2014-2015 - Northside

Student Life Guide
Table of Contents
Northside Charter High School Mission Statement .......................................................................... 3
General Behavioral Expectations ...................................................................................................... 5
Academic Policies and Procedures ................................................................................................... 7
Attendance Policy ........................................................................................................................... 11
Uniform Policy ................................................................................................................................ 14
Consequences & Procedures ............................................................................................................ 14
Explanation of Disciplinary Measures ............................................................................................. 15
Student Consequence Matrix ........................................................................................................... 19
Definition of Terms ......................................................................................................................... 24
Mission Statement
Northside Charter High School
The mission of Northside Charter High School (“NCHS” or “School”) is to provide a 9-12 educational
program that results in mastery of the New York State Learning Standards, high school graduation, and
acceptance to colleges and universities of choice by all students. In addition, NCHS will develop and
maintain a school culture that endorses high expectations that challenge each student to recognize and
achieve his/her full potential within a school environment that is nurturing, professional and that
fosters within each student an appreciation for life-long learning. Importantly, all NCHS students will
mature intellectually, socially and morally as a result of being an active member of the NCHS school
community. NCHS will achieve these outcomes through the effective delivery of a comprehensive and
rigorous liberal arts program that includes a state standards aligned curricula, high quality texts and
materials, easy access to modern technologies and teaching methods that are attentive to the
appropriate developmental level and learning needs of each student. The school's comprehensive
assessment program and modern information technology system will allow teachers and administrators
to regularly and easily access historical and current student data that is recognized by the school as a
significant part of the decision-making process.
The Core Value of Respect
The most important value at the Northside Charter High School is respect. Helping students develop the
virtue of respect is a school-wide goal and will be modeled by all adults at the school. The Core Value of
Respect serves as the operational glue that holds the community together. All members are expected to
demonstrate the following elements of respect:
Self-Respect- carry themselves with a sense of dignity at all times including in their demeanor,
dress, presentation at all times.
Respect To Peers- show support and encouragement; refrain from insulting, deriding, bullying, or
humiliating others; and refrain from physically, emotionally or sexually harassing other students.
Respect For Adults- listen and follow directions; use appropriate tone of voice; honor a teacher's
need to present a lesson to the entire class; appropriately addressing concerns or disagreements with
faculty members; and accept feedback.
Respect For Differences- demonstrate sensitivity to physical, cultural, religious, gender, and sexual
orientation differences; and refrain from the use of stereotypes.
Respect For Property- respect the personal property of other students; maintain the textbooks and
other materials; and care for the school grounds and property, especially by pitching in to keep them
clean and neat.
Basic Rights of All Families
Without exception the Northside Charter High School will defend the following rights of students and their
 Due process.
 To have rules explained to families in a language of their choice.
 To receive quarterly updates on behavior and academic performance via extensive qualitative
assessments and student/parent/advisor conferences.
 To have all disciplinary measures explained to families in a language of their choice.
 To appeal all disciplinary actions instituted by the school administration.
 To appeal all disciplinary actions instituted by the School Leader to the School’s Board of Trustees.
Basic Rights of All Students
Participation in School Activities
All students have the following rights:
 To have the opportunity to take part in all school activities on an equal basis regardless of race, sex, sexual
orientation, national origin, creed, or disability.
 To address the school on the same terms as any citizen.
Similarly, all students are bound by the same rules for exclusion from school activities and public address.
Charter Schools are subject to the federal Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974
(FERPA) which requires a school to protect a student's privacy. The school will not disclose any information from
the student's permanent records except as authorized pursuant to FERPA, or in response to a subpoena, as required
by law. The parent(s) or guardian(s) of a student under 18 years of age, or a student 18 years of age or older, is
entitled to access to the student's school records by submitting a written request to the Director of Operations.
Further information concerning the disclosure of student information and limitations on such disclosure may
be found in FERPA.
Freedom of Expression
Students are entitled to express their personal opinions verbally, in writing, or by symbolic speech. The
expression of such opinions, however, shall not interfere with the freedom of others to express themselves,
and written expression of opinion must be signed by the author. Any form of expression that involves libel,
slander, the use of purposeless obscenity, or personal attacks, or that otherwise disrupts the educational
process, is prohibited. All forms of expression also must be in compliance with the Disciplinary Code and the
school dress code, violations of which are punishable as stated in the Disciplinary Code.
Student participation in the publication of school sponsored student newsletters, yearbooks, literary
magazines and similar publications is strongly encouraged. These publications, if any, shall be supervised by
qualified faculty advisors and shall strive to meet high standards of journalism. In order to maintain
consistency with the school's basic educational mission, the content of such publications is controlled largely
by student editors. However, final content decisions remain in the hands of journalism advisors and school
No person shall distribute or post any printed or written materials on school property without the prior
permission of the School Leadership. The School Principal may regulate the content of materials to be
distributed or posted on school property to the extent necessary to avoid material and substantial interference
with the requirements of appropriate discipline in the operation of the school. The School Leader may also
regulate the time, place, manner and duration of such.
General Behavioral Expectations
Students will follow directions and classroom protocols.
Students will show respect for others.
Students will use appropriate language for school settings.
Students will be prepared for class.
Students must remain seated during lunch.
Students will keep their voices low and controlled.
Students must clear trash and wipe tables clean after meals.
Students must move quickly and carefully to their next class. Blocking the doorways or the hallways is
dangerous and results in students missing instructional time in the classroom.
A student is only allowed to be in the hallway during instructional times if he/she has a valid hall pass.
