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NO LICENSE, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, BY ESTOPPEL OR OTHERWISE, TO ANY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS IS GRANTED BY THIS PRESENTATION. Microsoft products are not intended for use in medical, life saving, or life sustaining applications. Today we will show you… Generic currency and smart rounding Trade agreement evaluation policies Redesigned user interface featuring sales order entry Agreements framework featuring sales agreement Components in action today Pains and challenges Susan – Sales Clerk • Be efficient in taking sales orders • Ensure prices and conditions are not re-searched and re-calculated when changing an order line • Know which agreement to use When to use the Features • Generic Currency and smart rounding • When defining multi currency sales prices to achieve simplified pricelist maintenance • Trade agreement evaluation policies • In purchase and sales order entry to gain efficiency in order entry • Agreement framework • When defining sales and purchase agreements which are more than one offs: • Period and commitment based • Quantity or value based Product Demo From pricelist to period and commitment agreement based selling DEMO 1: Create trade agreement •Generic currency •Smart rounding DEMO 2: Trade agreement evaluation policy •Evaluation policy •Enhanced sales order user interaction DEMO 3: Create sales agreement •Period and commitment based sales agreement •Commitment types and agreement controls DEMO 4: Sales agreement usage and follow up •Interaction between sales agreement and order processing •Sales agreement follow up Core Concept and Definition Generic Currency and Smart Rounding Item Country Unit price Currency 49.95 EUR 64.99 USD 399 DKK 5,600 JPY 199.95 EUR 239.99 USD 1,399 DKK 20,400 JPY 249.95 EUR 299.99 USD 1,799 DKK 25,500 JPY Core Concept and Definition Generic Currency and Smart Rounding 64.99 USD USD EUR 80 239.99 USD USD JPY 8500 299.99 USD USD DKK 600 Demo 1: Create trade agreement Persona Kevin, Sales Manager Pain Points and Challenges Maintain pricelists in multiple currencies efficiently Features Covered Trade agreement Generic currency Smart rounding Results and Benefits Cost efficient pricelist maintenance demo Create trade agreement Scenario – Next step From pricelist to period and commitment agreement based selling Sales Manager Pricelist Select master pricelist Apply currency and smart rounding Approve and activate Sales Clerk Receive customer request Create sales order Demo 2: Trade agreement evaluation policy and sales order UI Persona Susan, Sales Clerk Pain Points and Challenges Efficiency in taking sales order Ensure prices and conditions are not re-searched when updating order line Features Covered Sales order UI Trade agreement evaluation policies Results and Benefits Faster to create and navigate within a sales order Higher productivity and reduced number of errors demo Trade agreement evaluation policy and sales order UI Trade Agreement Evaluation Policies Trade Agreement Evaluation Policies PriceDiscSalesPolicyParameters SalesTable SalesLine RecId DataAreaId SalesId DataAreaId InventTransId CustAccount (FK) DiscPercent TableID RecID (AK1) SystemEntryChangePolicy (O) (FK) ManualEntryChangePolicy (O) (FK) SystemEntrySource LineNum (AK1) SalesId (FK,AK1) ItemId LinePercent LineDisc LineAmount MultiLnDisc MultiLnPercent SalesPrice TableID RecID (AK2) SystemEntryChangePolicy (O) (FK) ManualEntryChangePolicy (O) (FK) SystemEntrySource PriecDiscSalesPromptSystemSource (AK1) PriceDiscPolicyFields RecId FieldId (AK1) ChangePolicy (FK,AK1) PriceDiscChangePolicy RecId SearchKey (AK1) Trade Agreement Evaluation Policies New record created in PriceDiscChangePolicy New record created in PriceDiscChangePolicyFields No Find field IDs to guard with policy Does a reusable policy exist? Yes The policy is selected in PriceDiscChangePolicy The document is updated with the policy ID Trade Agreement Evaluation Policies Is a policy applied to the document? Yes The user leaves the checkmark The price discount dialog is launched Yes No No No The unit price is updated Is the map field ID of the unit price in the policy? Yes Update of the unit price is blocked The map field ID corresponding with the unit price is removed from the policy Extending Trade Agreement Evaluation Polices • Add the new source to the enumerations • PriceDiscSalesPromptSystemSource • PriceDiscSystemSource • Modify PriceDiscPolicyMakePolicy.checkPolicyParmSetup() • Modify your code that creates/update the order line Scenario – Next steps From pricelist to period and commitment agreement based selling Sales Manager Commitment based Create sales agreement Select commitment type and controls Confirm sales agreement Activate Trade Agreement Versus Sales Agreement Core differentiators in Dynamics Ax • Trade agreement: Price and Discount structure. Applied