International Language Program
Mandarin Language & Culture Program
Location: TISS
Tuition Fee: FREE
Date & Time: Saturdays (2011-2012 school year) from 9:30am to noon, starting on Oct 15,2011
Mail-in registration forms @UCDSB Mandarin Program, 845 Kyle Court Apt.409, Brockville, Ontario, K6V 6K7
E-mail Registration: ucdsbmandarin@gmail.com
Chinese Mandarin Language & Heritage program is delivered by the
Upper Canada District School Board.
The Chinese Mandarin Language Program is funded by the Ministry of Education to school age children from Junior Kindergarten (age
4) to Grade 8 (age 14).
The program is committed to serve Eastern Ontario Region by providing an encouraging and unique environment for students from JKgrade eight, and from all ethnic backgrounds, to learn Chinese language, and share Chinese culture and heritages.
The program teaches the “modern’ or simplified Chinese characters and introduces the Chinese phonetic system (PinYin).
Our activity-based curriculum enables students to acquire practical communication skills, develop competence and confidence, and
experience the joy of learning another language.
Appropriate arts and cultural activities for each level of students are developed; including history, geography, songs, poems, stories,
crafts, and outdoor sports.
For more information, please contact Chris Pereira, UCDSB Mandarin Instructor – 613-246-1385
International Language Program Registration Form(2011-2012)
A. Student Information
Last Name: ______________________________________ First Name: ________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________
Street, City or Lot, Concession, Township
Postal Code
Phone Number: __________________________________ Health Card Number: _________________________
Gender:  M Date of Birth: _____________________ Language Spoken at Home: ______________________
Elementary day school attended: _______________________________________________________________
Language preferred to study:
 Arabic  Greek  Mandarin  Tamil  Urdu
Is student walking? ( Parent responsibility)
 Yes  No
B. Parent/Guardian Contact Information
Last Name: ___________ First Name: ______________ Phone Number: _______________
Email:________________________ Emergency contact name & phone number: ________________
Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature__________________________