Students must keep their voices low and controlled while in the hallways, and use appropriate
Students must keep hands, feet and objects to themselves.
Fire Alarm
All safety and Fire Alarm procedures are reviewed with faculty, staff and students each Fall. In accordance
to FDNY policies and procedures.
Students must adhere to all the security procedures (safety and fire alarm procedures) of the building and
should never be on any other floor than the ones designated for the School. The safety and fire alarm
procedures are outlined in the building safety plan at the school’s Director of Operations office and posted
in each classroom.
Any time the fire alarm sounds, students must obey the following procedures:
Listen for the fire alarm.
Listen and follow the directions of the instructor or staff member in immediate area.
Line up immediately and be silent.
Walk silently to the designated exit and line up outside with his/her class.
Textbooks and School Materials
Students may receive books and other school materials for academic or extra-curricular
activities. These items are expected to be returned to the school in the same condition that they were
Failure to return textbooks or other school materials may result in delays in the processing and delivery of
report cards. Further a student may be prevented from participating in extra-curricular activities until the
item is returned or cost is reimbursed.
The student will receive an invoice for any items which they have failed to return, or which they have
damaged or destroyed.
Public Displays of Affection
Students shall not engage in intimate physical interactions with fellow students (kissing, touching, etc.).
These types of behaviors are not appropriate for a school setting and may result in disciplinary action.
Certain physical actions can be classified as sexual harassment, which is an expellable offense (See
page 26).
Use of School Computers and Laptops
School computers and laptops are for school and research use only and may only be used under the
supervision of a staff member.
School officials may review files and communications to maintain system integrity and ensure that users
are using the system responsibly. Students must have ID Cards at all times in order to use school
computers. ID cards will be distributed to students during the first week of school at the Student
Accounting Office.
Electronic Devices
Use of electronic devices during school hours is strictly prohibited. See “Electronic Devices”, see page 23.
Leaving Campus without Permission
Students are prohibited from leaving campus without permission. Students are allowed to leave the building
unaccompanied only if the parent has given prior permission for him/her to leave early. Parents must fax or
email photo ID before the permission is granted. In addition, a call must be placed to the parent/guardian by
the student for verbal approval in the presence of the Dean of Students and/or the Office Manager, Director
of Operations, Principal, or Executive Director for the student to leave the campus.
Students are not permitted to leave campus with any individuals other than those listed on the emergency
contact form. A parent/guardian must send a signed authorization to add an individual to the emergency
contact form. In the case of extreme emergency or severe extenuating circumstances, the
Principal/Executive Director may make an exception to this policy after contacting the parent/guardian by
phone or attempting to contact the parent/guardian by phone and leaving a message, if possible.
Personal Property Policies
Northside Charter High School shall not be liable for damage, theft, or loss of personal property on campus
grounds. Students are discouraged from bringing valuable belongings to school. Valuable belongings include
- but are not limited to- cash, valuable bags, jewelry, electronic or digital equipment (i.e., cell
phones/smartphones, games, musical equipment, cameras, computers, headphones, iPods, etc.), roller
blades, skateboards, athletic equipment, valuable clothing attire, jewelry, etc.
The student, not the School, is responsible for ensuring that his/her belongings are secured.
A student chooses to bring such valuable item(s) to school at his/her own risk. The School holds no
responsibility and is not liable for any damage, theft, or loss of personal property. The School will not
refund, replace or reimburse any student for any personal property damaged, stolen or lost on school
grounds or at a school event. When appropriate, the School will report to the authorities any theft, damage,
loss or vandalism of property.
Parents or guardians are encouraged to take steps to ensure that any valuable items are appropriately insured.
Academic Policies and Procedures
emic Policies and Procedures
Graduation Requirements
As a state chartered school, Northside Charter School students are required to pass the minimum
requirements established by the New York State Board of Regents.
Course Area
Credits & Regents Exam Requirements
8 credits Required Exam:
Comprehensive English Regents
Required project: Senior Portfolio (see P. 10)
8 credits including:
 2 credits in U.S. History
 1 credit in Participation in
 1 credit in Economics
Social Studies
Required Exams:
U.S. History Regents
Global History Regents
6 credits
Required Exam:
1 Math Regents
6 credits, including:
 2 credits in Life Science (Living
 2 credits in Physical Science
 2 credits in any Science
Required Exam
1 Science Regents
1 credit
2 credits
Physical Education
Total Units
2 Foreign Language credits
4 credits
37 credits in Core Courses
44 credits to graduate
Semester Programming
Northside Charter High School offers semester-based programming.
Each semester a student has an opportunity to earn 1 credit per core and elective courses.
Students are graded in each semester on a cumulative basis.
For students who entered Northside Charter High School prior to August, 2012: Previously,
the semester grade was determined by averaging the grades awarded in the two terms in the
semester. Since August, 2012, semesters are cumulative, and there are no longer terms.
Transfer Credit and Programming Procedures
Northside Charter School will make every effort to provide academic programming that accommodates
transfer student needs.
 Each transfer student will be provided a comprehensive transfer programming plan.
 If a student transfers and enrolls at NCHS at the beginning of Semester 1 or Semester 2, having
completed terms/semesters for course credit at a previous school, all credits from their previous
school(s), as documented on their official transcript, will be accepted and entered on their NCHS
transcript, regardless of whether NCHS offers those particular courses.
 In the event that a transfer student was enrolled in a course at his/her previous school that NCHS
does not offer, NCHS will program him/her for the most comparable course in the same discipline
(space permitting). If NCHS does not offer a comparable course for a transfer student, the school
will schedule the student for the most appropriate course that is offered in accordance with NYSED
graduation requirements.