on a per order and order line basis. No period commitment. No progress follow up • Related concept: Pricelist • Sales agreement: A period commitment. Stores terms and conditions. Line item price and discount on order line may be retrieved from agreement depending upon commitment type. Supports progress follow up • Related concept: Contract Core Concept and Definition Sales Agreement • Period and commitment based • Multiple types of commitments Sold or Purchased Quantity of a product Value of a product Value of products within a category Value of products within all categories • • Multiple interfaces to release from agreement • Directly from from agreements • Associate agreement to order at order creation time • Automatic association through intercompany Replaces blanket orders Demo 3: Create sales agreement Persona Kevin, Sales Manager Pain Points and Challenges Ability to create a period and commitment based sales agreement Features Covered Period and commitment based sales agreement Results and Benefits A period agreement tailored to the commitment type, quantity or value demo Create sales agreement Sales Agreement AgreementHeaderDefault AgreementHeader AgreementClassification RecId LONG LONG AgreementClassificationTranslation AgreementClassificationTranslation AgreementClassification AgreementLine AgreementLine AgreementHeader AgreementClassification AgreementClassificationTranslation AgreementClassification AgreementClassificationTranslation AgreementHeaderDefault AgreementLineHistory RecId RecId bigint AgreementLine RecId AgreementLine RecId RecId bigint RecId bigint LONG RecId LONG RecId LONG bigint AgreementHeader (FK,AK1) bigint RecId LONG RecId AgreementHeaderDefault AgreementHeader (FK,AK1) LONG DeliveryLocation (O) (FK) bigint RelationType LONG AgreementRelationType AgreementClassification (FK,AK1) bigint AgreementRelationType Agreement LONG int (FK,AK1) AgreementClassification (FK,AK1) LONG RecId bigint LONG DeliveryLocationOriginalDateTime (O) datetime AgreementRelationType LONG AgreementClassification (FK,AK1) bigint IsImmutable SHORT Name TEXT(60) DeliveryLocation (O) (FK) LONG AgreementClassification (FK) LONG IsImmutable tinyint SHORT Name nvarchar(60) ProjectProjId nvarchar(10) IsImmutable Name RelationType LONG RecId bigint (O) (FK) Name TEXT(60) Language (FK,AK1) TEXT(7)nvarchar(60) ProjectDataAreaId (O) (FK) AgreementStatus LONG Name TEXT(60) Language (FK,AK1) nvarchar(7) DeliveryLocationOriginalDateTime (O) DATETIME nvarchar(4) Name nvarchar(60) Language nvarchar(7) LineNumber (AK1) SINGLE(FK,AK1) ContactPerson (O) (FK) nvarchar(20) AgreementLineDefault DocumentTitle TEXT(20) ProjectProjId (O) (FK) (O) TEXT(10) RelationType AgreementLineType bigint ContactPersonDataAreaId (O) (FK) nvarchar(4) LONG AgreementHeader (FK,AK1) bigint CashDiscountCode (O)TEXT(60) (FK) nvarchar(10) DocumentExternalReference (O) RecId LONG ProjectDataAreaId (O) (FK) TEXT(4) DeliveryLocation (O) (FK) bigint AgreementLineProduct LONG CashDiscountDataAreaId (O) (FK) nvarchar(4) AgreementClassification (FK) bigint Currency (FK) TEXT(3) MiscChargeGroupApplicationModule (O) (FK) int AgreementLine (FK,AK1) LONG DeliveryLocationOriginalDateTime datetime EffectiveDate DATETIME ContactPerson (O) (FK) (O) TEXT(20) AgreementHeader AgreementHeader AgreementLine CurrencyDataAreaId (FK) TEXT(4) MiscChargeGroup (O) (FK) nvarchar(10) SalesModeOfDelivery (O) (FK) TEXT(10) AgreementStatus int ProjectProjId (O) (FK) nvarchar(10) TEXT(4) ExperationDate DATETIME AgreementLine ContactPersonDataAreaId MiscChargeGroupDataAreaId (O) (FK) nvarchar(4) SalesModeOfDeliveryDataAreaId (O) (FK) TEXT(10) AgreementLineDefault CreatedDateTime(O) (FK) DATETIME RecId LONG RecId LONG DeliveryTerm (O) (FK) nvarchar(10) RecId LONG ProjectDataAreaId (O) (FK) (O) (FK) nvarchar(4) AgreementHeader SalesCommisionGroup (O) (FK) TEXT(10) LineDiscountPercent LONG DocumentTitle (O) nvarchar(20) CashDiscountCode TEXT(10) AgreementLine DefaultAgreementLineType LONG RecId LONG DeliveryTermDataAreaId (O) (FK) nvarchar(4) SalesCommisionGroupDataAreaId (O) (FK) TEXT(10) ContactPerson (O) (FK) nvarchar(20) RelationType LONG AgreedReleaseLineMaxAmount (O) SINGLE RelationType LONG DeliveryMode (O) (FK) DATETIME nvarchar(10) Agreement (FK,AK1) LONG RecId LONG ProjectCategory (O) (FK) TEXT(10) CashDiscountDataAreaId (O) (FK) TEXT(4) DefaultAgreementLineEffectiveDate AgreementClassification (FK) DocumentExternalReference (O) (FK) LONG Agreement (FK,AK1) ContactPersonDataAreaId (O) (FK) nvarchar(4) (O) (FK) DeliveryModeDataAreaId nvarchar(4) RelationType LONG AgreedReleaseLineMinAmount (O)nvarchar(60) SINGLE LONG RecIdAgreementClassification LONG LONG ProjectCategoryDataAreaId (O) (FK) TEXT(4) AgreementStatus LONG AgreementStatus LONG RelationType RecId LONG DefaultAgreementLineExpirationDate MiscChargeGroupApplicationModule (O) (FK) LONG PaymentTerms (O) (FK)DATETIME nvarchar(10) LineNumber (AK1) LONG SINGLE