STRATIX 6.8 STRATIX 9.2 PRODUCT FORMATTING – REPORTS 1.1.1 Products Formatting Fields Internal PIC Print PIC Form_Grade_Size_Finsh (Columnar) X(6)_X(8)_X(15)_X( 6) QQQQQQ QQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQ Form/Grade/Size/Finish (Compressed) X(39) QQQQQQ/QQQQQQQQ/QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ/QQQQQQ QQ Form/Grade/Finish_Size (Compressed w/ Size in separate column) X(39) QQQQQQ/QQQQQQQQ/QQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ Form/Grade (Compressed) X(15) QQQQQQ/QQQQQQQQ NOTES: _ indicates Column, / indicates ‘/’ with no spaces in between. 1.1.2 Types of Products Product Dimensions Possible Unit Units/Fittings No Dimensions Pieces/Wt Coils Gauge size/Width Pieces/Wt Fixed gauge Coils Width Only Pieces/Wt Bar Coils Gauge Only Pieces/Wt Angles/Beams/Pipe/Tube Length only Pieces/Wt/Length Bars/Rods Gauge size/Length Pieces/Wt/Length Plate/Expanded/Perforated Width/Length Pieces/Wt/Area Sheet Gauge/Width/Length Pieces/Wt/Area Round Bar Variable Outer Diameter/Length Pieces/Wt/Length Seamless Tubes (OCTG) Outer Diameter/Inner Diameter/Wall/Length Pieces/Wt/Length 1.1.3 Product Sequencing PEP PEP Sequence # 1.1.4 Product Detail Sequencing: Dimension First dimension column Product Formatting – Reports – 9.2 Licensed Material, February 25, 2013 Invera The Internet Vertical Applications Company STRATIX Second dimension column (NOTE – For example of columns, see Example of Different Dimension Type below.) Stock Keeping Method (SKM) Depending upon what data is available the sequencing of product details is always as follows: Heat Lot Location Product Formatting – Reports Licensed Material, March 15, 2016 Invera The Metal Information Technology Company Page 3 STRATIX 1.1.5 Printing Dimensions Dim Dim. Typical Dim Fields/ Seg Type Products Dsgn Format UM Lgth Print PIC Example 1 Z9.99ZM 10.255M 0 ZZZZ9.ZZmm 6275mm 1 ZZ9.ZZZZ” 237.2525” 0 ZZ9’ ZZ.ZZZZ” 21’ 8.1275” 1 Z9.99Z - Z9.99ZM 10.255 - 15.755M 0 ZZZZ9.ZZ - ZZZZ9.ZZmm 6275.12 - 6750.34mm 1 ZZ9.ZZZZ - ZZ9.ZZZZ” 237.2525 - 261.2525” 0 Z9’ ZZ.ZZZ” - Z9’ ZZ.ZZZ” 21’ 8.125” - 25’ 10.255” 1 ZZZ9.ZZmm x Z9.99ZM 8.25mm x 2.125M 0 ZZZ9.ZZ x ZZZZ9.ZZmm 8.25 x 2000mm 1 ZZ9.ZZZZ” x ZZ9’ ZZ.ZZZZ” 3.1875” x 21’ 8.1275” 0 ZZ9.ZZZZ” x ZZ9.ZZZZ" 3.1875” x 120” 1 ZZZ9.ZZmm x (Z9.99Z - Z9.99ZM) 8.25mm x (0.998 – 1.002M) 0 ZZZ9.ZZmm x (ZZZZ9.ZZ - ZZZZ9.ZZmm) 8.25mm x (998.5 – 1002mm) 1 ZZ9.ZZZZ” x (ZZ9’ ZZ.ZZZZ” - ZZ9’ ZZ.ZZZZ”) 3.1875” x (21’ 10.5” - 22’ 5.5”) 0 ZZ9.ZZZZ” x (ZZ9.ZZZZ" - ZZ9.ZZZZ") 3.1875” x (147.1875” -152.5”) 1 ZZZ9.ZZ x ZZ9.999Zmm x Z9.99ZM 8.25 x 1.125mm x 2.5M Disp Fmt L Length only Angles, F, M LGTH Bars of fixed Diameter M E R RDM-DIM1 – RDM-DIM2 M E LD Outer Diameter/ Length Variable Round Bars F, M ODIA x LGTH M E R ODIA M x (RDM-DIM1 RDM-DIM-2) E LDT Outer Tubes F, M Product Formatting – Reports – 9.2 Licensed Material, February 25, 2013 Reports: M Invera The Metal Information Technology Company Page 4 STRATIX Dim Dim. Typical Dim Fields/ Seg Type Products Dsgn Format UM Lgth Print PIC Example 0 ZZZ9.ZZ x ZZ9.999Z x ZZZZ9.ZZmm 8.25 x 1.125 x 2000mm 1 ZZZ9.ZZZZ” x Z9.99ZZ" x ZZ9’ ZZ.ZZZZ” 3.25” x 0.125” x 15’ 13.1875” 0 ZZZ9.ZZZZ” x Z9.99ZZ" x Z9.ZZZZ" 3.25” x 0.125” x 240” 1 ZZZ9.ZZ x ZZZ9.ZZ x ZZ9.999Zmm x Z9.99ZM 6 x 8.25 x 1.125mm x 2.5M 0 ZZZ9.ZZ x ZZZ9.ZZ x ZZ9.999Z x ZZZZ9.ZZmm 6 x 8.25 x 1.125 x 2000mm 1 ZZZ9.ZZZZ” x ZZZ9.ZZZZ” x Z9.99ZZ" x ZZ9’ ZZ.ZZZZ” 3” x 3.25” x 0.125” x 15’ 13.1875” 0 ZZZ9.ZZZZ” x ZZZ9.ZZZZ” x Z9.99ZZ" x Z9.ZZZZ" 3” x 3.25” x 0.125” x 240” Disp Fmt Diameter/ Inner Diameter/ Length (OCTG) ODIA x GA-SIZE x LGTH Documents: E M ODIA x IDIA x GA-SIZE x E LGTH R Same as the above two cases, except that the Length range is printed, within brackets. Note- in the metric M format, the UM captions mm and M are always printed: M- ZZZ9.ZZ x ZZZ9.ZZ x ZZ9.999Zmm (Z9.99Z - Z9.99ZM) E.g.: 6 x 8.25 x 1.125mm x (2.45 - 2.55M) WG Width F only Fixed gauge Coil WL Width/ Sheets, F, I WLG Length Plates Circles Rings C G WDTH WDTH x LGTH RDM-DIM1 RDM-DIM1 RDM-DIM2 L-Plates L Product Formatting – Reports – 9.2 Licensed Material, February 25, 2013 RDM-DIM1 x RDM-DIM2 M ZZZZ9.ZZmm 6275mm E ZZ9.9999” 48.0000” M ZZZZ9.ZZmm x ZZZZ9.ZZmm 6275mm x 6750mm E ZZ9.ZZZZ” x ZZ9.ZZZZ” 48.2525” x 96.2525” M ZZZZ9.ZZmm OD 6275.12mm OD E ZZ9.ZZZZ” OD 59.2525” OD M ZZZZ9.ZZ ID ZZZZ9.ZZmm OD 1250 ID 500mm OD E ZZ9.ZZZZ” ID ZZ9.ZZZZ” OD 48.2525” ID 12.2525” OD M ZZZZ9.ZZ x ZZZZ9.ZZmm 500 x 1,000mm (ZZZZ9.ZZ x ZZZZ9.ZZmm) (2nd line) (450 x 1,200mm) Invera The Metal Information Technology Company Page 5 STRATIX Dim Dim. Typical Dim Fields/ Seg Type Products Dsgn Format UM Lgth Print PIC Example Disp Fmt (RDM-DIM3 x RDM-DIM4) Shape Blank No Dimension E ZZ9.ZZZZ” x ZZ9.ZZZZ” (ZZ9.ZZZZ” x ZZ9.ZZZZ”) S 48.2525” x 96.2525” (2nd line) (12.2525” x 120.2525”) Caption ‘Custom Shape’ is printed No Dimensions are printed Fittings Notes: Reports will not print fractions. Documents will suppress the UM (e.g. mm) if the UM is the same as the Print UM, unless otherwise stated. Meters are always rounded to three decimal places. 1.1.6 Printing the Gauge Dim Dim. Dim Fields UM Print PIC Example Dsgn Product Examples Seg Type Gauge Gauge F Coils, Sheets PRD-GA-SIZE M with Gauge Type with Gauge Type ZZ9.999ZmmX 1.200mmN no Gauge Type no Gauge Type ZZ9.999Zmm 1.200mm with Gauge Type with Gauge Type Z9.99ZZ"X 0.0478"N no Gauge Type no Gauge Type Z9.99ZZ" 0.0478” E 1.1.7 Special Formatting Requirements Product Formatting – Reports – 9.2 Licensed Material, February 25, 2013 Invera The Metal Information Technology Company Page 6 STRATIX When printing Standard Dimensions and all of the Dimensions are zeroes, a single word ‘Various’ is printed in placed of the Dimensions. When printing Random Dimensions and all of the Random Dimensions are zero, print blanks. No other markings will be printed (e.g., ‘x’ or ” sign, or ’ sign). 