
The War of 1812
1. What was the American army like at the beginning of the war?
2. What should have been America’s strategy in the war?
3. What did the British do during the war?
4. Describe the British attack on Washington.
5. How does Francis Scott Key relate to the War of 1812?
The Battle of New Orleans
1. Describe Andrew Jackson’s army.
2. What mistake did the British make at the battle?
3. Describe/identify the casualties of the war.
4. What happened to Andrew Jackson as a result of the war?
5. Describe how Andrew Jackson in memorialized in present-day New Orleans.
6. Why was the victory slightly ironic?
Treaty of Ghent
1. Who mediated the treaty and why?
2. What terms did the British want?
3. Describe the actual terms of the treaty.
4. What two important things were omitted from the Treaty?
Hartford Convention
1. Delegates from which states attended the Hartford Convention?
2. Why did they meet?
3. What did the Convention demand?
4. What political part was the majority at the Hartford Convention?
5. What happened to their demands?
6. What was the result for the Federalist party?
Rush-Bagot Treaty
1. Which countries signed the treaty? When?
2. What were the terms of the treaty?
3. Why was the treaty necessary?
4. How was the border modified in the 1870s?
5. What is unique about America and Canada’s border?
The American System
1. Describe the Tariff of 1816 and why it was passed.
2. Why was this tariff different from the previous tariffs?
3. Define nationalism.
4. Who created the American System? When?
5. What were the 3 parts of the system?
The Era of Good Feelings
1. Who was president during this time?
2. How did this time period get its name?
3. Why was the Era of Good Feelings inappropriately named?
4. What problems for America began during the Era of Good Feelings?
Panic of 1819
1. What is a “panic”?
2. What factors led to the Panic of 1819?
3. What region of the country was hardest hit by the Panic?
4. Describe how debtors were treated during this time period,
Land Act of 1820
1. How many new states had joined the Union by 1819?
2. Why was their so much westward expansion?
3. What did the Land Act of 1820 do?
The Tallmadge Amendment
1. What did Missouri want to do in 1819?
2. What did the Tallmadge Amendment say?
3. Why was the south angry about the Amendment?
4. Describe the relationship between the Tallmadge Amendment and political representation.
5. What was the peculiar institution?
6. If Congress could regulate slavery in Missouri, what did the southern states worry would happen?
The Missouri Compromise
1. What two state were added to the Union as a result of this Compromise?
2. Which state had slavery and which was free?
3. How did the Compromise attempt to settle future arguments about states entering the Union?
4. How long did the Missouri Compromise last?
5. Why did it eventually fail?
McCulloch v. Maryland
1. Describe the case (year, parties involved, verdict).
2. What did it do regarding federal power?
3. Describe Marshall’s arguments.
Cohens v. Virginia
1. Describe the case (year, parties involved, verdict).
2. What did it do regarding federal power?
3. Describe Marshall’s arguments.
Gibbons v. Ogden
1. Describe the case (year, parties involved, verdict).
2. What did it do regarding federal power?
3. Describe Marshall’s arguments.
Fletcher v. Peck
1. Describe the case (year, parties involved, verdict).
2. What effect did the case have on property rights?
3. Describe Marshall’s arguments.
Dartmouth College v. Woodward
1. Describe the case (year, parties involved, verdict).
2. What effect did the case have on property rights?
3. Describe Marshall’s arguments.
Anglo-American Convention
1. Who was President during this Convention?
2. What countries were involved? When did it occur?
3. What agreement was reached at the Convention?
4. Why was this agreement important?
Florida Purchase Treaty/Adams-Onis Treaty
1. Who owned the Florida territory before this treaty?
2. What happened in Central America that affected Spanish Florida?
3. Who invaded Spanish Florida?
4. What were the terms of the Treaty?
Monroe Doctrine
1. Who issued the Monroe Doctrine?
2. When?
3. What were its two key components?
4. What territory was Monroe referring to?
5. What does your textbook say would have been a more accurate name for the Doctrine?
Russo-American Treaty
1. When was this treaty signed?
2. What two countries signed the treaty?
3. What did the treaty do?