Roosevelt & the
America Seeks Reforms in the early
20th century
What was the connection between the Gilded
Age and the Progressive Era?
What were the goals of Progressive reformers?
How was this different than reforms of the
Gilded Age?
How did Roosevelt embody the Progressive
Origins of Progressivism
• As America entered the 20th
century, middle class
reformers at the municipal,
state, and national levels
addressed the problems of the
Gilded Age, including:
Economic inequities
Environmental issues
Social welfare
Working conditions
Rights for women and children
Four Goals of Progressive Reformers
1. Protect social welfare
2. Promote moral
3. Secure economic
4. Foster efficiency
Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt
• Born into an elite New York
• Had some physical limitations,
pushed himself through with a
love of exercise and the
• After graduating from
Harvard, married love of his
life, enters politics
• Wife dies in 1884; he
becomes depressed and
moves his family west to the
“robust life”
• By 1890, already back in NY
politics and elected to the
Senate and eventually runs
Department of the Navy
• Roosevelt captured national
attention by advocating war
with Spain in 1898.
• His volunteer cavalry brigade,
the “Rough Riders,” won
public acclaim for its role in
the Battle of San Juan Hill
in Cuba.
• Roosevelt returned a hero,
and was elected NY governor
and later, McKinley’s vicepresident.
Teddy Roosevelt and the Rough Riders
Roosevelt’s Modern Presidency
• President McKinley was
assassinated just months into
his second term in 1901.
• Theodore Roosevelt became the
nation’s 26th president
• he became the youngest
president at age 42
• He quickly established himself
as a modern president who
could influence the media and
shape legislation
• “bully pulpit”
• “stump” speeches (including one
in which he is shot)
• Using the new motion picture to
showcase his actions and the
work of the government
McKinley was assassinated by an anarchist in Buffalo in
September of 1901. The assassin was refused a
patronage position by NY party members.
The “Square Deal”
• While McKinley was probusiness, Roosevelt came into
office with a strong anticorruption agenda, called The
New Nationalism
• Goal to eliminate influence of
political machines and big
business trusts (the “trustbuster”)
• Success in using Sherman Antitrust
Act against monopolies; restricts
business (next slide)
• Reforms greatly influenced
economic, environmental, and
international affairs (see following)
• Roosevelt’s platform became known
as the “Square Deal” because he
vowed not to favor any group of
Americans but to be fair to all.
The “Square Deal”
• Roosevelt defended the right of
labor to organize, and avoided use
of federal troops to put down
• In 1902, he intervened in a United
Mine Workers Strike and got
miners a wage increase and
shortened workday
• Roosevelt restricted the power of
big business by breaking up
monopolies and trusts
• Northern Securities Co. v.
United States (1904)
• Court ruled against the
stockholders of the Great Northern
and Northern Pacific railroad
companies, who had essentially
formed a monopoly, and dissolved
Northern Securities Company
• After reelection in 1904,
Roosevelt negotiated the
passage of the Hepburn Act
which gave the Interstate
Commerce Commission (ICC),
a previously weak agency, to
set maximum railroad rates and
inspect railroad companies’
financial records.
Other trust-busting
• By 1900, trusts –
legal bodies created
to hold stock in many
companies –
controlled 80% of
U.S. industries.
• Roosevelt filed 44
antitrust suits under
the Sherman AntiTrust Act
Raking the “muck”
The term muckraker was coined by
TR in his 1906 speech, “The Man With
the Muck Rake”
However, he was not in favor of most
of these journalists. The term was in
reference to one of his favorite
books, Pilgrim's Progress, in which a
character was so busy raking up muck
that he could not see a heavenly
crown over his head
One of the most famous Progressive
era muckrakers was Ida Tarbell, who
caused a sensation with her "History
of the Standard Oil Company," an
account of how Rockefeller ruthlessly
crushed his competition to become the
first American billionaire.
The Jungle Leads to
Food Regulation
• Muckrakers’ exposés, such as
Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle,
highlighted the unsanitary
conditions in food plants and
dangerous ingredients in foods and
• Disgusted by what he read, in 1906
Roosevelt endorsed the Pure Food
and Drug Act and the Meat
Inspection Act
• The first act prohibited the sale of
adulterated or inaccurately labeled
foods and medicines, and the
second established federal
regulations for meatpackers and a
system of inspection (later, the
Roosevelt and the Environment
• Early 20th century rise in
environmental concerns led to
conservation and protection
movement by
• Preservationists were often in
direct opposition to business
interests, who saw the
environment as unlimited
resources and development
• Roosevelt was at heart a
preservationist, but saw a
need for compromise through
his conservation program,
which provided for the
regulated use of the nation’s
• 200 million acres as national
forests, mineral reserves, and
potential waterpower sites
• Creation of national parks
and monuments
• Creation of the National
Conservation Commission
in 1908 to inventory the
nation’s resources and
efficiently manage their use
Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
Roosevelt and Civil Rights
• Roosevelt failed to support
legislation or actions for
ongoing Civil Rights for
African Americans
• Booker T. Washington
founded the Tuskegee
Institute to provide a
technical education for African
• George Washington Carver,
head of Tuskegee's
agriculture department,
helped end the failing cotton
industry in the South by
convincing farmers to plant
peanuts, soybeans and sweet
potatoes to save the soil
Allowed black farmers to get new
G. W. Carver
Booker T. Washington
W.E.B. DuBois
• In 1909 black and white reformers,
including W.E.B. DuBois created the
formed the National Association for
the Advancement of Colored
People (NAACP)
• goal was full equality among the
races through the court system
Limits of Progressivism
• Progressive era was
responsible for many
important reforms, but failed
to make gains for African
• Plessy v. Ferguson
(1896) Court allows
“separate but equal
• The KKK, which formed
during Reconstruction, grew
to almost 4.5 million members
by 1924
• D.W. Griffiths' silent film
Birth of a Nation (1915)
glorified white supremacy
and the Ku Klux Klan
(premiered at the Wilson
White House)
• Massive parade in D.C.