ProjectActivityNumber (O) (FK) TEXT(10) CashDiscountCode (O) (FK) nvarchar(10) (O) TEXT(20) DocumentTitle (O) DocumentTitle TEXT(20) IsPriceInformationMandatory SHORT SINGLE LineNumber (AK1) nvarchar(3) Currency (FK) PaymentTermsDataAreaId (O) (FK) nvarchar(4) AgreementLineType LONG ProjectActivityNumberDataAreaId Originator (FK) LONG AgreementLine (FK,AK1)(O) (FK) TEXT(4) LONG DocumentExternalReference (O) TEXT(60) DocumentExternalReference (O) TEXT(60) MiscChargeGroup (FK) AgreementHeader TEXT(10) AgreementLineType CashDiscountDataAreaId (O)(O) (FK) nvarchar(4) RelationType PaymentSchedule (O) (FK) nvarchar(30) AgreementLineProduct LONG IsMaxEnforced SHORT LONG Currency (FK) TEXT(3)LONG TEXT(3) AgreementLineProduct LONG Currency (FK) Agreement (FK,AK1) DATETIME LONG Language (FK) (O) (FK) TEXT(7) CurrencyDataAreaId (FK) nvarchar(4) (O) (FK) nvarchar(4) EffectiveDate SalesModeOfDelivery (O) (FK) TEXT(10) MiscChargeGroupDataAreaId (O)PaymentScheduleDataAreaId (FK) TEXT(4) MiscChargeGroupApplicationModule int CurrencyDataAreaId (FK) TEXT(4) EffectiveDate DATETIME AgreementClassification (FK) LONG CurrencyDataAreaId (FK) TEXT(4) Category (O) (FK) LONG ExternalReference (O) nvarchar(60) ExperationDate DATETIME AgreementHeaderRecId RelationType LONG CreatedDateTime CreatedDateTime DATETIME EarliestLineEffectiveDate DATETIME DATETIME ExperationDate LONG MiscChargeGroup (O) (FK) nvarchar(10)DATETIME SalesModeOfDeliveryDataAreaId (O) (FK) TEXT(10) AgreementLine DeliveryTerm (O) (FK) TEXT(10) AgreementStatus LONG ItemId (O) (FK) TEXT(20) LineDiscountPercent LONG CreatedDateTime datetime DefaultAgreementLineType LONG LineDiscountPercent LONG AgreementLineDefault DefaultAgreementLineType LONG LineNumber (AK1)(O) SINGLE SINGLE LatestLineExpirationDate AgreementLineHistory AgreedReleaseLineMaxAmount DefaultAgreementLineEffectiveDate DATETIME AgreedReleaseLineMaxAmount (O) SINGLE MiscChargeGroupDataAreaId (O) (FK) nvarchar(4) DATETIME DocumentTitle (O) DefaultAgreementLineEffectiveDate TEXT(20) SalesCommisionGroup (O) (FK) TEXT(10) ItemDataAreaId (O) (FK) TEXT(4) DATETIME DeliveryTermDataAreaId (O) (FK) TEXT(4) RecId LONG DefaultAgreementLineExpirationDate DATETIME AgreedReleaseLineMinAmount (O) SINGLE AgreementLineType LONG AgreedReleaseLineMinAmount (O) SINGLE IsDeleted DefaultAgreementLineType RelationType LONG DefaultAgreementLineExpirationDate DATETIME RecId LONGint DeliveryTerm (O) (FK) nvarchar(10)SHORT DocumentExternalReference (O) InventDimId AgreementHeaderDefaultHistory RecId LONG Originator (FK) LONG TEXT(60) (FK) TEXT(20) IsPriceInformationMandatory SHORT IsPriceInformationMandatory SHORT SalesCommisionGroupDataAreaId (O) (FK) TEXT(10) DeliveryMode (O) (FK) TEXT(10) AgreementHeaderHistory AgreementLineProduct LONG RecId LONG Originator (FK) LONG Language (FK) TEXT(7) AgreementClassification (FK) LONG IsMaxEnforced SHORT IsMaxEnforced SHORT DeliveryTermDataAreaId (O) (FK) nvarchar(4) LONG Currency (FK) TEXT(3) InventDimDataAreaId (FK) TEXT(4) DefaultAgreementLineEffectiveDate datetime RelationType Language (FK) TEXT(7) ProjectCategory (O) (FK) TEXT(10) EarliestLineEffectiveDate DATETIME AgreementLineDefaultHistory RelationType LONG DeliveryModeDataAreaId TEXT(4) Category (O)LONG (FK) RecId LONG (O) (FK) EffectiveDate DATETIME Category (O) (FK) LONG LONG Agreement (FK,AK1) AgreementStatus LONG RecId LONG DeliveryMode (O) (FK) AgreementClassification (FK) nvarchar(10) LONG EarliestLineEffectiveDate DATETIME CurrencyDataAreaId (FK) TEXT(4) LatestLineExpirationDate DATETIME ItemId (O) (FK) TEXT(20) AgreementLine (FK,AK1) LONG ProjectProjId (O) (FK) TEXT(10) ItemId (O) (FK) TEXT(20) ExperationDate DATETIME AgreementLine (FK,AK1) LONG LONG ProjectCategoryDataAreaId (O) (FK) TEXT(4) RelationType LONG LatestLineExpirationDate DATETIME ItemDataAreaId PaymentTerms (FK) TEXT(10) IsDeleted SHORT DefaultAgreementLineExpirationDate datetime (O) (FK) DocumentTitle (O) TEXT(20) ValidFrom (AK1) DATETIME AgreementHeaderHistory (FK,AK1) (O) LONG RecId DeliveryModeDataAreaId (O) (FK) nvarchar(4) ItemDataAreaId (O)TEXT(4) (FK) TEXT(4) DATETIME AgreementStatus ProjectDataAreaId (FK) SINGLE TEXT(4) Agreement LONG (FK,AK1) LONGCreatedDateTime IsDeleted (FK) LineNumber (AK1)SHORT (O)InventDimId LineDiscountPercent LONG SalesModeOfDelivery (O) (FK) TEXT(10) ValidTo (AK1) DATETIME DeliveryLocation (O) LONG InventDimId (FK) TEXT(20) TEXT(20) ProjectActivityNumber (O) (FK) TEXT(10) (O) TEXT(60) PaymentTermsDataAreaId (O) (FK) nvarchar(10) TEXT(4) ValidFrom (AK1) DATETIME PaymentTerms (O) (FK) DocumentTitle (O)DocumentExternalReference TEXT(20) DefaultAgreementLineType LONG InventDimDataAreaIdbigint (FK) SHORT TEXT(4) Originator (FK) IsModified LineNumber SINGLE DeliveryLocationOriginalDateTime (O) DATETIME AgreementLineHistory (FK,AK1) LONG InventDimDataAreaId (FK) TEXT(4) AgreementLineType AgreedReleaseLineMaxAmount (O) SINGLE SalesModeOfDeliveryDataAreaId (O) (FK) TEXT(10) ValidTo (AK1) DATETIME