 A transfer student may not be able to earn credit for courses taken at a previous school if the course
or a comparable course is not offered by NCHS.
Advisory Program
Students are assigned an advisor who is his/her guide, mentor and facilitator at Northside Charter
High School.
Advisors are the staff members responsible for regularly contacting the families of their advisees
with information regarding student academic performance, behavior, attendance, and upcoming
school events and activities
Advisory meets every Wednesday, during 6th period.
Advisory includes: study and organizational skill building, life skills, individual student support
activities, and academic goal setting.
Course Grades and Awarding Credit
Assessment, Exams and Awarding Credit
Teachers will use class work, homework, participation, conduct, papers, projects, presentations,
test/quizzes, major examinations, and any other method of testing as approved by the
Administration to assess a student’s mastery of a subject area.
One (1) credit per class will be awarded to those who earn a semester grade of seventy (70).
If a course culminates in a Regents examination, a student will not pass or fail the course solely on the
basis of the Regents exam score, per the New York State Education Department (“NYSED”) School
Administrator’s Manual.
Regents scores may be included in the calculation of a final course grade only if the score counts
as the final assessment grade.
Course Grade Breakdown for Core Subjects
% of Course Grade
Grading Policy
 Northside Charter High School awards numeric grades only.
 Incompletes: The School may award a grade of Incomplete (IN) if a student has
a documented, extreme extenuating circumstance that prevents him/her from
completing the course in its established timeframe. An IN does not have a Pass/Fail or
a numeric equivalent. Students will meet with their Guidance Counselor to create an
Incomplete plan and timeframe for completion of the course.
 New or Recent Admitee: Students who enroll in a course after it has started may have
missed assignments or assessments needed to generate a complete course grade for a
given semester. Students will meet with their Guidance Counselor o r A d v i s o r to
determine an academic plan to complete the missed work. In the event the student
cannot complete the work before the end of the semester, an incomplete (“IN”) will be
awarded, and an Incomplete plan and timeframe for completion will be established.
Calculation of Grade Point Average (GPA)
Grade Point Average (“GPA”) will be determined by averaging all core subject grades (Math,
Science, English, Social Studies). The subjects classified as “core subjects” are
subject to change at the discretion of the School in accordance with New York State
Advanced Placement (“AP”) courses will not be weighted in the cumulative GPA.
Final Rank
 Valedictorian shall be the student with the highest cumulative GPA from 9th grade through
12th grade.
 Salutatorian shall be the student with the second highest cumulative GPA from 9th grade
through 12th grade.
 For transfer students, all core grades and credits from previous institutions will be included in
his/her cumulative GPA calculation.
Report Cards and Progress Reports
Report Cards: At the end of each semester a Report Card is distributed to students during
advisory period.
Progress Reports: At the midpoint of each semester, one (1) Progress Reports are distributed
to the students during Advisory (2 total during the school year).
Parent Teacher Conferences are held twice a year, once in the Fall and again in the Spring.
Parents may review report cards on Powerschool or by contacting the child’s guidance counselor
Summer School
Northside Charter High School offers summer school for select core courses. Regents-based core
courses are prioritized.
Students can participate in Summer School for a maximum of 2 courses at Northside Charter
High School. Students who required more than two courses can attend Summer School through
the N Y C D O E public school system.
English Language Learners (“ELL”)
Per New York State Commissioner’s Regulations, English Language Learners (ELLs) are entitled
to certain supports in order to meet all graduation requirements.
Content area Regents exams are offered in languages other than English. Currently,
Integrated Algebra, Global History and Geography, U.S. History and Government, Living
Environment, and Earth Science are available in Chinese (Traditional), Haitian Creole, Korean,
Russian, and Spanish.
All ELLs must pass the Comprehensive English Language Arts Regents Exam (only offered
in English translation) in order to graduate from NCHS.
Students with Disabilities
Per New York State Commissioner's Regulations, students with disabilities are entitled to certain
supports in order to meet all diploma requirements.
Students will receive the testing accommodations specified in their Individualized Education
Programs (“IEP”) on School and State examinations.
IEP reviews and evaluation meetings will be scheduled as per the New York City Committee of
Special Education Services, and conducted at the School.
Students who have been declassified from Special Education services will be provided the
permissible testing accommodations documented in the declassification IEP.
Demonstrating Mastery Requirement
Senior Portfolio: Every student will prepare and present a Portfolio during their 12th grade
year to demonstrate culminating mastery of high school c o u r s e material. This portfolio will
include written work from all subject areas. The portfolio will be presented to a panel (teacher,
administrator, and counselor, or other faculty member(s) as determined by the School). The
Defense of the Portfolio is a graduation requirement.
Compensatory Education Services (“CES”)
Students who have been expelled or suspended from the School will be offered CES.
At the suspension or expulsion meeting, a compensatory education plan will be established in
which homework and class-work will be provided to the student and parent(s)/guardian(s).
Homework and class-work can be emailed or picked up at the School.
The student will also be entitled to two hours of supervised school work time per day that will take
place from 9:00am-11:00am daily until the student returns to school,. Students are not permitted to
arrive before 9:00am without the stated permission of the Principal, Executive Director and/or
Director of Operations. During this time, students will receive support in completing the work for
their classes.
Attendance Policy
Policy: All students must have an 85% attendance rate to earn credit for courses taken and to graduate.
