Bahan Kajian MK. Landuse Planning INTEGRATED COASTAL MANAGEMENT Smno.pdip.ppsfpub.des2013 …….Ekosistem Pesisir….. Objectives and goals of the responsible coastal planning and management 1. Optimize benefits from coastal and marine resources, specifically for local communities 2. Identifikasi Penggunaan yang diperlukan 3. Meminimumkan Konflik 4. Mencegah Degradasi Lingkungan 5. Bagaimana caranya? Konsep ICM Penilaian Sumberdaya: comprehensive inventories of coastal natural and human resources (e.g. physical and biological data, resource uses, cultural heritage, traditional land uses and activities, etc.); includes long term in depth biocomplexity research studies; Konsep ICM Pendugaan Dampak assessing the coastal zone vulnerability to various activity impacts; interactions between uses and resources; a tool to help making decisions and evaluate options for the mitigation and environmentally sound management (e.g. spatial and use conflict analysis, GIS models); based on the best available knowledge and acknowledging uncertainties; Konsep ICM Policy and regulatory framework: a basic tool for training and education, and for local community participation in decision making process; based on analysis of existing institutional and legal mechanisms develop comprehensive policy framework to address coastal issues; Konsep ICM Pendugaan osial-Budaya & Ekonomi understanding of socio-economic incentives at the local level in suggesting alternative incomegenerating programs; the simpler the national rules the better they are understood and followed on the local levels; the capacity of the community to regulate its own activities and uses; to enforce local rules is an important determinant of perceived management success; Konsep ICM Implementasi: how to apply science and develop and implement the BMPs? Comprehensive BMPs are ‘living documents’ open to revision, expansion; provide consistent national standards and practices for implementation; Konsep ICM Monitoring dan Evaluasi: assess cumulative effects of changes and update management program elements to reflect changing needs and circumstances; multidisciplinary data as a ‘feedback loop’ evaluation of our activities and their impacts; Still the question is how? And what is the driving force and approach in coastal management? My general premise is that “the environment sets the limits for responsible and sustainable development". Why? Understanding ecosystem's "function, health and resilience" is an imperative for successful application of adaptive coastal management. Site suitability and use conflict analysis: an optimal allocation for user functions • Finding suitable sites for existing and potential use/activity in the marine and coastal environment is one of the most critical challenges facing coastal planning and management. Analytical Approach : 1. 2. 3. 4. Optimal sites are selected based on environmental suitability analysis and GIS models. Environmental parameters required for potential activity sites were selected and generic protocol was developed. Often a modified version of the activity protocol has to be created and applied based on available and spatially explicit data. GIS use-suitability modeling: application of available environmental suitability indicators from developed protocols; includes evaluation of the model with existing activity sites. GIS use-conflict modeling and analysis: identification of exiting and potential uses,and use conflicts. Characterization of management issues and options. Providing outcome scenarios and recommendations, identifying gaps to help guide future scientific research, monitoring and decisionmaking processes. Phase One: 1. The most important step is to identify the environmental conditions necessary for each use/activity to succeed. 2. Based on extensive literature review and present knowledge, the environmental use suitability indicators (parameters or criteria), for activity to be long-term sustainable, can be identified and derived. 3. Note: ESRI ArcInfo and ArcView software were used to write algorithms to model protocols, and perform GIS use conflict modeling and analysis. Protokol : Marina Suitability Indicators Suitability Indicators Water quality Fecal coliforms Cfu/100 ml Salinity (%◦) Desirable Undesirable Closed for direct marketing of shellfish; no potential for future productivity 200 Approved, seasonally approved for shellfish harvesting > 200 Unsuitable for shellfish growth Suitable for shellfish growth Nitrate mg/l 1 Phosphate mg/l 0.1 Suspended solids/ sediments (mg/l) Mex. Wave height (m) 10 < 0.5 > 0.5 Dissolved oxygen (mg/l) >5 <2 Current/exposure < 1 knot > 1 knot Bathymetry (m) >1 <1 Proximity to natural or improved channels Threatened or endangered species and habitats Designated shellfish grounds < 50 feet to navigational channel > 50 feet Absent No present or planned private lease or public ground within affected area Does not require dredging Present Private lease or public oyster ground in proximity Requires frequent dredging Suitable buffer