Unit 5

AP European History
Mr. Angle
Unit 5: The French Revolution
Unit 6: The Industrial Revolution
Name:________________________________________Date:______________________________Pd: 1
Week 14
Tuesday (12/2)
Keystone 1 hr and
30 minute class
Thanksgiving Holiday
Homework: Read each assignment and complete the appropriate task
 “Chapter 18: Life in the Era of Expansion” Pages 574-586
Lecture Questions: Substitute teacher
Activating Strategy: Collaboratively write a selected ID.
Teaching Strategy: Complete all writing IDs for the unit and work on Chapter
18 notes
Summarization: Collaboratively write a selected ID.
Homework: Read each assignment and complete the appropriate task
 “Chapter 18: Life in the Era of Expansion”
Lecture Questions:
 What changes occurred in marriage and the family in the course of the
 What was life like for children and how did attitudes toward children
 How did increasing literacy and new patterns of consumption affect
people’s lives?
 What is the consumer revolution?
 What were the patterns of popular religions and how did they interact with
the worldview of the educated public and their Enlightenment ideals?
 How did the practice of medicine evolve in the 18c?
Activating Strategy: Collaboratively write a selected ID.
Teaching Strategy:
 Lecture on key questions.
 Complete the activity given using McKay (pg 587) and
http://historum.com/european-history/44491-economic-growth-earlymodern-europe.html (use the statistics and maps to answer the questions
 Paintings of Jean Baptiste-Simeon Chardin
 Rococo Art
Summarization: Collaboratively write a selected ID.
Unit 5: The French Revolution
Homework: Read each assignment and complete the appropriate task
 “Chapter 19: Revolution in Politics” Pages 610-619
 Commissioners of the Third Estate of the Carcossone: Notebooks of
Grievance (B/St.M)
Lecture Questions:
 What were the factors behind the revolutions of the late 18c?
Why and how did the American colonists forge a new and independent nation?
Activating Strategy: Collaboratively write a selected ID.
Teaching Strategy: Lecture on the key questions
Summarization: Collaboratively write a selected ID.
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AP European History
Mr. Angle
No Class: Keystone
No Class:
Week 15
Homework: Read each assignment and complete the appropriate task
 “Chapter 19: Revolution in Politics” Pages 619-626
 Abbé Sieyès: What is the Third Estate (B/St.M)
 Olympe de Gouges: The Declaration of the Rights of Women
Lecture Questions:
 How did the events of 1789 result in a constitutional monarch in France,
and what were the consequences?
Activating Strategy: Collaboratively write a selected ID.
Teaching Strategy:
 Lecture on the key questions
 Discussion and identification of Neo-Classicism
Summarization: Collaboratively write a selected ID.
Homework: Read each assignment and complete the appropriate task
 “Chapter 19: Revolution in Politics” Pages 626-633
(Read 632-33: “A Revolution of Culture and Daily Life)
 The Law of 22 Prairial (B/St.M)
Lecture Questions:
 Why and how did the French Revolution take a radical turn entailing
terror at home and war with European powers?
 How does the Revolutionary Government seek to change and control all
parts of society?
 In what ways do the Enlightenment logic clash with mob passions?
Activating Strategy: Collaboratively write a selected ID.
Teaching Strategy:
 Lecture on the key questions
 APPARTS: McKay page 629: Contrasting Visions of the Sans-Culottes
Summarization: Collaboratively write a selected ID.
Exam: Unit 4 (MC, Identification, and Free Response Essay)
Keystone 1 hr and
30 minute class
No Class: Keystone
Monday (12/8)
No Class:
Homework: Read each assignment and complete the appropriate task
 “Chapter 19: Revolution in Politics” Pages 634-640
 Edmund Burke: Reflections on the Revolution in France (Kishlansky)
Lecture Questions:
 Why did Napoleon Bonaparte assume control of France and much of
Europe, and what factors led to his downfall?