Students who have more than more than fourteen (14) unexcused absences in one (1) semester will not earn
credit for the courses taken that semester. Seniors who have more than twenty-eight (28) unexcused absences
in one year (fourteen (14) per semester) will not be eligible for graduation.
Absence with Doctors Note:
 Students are required to bring a doctor’s note to school the next school day immediately following an
absence in order for the absence to be considered “excused”.
 In the case of frequent or prolonged absences, a written statement from a doctor confirming the
illness/condition and clearing the student to return to school is required.
 Please refer to the academic policies and procedures regarding grades of Incomplete for excessive
excused absences.
 For certain medical situations (such as physical injuries), a doctor’s letter of clearance for physical
education participation may be required.
 Make-Up Work:
o A student is responsible for completing all work that was assigned on the day he/she was
o The student and/or the parent/guardian must request the work from the Guidance Counselor
via phone or email.
o A student is given one week to complete missing classwork, homework, or tests.
Absence with Parent Note:
 In the event that a student was absent and medical attention from a doctor was not received, a parent
may provide a written note that the student was absent due to illness. Absences documented by parent
note are considered “unexcused” and count toward the number of absences allowed per semester for
a student to receive credit for courses taken.
 Under certain documentable extreme and/or extenuating circumstances, upon approval of both the
Executive Director and Principal, an absence documented by a parent note may be classified as
“excused”. The parent note along with the signed decision of the Executive Director and Principal
will be placed in the student’s file.
 Make-Up Work:
o A student is responsible for completing all work that was assigned on the day he/she was
o The student and/or the parent/guardian must request the work from the Guidance Counselor
via phone or email.
o A student is given one week to complete missing classwork, homework, or tests.
Unexcused Absence-Truancy:
 A student who is absent from school and does not provide a doctor’s note or a written note from
his/her parent/guardian is considered Truant.
 A student is considered absent for the day when he/she misses four (4) or more classes in one day
without a doctor’s or parent’s note.
 Failure to attend school without a valid cause will result in disciplinary action.
 The School reserves the right to conduct a home visit for excessive unexcused absences to ensure the
safety of a child.
 The School is required by law to notify NYC Administration for Child Services (NYC A.C.S.) for
major attendance and/or absence concerns.
Truancy Consequences
Number of Days Absent
 Parent phone call
 Possible home visit
 Student meeting with Principal, Guidance Counselor
1-4 Unexcused Absences
and Attendance Coordinator
Academic Intervention with Principal, Guidance
Counselor, Attendance Coordinator and parent (at risk
for not earning credit for courses)
Weekly Check Ins with the Attendance Coordinator
Recommendation for removal from clubs and activities
Academic Intervention with Principal, Guidance
Counselor, Attendance Coordinator and parent (at risk
for not earning credit for courses)
Home Visit
Weekly Check Ins with Attendance Coordinator and
Removal from Clubs and Activities
5-10 Unexcused Absences
11-14 Unexcused Absences
15 Unexcused Absences
Parent Meeting to discuss student’s non credited
Signing Out Early
We strongly discourage parents or guardians from signing students out early for
appointments or other engagements which can be scheduled during school breaks, offdays, or after school hours.
Students who must leave for unavoidable purposes must provide a written request with the
reason for leaving signed by a parent to the main office no later than the morning of the day in
which the student will leave early.
The person signing out the student early must come to the main office to sign the student out if
approved for early pick-up. They must also provide proper identification. Only a person listed on
the emergency contact form may sign a student out early.
Students are responsible for collecting and submitting all class work and homework from classes
missed when leaving School early.
Student uniforms must be worn at all times.
Uniform Policy
The wearing of the school uniform is a condition for attendance at Northside Charter High
All students must wear the required uniform every day of attendance at school and any
other uniform required for special events and/or activities.
Students must arrive to and leave from school in their full uniform.
Other than changing for physical education, changing clothes in school (including shoes) is a
violation of school policy.
Inclement weather is not accepted as sufficient reason for attending school out of uniform.
No substitutions to the uniform will be allowed at any time, unless approved by the Administration.
Questions or concerns regarding the purchase of the school uniform should be directed to the
Director of Operations.
Grade Level Polo Shirt with NCHS Logo
o 9th- Light Grey
o 10th- Purple
o 11th Burgundy
o 12th-White
Black Pants/Knee Length Skirt
Black Shoes, Black Belt, White or Black Hosiery
Permitted Cold Weather Attire:
o White, Black or Grey long sleeve shirt under polo
o Grey Cardigan over polo
Required Daily
Colors outside the uniform are forbidden. Red/yellow/gold and yellow/gold/black combinations are
strictly prohibited from being worn in any capacity during school hours or at any school sponsored
activities or events.
Belt buckles must be an original part of the belt and cannot be larger than 1 inch in height and 2
inches long.
Students are not allowed to wear any headgear, caps, or bandanas during school hours unless it
is worn for religious reasons.
All t-shirts and undershirts must be tucked in at all times, and must not be visible under the uniform
shirt at the waist.
No baggy-style clothing is allowed.
Pants or skirts must not be below the waistline.
No brand logos are allowed to be shown or worn.
Belts must be black in color only.
No shorts, capris, or cargo pants are permitted.
No leggings, jeggings, or spandex (unless worn beneath a skirt/dress) are permitted.
No transparent clothing is permitted.
No open toe shoes or sandals are permitted.