could be maintained around marine site Not presently used for recreational, tourism uses, fishing, crabbing, etc. Absent Cannot maintain suitable buffer area Dredging Adjacent wetlands Existing use of site SAV Shoreline erosion Finfish habitat Shoreline protected by natural or planted riparian vegetation Unimportant area for spawning or nursery for any commercial or recreational species Presently used for recreational activities and fishing, crabbing Present No shoreline stabilization Important spawning and nursery area Protokol : Tourism Suitability Indicators Environmentally Suitable Indicators Beach area capacity (m²/person) Sea Temp. (C) for swimming Water supply (l/day/person ) Dissolved oxygen (mg/l) Water quality (E.coli) Drinking Swimming (*) Suspended solids/ sediments (mg/l) Excellent 6-8 6 > 25 200 – 250 100 - 200 < 100 40 - 50 100 - 200 50 (MPN/100 ml) 200 (MPN/100ml) >5 0 100 Bottom type Current/exposure Sheltered bays Bathymetry (m) 0-5 Shoreline slope (%) topography Beach area access (buffer zone 2000m) 2-5 Sewage systems (Waste water treatment) Protected areas, Nature Reserves, MPAs Cultural Heritage Preservation Food Supply, local mariculture, autochthon products Sustainable Infrastructure & landscape Design Poor 8 -10 >5 Sand, small gravel Energy supply Good Within buffer zone Sufficient, solar and alternative resources present Present Present Present Sufficient and present on site Present mud Protokol : Shellfish Aquaculture Suitability Indicators General On-bottom oyster h. clam s. clam pH 7.0-8.5 6.75-8.75 Temp. (C) 20-28 Opt. 15-25 Opt.21-31 Opt. 10-20 Salinity (%◦) 10-35 10-35 18-20 ideal 10-25 Suspended sediments (mg/l) Dissolved oxygen (mg/l) Bathymetry (m) 15 10 - 25 >5 >3.64 0-2 0-2 0-2 Bottom type Solid, oyster reefs Firm, and sandy Soft, muddysand Areas of activity Mainly subaqueous fixed structures (piers) Mainly eastern shore Accessibility (nearest boat ramp) Other physical attributes Regulatory Factors 0-2 6.75-8.75 500-5000 meters Prefer riparian areas, and wetlands; Exclude condemned areas; Exclude SAV habitats Species type native Fecal coliforms Cfu/100 ml Nitrate mg/l 14 Phosphate mg/l 0.08 Dissolved oxygen (mg/l) Turbidity NTU >5 Buffer zone ≥30 meters* 0.8 < 25 Shellfish aquaculture suitability criteria (modified protocol) Ranking Optimal Suitable Unsuitable Hard clams Oysters =< 2 meter depth SAV absent >= 20 ppt outside condemned areas 0-2 meter depth SAV absent > 7ppt outside condemned areas =< 2 meter depth 15-20 ppt SAV absent inside condemned areas 0-2 meters depth SAV absent > 7 ppt inside condemned areas SAV present < 15 ppt SAV present < 7 ppt Tahap Ke Dua 1. GIS use-suitability modeling : Identification of areas in which environmental conditions for each specific use are found 2. This includes spatial analysis (aerial photos and satellite images); integration of GIS coverages (data layers) for e.g.: temp, salinity, bathymetry, water quality, substrate types, benthic biocenoses, slope, hydrology, geology-pedology, critical habitats and protected species/areas, etc. 3. GIS application of available environmental suitability indicators from developed protocols and evaluation of use suitability models; Site suitability analysis for oyster aquaculture in Chesapeake Bay, Virginia Source: VIMS/CCRM, A. Frankic Existing Aquaculture Optimal % # Suitable % # Unsuitable % # Oyster commercial 32 sites 72% 23 19% 6 9% 3 Hard clams 99 sites 82% 81 3% 3 15% 15 Tahap Ke Tiga: 1. Identification and mapping of coastal, marine and land uses 2. Performing the GIS use conflict analysis and modeling (21 models); The goal is to identify areas that, although suitable for aquaculture on the basis of suitable environmental assessment (from Phase Two), may be less desirable due to incompatible uses that are present or planned (tourism, recreation, fishing, protection, agriculture, etc.) Hard clams 199297 65051 SAV historic area potential for restoration 5903 Oyster 404589 138336 25179 Model Suitable area (Acres) Aesthetic conflict area Dredging area for boat access Agriculture (shoreline length/km) 388 1406 662 1404 Phase Four: 1. Identification of all possible management issues that could be caused by or related to aquaculture development in certain area (includes local community knowledge and participation); 2. Assessment of existing policies, regulations and laws related to e.g. aquaculture, identify and characterize management issues and conflicts; 3. Analysis will incorporate socio-economic considerations, and each management issue will be presented with adequate management options and recommendation scenarios; Use conflicts and management issues: 1. Aquaculture dan SAV 2. Aquaculture dan Penggunaan lainnya atas Kolom Air 3. Landuse sekitarnya yang tidak sesuai, 4. Gangguan Kualitas Air. Adjacent Coastal activity/use restrial: idential riculture commodity . crops, tomato farms; stock; anic farms) ustry wage power plants rina vigation (potential conflict rywhere) rs Management issues Water quality (NPS urban runoff, storm water