The Nutrition Care Process for Binge Eating Disorder


The Nutrition Care

Process for Binge Eating


Leah Bekkerus

Concordia College

Moorhead, MN


 Be able to identify Binge Eating Disorder (BED)

 Identify the two types of binge eating disorder

 Identify the factors that contribute to binge eating disorder

 Understand the nutrition care process associated with binge eating disorder

 Understand motivational interviewing

 Be able to identify ethical issues associated with binge eating disorder


 1 in 142 people in the United States suffer from binge eating disorder

 Approximately 1.9 million people

 2% of United States population

 Has become the most common eating disorder

What is Binge Eating


 Binge Defined:

 An act of excessive or compulsive consumption

 Binge Eating Disorder Defined:

 An eating disorder characterized by recurring episodes of binge eating accompanied by a sense of lack of control and often negative feelings about oneself but without intervening periods of compensatory behavior.

MerriamWebster’s Medical Dictionary

What is Binge Eating

Disorder? (cont.)

 Frequent episodes of uncontrollable binge eating

 Feeling extremely distressed or upset during or after the binge

 No regular attempts to “make up” for the binge

 Vomiting

 Fasting

 Overexercising

Types of Binge Eating

 Objective Binge Eating (OBE)

 Loss of control over eating

 Large amount of food is consumed

 Subjective Binge Eating (SBE)

 Sense of out of control over eating

 Large amount of food not consumed

Binge Eating Disorder vs.

Objective Overeating

 Binge Eating Disorder

 Sense the loss of control

 Feel remorse

 Consume excess amounts of food

 Objective Overeating

 Do not sense the loss of control

 Consume excess amounts of food

Who is at Risk for Binge

Eating Disorder?

 Everyone

 2% of men

 3.5% of women

 Usually late onset (40’s)

 Can happen in younger years

 People who are over weight or obese

 Over weight: BMI 25-29.9

 Obese: BMI > 30

 People of a healthy weight

 BMI 18.5-24.9

Causes of Binge Eating


 Negative self image

 Depression

 Negative mood

 Sadness

 Emotional eating

 Boredom

 Worry

 Stress

 Anger

 Failed dieting

Psychological effects of

Binge Eating Disorder

 Can elevate negative self image

 Can enhance depression

 Becomes an addiction

 Begin to obsess over self control

Risk Factors of Binge Eating


 Binge eating causes

 Weight gain

 Results  obesity

 Obesity causes:

 Type 2 diabetes

 High cholesterol

 High blood pressure

 Heart disease

 Sleep apnea

Signs of Binge Eating


 Eating more rapidly than usual

 Eating until uncomfortably full

 Eating large amounts of food when not hungry

 Eating alone to hide actual food intake

 Feelings of disgust, depression, or guilt after eating

The Cycle of Binge Eating


The Nutrition Care Process

 Assessment

 Collect and interpret laboratory values

 Diagnosis

 Determine illness or disorder

 Find contributing factors

 Intervention

 Care plan

 Monitor

 Evaluate the Nutrition Care Process

Nutrition Care Process:


 Assess the patients caloric intake

 Determine if it is within their acceptable range

 Record patient’s:

 Height (cm)

 Weight (kg)

 Ideal Body weight

 Males: 106 lbs./5 ft. + 6 lbs./ in.

 Females: 100 lbs./5 ft. + 5 lbs./in.

 Ideal Caloric intake (Mifflin- St. Jeor)

 Males: (9.9 x wt) +(6.25 x ht) – (4.92 x age) + (5 x SF)

 Females: (9.9 x wt) + (6.25 x ht) – (4.92 X age) – (161 x


 SF: Stress Factor 1.3-1.5

Nutrition Care Process:


 Determine why the over eating occurs

 Stress levels

 Emotional eating

 Depression

 Determine if the patient is overweight or obese

 BMI: Body Mass Index

 Weight (kg)

 Height (m squared)

 Overweight: BMI 25-29.9

 Obese: BMI > 30

Nutrition Care Process:


Nutrition Care Process:


 Binge eating disorder

 Overweight or obese

 Determine contributing factors to the binge eating disorder

Nutrition Care Process:


 Four common practices of treatment

 Psychotherapy

 Cognitive behavioral therapy

 Interpersonal therapy

 Dialectal behavior therapy

 Medication

 Antidepressants

 Anticonvulsants (Topamax)

 Anti-obesity medication (Meridia)

 Behavioral weight-loss programs

 Self help strategies

Nutrition Care Process:



 The Goal of the RD

Help the patient

 Learn self monitoring skills

 Develop regular eating patterns

 Learn alternatives to binge eating

 Develop problem solving skills

 Reduce restrained eating

 Evaluate thoughts on eating and self control

Motivational Interviewing

 A method of communication with your patient.

 Started as a tool for addiction counseling

 What can the RD do?

 Give them insight

 Give them knowledge

 Give them skills

 Give them a hard time

Motivational Interviewing cont.

 The focus is where the patient is.

 Example: Tell me what you know…

 The Spirit of Motivational Interviewing:

 Collaboration- not confrontation

 Autonomy- not authority

 Evocation- Not education/ advice

 Example: What are you willing to try to do


Motivational Interviewing cont.

 Principles of Motivational Interviewing

 Express Empathy

 Self Efficacy

 Develop Discrepancy

 Role with Resistance

Motivational Interviewing cont.

 Using Motivational Interviewing

 Must use different communication methods

 Open End Questions

 Affirm

 Reflective Listening (key skill!)

 Summarize

Motivational Interviewing cont.

 Reach for change:

Have the client

 Think about it

 Read about it

 Agree to talk about it at another session

 Take on a small step

 Follow up

Nutrition Care Process:


 Monitor the patient’s progress

 Encourage them to keep a journal

 Schedule future meetings

 Assess the progression of their recovery

 Evaluate the Nutrition care process

Ethical issues:

 Obesity and Binge Eating Disorder

 Which is treated first?

 Using Topomax (anticonvulsant medication)

 Binge eaters are not convulsing

 Do we risk the possible side effects?

 Are we doing more harm than good?

 Binge eating disorder is mainly a psychological disorder

 Do we use autonomy or a surrogate decision maker?

Binge eating self check:

 Do you:

 Feel out of control when you are eating?

 Think about food all the time?

 Eat in secret?

 Eat until you feel sick?

 Eat to escape from worries or to comfort yourself?

 Feel disgusted or ashamed after eating?

 Feel powerless to stop eating, even if you want to?


 Binge eating disorder sends people into episodes where they can not control the amount of food they are consuming.

 Binge eating can affect anyone

 There are many psychological factors to binge eating disorder

 Binge eating can result in obesity and other serious future complications.

Summary (cont.)

 There are definite signs of BED

 It is important as a RD to use the Nutrition

Care Process when assessing BED.

 Motivational Interviewing is an intervention technique that helps you work with your patients to make progress.

 It is important to remain in contact with your patients to check their progress.

Summary (Cont.)



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Photo References