Consequences & Procedures
The following rules shall govern the conduct of students, teachers, staff, licensees, invitees, and other
persons, whether or not their presence is authorized, on all property or facilities operated under the
auspices of the School. These rules and penalties are not to be considered exclusive or to preclude in any
way the prosecution and conviction of any person for the violation of any federal, state or local law,
rule, regulation or ordinance, or the imposition of a fine or penalty provided for therein. Additionally,
these rules and regulations should not be construed to limit, but rather exist in conjunction with any
other codes of conduct established for the School, such as a disciplinary code and/or a bill of student rights
and responsibilities.
Security of Facility
Students are permitted to utilize NCHS spaces at 424 Leonard S t r e e t fourth floor and all campus
shared spaces.
Students who pose an immediate danger to the School community will be removed from the
classroom or school grounds according to the severity and specifics of the infraction.
No warnings will be given. (Please Note: This policy does not preempt a student’s right to a
hearing, appeal, or any other element of due process).
Prohibited conduct and acceptable school responses to such conduct are set forth in this Student
Life Guide.
In disciplinary matters, students shall have the opportunity to present their version of the facts and
circumstances leading to the imposition of disciplinary sanctions to the staff member imposing
such sanctions.
Students must write an incident report for any event, which results in disciplinary consequences.
A student may be suspended from instruction, only after his or her rights to due process have been
observed as previously described.
Off-Campus Events
Students at school sponsored off-campus events shall be governed by all guidelines of the school
and are subject to the authority of school officials.
Failure to obey the lawful instructions of school officials may result in loss of eligibility to attend
school sponsored events and may result in additional disciplinary measures in accordance with
the Student Consequence Matrix (See page 21).
Disciplinary Procedures for Students with Disabilities
Students with disabilities have the same rights and responsibilities as other students, and may be
disciplined for the same behavioral offenses.
Discipline of a student identified as having a disability, however, will be in accordance with
appropriate laws and regulations.
More information about this is available in the office of the Coordinator of Special Needs and
Academic Support through the New York City Department of Education.
Explanation of Disciplinary Measures
Call to parent/guardian
Parents/guardians will be notified in every case which a student chooses not to follow school
policy and consequences are implemented.
Behavior Reflection
Students receiving disciplinary action will be required to complete a written form to reflect on their
behavior and the consequences of not following school policy. This form will be kept in their
Disciplinary File.
Students will be required to attend a Suspension Reflection Meeting with their Guidance
Counselor and Advisor.
Loss of School Privileges:
After notification of the parent(s) or guardian(s), a student may have certain privileges (e.g. school
events, after school clubs, all senior activities, etc.) suspended if a student chooses not to follow
school process. The Dean of Students in consultation with the Principal and Executive Director
enforces the consequences.
NCHS ha s i mple mented det ent ion in the di sc iplinary pol icy t o correct and develop behavior
of students. Detention may be required for students having attendance issues, behavioral
problems, homework or class work issues, and/or any other reason as determined by the School’s
Administration, and the Instructional Personnel n accordance with these policies.
Parents will be notified before a student is required to serve detention.
Assigned detentions are to be served the following school day either before or after school
Skipping detentions will result in further disciplinary action (see Matrix page.19)
The following conduct is prohibited during detention, including but not limited to:
o Sleeping
o Socializing
o Ingesting food, drink, or candy and chewing gum
o Lounging (i.e. feet up, slouching in chair)
o Use of electronic devices
In accordance with New York State Law, the Principal, Executive Director, Dean, and/or
Director of Operations reserve the right to suspend a student in accordance with these guidelines and
New York laws and regulations. No other staff member may issue a suspension unless explicitly
authorized by the Board of Trustees or by law, or unless acting on behalf of the Executive Director
upon explicit authorization.
A student will be placed on suspension for offenses outlined in the Consequence Matrix on pages 1923 of this Student Life Guide
Suspended students will not be allowed in the school building except during Compensatory
Education Services (See page 10).
All due process procedures will be followed during suspensions in order to protect the rights of
students and families.
All suspensions will be out of school. There are no in-school suspensions.
Short Term Suspension:
Definition: A short term suspension is defined as a period of five days or less.
Procedure and Due Process:
 Before imposing short term suspension, the Principal shall provide notice to inform the
student of the charge(s) against him/her. If the student denies the charge(s), the Principal shall
provide an explanation of the evidence against the student. The Principal shall immediately
provide written notice to the student’s parent(s)/guardian(s) that the student may be suspended
as required by applicable law.
 The student and the student’s parent(s)/guardian(s) shall have the right, upon request, to be
given an opportunity for an informal conference with the principal at which the student and
the student’s parent(s)/guardian(s) shall have the right to present evidence to the Principal of
his/her version of the events and to ask questions of the complaining witness(es). Such notice
and opportunity for an informal conference shall take place prior to the suspension of the
student unless the student’s presence in the School poses a continuing danger to persons or
property or an ongoing threat of disruption to the academic process, and in which case the
notice and opportunity for an informal conference shall take place as soon as possible after
the suspension as is reasonably practicable. At the conference, the School staff will review the
incident(s) and have the parent sign the suspension letter.
 After the student has had the opportunity to present evidence to the Principal, the Principal
shall provide written notice of the decision whether or not to impose suspension at the last
known address of the parent(s)/guardian(s) of the student as required by applicable law.
Where possible, notification by phone call will also be provided.
 The student is required to attend a Suspension Reflection Meeting with his/her Guidance
Counselor and Advisor the first day he/she returns after suspension, to follow up on
Compensatory Education assignments, and to complete a suspension/behavioral reflection.
Parent(s)/guardian(s) may be required to attend the suspension reflection meeting at the
discretion of the Administration.
Long Term Suspension:
Definition: A long term suspension is defined as a period of more than five days.