runoff, wastewater runoff) Socio-economic issues – aesthetics; Water quality (agricultural runoff, pesticides, nutrients, erosion, sedimentation) 1) priority use zones 2) areas with multiple uses If priority area for aquaculture no permits for other activities; Storm water permitting Retention ponds; Irrigation ponds; creating riparian/wetland buffers; Erosion and sediment control; Water quality recommendations (classes for aquaculture through regulation – tier I-III) Outcom Suitable if buffer Socio-economic c analysis (advanta disadvantages of options) Wastewater discharge, Sediment contamination Out falls; elevated water temp. Buffers Designating priority use zones To be determined environmental an economic assessm Water quality (wastewater discharges) 200 m buffer (match regulations, ½ mile DOH) Suitable dependin quality Physical damage Buffer - 100 feet for oysters Suitable for aqua outside buffer Recreational fishing and boating; Water quality Buffer area in residential priority zones Permit required for >100 feet in active lease Suitable for aqua aches(public); and bare areas potential ches Water quality (pathogen contamination) reation: c. fishing, boating hauling) d harvest f courses In vicinity of residential areas; water quality issue; tected areas Management options Physical/spatial issue Habitat restoration/protection: Clam (brood stock area) 2 m in-shore buffer; buffer maybe reduced with public facilities Designating priority use zones No wake zones Buffer zones Buffers: 100 feet for SAV Suitable or optim adequate facilitie Bathing lease (1/2 Suitable for aqua Vicinity is a plus/ outside buffer are 1. Economy (production, services, goods, income, profit) 2. Society (social, political and cultural systems) 3. Environment (natural resources, water, air, soil, raw materials, health) This “triple bottom line’ is used as a framework for measuring and reporting corporate performance against economic, social and environmental parameters (John Elkington) NEXT STEPS: Identification and implementation of socioeconomic indicators for the integrated coastal area management. Table with 32 suggested indicators: Source: UNESCO/IOC/COOP, Halifax Meeting, Canada February 2004: 1 Resident Population (census data) Population Density 17 Pesticide Use in Watershed 18 19 4 Land Use/Land Cover Patterns/Composition Employment in Industry Sectors 5 % Population with Potable Water 21 6 % Population with Internet Access 22 Coastal Energy Production (% of National Production by type) Level/Value of Commercial Fish Landings by harvest area, gear type, species, Artisanal Fishing weight, and value;Effort by harvest area, value, species and type; Number/Value of Recreational Fishing Days Seafood Consumption Patterns gram/person/day 7 Change in User Conflict 23 8 Property Values 24 9 Income/wealth Distribution 25 10 % Altered Coast 26 11 Public Access Points/km of coastline 27 12 28 15 Water dependent use industry/ coastal industry Value of Products dependent on Coastal Habitats Non-Use Values of Coastal Habitat(Bequest/Existence/Option) % Population Served by Wastewater 16 Fertilizer Use in Watershed 32 2 3 13 14 20 29 30 31 Seafood International Trade Value/Quantity/Terms & Direction Groundwater Extraction Number of Tourists (% of National) per day or # of bed nights Number/Attendance at Recreational Bathing Beaches Number of Shipping Vessels Entering/Transiting Coastal Waters Aquaculture – Total Hectares, by type, weight, value and species type Value Change in Seafood Due to Chemical Contamination Value Change in Seafood Due to Pathogenic/Toxic Contamination Social mitigation cost of Invasive Species (public & private) Number of Beach Closings 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 VARIABLE Sea level Water temperature Currents Changes in bathymetry Salinity Surface waves Sediment grain size Benthic biomass Changes in shoreline position Dissolved oxygen Dissolved inorganic nutrientsN, P, Si Phytoplankton biomass (chlorophyll) Attenuation of solar radiation Faecal indicators Sediment organic content Phytoplankton species diversity Nekton species diversity Coloured dissolved organic matter DSOM Seabird abundance VARIABLE 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Fisheries: landings and effort Primary production Total organic C and N Neutral red assay Incident solar radiation Total suspended solids Cholinesteraze (pesticides) Cytochrome p450 (e.g. oil) Metallothionein (trace metals) Zooplankton biomass Eh in sediment Particulate organic C and N Benthic species diversity Zooplankton species diversity Biological oxygen demand pH Seabird diversity Nekton biomass . Types of coastal ecosystem. The coastal ecosystems have their own distinctive features, plants and animals, and resource management issues. .. Management of coastal ecosystems .. Mangrove Ecosystem Services, Threats and Management Priorities . Coastal Landuse analysis using multiple goal linear programming… Evaluasi Lahan In the first part of the land evaluation, the qualitative part, the soil map , an agro-climatic map and a map with the govermental unit were combined, which resulted in a map with a number of Land Evaluation Units (LEU's), each comprising a unique combination of soil unit, climatic region and govermental unit. . Coastal Landuse analysis using multiple goal linear programming… . Coastal Landuse analysis using multiple goal linear programming… Subsequently, these LEU's were confronted with the soil and climatic requirements of three types of crops: grass, cereals and root crops. The requirements were defined in terms of e.g. texture, slope, drainage, rooting depth, salinity and temperature. The definition of the requirements was based on the workability of the soil with appropriate machinery and the minimum soil conditions allowing crop growth. The criteria were increasingly severe for the three crop types. From the qualitative selection procedure it follows that (part of) a LEU is either suitable or unsuitable for mechanized crop cultivation. . Coastal Landuse analysis using multiple goal linear programming… After this qualitative part of the land evaluation, the production potentials of the suitable LEU's under water-limited and potential conditions were calculated with the crop growth simulation model WOFOST. This model simulates growth, development and yield of a field crop, and the water balance of the soil, under defined weather and soil conditions. . Coastal Landuse analysis using multiple goal linear programming… Input-output combinations General. As stated before, in an explorative study current agricultural practices are not the proper starting point. One could consider the in/output tables of the `best farmers' in a certain region as the criterion for the possibilities of all farmers in that region. However, this might imply specific structural differences between regions e.g. differences in education or farm sizes, that may have disappeared at the end of the time horizon of a study. The production ecological concepts and the most efficient application techniques of the various resources required for a crop to grow were applied to quantify production activities in all regions . Differences in management and business structure are therefore not taken into account. This assumption implies that within the time-frame of the study, there could be no longer any differences in education level and industrial structure between regions in the system. It should be judged whether this is plausible. . Coastal Landuse analysis using multiple goal linear programming… Arable cropping and grassland. All input-output relations for arable crops were defined for the cropping system level. All crop rotations were defined using expert knowledge. The most heavily demanding crop in the rotation determined the area suitable for that crop rotation. Three production orientations were defined for arable cropping and for grass: 1. A Yield Oriented Agriculture (YOA), 2. An Environment Oriented Agriculture (EOA) and 3. A Land use Oriented Agriculture (LOA). For the YOA and EOA activities were defined both with and without (rain fed) irrigation. . Coastal Landuse analysis using multiple goal linear programming… Arable cropping and grassland. For the quantification of the input-output relations in YOA, the results of the quantitative land evaluation derived with crop growth simulation models were used as a starting point. The simulated yields were corrected for inevitable harvesting losses and losses due to soil-borne diseases as a result of too narrow crop rotations. The required inputs to realize the outputs were estimated by using expert knowledge. To arrive at an economic optimum some substitution of agro-chemical by labor and/or capital is permitted. . Coastal Landuse analysis using multiple goal linear programming… Arable cropping and grassland. The production activities in an Environment Oriented Agriculture were defined by means of literature and expert knowledge. In these activities the use of pesticides was lowered with ca 70 % on an average (compared to the use in YOA). Part of the pesticides were substituted by mechanical forms of crop protection, but the decreased use of pesticides also resulted in some 20 % yield loss. Finally for grass and wheat crops activities in a Land use Oriented Agriculture were defined. No pesticides were used in these activities and soil productivity was low. . Coastal Landuse analysis using multiple goal linear programming… Livestock activities. Livestock uses feed derived from arable crops or roughage (e.g. grass and silage maize). Basically the feed requirements of livestock could be expressed in some nutritional components, i.e. Metabolizable Energy (ME), Digestible Crude Protein (DCP), and (for ruminants) in structural material because of the need for fibrous material. So in the LP-model, both the nutritive value of arable products and roughage as the feed requirements of livestock could be expressed in ME, DCP and structural material. . Coastal Landuse analysis using multiple goal linear programming… Nature. Besides