Reorganization Meeting Minutes April 1, 2015 – Approved ARTHUR TOWNSHIP BOARD MEMBERS ARE: Charles McGovern, Fred Sawatzky and Lisa Holcomb Clerk: Teri Bentler Treasurer: Julie Fore All Board members were present. Visitors present were: Ronald and Marie Molumby The meeting was called to order at 4:45 PM The Pledge of Allegiance was said. Designation of Township Board Chairman - Holcomb moved to designate Sawatzky as Chairman. McGovern seconded. All were in favor. Designation of Township Board Vice Chairman – McGovern moved to designate Holcomb. Sawatzky seconded. All were in favor. Adopt a schedule for regular Board Meetings – All dates throughout the year were discussed. Sawatzky made a motion to hold regular town board meetings on the second and fourth Mondays of each month at 7:00 PM with the exception of April 13 is to immediately follow Board of Appeals & Equalization, May 25th changed to May 26th and October 12th changed to October 14th. Holcomb seconded. All were in favor. Designate date changes for regular Board meetings – See above. Adopt a schedule for Planning Commission Meetings – Holcomb made a motion to hold PC meetings on the first Wednesday of each month as needed. McGovern seconded. All were in favor. Designation of publishing places for legal notices – The Kanabec Times was the official paper agreed upon at the Annual Meeting. Holcomb moved to designate the Times as the publishing place, with the addition of the Advertiser as seen needed. McGovern seconded. All were in favor. Holcomb also moved to designate posting places as the Town Hall and the website. McGovern seconded. All were in favor. Designation of banks as town depositories – Holcomb moved to use Neighborhood National Bank, First Citizen’s and Spire Credit Union. McGovern seconded. All were in favor. Designate Supervisors to Fill Duties – The positions were discussed and agreed upon as follows: Road Supervisor - Sawatzky Staff issues – All supervisors Recycling - Holcomb Weed Inspector - McGovern Fire Department Representative - McGovern N Hwy 65 Coalition Representative – Holcomb Safety – All supervisors as designated in the AWAIR program Sawatzky moved to designate the above named to these positions. McGovern seconded. All were in favor. Review Safety Inspection Schedule – the Board reviewed the schedule Bentler presented. They all agreed the schedule was fine, but can switch around if needed. Appoint Planning Commission Members – Acknowledged the appointment of the PC members listed below as no one is currently up for re-election. Present members are: Tom Jones Gene Kramer Tom Giese Matt Johnson Jake Moske Sawatzky recommended that at the next Planning Commission meeting they hold an election for Chair. Review Board Policies - Sawatzky moved to remove Policy 7 (Code of Conduct & Ethics Policy) and replace it with the AWAIR Policy. Holcomb seconded. All were in favor. Review Resolution Book – The Resolution book was reviewed and all agreed it was up to date and in order. Review Minute Book – The minute book was reviewed at the annual audit on February 12, 2015. Review Road Files – The 2014 Road file was reviewed. Review Fund designations of CD’s – Leave as approved at the Annual Meeting. Review AWAIR Plan – Sawatzky moved to approve the AWAIR Plan without any corrections or additions. Holcomb seconded. All were in favor. Set Compensation for Town Officers and Employees The compensation was discussed. Holcomb made a motion to give a 5% increase to the current employees which would set compensation as follows: Employees: Troy Winterfield Jerry Janousek Tom Born Doug Fix Office Assistant $16.22 $10.54 $11.90 $16.22 $12.60 Cindy Holley would remain the same at $11.65. Part-time base would be set at $9.50. McGovern seconded. All were in favor. Compensation for elected officials was discussed. McGovern moved to keep the compensation for Supervisors at: $17.00. Holcomb seconded. All were in favor. Sawatzky moved to keep compensation Clerk Deputy Clerk Treasurer Base Pay Holcomb seconded. All were in favor. for other officers as follows: $17.00 $13.00 $16.00 $12.00 McGovern moved and Holcomb seconded to keep compensation for Election Judges at $12.00 per hour. All were in favor. Sawatzky moved and Holcomb seconded to keep compensation for Planning Commission at $75.00 per meeting. All were in favor. Holcomb moved and McGovern seconded to keep compensation for Town Board & posted meetings at $100.00 per meeting. All were in favor. Sawatzky moved and McGovern seconded to set Mileage at: 57 cents per mile and to keep Training Per Diem at: $150.00. All were in favor. PLANNING & ZONING – Confirm compliance with 60 day rule and preparation of State report on fees – All agreed that the 60 day rule should be followed as it has been in the past. Sawatzky reported that the information regarding the State Surcharge report on fees was up-to-date according to the Zoning Administrator. Confirm Compliance with Data Practices Act – All agreed this is being done and will continue to be done. Confirm sending Town Financial Report to State Auditor Bentler confirmed this was sent on February 26, 2015 after Board of Audit. Life Insurance Policies MATIT Insurance Minnesota Benefits Disability Insurance Board agreed renew the above insurance and disability policies as they stand. Adjourn – At 5:24 PM, Sawatzky made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Holcomb seconded. All were in favor. Submitted by: Teri Bentler, Clerk