Procedures and Due Process:
o Before imposing a long-term suspension, the Principal shall provide notice to inform the
student of the charge(s) against him/her and that the act(s) warrant long term suspension. The
Principal shall schedule a time for a formal suspension hearing with the student and his/her
o The Principal shall also immediately provide written notification the student’s
parent(s)/guardian(s) of suspension at the last known address as required by applicable law.
The principal shall also notify the parent(s)/guardian(s) by phone, unless they are unable to be
reached by phone. The notification shall provide a description of the incident(s) which
resulted in the suspension and shall indicate the date of the formal hearing on the suspension.
The notification shall be provided in English as well as the dominant language used by the
o At the formal hearing, the student shall have the right to be represented by counsel, present
evidence, and question witnesses. The parent(s)/guardian(s) are required to attend the formal
hearing. The parent(s)/guardian(s) will sign the suspension letter at the conclusion of the
hearing. Such notice and hearing shall take place prior to the suspension of the student unless
the student’s presence in the School poses a continuing danger to persons or property or an
ongoing threat of disruption to the academic process, and in which case the notice and
opportunity for the hearing shall take place as soon as possible after the suspension as is
reasonably practicable
Within 24 hours of the completion of the formal hearing, the Dean shall notify the student’s
parent(s)/guardian(s) of the decision regarding the long-term suspension in writing to the last
known address, and when possible, by phone.
The student is required to attend a Suspension Reflection Meeting with his/her Guidance
Counselor and Advisor the first day he/she returns after suspension, to follow up on
Compensatory Education assignments, and to complete a suspension/behavioral reflection.
Parent(s)/guardian(s) may be required to attend the suspension reflection meeting at the
discretion of the Administration.
If a student commits any major infraction(s) which constitutes an immediate threat to the safety of
community, he or she may be expelled permanently from the school. In addition, any breaches of Federal
Law, New York State Law, or New York City Law, may be handled by the New York Police
Department and may result in an arrest and expulsion from Northside Charter High School.
Pending Expulsion Contract:
o Any student with recurring behavioral referrals and suspension will be placed on a "Pending
Expulsion Contract," as deemed necessary by School Administration.
o The "Pending Expulsion Contract" is a behavioral agreement signed by School
Administration, Parent, and Student, that outlines the school's behavioral expectations of the
student. The "Pending Expulsion Contract" is a binding document and requires an in person
family meeting.
o A student who is on a "Pending Expulsion Contract" will be on a monitored probationary
period, and the student is considered “pending expulsion” from the school. Please refer to the
Expulsion Policy.
o Failure to adhere to the terms of the conditions of the "Pending Expulsion Contract" in full
will result in a formal expulsion from Northside Charter High School.
 Procedures and Due Process:
o Before imposing an expulsion, the Principal shall provide notice to inform the student of the
charge(s) against him/her and that the act(s) warrant long term expulsion. The Principal shall
schedule a time for a formal expulsion hearing with the student and his/her parent/guardian
o The Principal shall also immediately notify the student’s parent(s)/guardian(s) of the
expulsion at the last known address. The Principal shall also notify the parent(s)/guardian(s)
by phone, unless they are unable to be reached by phone. The notification shall provide a
description of the incident(s) which resulted in the expulsion and shall indicate the date of the
formal hearing on the expulsion. The notification shall be provided in English as well as the
dominant language used by the parent(s)/guardian(s).
o At the formal hearing, the student shall have the right to be represented by counsel, present
evidence, and question witnesses. The parent(s)/guardian(s) is (are) required to attend the
formal hearing. The parent(s)/guardian(s) will sign the expulsion letter at the conclusion of
the hearing. Such notice and hearing shall take place prior to the expulsion of the student
unless the student’s presence in the School poses a continuing danger to persons or property
or an ongoing threat of disruption to the academic process, and in which case the notice and
opportunity for a hearing shall take place as soon as possible after the expulsion as is
reasonably practicable.
 Within 24 hours of the completion of the formal hearing, the Principal shall notify the
student’s parent(s)/guardian(s) of the decision regarding the expulsion in writing to the last
known address, and when possible, by phone.
Appeal of Expulsion: Procedure and Due Process:
 Any student who has been expelled from Northside Charter High School has the right to
appeal the expulsion from the School to the Executive Director of Northside Charter High
 Within five school days of the final expulsion decision, the student must write a letter to the
Principal and Executive Director requesting an appeal hearing. The letter must state why the
student was expelled, state any perceived issue(s) or question(s) of fact or procedure, and state
why he/she should be reinstated in Northside Charter High School. Requests for appeals
received after five school days will not be considered. The Executive Director will not hear
any appeals unless there is an issue of fact or procedural issue or deficiency raised in the
expulsion/ suspension process.
 The hearing shall be scheduled within 5 school days upon receipt of the appeal letter. The
Principal and Executive Director will then make the decision to suspend or expel. At the
hearing, the student shall have the right to be represented by counsel, present evidence, and
question witnesses. The parent(s)/guardian(s) are required to attend the formal hearing.
Search and Seizure
A student and/or the student's belongings may be searched by a school official if the official
has a reasonable suspicion to believe that a search of that student will result in evidence that the
student violated the law or a school rule.
Items which are prohibited on school property, or which may be used to disrupt or interfere
with the educational process, may be confiscated by school authorities.
The school is not responsible for books, clothing, or valuables left in closets or desks.