this quantitative definition of agricultural activities, the preferred locations for nature conservation and development were shown in a map. This technical information, based on a set of criteria, is also used as an input for the scenarios in a post model analysis. . Coastal Landuse analysis using multiple goal linear programming… Constraints Besides area and labor constraints a set of water constraints and a set of manure constraints were included in the EC model. The water constraints quantified the upper limits on water that can be used for irrigation for each of the regions. These upper limits were determined by precipitation, soil water pools and run-off. The manure constraints were also defined for each region. In these constraints it is required that all manure produced by cattle in a region is used for arable farming or roughage production in that same region. Since industrial processing activities were also included in the model, not only demands for primary products like milk or sugar beets were modelled, but also those for products like cheese, butter or sugar. In quantifying the demand for agricultural products, two trade situations were distinguished, one with free trade and one with autarky, and two diets, one according to current feeding customs and one with more animal products. The population growth was estimated at less than 0.1 % per year. . Coastal Landuse analysis using multiple goal linear programming… Policy views and objective functions A number of policy views can be distinguished. The first policy view is focusing on free market and trade: economic productivity and minimization of costs are the prevailing characteristics. The second policy view aims at regional development: to maintain employment and promote income in the agricultural sector are the dominant aims. The third policy puts the highest priority on nature development and landscape conservation: here the conservation of the landscape and development of natural conditions have the highest priority. Agricultural production should be restricted to the smallest area possible. The fourth policy view aims at protection of the environment: the negative side effects of agriculture should be minimized, which is translated in minimization of pesticide and artificial fertilizer use. . Coastal Landuse analysis using multiple goal linear programming… Policy views and objective functions The policy views are quantified in eight objectives, two agricultural objectives, two socio-economic objectives and four environmental objectives . Nature and landscape objectives turned out to be very difficult to implement. Objectives related to nature and landscape are site- or location-specific, making it difficult to define a general rule that models these objectives. Therefore ex post analyses were performed to provide information on the fulfilment of these objectives. For instance by designing a map concerning the nature development or conservation and by confronting the map with a nature and landscape scenario. . Coastal Landuse analysis using multiple goal linear programming… Objectives incorporated in the EC-study (Rabbinge & Van Latesteijn, 1992) class of objective agricultural socio-economic environmental objective 1 maximize soil productivity 2 minimize costs of agricultural production 3 maximize total employment in agriculture 4 minimize regional decrease in agricultural employment 5 minimize loss of nutrients per unit of acreage 6 minimize loss of nutrients per unit of product 7 minimize input of pesticides per unit of acreage 8 minimize input of pesticides per unit of product . Coastal Landuse analysis using multiple goal linear programming… Land use scenarios In the study area, there are four scenarios have been developed by putting different priorities and bounds to the various objective functions. Scenario A: Free market and free trade. In the free trade scenario agriculture is treated as any other economic activity. Production takes place at the lowest possible costs. Starting point is a free world market for agricultural products with minimal restrictions on social services and environment. The policy view dominating in this scenario, was close to the policy view of the USA in the negotiations for the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). . Coastal Landuse analysis using multiple goal linear programming… Skenario Landuse Scenario B: Pengembangan Wilayah. 1. In this scenario regional employment within the area has the highest priority. 2. Income generation for farmers within the agricultural sector is of main importance. 3. The policy view dominating in this scenario can be seen as continuation and extension of today's policy. . Coastal Landuse analysis using multiple goal linear programming… Skanerio Landuse Scenario C: Bentang Lahan & Alam. 1. In this scenario highest priority is given to maintain existing nature areas as much as possible. 2. A spatial separation between nature habitats and agricultural areas is created. Next of areas strictly restricted for nature conservation, areas are chosen for human activity. 