College and Career Web Portal
Sustaining Growth:
A Conference on Student Success
June 18, 2008
Heidi Guarino, Dept. of Elementary & Secondary Education
Eileen O’Connor, Dept. of Higher Education
Today’s Presentation
How Massachusetts is doing
State efforts to increase college readiness
How does a web portal work?
Think Again campaign
Success stories from North Carolina
Progress to date
Next steps
Feedback and discussion
Massachusetts has a lot to be proud of . . .
• Leading the nation in many areas
• Making gains in our schools every year
• Some of the highest college-going rates in the country
. . . But more work needs to be done
• Achievement gaps start early and persist.
• Too many don’t graduate from high school.
• Too many need remedial help when they get to
• Too many who enter college never graduate.
We are Losing Too Many Along the
“Educational Pipeline”
For every 10 ninth graders…
We are Losing Too Many Along the
“Educational Pipeline”
Only 8 graduate from high school…
We are Losing Too Many Along the
“Educational Pipeline”
Only 6 enroll in college…
We are Losing Too Many Along the
“Educational Pipeline”
Only 3 or 4 earn a degree
We are Losing Too Many Along the
“Educational Pipeline”
In urban areas, the numbers are worse:
In 9th grade
High school graduates
In college
College graduates
Tomorrow’s Jobs Require More Education
By 2010, jobs requiring at least some postsecondary education will
make up more than two thirds of new jobs in the United States.
High school
High school
Bachelor's degree
Source: Carnevale, Anthony P. and Donna M. Desrochers, Standards for What? The Economic
Roots of K–16 Reform, Educational Testing Service, 2003.
National Governor’s Association Grant
In 2005, MA named one of 10 “honor states”
NGA/Gates Foundation money
Grant objectives
$2 million over two years
Collaboration between K12 and higher ed
Existing College and Career Readiness Programs
Board of Ed increased state graduation requirement
Recommended high school curriculum - MassCore
Optional Algebra II exam
School-to-College data project
Think Again campaign
Web portal for career and college planning
What is a Web Portal?
Provides “one-stop shopping”
Reliable and convenient source of information
Simplifies application process - online
Cost savings for high schools and colleges
Enhances communication between guidance counselors,
parents and students
How does it work?
Middle school – individual student account
High school coursework
SAT and other test prep
Research colleges, potential careers, areas of study
Fill out FAFSA, apply for financial aid online
Online college applications
Electronic HS transcripts
Redirector pool
“Think Again” Campaign
Next Step: Turn RSG Website Into MA Portal
CFNC.org: The “gold standard”
Web Portal Mission Statement
The Massachusetts College and Career Web Portal will
serve as a one-stop shopping site to provide students
with the online tools they need to plan, prepare,
research, apply to and pay for college. The site will
play a key role in the Commonwealth’s efforts around
college and career readiness and success.
All Stakeholders Would Benefit from Web Portal
Guidance Counselors
Workforce Development
Efforts to date
Spring 2007: Launched ReadySetGotoCollege.com and
Think Again marketing campaign
Summer 2007: Convened Steering Committee to develop
mission, vision and outcomes for site
Fall/Winter 2007-2008: Drafted business plan
February 2008: Formalized partnership between MEFA,
Department of Education and Board of Higher Education
Spring 2008: Met with potential vendors, convened
focus groups
Who is MEFA?
Massachusetts Educational Financing Authority
- Non-profit state agency
- Serves students and families
- Oversees UFund, UPlan
- Issues low-cost education loans
- Leading provider of college financing
Next Steps
June 2008: Apply for federal College Access Challenge
Grant (guarantee of $875,000/year for two years)
Summer 2008: Finalize and post RFP
Fall 2008: Select vendor
Fall-Winter 2008-2009: Bring colleges and school districts
on board, begin to build portal, develop marketing and
promotional plans
Spring 2009 Launch Phase I of web portal
Thoughts? Feedback?
How You Can Help
For more information, or to help support the
Massachusetts College and Career Portal,
please contact:
Heidi Guarino, hguarino@doe.mass.edu
Eileen O’Connor, eoconnor@bhe.mass.edu
Tom Murphy, tmurphy@mefa.org