions are followed by two questions exploring any potential for collaborative entertainment opportunities. Then there are a few general questions concerning the function being hosted and how the participant aims to go about planning it. The final set of questions dig a little further into the particulars of consumer expectations and components of lighting and sound systems that they desire hiring. The answers received from these questions should be enough to get a strong idea as to where GMLS needs to develop or strengthen. The answers could also potentially give insight as to any product additions or customer service suggestions needed to set GMLS ahead in the lighting/party hire market. All data is going to be collected and examined with integrity and errors kept to a minimum. There is potential for error in the data as if probing occurs in one interview and not in the other two, results could be slightly skewed. In an attempt to reduce interviewer influence the questions were open-ended but not overly vague so that respondents should not need to be probed into further detail. All three respondents are highly involved in function planning and were chosen using convenience sampling. Their participation was completely voluntary and participants’ personal information will remain anonymous as to not invade privacy. Every interview was a face-to-face personal interview in a private area and questions were asked in a professional manner. Each respondent was debriefed at the end of the interview as to the purpose of the study and to inform him or her of the role they played with this exploratory research. The guidelines of ‘Australian Market Social Research Society code of professional behaviour’ were followed with all interviews. What we have found Summary of Results Demographic Profile The three respondents who were surveyed each represented a different segment of the market: a bride-to-be, a 21st birthday girl and venue operator. Gender Total Male 1 Female 2 The three respondents each represented a different age bracket. Age Bracket Total 24 and under 1 25-34 1 35-44 1 They all lived in the Adelaide metropolitan area. The bride-to-be and 21st birthday girl both spoke of their expectations when dealing with entertainment suppliers, as each respondent was in the process planning future events. On the other hand, the venue operator runs events fortnightly at the venue, and reflected on his past experiences when dealing with entertainment suppliers. Consumers Expectations - Customer Service All respondents wanted the party hire supplier to provide good to superior customer service, a variety of products and the willingness of the supplier to compromise on price and packages. 2 respondents would conduct online research, obtain quotes and seek peer recommendations to help inform choice of supplier. All respondents experienced or expected the transaction process to run smoothly, for suppliers to turn up on time and set-up equipments without any fuss. They also emphasised that payment methods should be easy and convenient, hassle-free. Opportunities for Collaborative Efforts with Entertainers 2 of 3 respondents identified that they would hire a DJ for the function in place of a live band. All respondents revealed that when hiring entertainment (e.g. DJ), they would contact their own networks for recommendations. Specific Components Consumers Want in Audio/Lighting Hire Packages Overall, all respondents were happy with the range of products/services offered by GMLS. All respondents suggested increasing the amount of audio hire GMLS currently offers. If the venue selected for the upcoming function does not come with a PA system, this need should be fulfilled by GLMS. All respondents reported that they would consider hiring lights for these special occasions mentioned earlier. All respondents were looking for a one-stop shop party hire supplier. 1 respondent suggested adding a "photo booth" to the product offering. 2 respondents suggested that GMLS offer lighting-only and audio-only packages. N.B. 1 respondent would actually consider purchasing the relevant equipment for parties. The other 2 would not, as they would not be using the equipment repetitively in quick session and do not have the storage space available to them. Managerial Implications Further quantitative research needs to be undertaken as a follow up to this exploratory piece of research. The qualitative data uncovered sheds light on the types of questions that must be explored in the follow-up web survey. Based on this qualitative research alone, however, there are a few managerial implications. These do not need to be actioned immediately. GMLS needs to review its website, ensure all current pricing for hire is up-todate. GMLS needs to offer fully customised product packages (i.e. consumer can select a number of part hire options, and a package deal is put together based on the consumer's choice). Appendix 1. Interview Questions are colour coded in order to easily identify which questions relate to which research objective at a quick glance. Research objectives: o The demographic profile of existing and potential GMLS customers o Consumers expectations with regards to customer service o Opportunities for collaborative efforts with entertainers o The specific components consumers want in audio/lighting hire package Interview Questions 1. Age bracket? (24 and under, 25-34, 35-44, 45+) 2. Where do you live? (postcode) 3. How often do you host parties/functions per year? (none, 1-2, 3-4 or 5+) 4. Have you hosted a party or function recently? (If they answer 'no', ask --> Are you planning a party or function in the near future?) 5. Can you tell me more about it? 6. What kinds of entertainment do/will you have at your party or function? 7. Where do you source your entertainment? 8. Please describe to me the preparation you usually have to do and supplies you usually have to purchase or hire before a function/party. 9. What are the most important things that a party supplier would need to provide to you as a customer? (e.g. customer service, variety of products, cheap price etc) 10. Have you purchased or rented any Audio/Visual products before? OR Will you purchase or rent any Audio/Visual products? 11. What equipment have you previously hired or purchased? OR What equipment will you hire or purchase? (Ask only if they purchase the equipment: 11a. Does owning the product appeal to you more than renting on occasion? If so, why?) 12. How did you go about hiring the equipment? OR How will you go about hiring the equipment? 13. How did you find the transaction experience? OR How do you expect to find the experience? 14. Which of the product packages available would you be most interested in renting for a function? (Hand the person the sheet list of products) 15. What are your thoughts on the company’s current range of products? 16. What changes or additions you would suggest making to the list of available packages?