3. This scenario represents the policy view of nature conservation organizations. . Coastal Landuse analysis using multiple goal linear programming… Skenario Landuse Scenario D: Perlindungan Lingkungan. 1. The most important policy view in this scenario is to prevent alien substances from entering the environment. Different from the former scenario the main aim is not to preserve or stimulate certain plant and animal species, but to protect soil, water and air. 2. There is no spatial separation of nature and agricultural areas, but rather integration. 3. Agriculture can be practised everywhere, but under strict regulations for environmental protection. This scenario represents the policy view of integrated agriculture. . Coastal Landuse analysis using multiple goal linear programming… Each of these four scenarios results in a different land use, employment, loss of nitrogen and use of pesticides. However, there are some results that are common for the four scenarios. All scenarios show a drastic decline in use of land for agricultural purposes. The total area in the four scenarios varies between 26 and 92 million hectares, whereas currently 130 million hectares are used for agricultural purposes. Another result is that 1.5 to 2.9 million man years would suffice for the total agricultural production in stead of the 6 million man years that are involved in the primary production at present . Further the loss of nitrogen and the use of pesticides can be reduced dramatically . For instance for pesticides 21 to 154 million kg of active ingredient would suffice in stead of more than 400 million kg at present. . Coastal Landuse analysis using multiple goal linear programming… Interactive procedures and land-use scenarios generated In a first round the `playing field' was determined by optimizing each of the objective functions in subsequent runs, without putting (heavy) restrictions on the other objective functions. Subsequently, the different scenarios were generated by tightening the most relevant objective functions of a policy view. For policy view 1 the agro-technical objectives are most relevant. In policy view 2 the socio-economic objectives have a high relevance, and in policy view 3 and 4 the environmental objectives have a high priority. . Coastal Landuse analysis using multiple goal linear programming… Analisis Sensitivitas 1. It was analyzed whether changes in goals for the different objectives result in large changes of the regional allocation of agricultural production. The allocation turned out to be very sensitive for small changes in the goals for the costs of agricultural production. This opens the possibility for influencing the allocation of agriculture over the regions. 2. The aggregate model results for the entire areas, i.e. the values for the objective functions, are far less sensitive to changes in parameters. 3. Finally trade-off between various objectives were investigated: the gain in one objective relative to the corresponding loss in another objective. . Coastal Landuse analysis using multiple goal linear programming… Sensitivity analysis In the evaluation phase of the study the following issues were considered: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The conflicts between objectives concerning landscape and nature conservation with strong spatial aspects on the one hand and the four land use scenarios on the other hand. Common differences between the scenarios and the actual situation. Differences in values for the objective functions between the different scenarios: scope for policy. Trade off between the different objectives. Differences in agricultural production between situations with self-sufficiency and free trade. The effects of a change in dietary patterns on agricultural production. The value of estuarine and coastal ecosystem services EDWARD B. BARBIER, SALLY D. HACKER, CHRIS KENNEDY, EVAMARIA W. KOCH, ADRIAN C. STIER, AND BRIAN R. SILLIMAN Ecological Monographs, 81(2), 2011, pp. 169–193 @ 2011 by the Ecological Society of America Degradasi global muara dan ekosistem pesisir ( ECE) mempengaruhi sejumlah manfaat penting , atau jasa-jasa ekosistem . Suatu hal yang penting untuk menilai jasa-jasa ECE, seperti perlindungan pesisir dan hubungan habitat perikanan , adalah bahwa fungsi ekologis yang mendasari jasa-jasa ini bervariasi secara spasial dan temporal . Konektivitas di antara habitat ECE juga memiliki implikasi penting untuk menilai fungsi ekologis yang mendasari jasa-jasa kunci ekosistem , perlindungan pantai, pengendalian erosi , dan relasi habitat perikanan . Rencana aksi diperlukan untuk melindungi dan / atau meningkatkan nilai jangka panjang jasa-jasa ECE . Karena konektivitas ECE di seluruh gradien darat-laut juga mempengaruhi penyediaan jasa ekosistem tertentu , maka pengelolaan seluruh kawasan diperlukan untuk mempertahankan efek sinergis tersebut . Elemen kunci lain dari rencana aksi meliputi penelitian kolaboratif ekologi dan ekonomi untuk