ProjectProjIdLONG (O) (FK) TEXT(10) (FK) TEXT(3) ProjectActivityNumberDataAreaId (O) (FK) TEXT(4) DocumentExternalReference (O) TEXT(60) PaymentTermsDataAreaId (O) (FK) nvarchar(4) AgreementLineType LONG PaymentSchedule (O) (FK) Currency TEXT(30) ProjectProjId (O) TEXT(10) SalesModeOfDelivery (O) TEXT(10) DefaultAgreementLineEffectiveDate DATETIME ProjectProjId (O) (FK) TEXT(10) IsDeleted SHORT ConfirmationNumber TEXT(20) ProjectDataAreaId (O) (FK) TEXT(4) AgreementLineProduct LONGnvarchar(7) AgreedReleaseLineMinAmount (O) SINGLE SalesCommisionGroup (O) (FK) TEXT(10) EffectiveDate DATETIME ProjectDataAreaId (O) TEXT(4) SalesModeOfDeliveryDataAreaId (O) TEXT(10) Language (FK) ProjectDataAreaId (O) (FK) TEXT(4) CurrencyDataAreaId (FK) TEXT(4) Currency (FK) TEXT(3) PaymentSchedule (O) (FK) nvarchar(30) IsModified SHORT RelationType TEXT(4) LONGDefaultAgreementLineExpirationDate DATETIME PaymentScheduleDataAreaId (O) (FK) EffectiveDate DATETIME ExperationDate DATETIME ContactPerson (O) TEXT(20) SalesCommisionGroup (O) TEXT(10) TEXT(10) IsModified SHORT IsPriceInformationMandatory SHORT SalesCommisionGroupDataAreaId (O) (FK) IsDeleted SHORT AgreementClassification (FK) LONG CurrencyDataAreaId (FK) TEXT(4) CreatedDateTime DATETIME PaymentScheduleDataAreaId (O) (FK) nvarchar(4) AgreedReleaseLineMaxAmount (O) SINGLE Originator (FK) LONG ContactPersonDataAreaId (O) TEXT(4) SalesCommisionGroupDataAreaId (O) TEXT(10) IsDeleted SHORT ExperationDate DATETIME EarliestLineEffectiveDate datetime ExternalReference (O) TEXT(60) AgreementStatus LONG IsMaxEnforced SHORT ProjectCategory (O) (FK) ProjectCategory (O) TEXT(10) DATETIME AgreedReleaseLineMinAmount (O) SINGLE DefaultAgreementLineType LONG CashDiscountCode (O) TEXT(10) TEXT(10) ExternalReference (O) CreatedDateTime nvarchar(60) Language (FK) TEXT(7) DocumentTitle (O) TEXT(20) LineDiscountPercent LONG IsPriceInformationMandatory ProjectCategoryDataAreaId SHORT CashDiscountDataAreaId (O) TEXT(4) ProjectCategoryDataAreaId (O) DefaultAgreementLineType LONG Category (O) (FK) LONG (O) (FK) TEXT(4) TEXT(4) DefaultAgreementLineEffectiveDate DATETIME LatestLineExpirationDate datetime DocumentExternalReference (O) TEXT(60) AgreedReleaseLineMaxAmount (O) SINGLE EarliestLineEffectiveDate DATETIME LineDiscountPercent LONG MiscChargeGroupApplicationModule (O) LONG ProjectActivityNumber (O) TEXT(10) DefaultAgreementLineEffectiveDate Currency DATETIME TEXT(3) ItemId (O) (FK) TEXT(20) ProjectActivityNumber (O)ProjectActivityNumberDataAreaId (FK) TEXT(10) SalesAgreementHeaderDefault DefaultAgreementLineExpirationDate DATETIME IsMaxEnforced SHORT MiscChargeGroup (O) TEXT(10) (O) TEXT(4) SalesAgreementHeader AgreedReleaseLineMinAmount (O) SINGLE LatestLineExpirationDate CurrencyDataAreaId TEXT(4) IsDeleted smallint SalesAgreementHeader DATETIME DATETIME Category (O) LONG MiscChargeGroupDataAreaId (O) DefaultAgreementLineExpirationDate TEXT(4) ItemDataAreaId (O) (FK) TEXT(4) ProjectActivityNumberDataAreaId (O) (FK) TEXT(4) Originator (FK) LONG IsPriceInformationMandatory SHORT CreatedDateTime DATETIME IsDeleted SHORT ItemId (O) TEXT(20) DeliveryTerm (O) TEXT(10) Originator (FK) LONG LONG DefaultAgreementLineType LONG InventDimId (FK) TEXT(20) RecId Language (FK) TEXT(7) RecId (FK) bigint IsMaxEnforced SHORT ItemDataAreaId (O) TEXT(4) DeliveryTermDataAreaId (O) TEXT(4) SalesAgreementHeader RecId (FK) bigint Language (FK) TEXT(7) DefaultAgreementLineEffectiveDate DATETIME SalesAgreementHeaderDefault InventDimDataAreaId (FK) TEXT(4) InventDimId TEXT(20) DeliveryMode (O) TEXT(10) Category (O) (FK) LONG EarliestLineEffectiveDate DATETIME DefaultAgreementLineExpirationDate DATETIME EarliestLineEffectiveDate DATETIME SalesNumberSequence (AK1) nvarchar(20) InventDimDataAreaId TEXT(4) DeliveryModeDataAreaId (O) TEXT(4) RecId (FK) LONG ItemId (O) (FK) TEXT(20) ProjectProjId (O) (FK) TEXT(10) Originator LONG LatestLineExpirationDate DATETIME CustAccount (FK) nvarchar(20) SalesAgreementHeader (FK,AK1) (AK1)Language LONG AgreementLineQuantityCommitment ProjectProjId (O) TEXT(10) PaymentTerms (O) TEXT(10) AgreementLineVolumeCommitment LatestLineExpirationDate DATETIME SalesNumberSequence nvarchar(20) TEXT(7) RecId bigint (O) (FK) TEXT(4) CustomerDataAreaId (FK) nvarchar(4) ProjectDataAreaId (O) (FK) TEXT(4) IsDeleted SHORT ProjectDataAreaId (O) TEXT(4) PaymentTermsDataAreaId (O) TEXT(4) SalesNumberSequence (AK1) ItemDataAreaId TEXT(20) IsDeleted SHORT CommissionSalesGroup (O) (FK) TEXT(10) CustAccount (FK) nvarchar(20) SellingLegalEntity (FK,AK1) bigint CustAccount (FK) TEXT(20) (FK) PaymentSchedule (O) TEXT(30) RecId (FK) LONG InventDimId RecIdTEXT(20) (FK) LONG IsModified SHORT AgreementLineVolumeCommitment CustomerDataAreaId (FK) TEXT(4) CustomerDataAreaId (FK) nvarchar(4) PaymentScheduleDataAreaId (O) TEXT(4) AgreementLineQuantityCommitment CommissionSalesGroupDataAreaId (O) (FK) TEXT(4) InventDimDataAreaId (FK) TEXT(4) SalesAgreementHeader (FK,AK1) bigint IsDeleted SHORT SellingLegalEntity (FK,AK1) LONG ExternalReference (O) TEXT(60) CommitedQuantity SINGLE CommitedAmount SellingLegalEntity bigint ProjectProjId (O) (FK) TEXT(10) SINGLE CommissionCustomerGroup (O)(FK,AK1) (FK)nvarchar(10) TEXT(10) RecId (FK) LONG CommissionSalesGroup (O) (FK) ProductUnitOfMeasure (FK) TEXT(10) RecId (FK) LONG ProjectDataAreaId (O) (FK) TEXT(4) ProductUnitOfMeasureDataAreaId (FK) TEXT(4) CommissionSalesGroupDataAreaId (O) (FK) nvarchar(4) CommissionCustomerGroupDataAreaId (O) (FK) TEXT(4) CommitedAmount SINGLE LONG CommitedQuantity PriceUnit SINGLE IsModified SHORT CommissionCustomerGroup nvarchar(10) ProductUnitOfMeasure (FK) TEXT(10) PricePerUnit SINGLE SalesAgreementHeaderDefault MethodOfPayment(O) (O)(FK) (FK,FK) TEXT(10) IsDeleted SHORT ProductUnitOfMeasureDataAreaId (FK) TEXT(4) LineDiscountAmount SINGLE CommissionCustomerGroupDataAreaId (O) (FK) nvarchar(4) MethodOfPaymentDataAreaId (O) (FK) TEXT(4) PriceUnit LONG SalesAgreementHeaderDefaultHistory AgreementLineQuantityCommitmentHistory SalesAgreementHeader RecId bigint PricePerUnit SINGLE MethodOfPayment (O) (FK,FK) nvarchar(10) PaymentSpecification (O) (FK) TEXT(10) LineDiscountAmount SINGLE RecId MethodOfPaymentDataAreaId (O) (FK) LONG nvarchar(4) SalesAgreementHeader (FK,AK1) bigint RecId (FK) LONG AgreementLineVolumeCommitmentHistory1 PaymentSpecificationDataAreaId (O) nvarchar(10) (FK) TEXT(4) nvarchar(10) RecId (FK) CommissionSalesGroup (O) (FK) bigint PaymentSpecification (O) (FK) RecId LONG AgreementHeader LONG RecId AgreementRelationType RelationType IsImmutable AgreementLine (FK,AK1) Name LONGRecId LONG SHORT LONG TEXT(60) RelationType LONG RecId LONG RecId RecId AgreementClassification (FK,AK1) bigint Agreement (FK,AK1) Name Agreement Agreement (FK,AK1) (FK,AK1) RelationType Language (FK,AK1) bigint RelationType RelationType LONG LONG LONG LONG TEXT(60) LONG LONG LONG TEXT(7) LONG LONG ValidFrom (AK1) DATETIME AgreementClassification (FK)LineNumber bigint LineNumber (AK1) SINGLE (AK1) SINGLE LineNumber (AK1) SINGLE ValidTo (AK1) DATETIME AgreementStatus AgreementLineType int AgreementLineType LONG AgreementLineType LONG LONG LineNumber SINGLE DocumentTitle (O) nvarchar(20) AgreementLineProduct LONG AgreementLineProduct LONG AgreementLineProduct LONG AgreementLineType LONG DocumentExternalReference EffectiveDate (O) nvarchar(60) EffectiveDate DATETIME DATETIME EffectiveDate DATETIME EffectiveDate DATETIME Currency (FK) nvarchar(3) ExperationDate DATETIME ExperationDate DATETIME ExperationDate DATETIME CurrencyDataAreaId (FK) nvarchar(4) ExperationDate DATETIME LineDiscountPercent LONG LineDiscountPercent LONG AgreedReleaseLineMaxAmount (O) SINGLE CreatedDateTime LineDiscountPercent datetime AgreedReleaseLineMaxAmount (O) SINGLE AgreedReleaseLineMaxAmount (O) LONG SINGLE DefaultAgreementLineType int AgreedReleaseLineMinAmount (O) SINGLE AgreedReleaseLineMinAmount (O) SINGLE AgreedReleaseLineMinAmount (O) SINGLE SINGLE AgreedReleaseLineMaxAmount (O) DefaultAgreementLineEffectiveDate datetime IsPriceInformationMandatory SHORT IsPriceInformationMandatory(O) SHORT IsPriceInformationMandatory SHORT AgreedReleaseLineMinAmount SINGLE DefaultAgreementLineExpirationDate datetime LineDiscountPercent LONG IsMaxEnforced SHORT IsMaxEnforced SHORT Originator (FK) bigint IsPriceInformationMandatory SHORT IsMaxEnforced SHORT Category nvarchar(7) (O) (FK) LONG Category (O) LONG Language (FK) Category (O) (FK) LONG IsMaxEnforced SHORT ItemId (O) (FK) TEXT(20) ItemId (O)datetime (FK) TEXT(20) EarliestLineEffectiveDate ItemId (O) (FK) TEXT(20) ItemDataAreaId (O) (FK) (FK) TEXT(4) Category (O) (FK) LONG ItemDataAreaId (O) TEXT(4) LatestLineExpirationDate datetime AgreementLineQuantityCommitment ItemDataAreaId (O) (FK) TEXT(4) AgreementLineVolumeCommitment InventDimId (FK) TEXT(20) IsDeleted InventDimId (FK) TEXT(20) ItemId (O) (FK) smallint TEXT(20) InventDimId (FK) TEXT(20) InventDimDataAreaId TEXT(4) RecId (FK) (FK) LONG InventDimDataAreaId (FK) TEXT(4) ItemDataAreaId (O) (FK) TEXT(4) RecId (FK) LONG InventDimDataAreaId (FK) TEXT(4) ProjectProjId (O) (FK) TEXT(10) ProjectProjId TEXT(10) InventDimId (FK) (O) (FK) TEXT(20) SalesAgreementHeader ProjectProjId CustomerRequisitionNumber TEXT(20) TEXT(10) PaymentSpecificationDataAreaId (O) (O) (FK) (O)(FK) nvarchar(4) SalesAgreementHeader ProjectDataAreaId (O) (FK) TEXT(4) SalesNumberSequence (AK1) nvarchar(20) ProjectDataAreaId (O) (FK) TEXT(4) SalesAgreementHeader PurchAgreementHeader CommitedQuantity SINGLE FixedExchangeRate SINGLE CustomerRequisitionNumber (O)(O) nvarchar(20) CommitedAmount SINGLE RecId (FK) bigint ProjectDataAreaId (O) (FK) TEXT(4) CustAccount (FK) nvarchar(20) InventDimDataAreaId (FK) TEXT(4) AgreementLineQuantityCommitment FixedExchangeRate (O) real AgreementLineVolumeCommitment IsModified SHORT CustomerInvoiceAccount (O) (FK)RecId (FK) TEXT(20) bigint IsModifiedProductUnitOfMeasure (FK) SHORT CustomerDataAreaId (FK) nvarchar(4) TEXT(10) CustomerInvoiceAccount (O) (FK) nvarchar(20) CustomerInvoiceAccountDataAreaId (O) (FK)nvarchar(20) TEXT(4) SalesNumberSequence (AK1) SellingLegalEntity bigint (FK,AK1) bigint RecId (FK) RecId bigint IsDeleted SHORT CustomerInvoiceAccountDataAreaId (O) (FK) nvarchar(4) RecId (FK) LONG (AK1) nvarchar(20) RecId (FK) (FK) LONG ProjectProjId (O) (FK) TEXT(10) (FK)SalesNumberSequence nvarchar(20) AgreementLineQuantityCommitment SalesPool (O) (FK) CustAccount TEXT(10) AgreementLineVolumeCommitment IsDeleted SHORT SalesAgreementHeaderHistory SalesAgreementHeaderHistory (FK,AK1) LONG CommissionSalesGroup (O) TEXT(10) CommissionSalesGroupDataAreaId (O) TEXT(4) RecId (FK) LONG CommissionCustomerGroup (O) TEXT(10) CommissionCustomerGroupDataAreaId (O) TEXT(4) SalesNumberSequence TEXT(20) MethodOfPayment (O) TEXT(10) CustAccount TEXT(20) MethodOfPaymentDataAreaId (O) TEXT(4) CustomerDataAreaId TEXT(4) PaymentSpecification (O) TEXT(10) SellingLegalEntity LONG PaymentSpecificationDataAreaId (O) TEXT(4) SalesPool (O) (FK) nvarchar(10) CustAccount (FK) nvarchar(20) CustomerDataAreaId (FK) nvarchar(4) CustomerRequisitionNumber (O) TEXT(20) SalesPoolDataAreaId (O) (FK)SellingLegalEntity nvarchar(4) (FK,AK1) bigint (FK) nvarchar(4) FixedExchangeRate (O) SINGLE CustomerDataAreaId CustomerInvoiceAccount (O) TEXT(20) SalesPerson (O) (FK) bigint SellingLegalEntity (FK,AK1) bigint CustomerInvoiceAccountDataAreaId (O) TEXT(4) SalesPersonDataAreaId (O) (FK) nvarchar(4) SalesPool (O) TEXT(10) SalesPoolDataAreaId (O) TEXT(4) SalesUnit (O) (FK) nvarchar(20) SalesPerson (O) LONG SalesUnitDataAreaId (O) (FK) nvarchar(4) SalesPersonDataAreaId (O) TEXT(4) Campaign (O)(O) (FK) nvarchar(10) SalesUnit TEXT(20) SalesUnitDataAreaId (O) TEXT(4) CampaignDataAreaId (O) (FK) nvarchar(4) Campaign (O) TEXT(10) CampaignDataAreaId (O) TEXT(4) SalesPoolDataAreaId (O) (FK) SalesPerson (O) (FK) SalesPersonDataAreaId (O) (FK) SalesUnit (O) (FK) SalesUnitDataAreaId (O) (FK) Campaign (O) (FK) CampaignDataAreaId (O) (FK) CommissionSalesGroupDataAreaId (O) (FK) CommissionCustomerGroup (O) (FK) CommissionCustomerGroupDataAreaId (O) (FK) MethodOfPayment (O) (FK,FK) MethodOfPaymentDataAreaId (O) (FK) PaymentSpecification (O) (FK) PaymentSpecificationDataAreaId (O) (FK) CustomerRequisitionNumber (O) FixedExchangeRate (O) CustomerInvoiceAccount (O) (FK) CustomerInvoiceAccountDataAreaId RecId (FK) LONG (O) (FK) SalesPool (O) (FK) SalesPoolDataAreaId (O) (FK) CommitedAmount SINGLE SalesPerson (O) (FK) SalesPersonDataAreaId (O) (FK) SalesUnit (O) (FK) SalesUnitDataAreaId (O) (FK) Campaign (O) (FK) CampaignDataAreaId (O) (FK) TEXT(4) LONG SalesNumberSequence (AK1) TEXT(4) CustAccount (FK) TEXT(20) CustomerDataAreaId (FK) TEXT(4) TEXT(10) SellingLegalEntity (FK,AK1) TEXT(4) nvarchar(4) nvarchar(10) nvarchar(4) nvarchar(10) nvarchar(4) nvarchar(10) nvarchar(4) nvarchar(20) real nvarchar(20) SINGLE nvarchar(4) RecIdCommitedAmount (FK) nvarchar(10) nvarchar(4) bigint CommitedQuantity ProductUnitOfMeasure (FK) nvarchar(4) nvarchar(20) ProductUnitOfMeasureDataAreaId (FK) nvarchar(4) PriceUnit nvarchar(10) PricePerUnit nvarchar(4) RecId (FK) LONG CommitedAmount SINGLE CommitedQuantity ProductUnitOfMeasure ProductUnitOfMeasureDataAreaId PriceUnit PricePerUnit LineDiscountAmount ProductUnitOfMeasureDataAreaId (FK) TEXT(4) CommitedQuantity SINGLE ProjectDataAreaId (O) (FK) PriceUnit nvarchar(20) PurchNumberSequence (AK1) ProductUnitOfMeasure nvarchar(20) TEXT(4) (FK) TEXT(10) LONG ProductUnitOfMeasureDataAreaId (FK) TEXT(4) nvarchar(20) VendAccount (FK) nvarchar(20) IsModified SHORT LONG SINGLE PricePerUnit PriceUnit nvarchar(4) VendorDataAreaId (FK) nvarchar(4) PricePerUnit SINGLE LineDiscountAmount LineDiscountAmount SHORT SINGLE SINGLE IsDeletedBuyingLegalEntity bigint (FK,AK1) bigint LineDiscountAmount LONG SINGLE TEXT(10) TEXT(4) LONG SINGLE SINGLE SINGLE TEXT(10) TEXT(4) LONG SINGLE SINGLE Scenario – Next steps From pricelist to period and commitment agreement based selling Sales Manager Commitment based Create sales agreement Select commitment type and controls Sales Clerk Yes Confirm sales agreement Activate Select sales agreement Create sales Create sales order order Receive customer request No Demo 4: Use and follow up on sales agreement Persona Kevin, Sales Manager Susan, Sales Clerk Pain Points and Challenges Features Covered Results and Benefits Not able to enforce agreed upon prices and conditions Period and commitment based sales agreement Agreed upon prices and conditions enforced Know which agreement to use Period and commitment based sales agreement Guided to select agreement demo Use and follow up on sales agreement Sales Agreements AgreementReleaseHeaderMatch AgreementHeader AgreementReleaseHeaderMatch AgreementReleaseHeaderMatch SalesTable RecId SalesTable RecId LONG RecId LONG AgreementHeader AgreementHeader AgreementHeader LONG RelationType LONG RecIdLONG