• Lynching nationwide
• Billie Holiday’s “Strange Fruit”
• Some, like Marcus Garvey,
advocated a “Back to Africa”
movement, as they believed
equality could never be reached
• Brownsville Incident (1906)
• Roosevelt dishonorably
discharged 167 black
infantrymen at Fort Brown,
TX after some whites allege
they shot and killed a white
• Senate upholds Roosevelt’s
Progressivism under President Taft
William Howard Taft (right) was
Roosevelt’s War Secretary, and
was hand-selected by Roosevelt to
be the next Republican president
Taft easily defeated Democrat
William Jennings Bryan in 1908
Among his accomplishments, Taft
“busted” 90 trusts during his four
years in office – more than
Theodore Roosevelt during his
eight years in office.
However, Taft was not popular with
the American public or reformminded Republicans.
• Presidency was the
“lonesomest job in the world.”
• By 1910, Democrats had
regained control of the House
of Representatives
• Roosevelt was not pleased
with Taft’s inability to keep the
party in line
REVIEW: Progressive Era
Four Goals of Reformers
1. Protect social welfare
2. Promote moral
3. Secure economic
4. Foster efficiency
Protect Social Welfare
• Industrialization in the
late 19th century was
largely unregulated.
Employers felt little
responsibility toward
their workers.
• As a result, settlement
houses and churches
served the community
and organizations like
the YMCA and the
Salvation Army took on
service roles.
Salvation Army Shelter
Promote Moral Development
• Some reformers felt that
the answer to society’s
problems was personal
behavior. They proposed
such reforms as
• Groups wishing to ban
alcohol included the
Woman’s Christian
Temperance Union
Secure Economic Reform
• The Panic of 1893
prompted some
Americans to question
the capitalist
economic system.
• As a result, some
workers embraced
socialism. Eugene
Debs organized the
American Socialist
Party in 1901.
Debs encouraged workers to reject
American capitalism
Muckrakers Criticize Big Business
• Though most Progressives
did not embrace socialism,
many writers saw the truth in
Debs’ criticism.
• Investigative journalists,
known as “Muckrakers,”
exposed corruption in
business. For example, Ida
Tarbell exposed Standard Oil
Company’s cut-throat
methods of eliminating
Fostering Efficiency
• Many Progressive
leaders put their faith in
scientific principles to
make society better.
• In industry, Frederick
Taylor began using time
and motion studies to
improve factory
efficiency. Taylorism
became an industry fad
as factories sought to
complete each task
Cleaning Up Local Government
• Efforts at reforming
local government
stemmed from the
desire to make
government more
efficient and
responsive to
• Some believe it also
was meant to limit
immigrants’ influence
on local
Regulating Big Business
• Under the progressive
Republican leadership of
Robert La Follette,
Wisconsin led the way in
regulating big business
and implementing the
Wisconsin Idea – a
partnership between
government and the
experts at the University
of Wisconsin.
Robert La Follette
Protecting Working Children
• As the number of
child workers rose,
reformers worked to
end child labor.
• Children were more
prone to accidents
caused by fatigue.
• Nearly every state
limited or banned
child labor by 1918
Efforts To Limit Hours
• The Supreme Court
and the states
enacted or
strengthened laws
reducing women’s
hours of work.
• Progressives also
succeeded in
winning worker’s
compensation to aid
families of injured
Election Reform
• Citizens fought for
and secured such
measures as secret
ballots, referendums,
and recalls. Citizens
could petition and get
initiatives on the
• In 1899, Minnesota
passed the first
statewide primary
Direct Election Of Senators
• Before 1913, each
state’s legislature
had chosen U.S.
senators. To force
senators to be more
responsive to the
public, Progressives
pushed for the
popular election of
• As a result, Congress
passed the 17th
Amendment in 1913.
Women in Public Life
• Before the Civil War,
American women were
expected to devote
their time to home and
• By the late 19th and
early 20th century,
women were visible in
the workforce.
Domestic Workers
• Before the turn-of-thecentury women without
formal education
contributed to the
economic welfare of
their families by doing
domestic work.
• Altogether, 70% of
women employed in
1870 were servants.
Women in the Work Force
• Opportunities for
women increased
especially in the
cities. By 1900, one
out of five women
• The garment
industry was popular
as were office work,
retail, and education.
Women Lead Reform
• Many of the leading
reformers were
women. Middle and
upper class women
entered the public
sphere after
graduating from the
new women’s
Colleges like Vassar and Smith
allowed women to excel
Women and Reform
• Women reformers
strove to improve
conditions at work and
• In 1896, black women
formed the National
Association of Colored
Women (NACW).
• Suffrage was another
important issue for
Three-Part Strategy for
Winning Suffrage
• Suffragettes tried
three approaches to
winning the vote:
1. Convincing state
legislatures to adopt
the vote.
2. Pursuing court
cases to test 14th
3. Pushing for national
Women Win Suffrage
• Native-born,
educated, middleclass women grew
more and more
impatient. Through
local, state, and
national organization,
as well as vigorous
protests, women
finally realized their
dream in 1920.