menilai jasa ECE , meningkatkan kerangka kelembagaan dan hukum untuk manajemen , mengontrol dan mengatur kegiatan ekonomi yang merusak , dan mengembangkan opsi restorasi ekologi . Valuasi ekonomi barang dan jasa ekosistem. UVB adalah radiasi ultraviolet-B dari sinar matahari, yang dapat menyebabkan kanker kulit. Angka ini diadaptasi dari NRC (2005). Managing Coastal & Ocean for Human well-being Setting the scene: People depend on oceans 61 Valuing Ecosystem Services 62 Establishing a scenario analysis 2. Valuation framework: A hybrid approach of economic valuation Valuing coastal ecosystem goods and services Un-priced benefits (non-market) Market priced benefits Wood Forest Products (WFPs) Climate Regulation (i.e. stocked carbon in forest) 64 Recreation Passive use values (e.g. existence value) 2. Valuation framework: A hybrid approach of economic valuation Valuing coastal ecosystem goods and services Un-priced benefits (non-market) Market priced benefits Fisheries/Tourism Provisioning services Market price analysis Climate Regulation Coastal Protection Regulating services 65 Avoided damage costs Recreation Cultural services Passive use values (e.g. existence value) Revelead and stated preference methods Meta analysis and Value transfer Methodology: meta-analysis of non-market valuations ln( yi ) a bS X Si bW X Wi bC X Ci ui Valuation study variables (Xs) Valuation method (stated, revealed preference) Welfare measure (Marshallian CS, equivalent variation, compensating variation) Year of primary data yi = unit value of coastal zones for recreational activities, standardized to 2003 $/ha/year (PPP) 66 4. Methodology: meta-analysis of non-market valuations ln( yi ) a bS X Si bW X Wi bC X Ci ui Valuation study variables (Xs) Site variables (XW) Valuation method (stated, revealed preference) Ecosystem size Welfare measure (Marshallian CS, equivalent variation, compensating variation) Ecosystem type (coral reef, beach, other) Year of primary data Ecosystem service (fishing, non-extractive) Protection level (protected area, no protection) 4. Methodology: meta-analysis of non-market valuations ln( yi ) a bS X Si bW X Wi bC X Ci ui Valuation study variables (Xs) Site variables (XW) Context variables (XC) Valuation method (stated, revealed preference) Ecosystem size GDP per capita (at countrylevel) Welfare measure (Marshallian CS, equivalent variation, compensating variation) Ecosystem type (coral reef, beach, other) Year of primary data Protection level (protected area, no protection) Ecosystem service (fishing, non-extractive) Population density (georeferenced) Marine biodiversity index (Shannon index: georeferenced) Anthropogenic pressure (nutrient concentration: georeferenced) Human development index (low, medium, high: georeferenced) Accessibility (travel time to nearest city: georeferenced) Interpretation of econometric results 1. Coral reefs and sandy beaches provide the highest recreational values. 2. Income effects and proximity to the market of potential visitors significantly affect values. 3. A high level of anthropogenic pressure and scarce accessibility have a negative impact. 4. Sites with high marine biodiversity and low level of human development are valued highly. 69 Discussion of value transfer results 1. High values in Mediterranean Europe, UK, California, Florida and US East Coast determined by high accessibility, population density and income effects and despite high development and pressure. 2. Similarly, high population density in various areas in India and China positively influence values despite the high anthropogenic pressure. 3. Scarce accessibility and low population density along most of the Australian and South American coast result in relatively low values. Rekomendasi 1. Non-market values of coastal recreation are substantial and should be taken into account in policy decision for the development or preservation of coastal habitats & environment damage assessments. 2. Recreation values are highly dependent upon a number of contextual variables including level of development of a certain region, accessibility to the site, population density, biodiversity richness, and level of integrity of the ecosystem. 3. This implies that from the perspective of recreation values, habitat conservation may focus on areas which are of high ecological values (e.g., rich in biodiversity) but low economic values because located in remote areas with low accessibility. Governance is key to managing oceans 72 Related References: • UNESCO, 2003. (Strategic Design Plan for Coastal Ocean Observing Module. • UNESCO, 2003. A Reference Guide on the use of Indicators for Integrated Coastal Management. • EC, 2000: Driving force-Pressure-State-Impact-Response (DPSIR) Model • “How is your MPA doing?” A guidebook of natural & social indicators for evaluating MPAs management effectiveness; IUCN/WWF/NOAA, 2004 • Frankic, A. 2003. ICZM Plan for Croatia with special focus on aquaculture. Republic of Croatia, Ministry for environmental protection and physical planning.