RecId LONG RecId LONG AgreementClassification (FK) LONG LONG AgreementStatus LONG RelationType LONG RelationType LONG RelationType LONG LONG DocumentTitle (O) TEXT(20) AgreementClassification (FK) LONG AgreementClassification LONG AgreementClassification(FK) (FK) LONG TEXT(20) DocumentExternalReference (O) AgreementStatus TEXT(60) AgreementStatus LONG LONG AgreementStatus LONG TEXT(4) DocumentTitle (O) TEXT(20) Currency (FK) TEXT(3) DocumentTitle (O) TEXT(20) DocumentTitle (O) TEXT(20) TEXT(20) (O) TEXT(60) DocumentExternalReference (O) TEXT(60) CurrencyDataAreaId (FK) TEXT(4)DocumentExternalReference DocumentExternalReference (O) TEXT(60) TEXT(4) Currency (FK) Currency (FK) TEXT(3) CreatedDateTime DATETIME Currency (FK) TEXT(3) TEXT(3) (FK) TEXT(4) CurrencyDataAreaId (FK) DefaultAgreementLineType LONG CurrencyDataAreaId CurrencyDataAreaId (FK) TEXT(4) TEXT(4) CreatedDateTime DATETIME DefaultAgreementLineEffectiveDateCreatedDateTime DATETIME CreatedDateTime DATETIME DATETIME DefaultAgreementLineTypeLONG LONG DefaultAgreementLineType DefaultAgreementLineExpirationDate DATETIME DefaultAgreementLineType LONG DefaultAgreementLineEffectiveDate DATETIME Originator (FK) LONG DefaultAgreementLineEffectiveDate DefaultAgreementLineEffectiveDate DATETIME DATETIME DefaultAgreementLineExpirationDate DATETIME DefaultAgreementLineExpirationDate DATETIME DATETIME Language (FK) TEXT(7)DefaultAgreementLineExpirationDate Originator (FK) LONG Originator (FK) LONG Originator (FK) LONG EarliestLineEffectiveDate DATETIME Language (FK) Language (FK) TEXT(7) Language (FK) TEXT(7) TEXT(7) LatestLineExpirationDate DATETIME EarliestLineEffectiveDate DATETIME EarliestLineEffectiveDate EarliestLineEffectiveDate DATETIME DATETIME IsDeleted SHORT LatestLineExpirationDate DATETIME LatestLineExpirationDate LatestLineExpirationDate DATETIME DATETIME SHORT IsDeleted SHORT IsDeleted IsDeleted SHORT RecId MatchingReleaseOrderAgreementr MatchingReleaseOrderAgreementr (FK) LONG(FK) LONG ReferenceRelationType TEXT(20) ReferenceRelationType LONG SalesId TEXT(20) TEXT(4) PurchTablePurchId (O) (FK) TEXT(20) PurchTablePurchId (O) (FK) PurchTableDataAreaId (O) (FK) PurchTableDataAreaId (O) (FK) TEXT(4) MatchingReleaseOrderAgreementr DataAreaId (FK) TEXT(4) SalesTableSalesId (O) (FK) (FK) SalesTableSalesId (O) (FK) TEXT(20) LONG LONG SalesTableDataAreaId (O) (FK) SalesTableDataAreaId (O) (FK) TEXT(4) LONG ReferenceRelationType LONG TEXT(20) SourceDocument (O) (FK) LONG PurchTablePurchId (O) (FK) TEXT(4) MatchingAgreement (O) (FK) LONG PurchTableDataAreaId (O) (FK) SalesTableSalesId (O) (FK) TEXT(20) SalesTableDataAreaId (O) (FK) TEXT(4) SalesId DataAreaId (FK) SalesId TEXT(20) SalesId nvarchar(20) DataAreaId (FK)(FK) TEXT(4) SourceDocument (O) (FK) DataAreaId nvarchar(4) MatchingAgreement (O) (FK) SourceDocument (O)(O) (FK) LONG SourceDocument (FK) bigint MatchingAgreement (O)(O) (FK) MatchingAgreement (FK) LONG bigint SalesTable SalesTable SalesLine SalesLine RecId RecId(FK) (FK) InventTransId InventTransId DataAreaId (FK,FK) DataAreaId (FK,FK) SalesId (FK) SalesLine SalesLine RecId (FK) InventTransId LONG DataAreaId (FK,FK) TEXT(20) TEXT(4) SalesId (FK) MatchingAgreementLine (O) (FK) TEXT(20) LONG AgreementLineReleasedLine LONG AgreementLine LONG TEXT(20) AgreementLine AgreementLine AgreementLine TEXT(4) (FK,FK) LONG RecId LONG RecId TEXT(20) RecId LONG RecId LONG RecId LONG TEXT(20) Agreement (FK,AK1) LONG AgreementLineReleasedLine TEXT(4) LONG AgreementLineReleasedLine Agreement LONG RelationType LONG (FK,AK1) Agreement LONG Agreement (FK,AK1) (FK,AK1) LONG AgreementLine (FK)RecId (FK,FK) LONG RelationType LONG LineNumber (AK1) SINGLE MatchingAgreementLine (O) (FK) RelationType LONG RelationType LONG LONG LineNumber (AK1) SINGLE RecId (FK,FK) LONG AgreementLineType LONG (AK1) LineNumber SINGLE LineNumber (AK1) SINGLE RecId (FK) LONG ReferenceRelationType LONG LONG AgreementLineProduct LONG AgreementLineType AgreementLineType LONG AgreementLineType LONG AgreementLine (FK) LONG InventTransId TEXT(20) SalesId (FK) TEXT(20) AgreementLineProduct LONG AgreementLine (FK) LONG AgreementLineProduct LONG AgreementLineProduct LONG EffectiveDate DATETIME ReferenceRelationType LONG DataAreaId (FK,FK) TEXT(4) PurchLineInventTransId (O) (FK)(O)TEXT(20) EffectiveDate ReferenceRelationType LONG EffectiveDate DATETIME DATETIME EffectiveDate DATETIME ExperationDate DATETIME PurchLineInventTransId (FK) TEXT(20) MatchingAgreementLine (O) (FK) LONG PurchLineInventTransId (O) (FK) TEXT(20) TEXT(20) ExperationDate DATETIME DATETIME ExperationDate DATETIME LineDiscountPercent LONG ExperationDate SalesLineInventTransId (O) (FK) SalesId (FK) TEXT(20) AgreementLineReleasedLineHistorySalesLineInventTransId (O) (FK) TEXT(20) LineDiscountPercent LONG SalesLineInventTransId (O) (FK) TEXT(20) LineDiscountPercent LONG LineDiscountPercent LONG AgreedReleaseLineMaxAmount (O) SINGLE SalesLineDataAreaId (O) (FK) TEXT(4) MatchingAgreementLine (O) (FK) LONG AgreedReleaseLineMaxAmount (O) SINGLE SalesLineDataAreaId (O) (FK) TEXT(4) AgreedReleaseLineMaxAmount (O) SINGLE SINGLE AgreedReleaseLineMaxAmount (O) CustInvoiceTrans (O) (FK) LONG AgreedReleaseLineMinAmount (O) SINGLE RecId (FK) LONG SalesLineDataAreaId (O) (FK)(O)(O)(FK) TEXT(4) AgreedReleaseLineMinAmount (O) SINGLE CustInvoiceTrans (FK) LONG AgreedReleaseLineMinAmount (O) SINGLE SINGLE AgreedReleaseLineMinAmount (O) VendInvoiceTrans LONG IsPriceInformationMandatory SHORT IsPriceInformationMandatory SHORT VendInvoiceTrans (O) (FK) LONG IsPriceInformationMandatory SHORT IsPriceInformationMandatory SHORT ProjInvoiceItem LONG IsMaxEnforced SHORT AgreementLineReleaseLine (FK,AK1) LONG CustInvoiceTrans (O) (FK) (O)(O)(FK) IsMaxEnforced SHORT IsMaxEnforced SHORT ProjInvoiceItem (FK)LONG LONG IsMaxEnforced SHORT IsDeleted SHORT Category (O) (FK) LONG ReferenceRelationType CHAR(10) Category LONG Category (O) (FK) (O) (FK) LONG IsDeleted SHORT Category (O) (FK) LONG IsModified SHORT ItemId (O) (FK) TEXT(20)ItemId (O) (FK) VendInvoiceTrans (O)IsModified (FK) LONGSHORT PurchLineDataAreaId (O) TEXT(4) ItemId (O) (FK) TEXT(20) TEXT(20) ItemId (O) (FK) TEXT(20) ItemDataAreaId (O) (FK) TEXT(4) SalesLineDataAreaId (O) (FK) TEXT(4) ItemDataAreaId ItemDataAreaId (O)(FK) (FK) (O) (FK) TEXT(4) TEXT(4) TEXT(4) ItemDataAreaId (O) TEXT(20)InventDimId ProjInvoiceItem (O) (FK) LONG InventDimId (FK) ValidFrom (AK1) DATETIME (FK) InventDimId (FK) TEXT(20) TEXT(20) InventDimId (FK) TEXT(20) InventDimDataAreaId (FK) TEXT(4) InventDimDataAreaId ValidTo (AK1) DATETIME (FK)TEXT(4) InventDimDataAreaId (FK) TEXT(4) TEXT(4) InventDimDataAreaId (FK) IsDeleted SHORTProjectProjId (O) (FK) TEXT(10)ProjectProjId ProjectProjId (O)(FK) (FK) (O) (FK) TEXT(10) TEXT(10) ProjectProjId (O) TEXT(10) ProjectDataAreaId (O) (FK) TEXT(4) ProjectDataAreaId ProjectDataAreaId (O)(FK) (FK) (O) (FK) TEXT(4) TEXT(4) ProjectDataAreaId (O) TEXT(4) IsModified SHORTIsModified SHORT IsModified SHORT IsModified SHORT IsModified SHORT IsDeleted SHORT IsDeleted IsDeleted IsDeleted SHORT SHORT SHORT Sales Agreements AgreementLine +IsCategoryBased() : bool +IsItemBased() : bool +IsQuantityBased() : bool +IsReleased() : bool +CalculateAgreementRemainsOnServer() : object +CalculateFulfillmentForLine() : object SalesAutoCreate SalesAutoCreate_ReleaseFromAgreement AgreementLineQuantityCommitment AgreementLineVolumneCommitment +IsQuantityBased() : bool +CalculateAgreementRemainsOnServer() : object +CalculateAgreementRemainsOnServer() : object Sales Agreements • Agreements are separated from the other order types • Agreements entities are widely using table inheritance • The classification concept allows customization and localization of agreements • Fullfilment numbers are not stored but calculated on demand • The IsDeleted flag must be taken into account when quering agreements Selective Tips from the Session • Use agreements when you require to control period and commitment based sales or purchase • Use purchase agreements in connection with master planning by setting the master plan parameter Find Purchase Agreements to True • Use dedicated rate type for generic currency for stable currency conversion • Use Trade Agreement Evaluation Policies both for sales and purchase • Extend price disc change policy when adding a new system entry source for purchase, sales, or sales quotation • Note that sales prices derived from generic currency are not stored in PriceDiscTable but calculated on the fly • Note that the soft delete pattern is applied on sales and purchase agreements What We Showed Today… • How enhanced sales order processing capabilities support increased user productivity • Increase user productivity leveraging evaluation policies and enhanced user interaction • How you can reduce time spent on price list maintenance • Simplify sales pricelist maintenance by leveraging generic currency and smart rounding • How you can strengthen customer relations and need to write less code due to the capabilities within the new period and commitment based agreement framework • Create, execute and monitor period and commitment based sales agreements (more than blanket order) • Leverage the extendable period and commitment based agreement framework for customizations Related sessions • BRK241 Managing the Accounts Receivable Process from Invoicing to Payments to Collections • CHK214 User Experiences Designs Q&A Visit our Focus Rooms Risso 6A/B Risso 6C Risso 7A Risso 7B Risso 8A • Evaluation of Implementation Proposals by Dynamics AX R&D Solution Architecture & Industry Experts • Gain further insights on Dynamics AX Industry Solution Offerings • Resolution Guidance on Solution Roadblocks • Networking Q&A KENNETH PUGGAARD SENIOR DEVELOPER, LEAD HENRIK ANDERSEN SENIOR PROGRAM MANAGER © 2011 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows 7 and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.