“Science is a way of trying not to fool yourself” -Richard Feynman Good science vs. bad science or pseudoscience. An important class goal, and useful, too! A friend tells you, “I took Echinacea and felt better…Echinacea works! Would this convince you that Echinacea works? Yes No OK, Let’s be honest here. Which would you believe more, something a good friend told you or the results of repeated scientific studies that you looked up on the web? Something my friend told me Results of repeated scientific studies (either answer is worth 2 points!) My grandfather, beer and cigars. Let’s see how accurate you and your friends are. Count the basketball passes… Characteristics of Science and Pseudoscience (summary on DD web site) Favorite good/bad sites from homework 1. But first…Cargo Cult Science Bad: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=0AcunusOjFw (Nibiru) www.treatallcancer.com http://news.aol.com/article/scientist-says-bigfoot-fails-dnatest/136118?icid=100214839x1207491082x1200391066 Good: http://www.sciencenews.org/ www.snopes.com www.astronomy.com www.nasa.gov (BUT!) National Academies* American Association for the Advancement of Science* * linked on our “Good Science” page