Student Consequence Matrix
Depending on the severity of the action, Northside Charter High School
reserves the right to alter consequences at the discretion of the Principal,
Dean, Executive Director and Director of Operations with or without prior
Academic Dishonesty
copying assignments,
cheating on quizzes
Threatening assault of
school personnel
any implicit or
perceived verbal threat
First Offense
Second Offense
Grade of Zero
(0) on the assignment
for all students
Teacher consequences
may be issued.
Grade of Zero
(0) on the assignment
for all students
3 day suspension
Assault of School
Bomb Threat
Third Offense
Grade of Zero
(0) on the
for all
Fourth Offense
Grade of Zero
(0) on the
assignment for all
students involved
Recommend expulsion
Bullying, intimidation,
harassment excessive
teasing, threatening
peers, cyber
bullying/cyber threats,
―pressing (the request
of other students or
adults to harass, bully,
or intimidate)
Referral to Guidance
1 day suspension
2 day
Cutting Class being
anywhere other than
assigned class without
permission, or missing
a substantial amount of
class time due to
unexcused lateness
Referral to Guidance
1 day suspension
2 day
3 day suspension
Drugs or alcohol
selling, using,
possessing, or
dispensing drugs or
alcohol in school, on
school property, or at
any school related
Suspension and/or
Recommend expulsion
Suspension and/or
Recommend expulsion
Suspension and/or
Suspension and/or
Recommend expulsion
Electronic Devices no
iPods, iPads, phones,
games, or any other
electronic device may
be out or used during
school hours
Item is confiscated
and will be
released to parent
and/or guardian at
designated times at
discretion of staff
Refusal to give up
device to school
personnel will result in
detention and/or
Refusal to give up
device to school
personnel will result
in detention/
Refusal to give up
device to school
personnel will result in
detention/ suspension
Elevator Violation
using elevator
without a proper ID or
approved Elevator Pass
1 day suspension
2 day suspension
3 day suspension
Recommend expulsion
Endangering safety
of student or staff by
throwing objects
and/or food, etc. or
behaving recklessly
1 day suspension
2 day suspension
3 day suspension
False Fire or Help
Button alarm
tampering with the fire
alarm or help button
Referral to Guidance
1 detention
2 detention
3 detention
2 day suspension
3 day suspension
5 day suspension
Recommend expulsion
Fighting (verbal)
Referral to guidance
1 day suspension
2 day suspension
3 day suspension
Fighting (play)
Referral to guidance
1 day suspension
2 day suspension
3 day suspension
Forgery/Lying to
School Faculty or
Referral to guidance
1 day suspension
2 day suspension
1 detention
Referral to guidance
1 day suspension
2 day suspension
3 day suspension
Fighting (physical),
Gang-related activity
that is either violent
or not
using hand
signs, a riot
or causing
tagging notebooks,
wearing colors,
fighting, intimidating
suspension/ expulsion
Recommend expulsion
suspension/ expulsion
Recommend expulsion Recommend expulsion Recommend expulsion
Group mediation w/
1 day suspension
2 day suspension
3 day suspension
Staff / student
1 day suspension
2day suspension
Leaving school
grounds without
Mandatory Parent
3 day suspension
5 day suspension
Lewd Behavior any
sexually explicit
words, gestures, or
1 day suspension
2 day suspension
3 day suspension
making arrangement
for non Northside
Students to meet you
on campus, school
grounds, or perimeter
of school building
Notify the NYPD
Notify the NYPD
Notify NYPD
Notify NYPD
Misuse of Computer
Resources hacking,
violating copyright
law, damaging
equipment, etc.
1 detention
2 detentions
1 day suspension
3 day suspension
possession and/or
viewing, sexting,
downloading, or
transmitting obscene or
inappropriate materials
Mandatory Parent
2 day suspension
3 day suspension
5 day suspension
Possessing Drugrelated Paraphernalia
Meeting w/ Social
1 day suspension
2 day suspension
Profanity directed at
1 day suspension
Intervention with Staff
2 day suspension
3 day suspension
Smoking on school
grounds or school
vicinity or at a school
sponsored event
1 day suspension
Meeting w/social
2 day suspension
3 day suspension
5 day suspension
Mandated outside
Being responsible for
creating conflict
between other students
Insubordination or
Defiance of a staff
Sexual harassment and
aggression or
Skipping detention
(school or teacher
Starting a fire
including school
property (books,
supplies, calculators,
all personal
properties, etc.)
2 day suspension
Mandatory Parent
Recommend expulsion
1 day suspension
3 day suspension
5 day suspension
Restitution and
notify NYPD
Restitution and
notify NYPD
Restitution and
notify NYPD
Recommend expulsion
3 day suspension
Restitution and notify
5 Unexcused
Guidance Counselor/Advisor Meeting
Attendance Contract
10 Unexcused
15 Unexcused
Parent Meeting
1 Day Suspension
Home Visit
2 Day Suspension
20+ Unexcused
Call to Social Services
5 Day Suspension
1-4 Times Tardiness:
arriving 1 to 15
minutes late to class
without an excused
Parent Phone Call
5-10 Times
Tardiness: arriving 1
to 15 minutes late to
class without an
Tardiness: arriving 1
to 15 minutes late to
class without an
15-19 Times
Tardiness: arriving 1
to 15 minutes late to
class without an
Times Tardiness:
arriving 1 to 15
minutes late to class
without an excused
Parent Phone Call
Guidance Counselor/Advisory Meeting
Parent phone Call
Parent Meeting
Parent Phone Call
Home Visit
Parent Phone Call
Call to NYC Social Services
Uniform violation
missing any component
of the school uniform
defacing and/or
destruction of personal
or school property
intentional destruction
or misuse of school
owned calculators
1 detention
2 day suspension
Clean- up or
2 detentions
1 day suspension
3 day suspension
2 day suspension
5 day suspension
Definition of Terms
Appeal – Requesting a review of a case by the next highest appropriate authority.
