AP European History Mr. Angle Unit 5: The French Revolution Unit 6: The Industrial Revolution Syllabus Name:________________________________________Date:______________________________Pd: 1 Week 14 Tuesday (12/2) Wednesday Keystone 1 hr and 30 minute class Thursday Thanksgiving Holiday Homework: Read each assignment and complete the appropriate task “Chapter 18: Life in the Era of Expansion” Pages 574-586 Lecture Questions: Substitute teacher Activating Strategy: Collaboratively write a selected ID. Teaching Strategy: Complete all writing IDs for the unit and work on Chapter 18 notes Summarization: Collaboratively write a selected ID. Homework: Read each assignment and complete the appropriate task “Chapter 18: Life in the Era of Expansion” Lecture Questions: What changes occurred in marriage and the family in the course of the 18c? What was life like for children and how did attitudes toward children evolve? How did increasing literacy and new patterns of consumption affect people’s lives? What is the consumer revolution? What were the patterns of popular religions and how did they interact with the worldview of the educated public and their Enlightenment ideals? How did the practice of medicine evolve in the 18c? Activating Strategy: Collaboratively write a selected ID. Teaching Strategy: Lecture on key questions. Complete the activity given using McKay (pg 587) and http://historum.com/european-history/44491-economic-growth-earlymodern-europe.html (use the statistics and maps to answer the questions provided) Paintings of Jean Baptiste-Simeon Chardin Rococo Art Summarization: Collaboratively write a selected ID. Unit 5: The French Revolution Homework: Read each assignment and complete the appropriate task “Chapter 19: Revolution in Politics” Pages 610-619 Commissioners of the Third Estate of the Carcossone: Notebooks of Grievance (B/St.M) Lecture Questions: What were the factors behind the revolutions of the late 18c? Why and how did the American colonists forge a new and independent nation? Activating Strategy: Collaboratively write a selected ID. Teaching Strategy: Lecture on the key questions Summarization: Collaboratively write a selected ID. Page 1 of 6 AP European History Friday Mr. Angle No Class: Keystone No Class: Keystone Wednesday Week 15 Homework: Read each assignment and complete the appropriate task “Chapter 19: Revolution in Politics” Pages 619-626 Abbé Sieyès: What is the Third Estate (B/St.M) Olympe de Gouges: The Declaration of the Rights of Women (Kishlansky) Lecture Questions: How did the events of 1789 result in a constitutional monarch in France, and what were the consequences? Activating Strategy: Collaboratively write a selected ID. Teaching Strategy: Lecture on the key questions Discussion and identification of Neo-Classicism Summarization: Collaboratively write a selected ID. Homework: Read each assignment and complete the appropriate task “Chapter 19: Revolution in Politics” Pages 626-633 (Read 632-33: “A Revolution of Culture and Daily Life) The Law of 22 Prairial (B/St.M) Lecture Questions: Why and how did the French Revolution take a radical turn entailing terror at home and war with European powers? How does the Revolutionary Government seek to change and control all parts of society? In what ways do the Enlightenment logic clash with mob passions? Activating Strategy: Collaboratively write a selected ID. Teaching Strategy: Lecture on the key questions APPARTS: McKay page 629: Contrasting Visions of the Sans-Culottes Summarization: Collaboratively write a selected ID. Exam: Unit 4 (MC, Identification, and Free Response Essay) Keystone 1 hr and 30 minute class Thursday No Class: Keystone Monday (12/8) Tuesday No Class: Keystone Friday Homework: Read each assignment and complete the appropriate task “Chapter 19: Revolution in Politics” Pages 634-640 Edmund Burke: Reflections on the Revolution in France (Kishlansky) Lecture Questions: Why did Napoleon Bonaparte assume control of France and much of Europe, and what factors led to his downfall? Page 2 of 6 AP European History Mr. Angle Activating Strategy: Collaboratively write a selected ID. Teaching Strategy: Lecture on the key questions Summarization: Collaboratively write a selected ID. Week 16 Monday (12/15) Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Homework: Read each assignment and complete the appropriate task Napoleon Bonaparte: The Napoleonic Code (B/St.M) Lecture Questions: Evaluate Napoleon as a general; what are his greatest abilities and flaws? How did Napoleon’s actions in the reshaping of Europe influence future European Politics? Activating Strategy: Collaboratively write a selected ID. Teaching Strategy: Lecture on the key questions: Empire and Fall Maps: Use both the atlases and project their corresponding images (http://www.westpoint.edu/history/SitePages/Napoleonic%20Wars.aspx) Summarization: Collaboratively write a selected ID. Homework: Read each assignment and complete the appropriate task “Chapter 19: Revolution in Politics” Pages 640-645 F. D. Toussaint L’Ouverture: A Black Revolutionary Leader in Haiti (B/St.M) Lecture Questions: How did slave revolt on colonial Saint-Dominique lead to the creation of the independent nation of Haiti in 1804? Activating Strategy: Collaboratively write a selected ID. Teaching Strategy: Review Unit 4 Exam (All parts MC, ID, FR, and DBQ) Lecture on the key question Summarization: Collaboratively write a selected ID. Unit 6: The Industrial Revolution Homework: Read each assignment and complete the appropriate task “Chapter 20: The Revolution in Energy and Industry” Pages 648-660 Lecture Questions: What were the origins of the Industrial Revolution in Britain, and how did it develop between 1780 and 1850? Activating Strategy: Collaboratively write a selected ID. Teaching Strategy: Lecture on the key question Discuss Josiah Wedgewood (page 656) and jasperware (connect to Commercial Revolution) Analyze map page 660 Summarization: Collaboratively write a selected ID. Homework: Read each assignment and