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AP European History
Mr. Angle
Activating Strategy: Collaboratively write a selected ID.
Teaching Strategy:
 Lecture on the key questions
Summarization: Collaboratively write a selected ID.
Week 16
Monday (12/15)
Homework: Read each assignment and complete the appropriate task
 Napoleon Bonaparte: The Napoleonic Code (B/St.M)
Lecture Questions:
 Evaluate Napoleon as a general; what are his greatest abilities and flaws?
 How did Napoleon’s actions in the reshaping of Europe influence future
European Politics?
Activating Strategy: Collaboratively write a selected ID.
Teaching Strategy:
 Lecture on the key questions: Empire and Fall
 Maps: Use both the atlases and project their corresponding images
Summarization: Collaboratively write a selected ID.
Homework: Read each assignment and complete the appropriate task
 “Chapter 19: Revolution in Politics” Pages 640-645
 F. D. Toussaint L’Ouverture: A Black Revolutionary Leader in Haiti
Lecture Questions:
 How did slave revolt on colonial Saint-Dominique lead to the creation of
the independent nation of Haiti in 1804?
Activating Strategy: Collaboratively write a selected ID.
Teaching Strategy:
 Review Unit 4 Exam (All parts MC, ID, FR, and DBQ)
 Lecture on the key question
Summarization: Collaboratively write a selected ID.
Unit 6: The Industrial Revolution
Homework: Read each assignment and complete the appropriate task
 “Chapter 20: The Revolution in Energy and Industry” Pages 648-660
Lecture Questions:
 What were the origins of the Industrial Revolution in Britain, and how did
it develop between 1780 and 1850?
Activating Strategy: Collaboratively write a selected ID.
Teaching Strategy:
 Lecture on the key question
 Discuss Josiah Wedgewood (page 656) and jasperware (connect to
Commercial Revolution)
 Analyze map page 660
Summarization: Collaboratively write a selected ID.
Homework: Read each assignment and complete the appropriate task
 Chapter 20: Revolution in Energy and Industry, Pages 661-667
 Thomas R. Malthus: On the Principle of Population (B/St.M)
 Friedrich Engels: The Condition of the Working Class in England in 1844
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AP European History
Mr. Angle
Lecture Questions:
 How did countries outside of Britain respond to the challenge of
Activating Strategy: Collaboratively write a selected ID.
Teaching Strategy:
 Lecture on the key question
 McKay (pg 664): Analyze map and answer questions
 Using the website:
http://theindustrialrevolutionjessd.weebly.com/stats.html, answer the
assigned questions on the statistics of the Industrial Revolution
Summarization: Collaboratively write a selected ID.
Homework: Read each assignment and complete the appropriate task
 Chapter 20: Revolution in Energy and Industry, Pages 667-679
 McKay: Debate of Child Labor Laws (669)
 McKay: Living Conditions of the Working Class (670)
 McKay: The Testimony of Young Mine Workers (672)
 McKay: Advice for Middle Class Women (676)
Lecture Questions:
 How did work evolve during the Industrial Revolution, and how did daily
life change for working people?
 How did the changes brought about by the Industrial Revolution lead to
new social classes, and how did people respond to the new structure?
Activating Strategy: Collaboratively write a selected ID.
Teaching Strategy:
 Lecture on the key questions
Summarization: Collaboratively write a selected ID.
**Distribute the Activity on Conservative Reaction: Congress of Vienna and
discuss its Due Date of Mid-1/20
Monday (12/22)
½ Day: “A”
Week 17
Homework: Essay Examination
Exam: Unit 5 and 6 (MC ID)
Homework: MC Review Packet from Unit 1
Lecture Questions:
 What are the key concepts that will be needed for the Exam 1450-1815
(Units 1-6)?
Activating Strategy: Review key ideas of Unit 1
Teaching Strategy:
 Review key names, concepts, and people
 Create a study guide using different measures, charts, graphs, etc
Summarization: None, we are summarizing the First half of the year.