1.1.8 Examples of Different Dimension Types Including Use of Gauge, Gauge Type, Dim. Descriptor on a Report Dimension Layout Notes: QQQQQQ/QQQQQQQQ/QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ/QQQQQQQQ Columnar Format ZZ9.999Q ZZ9’ ZZ.ZZZZ ZZ9’ ZZ.ZZZZ Q ZZ9’ ZZ.ZZZZ is used for width/length columns. It represents the largest possible option. QQQQQQ/QQQQQQQQ/QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ/QQQQQQQQ Compressed Format ZZ9.999Q Z9’ ZZ.ZZZ-Z9’ ZZ.ZZZ” Q ZZ9’ ZZ.ZZZZ-ZZ9’ ZZ.ZZZZ is used for width/length column. It represents the largest possible option. Length only – Angles SA/4301/20203/G Printed in columnar format. 6000mm SA/4301/2214/G Printed in columnar format. 20’ Random Lengths – Tubes TW/4301/3372/D Printed in columnar format. 1250 - 1750mm TW/4301/20/D Printed in columnar format. 19 - 21’ Width Only HRC/430/3372/D 0.430N Printed in columnar format. 6000mm HRC/0487/18/D Product Formatting – Reports – 9.2 Licensed Material, February 25, 2013 Printed in columnar format. Invera The Metal Information Technology Company Page 7 STRATIX Dimension Layout 0.0478N Notes: 48.0000” Width/Length – Plates P/I701/10/ Printed in columnar format. 3000 x 6000mm P/I701/10/ Printed in columnar format. 45 x 65” Random Width/Length – Circle PC/I701/10/ Printed in columnar format. 6000mm OD C PC/I701/10/ Printed in columnar format. 48” OD C Random Width/Length – Rings PR/I701/10/ Printed in columnar format. 250 ID 500mm OD G PR/I701/10/ Printed in columnar format. 2.5 ID 5” OD G Random Width/Length – Plates w/ dog leg P/I170/10/ Printed in columnar format. 2000 x 5000mm 500 x 1000mm P/I701/10/ Printed in columnar format. 45 x 65” 24 x 32” Product Formatting – Reports – 9.2 Licensed Material, February 25, 2013 Invera The Metal Information Technology Company Page 8 STRATIX 1.1.9 Printing Stock Keeping Method Sequenced Printed as one object Notes Mill Mill Mill, Heat, Lot/Tag are always printed together. Mill/Heat Mill Heat Mill/Heat/Lot Mill Heat Format QQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQ Examples ARM Lot/Tag Location is printed as a separate column when needed. ARM 123456789012345 BET 827364 123456789012 NO 764345 731 Product Formatting – Reports – 9.2 Licensed Material, February 25, 2013 Invera The Metal Information Technology Company STRATIX Page 9 Product Formatting – Reports – 9.2 Invera Licensed Material, February 25, 2013 The Metal Information Technology Company