complete the appropriate task Chapter 20: Revolution in Energy and Industry, Pages 661-667 Thomas R. Malthus: On the Principle of Population (B/St.M) Friedrich Engels: The Condition of the Working Class in England in 1844 Page 3 of 6 AP European History Friday Mr. Angle (B/St.M) Lecture Questions: How did countries outside of Britain respond to the challenge of industrialization? Activating Strategy: Collaboratively write a selected ID. Teaching Strategy: Lecture on the key question McKay (pg 664): Analyze map and answer questions Using the website: http://theindustrialrevolutionjessd.weebly.com/stats.html, answer the assigned questions on the statistics of the Industrial Revolution Summarization: Collaboratively write a selected ID. Homework: Read each assignment and complete the appropriate task Chapter 20: Revolution in Energy and Industry, Pages 667-679 McKay: Debate of Child Labor Laws (669) McKay: Living Conditions of the Working Class (670) McKay: The Testimony of Young Mine Workers (672) McKay: Advice for Middle Class Women (676) Lecture Questions: How did work evolve during the Industrial Revolution, and how did daily life change for working people? How did the changes brought about by the Industrial Revolution lead to new social classes, and how did people respond to the new structure? Activating Strategy: Collaboratively write a selected ID. Teaching Strategy: Lecture on the key questions Summarization: Collaboratively write a selected ID. **Distribute the Activity on Conservative Reaction: Congress of Vienna and discuss its Due Date of Mid-1/20 Monday (12/22) Tuesday ½ Day: “A” Schedule Week 17 Homework: Essay Examination Exam: Unit 5 and 6 (MC ID) Homework: MC Review Packet from Unit 1 Lecture Questions: What are the key concepts that will be needed for the Exam 1450-1815 (Units 1-6)? Activating Strategy: Review key ideas of Unit 1 Teaching Strategy: Review key names, concepts, and people Create a study guide using different measures, charts, graphs, etc Summarization: None, we are summarizing the First half of the year. Quiz: Unit 1 Winter Break Homework: Congress of Vienna Assignment due 1/20 Page 4 of 6 AP European History Monday (1/5) Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Mr. Angle Week 18 Homework: MC Review Packet from Unit 2 Lecture Questions: What are the key concepts that will be needed for the Exam 1450-1815 (Units 1-6)? Activating Strategy: Review key ideas of Unit 2 Teaching Strategy: Review key names, concepts, and people Create a study guide using different measures, charts, graphs, etc Summarization: None, we are summarizing the First half of the year. Quiz: Unit 2 Homework: MC Review Packet from Unit 3 Lecture Questions: What are the key concepts that will be needed for the Exam 1450-1815 (Units 1-6)? Activating Strategy: Review key ideas of Unit 3 Teaching Strategy: Review key names, concepts, and people Create a study guide using different measures, charts, graphs, etc Summarization: None, we are summarizing the First half of the year. Quiz: Unit 3 Homework: MC Review Packet from Unit 4 Lecture Questions: What are the key concepts that will be needed for the Exam 1450-1815 (Units 1-6)? Activating Strategy: Review key ideas of Unit 4 Teaching Strategy: Review key names, concepts, and people Create a study guide using different measures, charts, graphs, etc Summarization: None, we are summarizing the First half of the year. Quiz: Unit 4 Homework: MC Review Packet from Unit 5 Lecture Questions: What are the key concepts that will be needed for the Exam 1450-1815 (Units 1-6)? Activating Strategy: Review key ideas of Unit 5 Teaching Strategy: Review key names, concepts, and people Create a study guide using different measures, charts, graphs, etc Summarization: None, we are summarizing the First half of the year. Quiz: Unit 5 Homework: MC Review Packet from Unit 6 Lecture Questions: What are the key concepts that will be needed for the Exam 1450-1815 (Units 1-6)? Activating Strategy: Review key ideas of Unit 6 Page 5 of 6 AP European History Mr. Angle Teaching Strategy: Review key names, concepts, and people Create a study guide using different measures, charts, graphs, etc Summarization: None, we are summarizing the First half of the year. Quiz: Unit 6 Week 19 Monday (1/12) Midterm Exam: Unit 1-6 MC Exam Tuesday Homework: None Lecture Questions: What are identifying characteristics of Medieval art What are identifying characteristics of Italian Renaissance art? What are identifying characteristics of Northern Renaissance art? What are identifying characteristics of Mannerism? What are identifying characteristics of Protestant Baroque art? What are identifying characteristics of Baroque art? What are identifying characteristics of Rococo art? What are identifying characteristics of Neo-Classism art? Activating Strategy: Review the key ideas of the art and the task in the museum Teaching Strategy: Field Trip to Philadelphia Museum of Art Locate key artworks for each period Note the key characteristics Summarization: Discuss the key pieces of artwork that was located in the museum Midterm Exam: Unit 1-6 Free Response Exam Wednesday Midterm Exam: Unit 1-6 DBQ Exam Thursday Unit 7: Politics from 1815 to 1848 and Nineteenth Century Society Friday Homework: Read each assignment and complete the appropriate task Chapter 21: Ideologies and Upheavals, Pages 682-690 Klemens Von Metternich: Conservative Reaction in the German Confederation, McKay 689 Klemens Von Metternich, Political Confession of Faith (B/St.M) Lecture Questions: How was peace restored and maintained after 1815? Activating Strategy: Collaboratively write a selected ID. Teaching Strategy: Lecture on the key question and the ideas espoused in The Congress of Vienna and Conservatism McKay (pg 686): Analyze map and answer questions McKay (pg 688): Analyze map and answer questions Summarization: Collaboratively write a selected ID. Week 20 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Tuesday (1/20) Activity: Congress of Vienna Page 6 of 6