Fall Conferences are scheduled for:
Tuesday, November 8, from 4:00-8:00pm and
Thursday, November 10, from 4:00-8:00pm
Please sign up for high school parent-teacher conferences online,
beginning on Monday, October 24, at 8:00 a.m.
Instructions: there is a link to conference scheduling on the district
webpage or see #1 below:
1. Go to the website:
2. Log in:
a. Enter your child’s first name and last name and then your child’s Power
School password. You must use the student password, not the parent to
access the scheduling program.
b. If you have forgotten your password, you can click on the link titled “Forgot
password?” This will allow you to enter your child’s first and last name
(must match name in Power School). A message containing your password
will be emailed to you if you have an email address in Power School.
c. If you have more than one high school child and have the same email
address for each in Power School, you will be able to click a button to move
from one child to the next without having to sign in for each.
3. Follow the prompts:
a. Click the button next to the class to schedule or change an appointment.
b. Click on the circle next to the time you would like for your conference. A red
X indicates a timeslot that is not available. After choosing your time,
click “Schedule Time” at the bottom of the page (to save your
selection). You will then see a confirmation. Do this for each teacher with
whom you’d like to conference. You may wish to print the schedule to bring
along to conferences.
If you have any questions or problems with the conference scheduling, please call
Vicky W. at xxx-xxxx, or through email at