Quiz: Unit 1
Winter Break
Homework: Congress of Vienna Assignment due 1/20
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AP European History
Monday (1/5)
Mr. Angle
Week 18
Homework: MC Review Packet from Unit 2
Lecture Questions:
 What are the key concepts that will be needed for the Exam 1450-1815
(Units 1-6)?
Activating Strategy: Review key ideas of Unit 2
Teaching Strategy:
 Review key names, concepts, and people
 Create a study guide using different measures, charts, graphs, etc
Summarization: None, we are summarizing the First half of the year.
Quiz: Unit 2
Homework: MC Review Packet from Unit 3
Lecture Questions:
 What are the key concepts that will be needed for the Exam 1450-1815
(Units 1-6)?
Activating Strategy: Review key ideas of Unit 3
Teaching Strategy:
 Review key names, concepts, and people
 Create a study guide using different measures, charts, graphs, etc
Summarization: None, we are summarizing the First half of the year.
Quiz: Unit 3
Homework: MC Review Packet from Unit 4
Lecture Questions:
 What are the key concepts that will be needed for the Exam 1450-1815
(Units 1-6)?
Activating Strategy: Review key ideas of Unit 4
Teaching Strategy:
 Review key names, concepts, and people
 Create a study guide using different measures, charts, graphs, etc
Summarization: None, we are summarizing the First half of the year.
Quiz: Unit 4
Homework: MC Review Packet from Unit 5
Lecture Questions:
 What are the key concepts that will be needed for the Exam 1450-1815
(Units 1-6)?
Activating Strategy: Review key ideas of Unit 5
Teaching Strategy:
 Review key names, concepts, and people
 Create a study guide using different measures, charts, graphs, etc
Summarization: None, we are summarizing the First half of the year.
Quiz: Unit 5
Homework: MC Review Packet from Unit 6
Lecture Questions:
 What are the key concepts that will be needed for the Exam 1450-1815
(Units 1-6)?
Activating Strategy: Review key ideas of Unit 6
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AP European History
Mr. Angle
Teaching Strategy:
 Review key names, concepts, and people
 Create a study guide using different measures, charts, graphs, etc
Summarization: None, we are summarizing the First half of the year.
Quiz: Unit 6
Week 19
Monday (1/12) Midterm Exam: Unit 1-6 MC Exam
Homework: None
Lecture Questions:
 What are identifying characteristics of Medieval art
 What are identifying characteristics of Italian Renaissance art?
 What are identifying characteristics of Northern Renaissance art?
 What are identifying characteristics of Mannerism?
 What are identifying characteristics of Protestant Baroque art?
 What are identifying characteristics of Baroque art?
 What are identifying characteristics of Rococo art?
 What are identifying characteristics of Neo-Classism art?
Activating Strategy: Review the key ideas of the art and the task in the museum
Teaching Strategy: Field Trip to Philadelphia Museum of Art
 Locate key artworks for each period
 Note the key characteristics
Summarization: Discuss the key pieces of artwork that was located in the museum
Midterm Exam: Unit 1-6 Free Response Exam
Midterm Exam: Unit 1-6 DBQ Exam
Unit 7: Politics from 1815 to 1848 and Nineteenth Century Society
Homework: Read each assignment and complete the appropriate task
 Chapter 21: Ideologies and Upheavals, Pages 682-690
 Klemens Von Metternich: Conservative Reaction in the German
Confederation, McKay 689
 Klemens Von Metternich, Political Confession of Faith (B/St.M)
Lecture Questions:
 How was peace restored and maintained after 1815?
Activating Strategy: Collaboratively write a selected ID.
Teaching Strategy:
 Lecture on the key question and the ideas espoused in The Congress of
Vienna and Conservatism
 McKay (pg 686): Analyze map and answer questions
 McKay (pg 688): Analyze map and answer questions
Summarization: Collaboratively write a selected ID.
Week 20
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Tuesday (1/20) Activity: Congress of Vienna
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