Arson – The act of intentionally causing a fire or an explosion in school or on school grounds.
Assault – Intentionally causing serious physical injury to another person with the intent to cause serious
physical injury to another person, he causes such injury to such person or a third party. This includes
threats and verbal assaults.
Battery – Intentional unpermitted act causing harmful or offensive contact to another person.
Battery of a school employee – Intentional unpermitted act causing harmful or offensive contact to any
employee of Northside Charter High School.
Bomb Threat – Giving false information about the existence of explosives on school property.
Bullying – Aggressive behavior manifested by the use of force or coercion to affect others including physical
harassment: hitting, biting, pinching and taking things away, and verbal harassment.
Cheating/Plagiarism – Violation of accepted academic ethics.
Coercion – The act of using forcible means to dominate or restrain another person, or compel another person
to commit an act against his/her will.
Defamation of character – Any intentional false communication, either written or spoken, that harms a
person’s reputation, decreases the respect, regard or confidence in which a person is held; or induces
disparaging, hostile or disagreeable opinions or feelings against a person.
Defiance of authority – Refusal to listen to or cooperate with an adult in charge of the student activity.
Disrespect – The act of insulting, calling derogatory names, dishonoring or verbally abusing another.
Disruptive behavior – Engaging in behavior which disrupts the educational process of another student in the
classroom or disregarding the suggestions and corrective efforts of the certified employee and any other
person who provides a related service. Engaging in distracting or rowdy behavior on school property also
constitutes disruptive behavior.
Drugs – A substance used illegally to alter the mood or consciousness.
Due Process – An established course of proceedings designed to insure the legal rights of each student has
been afforded when dealing with disciplinary issues.
Electronic Devices - cellular phones, iPods, MP3 players, smart phones, headphones, and other devices used
for personal entertainment or communication.
Expulsion – Permanent removal of a student from the School for gross disobedience or misconduct.
Extortion – Obtaining of money or information from another by coercion or intimidation.
Facsimile of a weapon – A copy or look alike instrument or device used for offense or defense.
False fire alarm – Tampering with fire apparatus.
Fighting – The act involving hostile physical or verbal conduct on school property, or going to or from
school, or at any activity under school sponsorship (e.g., dance, athletic event, etc.). The issue of selfdefense, if involved, must be validated.
Fireworks/Explosives – Substances or prepared chemicals that explode or cause explosion and are capable
of inflicting bodily injury or damage to school facilities.
Forgery – The act of fraudulently using in writing the name of another person, or falsifying times, dates,
grades, addresses, or other data on school forms, records, or documents.
Gambling – The act of performing any game of chance for money, property, or action.
Gangs/Gang Activity – A “gang” is defined as any group, club, or organization of two or more persons
whose purposes include the commission of illegal acts.
Harassment – Persistent and unwelcome and/or unwanted verbal or physical conduct between individuals or
Inciting- The act of urging on, spurring on, rousing to action, or instigating.
Indecent Exposure – The act of baring parts of one’s body in ways contrary to commonly recognized
standards of propriety, behavior, decency and/or morality.
Insubordination - Not willing to obey instructions from people in authority, or (of actions and speech etc.)
showing that you are not willing to obey instructions.
Instigation – The act of inciting disruptive behavior or actions on the part of another person.
Intimidation – Deliberately frightening, disturbing, or inhibiting another person by threatening, coercing or
stalking him/her.
Leaving the School Grounds without Permission – “School grounds”, school building, and school
property adjacent to the building.
Possession of Alcohol and/or Drugs – Possessing any mood-altering substance on school property or at a
school-related activity/event.
Possession of Beepers, Pagers, and/or Cell Phones – Possessing any portable communications devices on
school property.
Possession of Tobacco and/or Smoking – Possessing or using any tobacco product.
Radios, CD Players, etc. – For security reasons, and to ensure a productive educational environment, non
instructional electronic devices, including cell phones, CD players, iPods, etc, are not to be brought to school.
School personnel will not be responsible for these or other electronic devices.
Restitution – Repayment for loss.
Selling Drugs – Intent to sell or actual selling of a mood-altering substance including alcohol, narcotics,
controlled substances, look-alike substances, etc.
Sexual Assault/Battery – Intentionally engaging in sexual conduct without consent and by forcible
Sexual Harassment – Any unwelcome, and/or unwanted, and/or inappropriate verbal communication of
sexual nature between individuals or groups, such as pressuring another for sexual activity, displaying sexual
graffiti, making inappropriate sexual references, or using obscene gestures or looks.
Sexual Violation – Any unwelcome, and/or unwanted, and/or inappropriate physical conduct of a sexual
nature between individuals or groups including, but not limited to, grabbing, patting, pinching, kissing, or
Suspension – Temporary removal from school for a maximum of 10 days per suspension.
Theft and/or Possession of Stolen Property – The act of taking, possessing, or acquiring the property of
others without their consent. The school does not assume responsibility for lost or stolen items. Students are
responsible for properly securing all personal belongings.
Truancy – The failure to attend school without a valid reason.
Vandalism, Defacing and/or Destruction of Personal or School Property – Destroying or defacing
personal or school property, including graffiti.
Verbal Abuse/Profanity – Vulgarity and offensive or abusive language and/or disrespect by words and/or
Weapon – Any instrument or device used for offense or defense.